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Endorsements, Campaign Funds, and Other Enlightenments

By Linda Knox

I'm not watching TV news programming until after Jan 20th, 2009.  Colin Powell, who I always thought was a Democrat in Republican clothing, endorses Obama.  He feels Obama is the best person to be ready to take on the Presidency.  The news broadcasts report on "war chests".  The volume of monies raised for the sole purpose of campaigning is astounding leading me to believe that one can buy their way into the history books.  The premise that "the player with the most marbles wins".  And then I watch a national news report on the number of homeless families in the state of Michigan forced from their residences because their landlords defaulted on home mortgages.  Who was most affected?  The children who now live in shelters with their families, their worlds and sense of security challenged.  Michigan is still responsible for providing educations to these homeless children who are transported into the school districts each day creating a challenge to everyone involved.

So let me see if I have this right--we can buy our way out of Wall Street with Golden Parachutes, we can buy our way into the White House with golden dollars, but this great country of ours still can't provide food, shelter, and an education to its forgotten citizens.

As a registered Democrat, I'll be in the voting booth in 16 days.  I'll pull levers for local and state candidates that I believe will serve us well, but I can't in good conscience pull any lever along those top two rows.

Howard B. Owens

The protest vote against Empire and Plutocracy is a third-party vote, such as for Nader, Barr or Baldwin. If you want to send a message to the Plutocracy and your fellow citizens.

That's on the top line.

But remember, it was the Plutocrats in Congress who voted for the bailout.

Oct 19, 2008, 7:37pm Permalink
Linda Knox

I totally understand that. It becomes most apparent in conversations with friends and family who now must assess their net worth up 35% less than that of 30 days ago. This is the first time I ever recall in all of my voting days where I believe neither candidate will benefit our country. I refuse to vote for the lesser of two evils.

Oct 19, 2008, 7:59pm Permalink

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