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City schools seek your input

By Philip Anselmo

We received this notice today from the Batavia City School District, which is conducting a survey to help guide its future mission statement.

Have You Filled Out Your Survey?

A focus group has been formed to review and refine the Batavia City School District’s vision and mission statements… and their first goal is to gather YOUR input by November 18 so that all community members, including that of the community-at-large, parents, students, and staff are able to be part of the process. Here is an opportunity to provide your thoughts on how important you feel various school-related factors are, such as basic knowledge, technology, school safety, communication, social skills/character, and more.

Separate surveys have been prepared for staff, students, parents, and community members in general. All are accessible via the internet by following the links from the District website or by going directly to the webpage... If you do not have internet access but wish to fill out a survey, please call Pam Schunk, Director of Learning, 343-2480 extension 1000, and request that one be mailed to you.

The surveys are purposely short so that they can be completed in a matter of minutes. The community survey, for example, provides a checklist of skill areas to be be rated in their  importance. In addition, space is provided for your individual comments, and space to elaborate on your ratings by answering a more open-ended question of what knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes you would like to see in BHS graduates.

The input of all is an essential component in this process, and all comments and feedback are valued.

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