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Today's Poll: Should all news coverage be serious and about important topics?

By Howard B. Owens
Bob Harker


Unfortunately, over the last couple of decades hard core journalism has converted to more of an op/ed format. All news outlets (including my favorite - Fox News) filter hard facts in order to best present their political views and most outlets have a definite liberal agenda. MSNBC is absolutely the worst offender, but at least they are open about it.

I like to take a particular newsworthy item and check 10 or so different news outlets. Invariably I get 10 different set of "facts".

We as a nation are not just "dumbing down". We've got our heads in the sand. No wonder obama was re-elected.

(From the above article) "Iraq is a uniquely difficult news story. But there's nothing unique about U.S. readers side-stepping the news cycle. Last year, BuzzFeed released a review of traffic to sites within its partner network, including the New York Times and The Atlantic. Of the 20 most viral stories across those sites, just three dealt with recent news events—the Miss America Pageant, a Netflix announcement, and the Video Music Awards —but the vast majority weren't news. They were quizzes, lists, and emotional poppers."

Jun 18, 2014, 10:50am Permalink
Tim Miller

All news does not have to be hard news - a bit of variety never hurt.

However, the dearth of hard news currently offered by many outlets is troubling, and the skewing of pulp over hard news (such as Bob's note concerning BuzzFeed) makes for an ill informed populace.

Jun 18, 2014, 11:26am Permalink
Howard B. Owens

They must be the ones who leave comments (mostly on Facebook) like "this isn't news" and "why is this news?" on some of our most popular posts.

Jun 18, 2014, 6:50pm Permalink

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