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Letter to the Editor: Selling cannabis at the farmers market

By Staff Writer

Letter to the Editor:

So Rachael Tabelski, Batavia city manager, wants to support a business in Batavia,  Empire Hemp?  Great, no problem there!

So Empire Hemp wants to sell its product at the Farmers Market, I assume including the one in Batavia?

Wait just a sec, here!

Rachael wants to combine the two, and I assume that Empire Hemp is all for selling its product, hemp, CBD, etc., at the market.

Despite some philosophical and legal issues about this combination, I'm mainly concerned that the Farmers Market, and I guess, Rachael, aren't worried about providing a better variety of actual farmers market traditional products, such as more fresh cucumbers, ears of corn, tomatoes, radishes, onions, cauliflower, etc., and the logic displayed by Rachael, Empire Hemp, and all the other players involved with cannabis.

And here, all I wanted to do was spend my $50 worth of veterans farmers market coupons on food produce!  (Thank you, N.Y. State!)
But seriously,  I guess it's more important to "get high" than it is to "get healthy." Or is this whole issue just an illustration of "intersectionality," the new buzzword?

By Donald Weyer.

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