Press release:
Please support the next fund-raising efforts of the Batavia Business and Professional Women's Club by joining us on Saturday Oct. 14 for the Basket & Live Auction and Dinner being held at the Ascension Parish Hall at 15 Sumner St. in Batavia. Doors open at 5 p.m. and Dinner will be served at 6. Basket drawings and live auction to follow.
Tickets are pre-sale only on sale now until Oct. 7th for $20 each or two for $35, which includes an appetizer, dinner, dessert and a sheet of basket raffle tickets. All proceeds from this event will benefit the 2018 Genesee County scholarships and the service organizations awards.
This is sure to be a FUN event! Theme: Black & White. This is not a formal event. his event is for men, women and is open to the public. This is our biggest fundraiser of the year.
To purchase tickets or if you cannot attend and would like to donate a basket, gift card or other item(s) to the auction, please contact Michelle at 585-297-0779 or send an email to: bataviabpw@gmail.com
Statement from the BBPW:
The Batavia Business and Professional Women’s Club (BBPW) has been an active part of the community now for 96 years. The group works together to help improve the lives of others. Throughout the year, they raise money through various activities to provide scholarships for local high school seniors, Genesee Valley Educational Partnership (GVEP) students and adult GCC students as well as provide Service Award donations to several local charitable organizations.
This June 2017 Scholarship Award winners were: Olivia George (Alexander), Paige Hameister (Batavia), Alyssa Juliano (Batavia), Emma Smith (Le Roy), Riley D'Alba (Oakfield-Alabama) and Madison Rogers (Pavilion). Tyler Weaver (GVEP), Owen Thompson (GVEP) and Stacy Daniel (GCC ). The high school Students each received a $750 check to support their educational and career goals. The Genesee Community College (GCC) adult student received a $500 scholarship award and the Genesee Valley Educational Partnership (GVEP) students each received a $250 scholarship award.
Additionally, BBPW club members awarded four Service Awards to be distributed this year. The $300 awards were given to Genesee Cancer Assistance, Crossroads House, Operation Injured Soldiers, and MS.
Pictured above from left are: Vice President Peggy Johnson, President Vicki Wolak, and Event Chairperson Michelle Gillard.