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Cub Pack has a new flair to their troop

By Steve Ognibene

Last week on Memorial Day when she marched in her first parade with a boy lead troop, little did Emma McJury know she would get noticed and that the attention would have an impact on her new cub pack.

The 8-year-old (pictured above) is the first girl to register and join Cub Pack 6069 of Jackson School in Batavia. 

Emma was motivated by her sibling to come to meetings and learn more about Cub Scouts. She saw her brother participated in a meeting learning about police safety, building a pine wood derby car, overnight camping trips and will be attending summer resident camp in a couple months.

She’s really excited to do day camp and resident camp and being able to officially participate in activities, said her mom Justine McJury.

Her favorite activity is camping and outdoor-related activities such as hiking, fishing and nature observation.

Her goals are to introduce more girls to the program so they can enjoy scouts and all the great activities that are offered as much as she does. Since she found out that girls could join scouts, she has been asking her friends if they want to join with her and has been encouraging them to do so.

The pack meets on Mondays from 6:30-7:30 p.m., meetings run from September through May at Jackson School.

The pack is having a meet-and-greet activity, putt putt / ice cream social on Saturday June 16th at noon at Terry Hills Golf Course, located at 5122 Clinton Street Road, Batavia.

Costs are minimal to attend. If interested in coming to the activity or to join the pack contact, Anthony Merica, cubmaster, at 813-7485.

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