Christian author who lives in Batavia pens new daily devotional book

The hectic and chaotic business of everyday life can distract us all from what is really important. But what if you could sit down at the beginning of every day and think about what really matters, to take a few minutes, commune with God, and think about His teachings?
Batavia resident Marlene Burling, in her 365-days devotional book, “A Daily Walk with God,” offers her readers this exact opportunity.
She offers musings on the scriptures and God’s teachings, encapsulated in daily messages, one for each day of the year.
Many of them were written in the aftermath of her husband’s death as part of the grieving process, and finding renewed meaning in her life. Marlene’s husband, Autry, was a preacher, and they worked together for many years before his passing.
This is Marlene’s second spiritual book; her first book,“Morning Walks with God,”was received gratefully by many seeking to be closer to God. This book is perfect for those seeking meaning in a life often filled with superficialities and materialism. It offers readers a chance to take a moment every day and think about God’s purpose for their life, and presents them with opportunities to take steps to bring them closer to God.
“A Daily Walk with God” is thoughtful, insightful and beautifully written.
“A Daily Walk with God” is available at Amazon and your favorite online book retailers. You can check out more about her books from his website at
About the Author
Marlene Burling, a resident in Batavia, is a widow. She was a pastor’s wife. She has three married children, 10 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. She and her husband began their ministry as home missionaries and later served in regular pastorates.
She has been a teacher of children, youth and ladies, and has been a speaker at ladies’ banquets and workshops. She has written articles for newsletters, a children’s book titled “Grandma, Tell Me the Easter Story,” and has compiled a workshop titled, “There’s Life After Death—(Living in Widowhood),” which she is able to present to churches, ladies’ groups, or other groups.
She started a widow’s ministry in her church for widows and singles. The group is called The King’s Daughters. She lived with her in-laws as their caregiver until their deaths. She was a graduate of Elba Central School in 1962. She and her husband graduated from Elohim Bible Institute in Castile in 1979.