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course correction

Conversations with Calliope- Back on Course

By Joseph Langen

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(Sunrise on the Allegheny River)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Feeling much better about myself and my life direction.
CALLIOPE: What brought about such a quick change from yesterday?
JOE; I wish I knew for sure. Maybe I was just in the doldrums for a while.
CALLIOPE: Any other possibilities?
JOE: Several. Admitting I was stranded probably helped. Several good things happened yesterday as well.
CALLIOPE: Such as?
JOE: I managed to fix my e-mail problem on my own and turned out not to have a virus on my computer after all. It gave me a sense of accomplishment.
CALLIOPE: Anything else?
JOE: I wrote my column for Saturday on Yvonne's life and was proud of what I produced. I also started working on my narrative time line as suggested by Julia Cameron. I feel this will give me a sense of context for continuing my writing at this stage in my life.
CALLIOPE: You sound grounded again.
JOE: Perhaps not an apt metaphor for a sailor. Back on course sounds better.
CALLIOPE: Point taken. I'm glad you are sailing again.
JOE: Me too. Talk with you tomorrow.

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