Don’t Feed Babies Fluoridated Water say NYS Health Officials
Babies fed infant formula mixed with New York’s fluoridated tap water risk developing enamel fluorosis or discolored teeth, according to the New York State Department of Health (1).
Bureaucrats fail to effectively broadcast this vital information beyond their little-read websites which places babies at unnecessary risk of developing fluoride-damaged teeth.
Fluoride chemicals are added to tap water serving 12 million New Yorkers (8.4 million in NYC) in a failed effort to reduce tooth decay. Fluoridation costs NYC about $20 million yearly.(2)
In 2006, the National Research Council (NRC) cautioned that infants can fluoride-overdose via reconstituted baby formula using “optimally” fluoridated water and risk growing white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted permanent teeth (enamel fluorosis). (3)
“Parents, who are concerned about the risk of enamel fluorosis, can mix liquid concentrate or powdered infant formula with water that is fluoride-free or contains low levels of fluoride. Examples are water that is labeled purified, demineralized, deionized, distilled or reverse osmosis filtered water,” according to the NYS DoH’s website (1)
Advanced enamel fluorosis (pitting, brown stains) can be reached with exclusive and/or excessive formula use over a prolonged period, they report.
“Of course, parents are concerned about possibly disfiguring their baby’s brand new teeth,” says attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President. “Officials should inform new mothers about this in every way they can. Instead they omit or downplay its significance seemingly to protect fluoridation policy,” says Beeber
Over 41% of adolescents are afflicted with enamel or dental fluorosis, reports the CDC. (4)
“As a cosmetic dentist, it is not uncommon to have patients receive gorgeous porcelain veneers to correct their dental fluorosis…Costs range from several hundred dollars to well over $25,000 and need to be retreated every 10 to 20 years for life time costs which may exceed $100,000 per person, writes Bill Osmunson DDS in the British Medical Journal. (5)
Fluoride exposure is rising and causing children's tooth imperfections, ranging from white spots to brownish discolorations and pitting, according to dentist Elivir Dincer in the NYS Dental Journal. “Such changes in the tooth's appearance can affect the child's self- esteem," Dincer writes.(6)
The NYS DoH joins many fluoridation-promoting organizations which quietly advise against feeding fluoridated-water to infants, e.g., US Dept of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control, American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, Mayo Clinic, California Dental Association, Vermont Department of Health, Minnesota Dental Association, Delta Dental, and others. “All formula, either concentrates or ready-to-feed, [already] have some fluoride,” says Dr. Howard Koh, Assistant Secretary for Health, US Department of Health and Human Services.(7)
Koh advises low-fluoride bottled water be used for routinely reconstituting infant formula. “Government and University officials who protect the chemical fluoride over children’s health should be de-funded including researchers, state health commissioners and their dental bureaus,” says Beeber.
The Fairbanks, Alaska City Fluoride Task Force recommends ending fluoridation because, “This will reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of significant incidence and severity of fluorosis, especially fluorosis associated with the use of [Fairbanks fluoridated] water to prepare infant formula.” (8)
In 1990, some scientists tried in vain to get the word out. (“Suppression by Medical Journals of a Warning about Overdosing Formula-Fed Infants With Fluoride,” Journal Accountability in Research) (9)
FluorideGate? A recent article in an American Association for Justice newsletter for trial lawyers described potential upcoming fluoride legal actions based on personal injury, consumer fraud, and civil rights harm.(10)
1) New York State Department of Health, “Guidance for Use of Fluoridated Water for Feeding during Infancy ”
2) FOIA Letters to Paul S. Beeber from NYC Department of Environmental Protection February 2009 Page 1 Page 2
3) National Research Council, “Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards”
4) Centers for Disease Control
5) “Fluoridation: Time to Reevaluate,” letter by Bill Osmunson, DDS
6) "Why Do I Have White Spots on My Front Teeth," by Elvir Dincer, DDS, New York State Dental Journal, January 2008, Page 58 Volume 74, Number 1
7) Government Perspectives on Healthcare HHS: Proposed Guidelines on Fluoride in Drinking Water A Commentary By Howard K. Koh, MD, MPH
10) “Fluoridegate and Fluoride Litigation: What Law Firms Need to Know About Fluoride Toxic Tort Actions,” by Chris Nidel, Rockville, MD & Daniel G. Stockin, Ellijay, GA Winter/Spring 2011 American Association for Justice newsletter
NYS Officials Fail to Disclose Own Fluoride Cautions
Twelve million New Yorkers drink fluoridated water (8.4 million in NYC). As of January 2011, the NYS DoH’s website incorrectly claims that “water fluoridated at the optimum level poses no known health risks.” (2)
Kaminsky et. al report: "The available data suggest that some individuals may experience hypersensitivity to fluoride-containing agents” and " …individuals with renal insufficiency who consume large quantities of fluoridated water are at an increased risk of developing skeletal fluorosis.” Research in these two areas were advised but never conducted.Further, dental fluorosis was reported in diabetics who consume large volumes of water containing 0.5 to 1.0 mg fluoride/liter, the latter equal to NYS’s fluoridated water supplies.
Malfunctioning kidneys may not adequately filter fluoride from the blood to allow toxic fluoride levels to build up in and damage bones. Symptoms of skeletal fluorosis include bone pain, tenderness and fractures, according to the EPA. (3)
The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) withdrew its fluoridation endorsement in 2007, with advice that “individuals with CKD [Chronic Kidney Disease] should be notified of the potential risk of fluoride exposure.”(4)The landmark 2006 National Research Council fluoride report stated,“Early water fluoridation studies did not carefully assess changes in renal [kidney] function...Several investigators have shown that patients with impaired renal function, or on hemodialysis, tend to accumulate fluoride much more quickly than normal."
Bone changes in advanced kidney patients are similar to bone changes found in individuals with skeletal fluorosis, according to the Fluoride Action Network. This raises the possibility that some individuals with kidney disease are suffering from undiagnosed skeletal fluorosis.
“We know almost half of US kids are fluoride-overdosed as evidenced by their fluoride-discolored teeth, or dental fluorosis,” says attorney Paul Beeber, President, NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. “What has fluoride done to their bones, glands and organs known to collect fluoride? Are they fluoride-hypersensitive? Without such critical studies, claims that fluoridation is safe for everyone are unproven and groundless,” says Beeber.
Seven New York City Council Members are sponsoring legislation to stop fluoridation in New York City(5). NYC residents can lighten their toxic fluoride exposure by contactingMayor Michael Bloomberg, Speaker Christine Quinn and their own Council Member to make sure they vote to stop the addition of fluoride chemicals into NYC’s water supply. For more information:
References:More fluoride/kidney information here:
1) Critical Reviews in Oral Biology & Medicine,“Fluoride: Benefits And Risks of Exposure,” by Kaminsky et. al
4) lelgislators Want Fluoridation Stopped
Heroic New York City Legislator Introduces Bill to Stop Fluoridation
NYC Council Member Peter Vallone, Jr. introduced legislation (Int 0463-2011) “prohibiting the addition of fluoride to the water supply.” Five additional NYC Council Members have co-sponsored the bill (Council Members Cabrera, Crowley, Foster, Williams and Halloran) despite a letter writing campaign by the special-interest group NYS Oral Health Coalition and unfounded and non-scientific insults by the industry-backed group American Council on Science & Health whose fluoridation opinions are anything but scientific.
Fluoride chemicals are added to NYC’s water in a failed effort to reduce tooth decay.
Vallone writes on his website, “There is a growing body of evidence that fluoride does more harm than good.”
Recently, two federal government agencies admitted that US children are fluoride-overdosed and it's ruining their teeth and may be damaging their bones.(1) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that over 41% of adolescents suffer with dental fluorosis - white spotted, yellow, brown and/or pitted teeth - 4% of it severe. (2) The Mayo Clinic, CDC and the American Dental Association advise that infant formula NOT be mixed with fluoridated water, but do little to educate the public about this dire warning.
More than 3,500 professionals (including 300 dentists) urge that fluoridation be stopped citing scientific evidence that fluoridation is ineffective and has serious health risks. See statement:
Eleven US EPA unions representing over 7000 environmental and public health professionals are calling for a moratorium on fluoridation.
Attorney Paul Beeber, President, NYS Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation says, “It’s a rare legislator who’s willing to speak the truth about such a controversial issue, not for his own benefit but for the good of his constituents. Most government officials cling to outdated endorsements, baseless government pronouncements and fear of organized dentistry’s power and money. Vallone and the Council Members who support his bill are New York treasures.”
Vallone writes, “It’s time for an intelligent discussion to be had on this controversial practice. I believe after that occurs, most people will support NYC using the ‘Precautionary Principle,’ which says, if in doubt, leave it out.”
New Yorkers can be their own heroes and improve their own health by contacting the Mayor, the City Council Speaker Christine Quinn and their own Council Member asking or thanking them for supporting Vallone's bill.
Here are reasons New York City Must Stop Water Fluoridation
Also, studies show high tooth decay rates in NYC populations studied, despite decades of fluoridation. See:
Fluoridation cost NYC approximately $25 million in 2008. See:
Children’s cavity rates are similar whether water is fluoridated or not, according to data published in the July 2009 Journal of the American Dental Association by dentist J.V. Kumar of the NY State Health Departmentof Health
The Case Against Fluoride, a research-driven new book indicts fluoridated water as unsafe to drink, wreaking havoc on the human body – harming the brain, endocrine system, bones, teeth and kidneys.
1) New York Times January 11, 2011
2) Centers for Disease Control
New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.
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Study Links Fluoride to Pre-term Birth and Anemia in Pregnancy
Fluoride avoidance reduced anemia in pregnant women, decreased pre-term births and enhanced babies birth-weight, concludes leading fluoride expert, AK Susheela and colleagues, in a study published in Current Science (May 2010).
Susheela’s team explains that anemia in pregnancy, which can lead to maternal and infant mortality, continues to plague many countries despite nutritional counseling and maternal iron and folic acid supplementation. This is the first examination of fluoride as an additional risk factor for anemia and low-birth-weight babies.
Anemic pregnant women living in India, whose urine contained 1 mg/L fluoride or more, were separated into two groups. The experimental group avoided
fluoride in water, food and other sources and ate a nutritious diet per instruction. The control group received no instructions. Both groups supplemented with iron and folic acid.
Results reveal that anemia was reduced and pre-term and low-birth-weight babies were considerably fewer in the fluoride-avoidance group as compared to the control. Two stillbirths occurred in the control group, none in the experimental group.
Susheela et al. writes, "Maternal and child under-nutrition and anemia
is not necessarily due to insufficient food intake but because of
the derangement of nutrient absorption due to damage caused to GI
(gastrointestinal) mucosa by ingestion of undesired chemical
substances, viz. fluoride through food, water and other sources."
Fluoride avoidance regenerated the intestinal lining which
enhanced the absorption of nutrients as evidenced by the reduction in
urinary fluoride followed by rise in hemoglobin levels, they report.
Could the same thing be happening in the United States? State University of New York researchers found more premature births in fluoridated than non-fluoridated upstate New York communities, according to a presentation made at the 2009 American Public Health Association’s annual meeting.
Previous published research shows fluoride can
interfere with the reproductive system (
Susheela writes in the journal Fluoride, “Where the use of fluoride has been promoted, women who are pregnant may find our protocol equally beneficial for preventing anemia and ensuring a normal, healthy birth outcome.”
Current Science reports that adverse reactions of fluoride
consumption are known to occur including
reducing red blood cells, reducing blood folic acid
activity, inhibiting vitamin B12 production and the nonabsorption
of nutrients for hemoglobin biosynthesis.
“Citizens must demand that water fluoridation be stopped,” says attorney Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. “It’s disturbing that public-health officials and organized dentistry continue to ignore the overwhelming evidence revealing fluoride to be non-nutritive, unnecessary and unsafe,” says Beeber.