GCASA's Detox Center open house is set for Jan. 6

Press release:
Genesee/Orleans Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse announced today that its new 20-bed detoxification center is tentatively scheduled to open for business on Jan. 10, 2022.
An “open house” for the public to view the two-story, 20-bed facility, which is attached to the rear of the Atwater Community Residence at 424 East Main St., will take place on Jan. 6, said John Bennett, GCASA executive director.
“This is truly ‘A Place of Help’ in the GLOW Region – providing a continuum of care under one roof that enables local residents in need to stay close to home for their treatment,” Bennett said.
The 8,600-square foot detox center will be fully staffed by medical and substance use counseling professionals, specially trained and certified to assist those who require short-term services.
Javen Construction of Penfield was the general contractor for the project, which broke ground last January. The design of the center complements the look of the historic Atwater Community Residence.

Top photo: GCASA's new Detox Center that is attached to the Atwater Community Residence (background). Bottom photo: The front entrance of the facility. Submitted photos.