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health care reform speech

The Apology That Wasn't - Joe Wilson

By Bea McManis

Yesterday, ignoring the calls from leaders within his own party, Rep. Joe Wilson refused to apologize on the House floor for shouting out "you lie!" during President Obama's big health care speech. [1]

In fact, he recorded a new YouTube video defending his attacks on Obama's health care plan and requesting donations for his re-election campaign! [2]

This is the kind of disrespectful and dishonest behavior we've come to expect from right-wing mobs and talk radio hosts recently—but it's simply unacceptable for a member of the United States Congress.

Rep. Joe Wilson heckled President Obama during his big speech on Wednesday. Now progressives are teaming up to fundraise for Wilson's Democratic opponent.  Rob Miller is a Democrat and an Iraq war veteran, and last year he won 46% of the vote against Wilson despite raising half as much money.

Grassroots progressives are teaming up to help Rob Miller take on Joe Wilson, raising over $750,000 in less than two days.

While Wilson initially apologized to the White House for his outburst, by yesterday he was already backpedaling. He refused calls from leaders of both parties to apologize on the House floor and claimed that he had been "overwhelmed" with supportive phone calls. [3]

And the conservative media is defending Wilson. Rush Limbaugh said on his show yesterday that Wison shouldn't have apologized. [4] Sean Hannity, who had Wilson as a guest on Fox News, told him, "You're right and the president is wrong," and urged viewers to donate to Wilson's campaign. [5]

This is mean-spirited right-wing politics at its worst—and we've got to fight back. As President Obama said Wednesday night, "I won't stand by while the special interests use the same old tactics to keep things exactly the way they are. If you misrepresent what's in this plan, we will call you out."

1. "Wilson Refuses to Apologize on House Floor," Roll Call, September 10, 2009.
2. "Joe Wilson YouTube: 'I Will Not Be Muzzled'" Talking Points Memo, September 10, 2009.
3. "Joe Wilson: 'I Have Been Overwhelmed' By Supportive Phone Calls," Talking Points Memo, September 10, 2009.
4. "Limbaugh Wishes Wilson Had Not Apologized," Media Matters, September 10, 2009.
5. "Rep. Joe Wilson Talks With Sean Hannity, Stands By His Comments," The Washington Independent, September 10, 2009.

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