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By Cecelia Lullo

Baby boomers and Genx'ers have a new name-we can now be called the "hoveround generation".  In the "olden days" of say 5 years ago, only OLD people (by old I mean 70's and up) had a hoveround.  But thanks to George Costanza on Seinfeld, it's filtered down to the YOUNG folk (by young I mean 40's and up).  This phenomenon has brought up a whole new slew of questions, and I'll site and example.

WALKING back from Robert Morris Elementary School yesterday morning, after WALKING my daughter to school, I saw a woman on her hoveround.  Sitting on her lap was a young boy proudly clutching his $200 backpack, compliments of Governor Patterson.  As they hovered along I saw her proudly TAKE A DRAG ON HER CIGARETTE.  Wait a minute?  Aren't they trying to pass legislation making it illegal to smoke in your car with underage children inside?  What about making it illegal to smoke on you hoveround with underage riders?  And come to think of it, the boy WASN'T WEARING A HELMET!  Shouldn't it be a law all kids under the age of 14 sitting on someone's lap while riding a hoveround need to wear a helmet?  Such legislation could be a great way to add to the state coffers.  Are you reading this Governor Patterson?

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