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The importance and senseless slaughter of sharks

By Jupp Kerckerinck

There is a world-wide slaughter going on, which is not known to the public. Big fisheries and countries like Costa Rica, Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan, and Spain, are killing between 100 and 150 million sharks every year. The Maldieves pretend to be a marine sanctuary when they lure tourists to their islands but when nobody is looking, they torture sharks by cutting their fins off while the animal is still alive. It is a corrupt government that only thinks about money. Japan kills tens of thousands of dolphins & one thousand whales each year. Sharks also get their fins cut off and are thrown back into the sea, where they die an excruciating death. Dolphins are being hacked to pieces by Japanese fishermen, who behave worse than the most primitive cave men.

That is barbaric and needs to be stopped. The shark fins go to China for shark fin soup. For every affluent Chinese wedding, 30 to 40 sharks are brutally finned. The dolphin meat is sold in Japan as whale meat. This way they are not only looting our oceans, they are also cheating their own people by selling dolphins as whale meat. 

Please keep in mind, that the oceans are our life support system; if we lose the sharks we'll lose the oceans. Sharks maintain the biological balance in that very complex ecosystem and without healthy oceans, we humans have no chance of survival because the oceans produce 70% of our oxygen. ..My website: will give you more details. If we don't stop this slaughter we might soon be looking at one of the greatest ecological disasters of mankind.

Sharks are not killers and man eaters, that's what many in the media want us to believe. They do not want to hear what I have to say, because they prefer the horror stories of lost limbs, blood and dead people. 

Unfortunately, the Discovery Channel is not helping with their ridiculous "Shark Week", which is one big lie. Sharks are not as dangerous as people think. In order to prove it, I swim with sharks all the time. I have been in the water with as many as 30 Caribbean reef sharks at one time; I swam with tiger sharks, lemon sharks, bull sharks, black tips, hammerheads, et cetera. In more than a hundred twenty shark dives I have never been threatened by a single one of them. Of course, sharks are predators and we need to respect them. They are wild animals and not pets.  Some times sharks bite and kill but so do dogs, polar bears, mountain lions and many other predators. Sharks don't eat people; we humans are not on their menu.

Just imagine, sharks have controlled 2/3rds of our planet for over 400 million years. They were already 130 million years old, when the first dinosaurs appeared on this earth. That is hard to believe but true. How old is the human race in comparison to that? I don't think we have lived here as humans for more than maybe 2 million years. But in the last 30 years alone we have managed to bring over 100 of the 500 shark species to the brink of extinction. Stephen Spielbergs horror movie "Jaws", after the book by Peter Benchley, started a world-wide slaughter of sharks. Even Mr. Benchley said: "If I had known then what I know now, I could never have written that book. The monster I created is pure fiction."

Sharks need as many friends as they can get. We need young people to cry out against this senseless and brutal slaughter. This is your world; you and your children have to live with the terrible things my generation is doing to the environment. Keep in mind: "If we lose the sharks we'll lose the oceans" and when that happens, we'll all die because without the oceans and the oxygen they produce, we have no chance of survival.

That's why we should not kill sharks for money, fun or for macho photographs.  If we continue this kind of looting, we are digging our own grave.   And for what?     For money, greed and fun!   Is that really worth it?

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