Genesee County 4-H Dairy Club at East Hill Creamery.
Press release and submitted photos:
The Genesee County 4-H Dairy Club kicked off the 2017-2018 4-H season with a set of tours.
On Oct. 9, the Dairy Club traveled south to Wyoming Ccounty to visit two innovative agribusinesses. The group consisted of 48 people, including club members, family and friends.
The first stop, East Hill Creamery -- makers of grass-fed artisan cheese. Gary Burley, co-owner and operator, gave the group a tour of the cheese processing facility and explained how they make their award winning cheeses.
The creamery makes four kinds of the French-Alpine-style cheeses. The group finished the tour with a tasting of each kind: Underpass; Underpass Reserve; Silver Lake; and Happy Accident. It was a perfect stop for the club as October is National Cheese Month, and a great reason to enjoy a slice of real dairy cheese!
Seven miles down the road, the club found themselves at stop #2: Marquart’s Potato Farm and Storage Facility.
Besides seeing millions of New York grown potatoes, the club toured the cleaning washing, sorting and shipping areas of the business. Chad Heeb gave the group insight into their waste-free facility and how the dream of making New York potato chips has become a reality.
After many decades of growth, the Marquart Brothers have now been able to see their locally grown potatoes processed into New York potato chips. To celebrate another great New York made product, the 4-H group concluded the tour with a tasty snack of New York potato chips.
To learn more about Genesee 4-H visit our website: http://genesee.cce.cornell.edu/4-h-youth-development or call the 4-H Office at 585-343-3040, ext. 101
Below, photo of Genesee County 4-H Dairy Club at Marquart Potato Farm.