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Hawley observes October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) today applauded October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month nationwide. Hawley expressed concern about this issue and was pleased to see many New York State leaders, including Gov. Cuomo, raising awareness of breast cancer research.

“Cancer is something that touches tens of thousands of families a year in New York, and breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death for women across the U.S.,” Hawley said. “We have made significant strides toward finding a cure for cancer over the last decade but we are not there yet. I am proud that the pink ribbon has become a widely recognized symbol in society because that means we are increasing awareness of this issue and more women are remembering to schedule regular mammograms.

"I will do my part to push for increased funding for breast cancer research at the state level and I encourage all of my constituents to spread the word so together we can beat this disease."

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