Press release:
The NYS Tax Department will be available to help inform homeowners of the Basic STAR exemption at an event for this purpose beginning at 6 p.m., Monday, Sept. 23 at the Old Courthouse in the City of Batavia.
The STAR registration program impacts 11,897 Basic STAR recipients in Genesee County, and 2.6 million homeowners statewide. Senior citizens receiving the Enhanced STAR exemption are not impacted.
The registration facilitates Governor Cuomo’s initiative to protect New Yorkers from fraud and waste in the STAR Program. The average homeowner saves $700 as a result of the Basic STAR exemption, which is available on the primary residence of homeowners with incomes under $500,000.
The registration deadline is Dec. 31 in order to continue receiving the exemption in 2014 and thereafter.
Basic STAR recipients have three easy options to register:
- More than 175 public events such as this one (full list of local events <> )
- Online registration at the Department’s Web site takes only two to four minutes: <>
- Homeowners without Internet access or with questions should call 518-457-2036
Wonder how much the
Wonder how much the bureaucracy costs to facilitate the exemption? If the state would just give everyone the discount it'd probably come out ahead by the savings of not having to administer the STAR program. The logic escapes me, but then I'm just a hick with an internet connection.
"The government is the only organization that can break your legs, give you a crutch and want credit for giving you the crutch." Harry Browne
This is also about the people
This is also about the people in charge of the star program not being able to catch those who were taking exemptions on property they weren't spose to..Now we must all reapply because state officials weren't doing their jobs.Ask them what are their plans to go after those that were scamming the system...On top of it all they will be sending out more government officials to help you get your own money back...Just more government wasting your money..Are they going to fire those in the star rebate dept who weren't doing their job..Its a joke...