(File photo from 2018 Day of Caring.)
Press release:
The United Way of Genesee County will be looking forward to its 13th Annual Day of Caring on Wednesday, May 13th.
More than 30 nonprofit agencies are expected to benefit from more than 400 volunteers who will paint, landscape, and perform general beautification projects throughout Genesee County.
Dwyer Stadium will again be the host site to kick off the event and after all projects are completed a wrap-up celebration will be held to share successes from the day.
Registration for projects and volunteers will be available soon.
Those who are new to the Day of Caring and would like to be involved in spending a united day together making the community a better place, or who have a project they would like completed, are encouraged to reach out to the Tammy Hathaway at the United Way of Genesee County at 585-343-8141.