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Conversations with Calliope- Marketing Fantasies

By Joseph Langen

Sailing Sculpture- Charlotte Beach- Rochester, NY)

JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. Up a little late this morning, aren't we?
JOE: At least I'm here.
CALLIOPE: What's going on in your head these days?
JOE: I've been thinking about the field of marketing, talking with people about it and reading.
CALLIOPE: What have you been reading?
JOE: Interesting you should ask. I was wandering around Borders with my brother a couple days ago and ran across Seth Godin's book, All Marketers Are Liars.
CALLIOPE: Sounds interesting.
JOE: It is. He poo-poos the idea that people respond to marketing efforts on the basis of features, benefits, or anything else tangible.
CALLIOPE: Then what does attract potential customers?
JOE: He believes that people respond to whatever matches the fantasies they already have.
CALLIOPE: Interesting idea.
JOE: Yes it is. I haven't finished the book yet but find the idea fascinating. I plan to read more of it this weekend.
CALLIOPE: Then what.
JOE: If it continues to make sense, I will rethink my fantasies about marketing and see what I might need to change. Talk with you on Monday.


Conversations with Calliope- Sales and Socialization

By Joseph Langen

(Butterfly in the trees)

JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. Tell me about yesterday.
JOE: As I expected, I had little time to work on anything. I had to shovel my way out to go visit my brother in
Rochester who is here on his visit from Hawaii.
CALLIOPE: What did he make of the snow?
JOE: It's the first he's seen in two years. He seems fascinated.
CALLIOPE: What else did you do?
JOE: We spent most of the day visiting at my mother's house and my aunt's and ended up in a bookstore at night.
CALLIOPE: Did you bring up your book in conversation?
JOE: It came up a couple times and I shared my experiences and the book itself with a few people.
CALLIOPE: How did you feel about doing it?
JOE: A little strange. I waited for quite a while for it to come up in conversation which it finally did.
CALLIOPE: What's your discomfort about?
JOE: I feel like I am in a sales rather than social conversation. It feels a little awkward. Still I hate to miss an opportunity to tell people about my writing since it is the main focus of my life right now.
CALLIOPE: Anything you can do about it?
JOE: I don't think so. I wear several hats as most people do. I guess it's just part of life. Talk with you tomorrow.



Conversations with Calliope- Teen Project

By Joseph Langen


(Teens at Cancer Walk)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. I hope you enjoyed your birthday.
JOE: I did. Many well-wishers sent their regards. Carol and I got out on our cross country skis and her niece Erin came for dinner last night. All in all a delightful day.
CALLIOPE: Any more thoughts on the teen book?
JOE: I was mulling over a title earlier this morning. I would like to include the ideas of idealism and anxieties, both of which seem prominent in teen thinking.
CALLIOPE: Did you come up with a title?
JOE: Not yet. The idea is still percolating.
CALLIOPE: What did you learn from your visit with Erin?
JOE: She is a senior in college and about ready to face the real world. It reminded me of being her age and having the same mixture of idealism and fear I just mentioned.
CALLIOPE: Sound's like you're on the right track.
JOE: I think so. I plan to do some more exploration of the topic of writing for teens.
CALLIOPE: Any specifics?
JOE: I am perusing some teen sites and will also look at some books popular with teen to explore themes of interest to them.
CALLIOPE: Sounds like a good approach.
JOE: I'm glad you agree. On to the day's work.

Conversations with Calliope- Birthdays

By Joseph Langen


(Bridge over Oatka Creek)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. Happy Birthday.
JOE: Thank you for remembering.
CALLIOPE: What's it like to be a year older?
JOE: I'm happy to still be alive. As time goes by I appreciate each new year much more than I did when I was very young. Once I lived as if I would be here forever. Now I am realizing that I won't be.
CALLIOPE: Does that frighten you?
JOE: I am starting to come to terms with it. I enjoy life and will miss it I think.
CALLIOPE: What plans do you have for the immediate future?
JOE: Working on my teen book.
CALLIOPE: Did you make any progress yesterday?
JOE: I found some good materials on writing for teens and some thoughts on how to approach such a project.
CALLIOPE: Anything else you need?
JOE: I am still looking for more teen input. It occurred to me this morning that I have many writing and business contacts online. I could contact them to see if they have teens who might be interested in contributing to my project.
CALLIOPE: What's the next step?
JOE: Being clear about which I should be the one to write it, what I would like to say, how teens can contribute and why they should. That will keep me busy for a while. Talk with you tomorrow.

Conversations with Calliope- Marketing

By Joseph Langen


(Herb Market- Vigo Spain)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Ready for a new week and a new year.
CALLIOPE: What did you do over the weekend?
JOE: Nothing too taxing. I relaxed, skied, watched some football and sat for ideas.
CALLIOPE: I'm glad you're pacing yourself. Did any ideas come to you?
JOE: I've been thinking about marketing. I concentrated on announcing my book on the internet and have covered all my current contacts.
CALLIOPE: Now what?
JOE: I'm continuing to work on article marketing.
CALLIOPE: Did you submit any articles lately?
JOE: Yes. I sent my article on creativity being a result of inspiration and perspiration to Article Marketing and Ezine.
CALLIOPE: Have you thought of other article marketing sites.
JOE: I have a long list of them and am just beginning to explore the possibilities.
CALLIOPE: How about local publicity?
JOE: I have been considering local service groups, the library, bookstores and the local radio station. I will work on those outlets this week. Talk with you tomorrow.

Conversations with Calliope- Reflection

By Joseph Langen


(Oatka Creek Reflection)

JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Fine.
CALLIOPE: What are you up to?
JOE: Savoring a find from the other day.
CALLIOPE: Tell me about it.
JOE: I was looking for some way to capture what I tried to convey with my book, Navigating Life.
JOE: I ran across a wonderful passage by Abdullah Muhammad on an Internet site to which I belong, Iseecolor. I think it captured the essence of my book, almost as if it were written especially for me.
CALLIOPE: Are you going to share it?
JOE: Of course. Here it is:

Reflection provides an opportunity to make the right decisions, correct the wrong decisions or just make a decision in general. Reflecting offers a view of things to come to the possibility of the way things can be. Life can at times become fast paced and before you know it, we are left to deal with issues that have been given no thought, and leave us with situations we dread being in. Reflection offers a gateway into oneself that is needed in order to maintain a balance in our lives, while continuing to move forward regardless of the circumstances. Reflection is rewarding and we must acknowledge its importance. Not only when things are going well should we exercise this gift, but when things aren't so great also. Reflecting gives us an image, and that image through our reflection be it good or bad has the potential for change. Whether this change be for positive things already existing in or surrounding our lives, or some tragic incident for which there seems to be no immediate solution; our reflection provides a moment to consider all possibilities, chances are we will give ourselves the opportunity and the information to succeed.
(by Abdullah Muhammad)

What more can I say. Talk with you on Monday.

Conversations with Calliope- Happy New Year

By Joseph Langen

(St Mark's Church and Oatka Creek)

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JOE: Happy new year Calliope.
CALLIOPE: And to you. How did you end the year?
JOE: With quite bit of socializing. A lot more than is usual for me. But I enjoyed every bit of it.
CALLIOPE: And now back to the keyboard?
JOE: Yes. I spent some time over the past couple days refining my publicity release and brochure.
CALLIOPE: So that's finished?
JOE: For now, but there's always room for improvement.
CALLIOPE: Now what?
JOE: I will keep working on marketing. I have been concentrating on the internet but have thought a little about local publicity.
CALLIOPE: In what regard?
JOE: I have not approached the local newspaper or radio yet but plan to.
CALLIOPE: Anything else?
JOE: I haven't done much by way of public appearance with my previous books.
CALLIOPE: Are there some opportunities?
JOE: I've been considering that. There are service groups like Kiwanis and Rotary as well as senior centers and perhaps religious groups. I have also considered a reading at the library.
CALLIOPE: Lots to explore.
JOE: There is. I'd better get working on it.

Conversations with Calliope- Liber Natus Est

By Joseph Langen


(Sunrise on Nantucket Sound)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. Help me out a little. I'm more familiar with Greek than with Latin.
JOE: The title above translates as, "The book is born."
CALLIOPE: Sounds like good news.
JOE: It is. I received the revised bound galley of Navigating Life in the mail yesterday and am ready for my sales promotion.
CALLIOPE: Where do you start?
JOE: I sent a message to Booklocker saying everything looks fine. I am waiting for them to set up my sales page. I also have some personal orders to fulfill locally.
CALLIOPE: Congratulations. It seem like it has been a long haul.
JOE: It seems that way to me too. I don't seem to be getting any more patient as I age.
CALLIOPE: At least you know your limitations. What's your next step?
JOE: Publicity. I almost have my flier ready. Today I will work on recording a video clip to include.
CALLIOPE: Anything else?
JOE: As a matter of fact there is. Last night I ran across a wonderful little passage on Reflection by a fellow member of one of my online groups.
JOE: I have asked his permission to use his passage in my promotional materials. I'm waiting for his response. Talk with you tomorrow.

Conversations with Calliope- Cranking up publicity

By Joseph Langen


(Sunset- San Juan)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Rested. I enjoyed my social activities the past few days and I'm ready to get back to work.
CALLIOPE: You mean you put aside anything literary?
JOE: For the most part. I spent some time yesterday painting. The rest was at church and out to friends' house for dinner and cards.
CALLIOPE: What do you have planned for this week?
JOE: I have a column to get out for Saturday and think I might start with that.
CALLIOPE: What are you writing about?
JOE: I think I mentioned my idea about creativity, inspiration and perspiration. I think I will use that theme.
CALLIOPE: I recall it. Sounds like a good one to start the new year. What else is brewing?
JOE: My idea about videos for publicity. I'm still waiting for my new bound galley for Navigating Life. I expect it sometime this week and want to be ready when it arrives.
CALLIOPE: Give me some specifics.
JOE: I told you about the introductory video I plan to add to my publicity flier. I haven't decided where to post it but am considering YouTube. That's first. I'll tell you about the rest tomorrow.

Conversations with Calliope- Inspiration and Perspiration

By Joseph Langen



                                                             (Sunset- St. Lucia)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Inspired. By the way, what time were you at work this morning?
CALLIOPE: Why do you ask?
JOE: I was up at ten to five with two inspirations floating in my consciousness.
JOE: I thought so.
CALLIOPE: Tell me about the inspirations.
JOE: One was about inspiration and perspiration which had thought of for my next column. I realized I was on the right track.
CALLIOPE: And the other?
JOE: My friend Gerry had suggested a conversational tone for my publicity flier I am preparing for Navigating Life.
JOE: I wasn't quite sure how to do it.
CALLIOPE: And that was your second inspiration?
JOE: It was. Since I am distributing my flier mostly on the internet, why not embed a video where I can introduce myself and my book?
CALLIOPE: Sounds like a good idea.
JOE: I think so. I'm on it. Talk with you on Monday.

Conversations with Calliope- Boxing Day and Feast of Stephen

By Joseph Langen


(Visitors' Lamp)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How was your Christmas.
JOE: Quite nice, I spent the last two days enjoying the company of friends and relatives and did not get near the computer (at least not for very long.)
CALLIOPE: Sometimes it's a welcome break.
JOE: My friend Gerry keeps reminding me that I tend to become overinvolved in writing and thinking about it and need a little variety in my life.
CALLIOPE: Do you pay attention.
JOE: Usually for a brief time and then jump right back in to the literary part of myself.
CALLIOPE: And today?
JOE: I think I might take a little time for myself now that I've been fully immersed in socialization for a couple days.
CALLIOPE: And do what?
JOE: Perhaps I will do some painting. I think I might spend at least some time at the next table where my art materials wait patiently.
CALLIOPE: Do you have any projects in mind?
JOE: I started a lighthouse sketch. Maybe I'll work on it. Talk with you tomorrow.

Conversations with Calliope- Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah

By Joseph Langen


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(Back Yard in Leroy)

JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Fine. I just got back in the house with Carol from our fourth day in a row cross country skiing.
CALLIOPE: Sounds like fun.
JOE: It is, especially when we can do it in the local streets.
CALLIOPE: Anything particular on your agenda today?
JOE: Just preparing for Christmas. I created a few Christmas cards with Printmaker and also a few gift certificates for Navigating Life.
CALLIOPE: Is the book ready yet?
JOE: Not quite. I am waiting for the final proof which I expect to arrive any day. That's why I'm giving out gift certificates. I thought I would have the book in hand but not quite.
CALLIOPE: You sound remarkably patient.
JOE: I'm working on it. I think it goes hand in hand with maintaining a sense of peace which is my goal lately.
CALLIOPE: Do you feel at peace today?
JOE: I do and hope to stay that way. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you and all readers who wander by.

Conversations with Calliope- Notes on Democracy

By Joseph Langen

(Moorish Castle- Gibraltar)

JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Energized.
CALLIOPE: What brought that about?
JOE: I have started each of the past two days and this morning with cross country skiing in the streets around our house.
CALLIOPE: I guess that's a benefit of feet of snow. What else is going on?
JOE: Marketing. I have concluded that there are two possible audiences for my book. One thoughtful and one less thoughtful.
CALLIOPE: How did you reach that conclusion?
JOE: Through my review of H.L. Mencken's' Notes on a Democracy.
CALLIOPE: What did you learn?
JOE: Glad you asked. Here is the review:

Review- H.L. Mencken- Notes on Democracy

H.L. Mencken's Notes on Democracy reemerges in a new edition just in time to pillory the ravages of what democracy has become in our country, in practice if not in theory. I have always been an undying optimist and therefore approached this volume with some trepidation. Do I want my cherished beliefs shaken? Mencken assures us that none of us do, whether there is any reasonable basis for our beliefs or not. He categorizes "democratic man" as having an eighty percent chance of being by nature unable to think critically. He goes on to examine the faults of every aspect of our democratic form of government and of those who inhabit its various offices as well as those responsible for electing and/or appointing them.


In the end he leaves us with no suggestions for how to proceed, seeing himself as "not engaged in therapeutics, but in pathology." How can we respond to his scathing attack on democracy other than to throw up our hands in despair? This question haunted me throughout my reading of this volume. In the end I decided Mencken's work is best approached as one does a political cartoon. Lampooning our beliefs prods up to reexamine them with two thoughts in mind. One is Socrates' statement as his heresy trial, "The unexamined life is not worth living." The other is John Adams' observation, "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself." Is there a way we can create an exception?


CALLIOPE: Interesting thoughts. Sounds like you stretched yourself in reading it.
JOE: I did. I found it challenged some of my closely held beliefs about people and their capabilities.
CALLIOPE: Did it help you in writing your publicity flier.
JOE: Yes. It's not quite ready yet but I'll share it with you when it is. Talk with you tomorrow.


Conversations with Calliope- Lessons of Cancer

By Joseph Langen

(Sunset in Leroy)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Not bad. Yesterday was quite a reflective day.
CALLIOPE: What was going on?
JOE: I attended a memorial service for a friend at Unity Church.
CALLIOPE: How did she die?
JOE: Metastatic breast cancer. Three members of our church were diagnosed with breast cancer in quick succession, including my life partner, Carol. Kat was the second one to die and Carol is the only survivor of the three.
JOE: I've discovered there is no way to predict what will happen in life. Carol and I are grateful that things turned out the way they did for her but are sad to lose the other two.
CALLIOPE: What did you learn from yesterday?
JOE: That life is precious, unpredictable and to be treasured one day at a time.
CALLIOPE: All good lessons.
JOE: I think so. It's easy to take life for granted when things are going well. It takes incidents like this to remind us that we don't live forever and have only today to count on for sure.
CALLIOPE: I hope you use your day productively.
JOE: I will do my best. Talk with you tomorrow.

Conversations with Calliope- Let Us Rejoice

By Joseph Langen


(Westminster Abbey)

JOE: Good morning Calliope. Haec dies quem fecit Dominus.
CALLIOPE: Help me out. My Latin's a little rusty.
JOE: Okay. "This is the day the Lord has made."
CALLIOPE: You sound excited.
JOE: I am. Finally my book, Navigating Life is on its way back to the printer, text, cover and corrections.
CALLIOPE: Great. Now back to the waiting.
JOE: Still, it's a relief. I suppose this gets easier with time. I find getting everything just right a challenge.
CALLIOPE: I take it you're not the obsessive compulsive type.
JOE: Right. I am more the impulsive type. I think my personality is more suited to the freewheeling process of writing.
CALLIOPE: And less toward the minutia of publishing?
JOE: Exactly so. As Clint Eastwood put it, "A man's got to know his limitations."
CALLIOPE: Glad you recognize yours. Have you thought of seeking a traditional publisher for this aspect.
JOE: I have, but so far it only led to frustration on my previous attempts. This time I did not even seriously consider finding an agent or publisher. Maybe one of these days I'll have a go at it again.
CALLIOPE: At least you got this far. Now what?
JOE: Back to work on marketing and publicity. Talk with you on Monday.

Conversations with Calliope- Inspiration and Perspiration

By Joseph Langen


(Geese resting for the voyage)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. What's with the new title above?
JOE: It's a long story. My friend Gerry and I were corresponding about my publicity for Navigating Life.
JOE: We got to discussing how to get people's attention with hooks, a skill which does not come naturally to me.
CALLIOPE: I'm with you so far.
JOE: He suggested that I was working too hard and expecting results when it might be more important to sit back and listen for inspiration.
CALLIOPE: I could have told you that.
JOE: I now realize it. I know you are constantly whispering in my ear but I'm too busy blathering to hear you.
CALLIOPE: So what did you do?
JOE: I started rereading Lao Tzu's Tao Teh Ching yesterday.
CALLIOPE: Then what?
JOE: I woke up at 3:00 Am this morning with my head full of ideas which prompted me to get out of bed and write them down before they disappeared.
CALLIOPE: I'm glad Gerry, Lao Tzu and I could help.
JOE: So am I. Talk with you tomorrow.

Conversations with Calliope- Dialogue with My Muse

By Joseph Langen


(Fuzzy the Clown at Oatka Festival Parade)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Fine. I'm glad not to have a doctor appointment as I have had each day this week.
CALLIOPE: Anything wrong?
JOE: No. Two visits were checkups with my primary and arthritis doctors. All is in good order in my body as far as I can tell. I even came away with one less prescription than I had before. The third appointment was to give blood for an arthritis study on markers for arthritis. I don't quite understand the technicalities but I guess I don't need to.
CALLIOPE: Glad to hear things are going well. What do you make of it?
JOE: I remember my friend Steve D'Annunzio saying that misfortune in your life can be taken as a sign that you need to change something. I was just wondering if there is a message from God in good fortune too.
CALLIOPE: What do you think it might be?
JOE: Maybe that I am on the right track with alerting people to consider how they live their lives and what the effect is on people.
CALLIOPE: That's the goal of your book, Navigating Life, isn't it?
JOE: It is.
CALLIOPE: So now what?
JOE: I had been thinking about what direction to take with my writing once this book is published.
JOE: I think I should continue with this theme. I have started on a book of commonsense wisdom for teens and think I should get back into that project. Talk with you tomorrow.

Conversations with Calliope- Dialogue with My Muse

By Joseph Langen


(West Chop Lighthouse- Martha's Vineyard)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Trying to stay calm and focused.
CALLIOPE: What's making it difficult?
JOE: Continuing work on revisions for Navigating Life. We're getting closer to it being ready for publication with the exception of a few small details still in the process of being worked out.
CALLIOPE: Anything you can't handle?
JOE: No. But the closer I get to publication the more excited I get about the adventure and the harder it is to keep myself calm.
CALLIOPE: Understandable. How is the publicity coming?
JOE: I worked on a one page publicity blurb which I want to run by Carol before I share it with you.
CALLIOPE: When will that be ready?
JOE: Hopefully in the next day or so.
CALLIOPE: How about your column on Peace?
JOE: It is just about finished. I heard from a good number of readers what gives them a sense of peace. It turned out as well as I expected. Talk with you tomorrow.

Conversations with Calliope- Dialogue with My Muse

By Joseph Langen


(Aquinnah Lighthouse- Martha's Vineyard)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: A tad rushed.
CALLIOPE: How so? I thought you would be more relaxed with the book revisions submitted.
JOE: I am. But I have two places to go this morning and also have evening plans.
CALLIOPE: So it's hard to plan any marketing activities.
JOE: That doesn't mean I can't be thinking about them as I drive around. I decided on an approach to marketing Navigating Life this morning before I even got out of bed.
CALLIOPE: Which is?
JOE: Now that we have elected Obama and expect him to make some changes in the world, what are we going to do on our part?
CALLIOPE: Sounds like a good approach. How are you going to go about it?
JOE: I plan to list thirteen things we can do, one of them outlined in each of he chapters of Navigating Life.
CALLIOPE: I'd like to see it when it's done.
JOE: No Problem. I'll share it with you. Time to get going. Off to the races. Talk with you tomorrow.

Conversations with Calliope- Dialogue with My Muse

By Joseph Langen


(Cover design- Navigating Life)

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. I was beginning to fear you would not show up today.
JOE: Never fear. I had some early morning appointments in Batavia.
CALLIOPE: What's up for today?
JOE: Even before I left for Batavia, I was up finalizing revisions on Navigating Life.
CALLIOPE: So is it ready now.
JOE: It is. I just now sent it off to Booklocker.
CALLIOPE: When will it finally be ready?
JOE: That's out of my hands. I need to wait for the printing wheels and presses to do their thing. I'm practicing patience.
CALLIOPE: A good idea. Any other developments over the weekend?
JOE: Yesterday I attended an Author Extravaganza at Lift Bridge Book Store in Brockport.
JOE: I found it most productive. I got to read a selection from Navigating Life and also talked with some other authors about writing, publishing and marketing.
CALLIOPE: Anyone special that you met?
JOE: I finally met Bob Fussell, an attorney and author from right here in Leroy. I figured I would meet him sooner or later. We had a great talk and plan to get together. Talk with you tomorrow.

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