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Conversations with Calliope- Dialogue with My Muse

By Joseph Langen

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today.
JOE: So far, so good. Carol and I had a delightful breakfast and are ready for the day's events.
CALLIOPE: Which are?
JOE: Her first gig in a parade as Fuzzy the Clown. She's a little concerned about the predicted heat but we have water planned along the way just in case.
CALLIOPE: What else?
JOE: Pat and Dick invited us to their pool later to refresh ourselves after the parade.
CALLIOPE: Any literary adventures planned today.
JOE: Not particularly. I don't think I'll have time for any formal activities. I plan to take my camera to the parade to see if I can spot any characters or incidents worthy of note for future reference. That's about it.
CALLIOPE: So, a little break from writing?
JOE: Indeed. I think it helps every once in a while to step back and look around to see what is happening. I noted several unusual characters at concerts the past two nights. Unfortunately I forgot my camera last night to record the most unusual.
CALLIOPE: What do you mean by unusual?
JOE: Very strange body types as if a person were constructed by committee using spare parts. Also combinations of clothing left over from the show, What Not to Wear.
CALLIOPE: What do you plan to do with these observations?
JOE: I would like to use them as characters in my short stories and perhaps as minor characters in my novels. Time to start observing again. Talk with you on Monday.
(Oatka Festival Parade- Leroy, NY)

Conversations with Calliope-Dialogue with My Muse

By Joseph Langen

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you this morning?
JOE: Plotting.
CALLIOPE: Plotting what?
JOE: How to best use the limited time I have available today.
CALLIOPE: What's limiting you?
JOE: I have a massage scheduled this morning. This afternoon I will be doing a police candidate screening in Buffalo. Tonight I am attending a neighborhood concert.
CALLIOPE: I see. So what do you plan to do with the time in between.
JOE: I have two priorities today. One is to outline a video promotion for The Pastor's Inferno. The other is to continue revising Marital Property.
CALLIOPE: At least you have a focus. Will you have more time tomorrow?
JOE: No. I will probably have time to talk with you but I am delivering Carol to the Oatka Festival Parade where she will march as a clown. Then we are visiting friends with a pool to make the heat more bearable.
CALLIOPE: And Sunday?
JOE: I might have some time then and can do some reading. I am continuing with The Poisonwood Bible as an example of first person narration.
CALLIOPE: At least you're keeping busy.
JOE: I am, but sometimes I feel scattered. I think I need to be more careful about planning my time. Talk with you tomorrow.
(Sculpture- Charlotte Beach, Rochester, NY)

Conversations with Calliope- Dialogue with My Muse

By Joseph Langen

Ongoing dialogue with my muse about my writing

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JOE: Good morning Calliope.
CALLIOPE: Good morning Joe. How are you today?
JOE: Relaxed. I spent last night with friends listening to a Coupe Devilles concert and dancing at Charlotte beach in Rochester.
CALLIOPE: Sounds like fun. I'm glad you're continuing to socialize. What's doing on in your literary world?
JOE: I am continuing to work on my revision of
Marital Property, changing it to a first person account. The more I do the more comfortable I am with this approach.
CALLIOPE: What do you like best about it?
JOE: The characters are coming to life and all have a chance to share their perceptions on observations. I think it makes for a much richer story.
CALLIOPE: I'm surprised you didn't think of it before.
JOE: Sometimes I need a kick in the pants to see reality. I thank my readers for their incisive comments helping me sharpen the text.
CALLIOPE: I agree that it's better not to write in a vacuum or at least let your story see the light of day for a little airing out. What do you have on the agenda for today?
JOE: More of the same- work on Marital Property and work on marketing.
CALLIOPE: Speaking of which, how is The Pastor's Inferno doing?
JOE: Not so well. I think the book scares many people with its theme.
CALLIOPE: What do you think you can do about it.
JOE: I've been wondering that myself. I have been considering promotional material directly addressing these fears. I think it's at least worth a try. Talk with you tomorrow.(Aerial sculptures- Charlotte Beach, Rochester, NY)

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