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County crews remove hazardous trees

By Destin Danser

Genesee county crews were hard at work on Pratt road this morning removing trees and branches that were a potential hazard to drivers.

Timothy Hens

I'm proud of the county employees that work with me. They have done a great job this Spring bringing down hazardous trees around the County, often times dealing with upset homeowners that don't want to lose a familiar tree. Losing the tree is often hard but roadway safety comes first. The efforts of these crews has limited the amount of tree damage and inconvenience experienced during storms like those of the past few weeks. Good job County Highway!

May 17, 2010, 5:16pm Permalink
Andrew Lathan

Not to nit pick your guys Tim, but if your guy in the bucket would get in the habit of flush cutting those 5 stubs as shown in the first photo close to the trunk of the tree it would cut down dramatically on lawn damage when dropping the butt and might also turn an upset homeowner into a fan.

May 17, 2010, 5:47pm Permalink
Janice Stenman

What surprises me are the number of homeowners who plant trees under electrical wires. For years, everytime there was a storm, our electricity would go out for up to 3 days. We had outages several times a month. Finally, the electric company topped the trees that were interfering with the wires. No more power outages unless a large area is affected.

Just up the road, large cottonwood trees were taken down. The home owners have planted MORE trees in the same place. Good grief!

May 17, 2010, 7:35pm Permalink
Destin Danser

I can't say I was glad to see the tree come down, but it wasn't doing too well, and therefore had to go as it posed a threat to the roadway.

I do agree that flush cutting the stubs would definitley be the proper way to do it,

May 17, 2010, 11:52pm Permalink

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