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Today's Poll: What should be done to help dairy farmers?

By Howard B. Owens
Karen Miconi

The farmers need to invest in a methane digester, to turn the manure into fuel. This would power the whole farm, and the excess could be sold, and also used for energy elsewere. Just a thought..

Sep 17, 2009, 6:06pm Permalink
Chelsea O'Brien

1) I think we need to consider how the federal government handles farms, farming, and subsidizing farmers to not farm

2) I think pricing milk based on cheese sold in Chicago is a bit ridiculous

3)It's once again a discussion about small vs corporate entities, small farms can't compete, why not refuse to sell to the corporations and form some type of dairy farmer's union (how unions used to be, not how they are today). Corporate dairy farms allow this pricing structure because they can afford it and somehow they probably get a profit off of it, too. If all of the smaller farms stopped selling their products to the corporations, then a deal would need to be made. However, the odds of that actually happening are slim to none, because it might not be worth the risk

As a side note: I was once in a class with a woman who refused to buy any dairy products because she firmly believed the dairy industry controlled the markets to their favor. She included in this control lobbyists and government officials.

Sep 17, 2009, 9:38pm Permalink
Neil Richardson

I would think they would want to be left alone to conduct business the way they want to. Every business does need the government to clear the runway and then keep the runway operating. Beyond that, keep the government out of the business. Every time taxes are cut to help promote business it becomes a winning arrangement for the business and a tax revenue windfall for the government. How come we have to keep learning this concept over and over again? I fear there are some politicians who do not respect capitalism nor do they like profits for business. <a href="; id="clean-url" class="install">casino</a>

Sep 18, 2009, 8:15am Permalink
Karen Miconi

Hi Kelly:
What do they consider Zuber Farms in Elba? He has over 2000 head of cattle. The liquid manure has devastated, what used to be a beautiful area of Byron. To bad he couldn't use the methane digester for the thousands of gallons of liquid manure the farm produces. I also think he would benefit from wind power. Its very open and windy there. Its to bad someone couldn't suggest this to large farms like his. I would be all for funding for those farmers, to produce their own energy. It would enevitably save them tons of money, and also make them money, while preserving the earth, and the fresh water underground, and in the creeks and streams.

Sep 18, 2009, 8:28am Permalink
Darcy Smart

I have a small dairy farm in VT and it is really funny to me how many people on this poll voted that dairy farms are a business and they should take care of themselves. For those people who voted that way they should educate themselves on what dairy farmers have to go throurgh and that they don't sell there milk for what they think it is worth. The government sets the price and that is what we get paid. It takes 12 gallons of milk to make approx 100lbs of milk. Since we get paid per 100 weight right now we are getting less than 1.00 a gallon and it cost far more to make.

Not to mention that we have to pay thousands of dollars a month to get it hauled. Someone is making money off milk it is unfortunate that it isn't the farmer.

I wish people would wake up and realize without farmers there will be no food period. What we going to do import it from China and enjoy there tainted food. Great idea.

I am not complaining I just wish we could get paid an honest amount for our milk. I enjoy farming and enjoy the animals but unfortunately that doesn't pay the bills.
When your grain bill is more than your milk check what should you do just throw in the towel and give up?

Sep 24, 2009, 1:46pm Permalink
Bea McManis

While there is a great deal of interest in the money Rochester received, did anyone take note of the County budget meeting last night in LeRoy?
They are discussing a 22% increase in taxes. 22%!
Oh, and to make sure the downtrodden stay right where they belong, they want to take away the budget for RAP.
Did they issue any press releases or information on this meeting?

Sep 24, 2009, 2:25pm Permalink

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