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Found: Beagle, Female, City of Batavia

By Martin Szinger

A beautiful female Beagle with no collar, tags, or ID, wandered up our driveway (Vernon Ave close to Main St.) on Saturday 5/30 around noon. She's around 2 yrs old, in good shape and obviously trained - so lost or abandoned, but not a stray. Is she yours?

We've taken her in and put a call into non-emergency city police dispatch to list her as found; also brought her by the county shelter, where they checked/scanned her for an ID chip, but there was none. None of the neighbors recognize her or have heard of a missing dog. We walk our own dog twice daily and "know" a lot of the local dogs, but not her...

Our best guess is that she's an "indoor dog" that somehow got out, and might not be licensed in the city, which is a big no-no, but still, her owner must be missing her badly so we'd like to get her back home. We're caring for her right now, but that makes two high-energy dogs and a five-month old baby in one house, so our sanity isn't going to last long!

If you know where this very nice Beagle belongs, please give us a call, Martin or Kath at 344-0957, or email me: martin.szinger at Thanks!

Martin Szinger

UPDATE - Reunited with owner last night, 6/8. "Maddie" wandered over from just one street away, after all.

Thanks to everyone who kept an ear open for news of a missing dog. In the end she was found in the classic Batavia way - we walked her up and down main street until her owners got lucky and spotted her!

Jun 9, 2009, 8:54am Permalink

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