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Lapp Insulators Corp. says expensive environmental clean could cost 140 jobs

By Howard B. Owens

WBTA will report on its 12:30 newscast that Lapp Industries Corp. in LeRoy is concerned about a proposed environmental clean up, which VP and COO Robert Johnson tells WBTA would cost more than it should.

If forced to pay for a $3.4 million price tag for the proposed clean up on the 80=acre site, the survival of the company would be put in jeopardy.

Johnson says 140 local jobs could be lost. He maintains the job can be done just as well for $1.4 million, which the company can afford and is willing to pay.

Survey asks what you like about the 5 & 20

By Howard B. Owens

I'm really not a fan of the New York State Thruway. I don't like paying the toll, and it too quickly zips you past some of WNY's beautiful scenery. When I do drive it, I can't help but feel I'm being jettisoned down a pneumatic tube. There's not much to the right of me, and even less on the left. Just zoom, zoom past guard rails and weeds to my destination.

When my wife and I needed to drive to Massachusetts for a wedding last spring, we traversed nothing but New York's "back roads." Avoiding the Thruway added two hours to our trip both ways, but it was worth it.  We saw every rustic village along the way and ate in some nice locally owned restaurants, rather than cookie-cutter chains at Thurway rest stops.

As we drove along the 5 & 20, I thought what a great route -- the businesses should band together along the 5 & 20 to promote tourism. When I got home, I found this 5 & 20 Web site.

Kelly Rapone, over at the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, is involved in a 5 & 20 promotional project and asked that I pass along a link to a survey the group is doing. If you take the survey you will be entered into a chance to win a $100 gas card.

So, take the survey, drive the 5 & 20, and support local and regional businesses.

United Memorial says 14 employees let go in January

By Howard B. Owens

We just received a press release from United Memorial Medical Center stating that 14 employees were laid off in Januray, and previously 16 vacant positions were eliminated, in response to the economic downturn.

For the past three months, United Memorial has been working to take pro-active steps in positioning the organization to effectively cope with the impact of reduced reimbursements from governmental payers and the effects of the declining stock market. To remain financially viable and protect the high level of service provided to our patients, we have applied organizational changes.

United Memorial began implementing several cost saving strategies in January which included limiting expenses unrelated to patient care, restricting the travel and education budgets and re-evaluating projects and capital purchases. All contracts for supplies, utilities and services were re-examined for cost savings. The Cardiac Rehab program was altered to increase class size and allow fewer days of operation. The Process Improvement Department was restructured under Quality Management and the employee shuttle service was outsourced.

As a part of this process, 16 vacant open positions with the equivalent hours of 12 full time employees were eliminated and since January, 14 employees were let go. While the 14 individuals affected by this action account for less than 2% of our 770 person workforce, they were our colleagues, co-workers and friends. Each possessed admirable work ethics and they have collectively provided the Hospital with decades of respected service. Those that were eligible were offered severance packages and where appropriate, options to extend their healthcare coverage.

The eliminated positions include three in management and 27 support staff.

The Surgical Expansion and Affordable Senior Housing Projects will continue as planned. The Hospital leadership team has worked conscientiously to make decisions that will allow United Memorial to continue to grow and provide quality services that meet the healthcare needs of our community.

A new Wal-Mart in LeRoy could create 200 permanent jobs by next summer

By Philip Anselmo

People often debate the benefit of big box stores moving into "hometown" neighborhoods. Books have been published on the subject of Wal-Mart, in particular, running locally-owned shops out of business and replacing what may have been well-paying jobs with minimum wage, "exploitation" labor.

Whether or not you believe Wal-Mart is a malignant or beneficial force in a community, it is too much of a presence not to alter the overall figure. With a 111,000-square-foot Wal-Mart store expected to be up and running by June, LeRoy will soon learn what it's like to have the retail megalith in town.

From an article in the Democrat & Chronicle this morning:

A spokesman for Wal-Mart said the Genesee County store, which could open in spring 2010, would create 200 new jobs, plus another 100 jobs during construction.

The store will be a smaller version of a Wal-Mart Supercenter, with the same variety of products but smaller quantities.

The standalone building will feature a full retail section, groceries, an optical center, a pharmacy and a garden center, said the spokesman, Philip Serghini.

McCulley said he believes most residents support the project. "There was some dissent against it, but it was a small minority," he said.

"People are looking for options of shopping locally. People don't want to travel too far to do their shopping."

Present Tense on Facebook

By Philip Anselmo

From Present Tense bookshop:

Present Tense now has a Facebook page! We will be updating it frequently with store events, book recommendations, and all the interesting, unusual, and amusing news and notes from the world of books! Here's the link: Facebook.

If you already have a Facebook account you can automatically get our updates by clicking the Become a Fan link. You can still view our page even if you are not a Facebook member, just follow the link above.

We hope you find our new Facebook page interesting, useful, and entertaining!

The Batavian launches new business directory for Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

Many of you have noticed -- I know because I've gotten calls and comments -- a link that joined the top navigation of the site a couple of weeks ago: Local Businesses.

It is a new online business directory for Genesee County.

Every business in Genesee County gets a free basic listing.  We encourage you to use it to find local goods and services.

For business owners and managers, here's what  is important for you to know: Upgrades are available.

For a fee, business get enhanced listings which includes more information about the firm.

Our first two enhanced listings have been posted:

But an enhanced listing is not the coolest part of this directory.

We're working with a company out of California called Search Initiatives to power our directory.

As most business owners now recognize, hardly anybody uses the yellow pages these days. When people with online access want to find a business, they go to Google or Yahoo.  If your business isn't part of the top search results, it's almost as if your business doesn't even exist.

Search Initiatives specializes in helping businesses get found on the Web.  They've been helping businesses for a number of years and is maybe the leading such firm in the world.  We're proud they picked The Batavian to launch its new directory product.

So when you buy an enhanced listing on The Batavian, you're not just buying an ad on The Batavian, you're helping improve your business's search ranking in Google and Yahoo!

The standard package is $49 to set up and then $59 per month.  Businesses that sign up prior to March 31 will get a free "trackable" phone number -- what that means is we'll be able to deliver monthly report showing you how many times you're phone rang because of the service.

We also can offer a limited number of upgraded packages that adds more features to help your business be among the best ranked in Google and Yahoo. These packages are $70 set up and $89 per month.

Here's a full media kit for directory advertising.  And as long as we're talking about advertising, here's our display advertising media kit.

If you want to get your business started advertising on The Batavian, or have questions, contact me at howard (at) thebatavian dot com.


By Kimberly Amey

Grants to Cost-Share Advertising & Promotion; Available First-Come, First-Serve Basis

New York State Agriculture Commissioner Patrick Hooker today announced the availability of funding for a pilot Pride of New York “Buy Local” Cooperative Advertising Program.  Members of the Pride of New York Program can receive up to $5,000 on a first-come, first-serve basis to advertise and promote specialty crop food and agricultural products grown or processed in New York State.

“New Yorkers have some of the best products grown or processed right here in their backyard, yet unfortunately many don’t know where to find them,” the Commissioner said.  “I am pleased that the Department was able to secure federal funds for this important program that will help consumers identify local products and help the State’s specialty crop producers build awareness, preference and sales of New York products across the State.  I encourage all Pride of New York members to take advantage of this great opportunity.”

The Pride of New York’s “Buy Local” Cooperative Advertising Grant Program, a pilot project of the Department, provides up to $5,000 to create and develop promotional messages, purchase media time, print space or signage or pursue other promotional activities.  Members can choose from a wide range of advertising and marketing options that best fit their budget and target audience, in multiple media markets.  Cooperative advertising funds will be awarded on a first-come, first serve basis.  The program options include: 

·       Pre-Negotiated and/or Custom-Built Television Ads: Includes professional production of a 23-second TV commercial with a 7-second Pride of New York tag at the end. 

·       Pre-Negotiated and/or Custom-Built Radio Ads: Includes professional production of a 45-second radio spot that ends with a 15-second Pride of New York tag.

·       Print: Pride of New York will cost-share approved print advertisements and placement in a variety of consumer publications.

·       Point of Purchase and Promotional Items:  Pride of New York will cost share approved point of purchase and promotional item such as:  signs, bags, banners, product packaging, brochures, flags and rack cards.

Funding for the Pride of New York “Buy Local” Cooperative Advertising Program is provided through the 2006 and 2007 USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.  The Department is utilizing 2008 USDA Specialty Crop Block Grants to cost-share third party Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) audits and to assist producers with developing farm food safety plans.

The Pride of New York program is the State’s marketing program for food and agricultural products grown or processed in New York State.  The program was created to help consumers identify fresh, high-quality New York State products where they shop.  The Pride of New York also assists farmers and food processors in branding their products by using the Pride of New York emblem, and encourages retailers and restaurants to highlight the New York State products they use and sell by displaying the emblem. To find out more about the Pride of New York Program, call 1-800-554-4501 or visit

For more information on the Pride of New York Cooperative Advertising Program or other promotional opportunities, please contact the Pride of New York Program at 1-800-554-4501 or visit the Department’s website at and click on “Funding Opportunities.”

News roundup: City could tap into stimulus package for $4.5 million

By Philip Anselmo

Batavia's City Council voted in favor of a measure last night that would use $425,000 to "design work for a half dozen" infrastructure projects, WBTA's Dan Fischer reports. That investment of $425,000 is supposed to yield $4.5 million worth of construction, on projects such as: undersized water mains, waterline break history, inoperable valves, sanitary sewer line conditions and road conditions.

Fischer explains that the $425,000 would be part of the aid received by the city from the Video Lottery Terminal Aid that was received earlier this year.

Councilman Frank Ferrando is quoted in the Daily News this morning as saying: "If we can get $4.5 million to get jobs that we have to do and can get it for an investment of $425,000, I think we have to do it,” he said. “There’s going to be a lot of money out there."

No one, however, explains how any of this would work. In fact, rather than explaining it, the article today in the Daily has only this to say:

It is a gamble. Assistant Manager Sally Kuzon said there’s no guarantee of the city actually getting the money from the state Economic Facility Corp. But spending $425,000 to design those six projects is a move toward it, she said.

It's a gamble!? So the city plans to gamble with gambling money. A little irony, perhaps. Furthermore, where did the state Economic Facility Corp. come from? No one is explaining this to us, folks. All we hear is Frank Ferrando saying: 'Hey, we can turn $425,000 into $4.5 million. Poof! We're rich and we have jobs. How can we not do this?'

What everyone has failed to note is that the hoped-for millions that would magically be available if only the city spent this $425,000 are part of the proposed economic stimulus package that just last night was the subject of a national news conference.

From a letter drafted by Assistant City Manager Sally Kuzon:

I have been monitoring the progress of the President's proposed Economic Stimulus Package over the last several weeks in an attempt to place the city in a competitive position to receive funding for infrastructure improvements.

Kuzon goes on to say that while there has been "tremendous debate" over just what will happen with the stimulus, she believes that "infrastructure improvements nationwide will have a prominent position within this initiative." In other words, the city should get it on it. We should submit "shovel ready projects" to the state's Economic Facility Corp., which will adminster the federal funds allocated to New York.

She continues:

Although there is a certain amount of uncertainty as to whether or not the programs will include loans or grants or whether the program will extend to projects not currently listed on the (Intended Use Plan); it is clear that only shovel ready projects submitted to the EFC will be considered for the current or future funding rounds. Based on this premise, I am recommending several projects for Council to consider submitting tothe EFC for economic stimulus funding.

We mentioned some of those projects above. The $425,000 requested by Kuzon would be used to design the projects and submit the designs to the state so that they would be eligible to receive the funding if and when it became available. However...

It is unknown at this time if the design phase or only construction cost will be eligible for reimbursement. If for some reason the city does not receive economic stimulus funding the projects will be designed and ready for construction as funds or grants become available in the future.

In a letter drafted to the City Council on Kuzon's proposal, City Manager Jason Molino writes: "The crux of this stimulus package is to get people back to work receiving pay checks; with $4,500,000 of infrastructure improvements that goal will be acheived."

Nowhere does anyone explain how these infrastructure improvements will acheive the goal of "getting people back to work." Kuzon never once takes up this issue in her letter, and nothing from Council addresses this either. We only hear people tell us: It will happen.

Molino justifies this use of these funds in this way:

Utilizing a portion of this years (sic) VLT aid to support the project design costs is both appropriate and realistic considering the City did not budget for this one-time revenue and these costs are one-time capital costs.

Council President Charlie Mallow can be heard in an audio quote on WBTA as saying that Batavia needs to do this. Otherwise, the jobs will go to New York City. He wrote to us in an e-mail this morning:

The action council took last night was about job creation right here in Genesee County, instead of New York City. Regardless of how we feel about the spending on the national level, we owe it to our residents to secure our share of this huge stimulus package. We are all going to pay for it whether we have enough foresight to act or not on a local level.

We're waiting to hear back on how this will create jobs. See below.

Click here to download the letters by Molino and Kuzon, along with descriptions of the infrastructure projects noted in the proposal.

Councilmen Sam Barone and Bob Bialkowski were the only two members of Council who voted against the measure, saying that the state aid could be used instead to reduce the city's deficit or for "future needs."

Updated (8:28 a.m.): Council President Charlie Mallow responded to our question of how this stimulus money would create jobs.

Any aid we receive needs to be spent on projects that are shovel ready and can break ground in 180 days. That means putting people to work this summer. Local construction workers would be the first ones to work or to keep on working. Then there is the trickle down affect with people who work driving trucks, making concrete, selling building supplies, laying pipe, and even restaurants the workers, etc. We as a local government decided to do what we needed to do so that our people would feel the benefits of these make work projects that will be going on around the country. I believe this depression era type projects will boost our economy up and out of the slump we find ourselves in.
If fully funded, these projects will rebuild parts of 11 streets in the city this year. These projects are for sewer, water, road surface and sidewalks, and most call for complete reconstruction. This work will be on top of the work being done on Walnut, Oak and the $150,000 of sidewalk repair already budgeted this year. There will be a lot of activity going on this summer to rebuild the city from the ground up.

Update (8:35 a.m.): A very timely headline in the Buffalo News this morning reads: New York loses millions in revised Senate stimulus bill. From the article:

Gone entirely is funding for higher education construction, which, under the House-passed version, could have meant up to $242 million for the University at Buffalo.

Similarly, the Senate eliminated funding for school construction. The House bill would have provided $31.9 million for the district of Rep. Brian Higgins, D-Buffalo.

Senators also halved a $79 billion fiscal stabilization fund for the states. While much of the aid to local school districts remains intact, the cuts included a $25 billion fund aimed at helping governors balance their budgets.

Will we see even more funds cut from the stimulus by the time it is passed?

Pontillo brother wants his name cleared of blame for tax problem

By Philip Anselmo

Many of us been have wondering about the fate of the Pontillo's restaurant in Batavia ever since the doors closed in November, followed soon after by the news that the business owes more than $112,000 in back state taxes. Few could argue that they had one of the best lunch buffets around.

Owner Sam Pontillo has been assuring people all along that the restaurant would open up again... soon... even if he had to find some other location in the city to do it. Initially, Sam told the Daily News that the restaurant was closing down for renovations and would re-open in a couple weeks. Of course, that didn't come to pass, and in the latest article in the Daily, he's quoted as saying: "people will be able to get a Pontillo's pizza in Batavia by April 1."

Sam's brother John Pontillo spoke with us by phone this afternoon. John is currently living and working at a country club in Minnesota, where he has been since his unceremonious dismissal from the family business by his two brothers, Sam and Paul, around this time last year.

Most of you will recognize the name John from what you have read in the Daily's coverage. Most recently, for example, Sam spoke of John when he told Joanne Beck that he "had to pay the tab of his brothers' neglect."

"They left an unpaid tab. Once again, I'm footing the bill," he said Thursday.

Those taxes were the responsibility of siblings John and Paul, who ran the Batavia Pontillo's Pizza & Pasta until Sam Pontillo closed it in early November, Sam said. He bought his current Le Roy Pontillo's site in 2007.

In every article in the Daily News, John has been accused by his brother Sam of being responsible for "neglecting" the finances and failing to pay the taxes for the business in Batavia. Sam also told the newspaper that he had no foreknowledge of the unpaid taxes.

That's just not true, John told us today. Sam knew about the tax problems all along, and this wasn't the first time that it happened, he said.

Back in 2006, both restaurants, in LeRoy and Batavia, were cited by the state for owing back taxes in excess of $350,000. At that time, Sam was in charge of all the operations, says John. "He was president of both locations."

Later on in 2006, it was decided that the Batavia and LeRoy locations would be incorporated seperately as Sam's Tomato Pies and LeRoy Dough Boys, respectively. On the articles of incorporation for the LeRoy restaurant, Sam is listed as owner and as president. His brother Paul is listed as secretary. As for the Batavia restaurant, Sam's mother, Elizabeth, is listed as owner, Sam as secretary and Paul as president.

John is nowhere named as an officer of either company. He insists that he was only ever a paid employee like everyone else who worked there. That he was fired so precipitously last February only attests to that.

"They say that it happened on my watch," said John. "I was never an officer of the company. I was just an hourly employee. That's all I ever was."

John could not comment in detail due to the pending litigation between the brothers to determine who will take over the Batavia restaurant. They are also waiting to execute the will of their mother, Elizabeth, which could help decide some of the details of who owns the rights to the name: Pontillo's.

John did say, however, that the brothers need to move fast to come to an agreement, because the mortgage company, which has not been paid since Novemeber, could foreclose on the property by the end of the month.

Proudly serving the community for 134 years and counting

By Timothy Paine

Seaman's Hardware is Genesee County's oldest family owned business. I spent some time yesterday just browsing through the store and reliving my past. I remembered the many times I went with my Dad to the local Hardware store when I was little. I’d wander the isles just looking at all the things on the shelves and wondering what I could build with them. My Dad is a pretty handy guy, he did everything at home himself. He built a house, barns and sheds. He did plumbing, electric, roofing and mason work. I learned a lot from him, mainly that I prefer to write a check when my house needs repair. (I never was as good at it as he was).

I spoke with Jim Seaman about the history of the Hardware store. He said he is fourth or fifth generation. The reason for this is he can’t find any receipts from Charles. He has the paper trail for Ezra, Web, Gail and himself. Since he doesn’t have any paper evidence of Charles and the sales from the wagon he considers it a fourth generation business. What an enormous accomplishment to keep a family business a float for 134 years. Surviving the Great Depression and who knows how many recessions. Keeping a business in the family through two World Wars and numerous other ones. Just being able to operate any business in this State is remarkable. To keep one this long and under the same name is astonishing. While I was there customers came in one after the other. After every sale Jim came from behind the counter and asked every one how could he help them. Every person was given the same personal attention and guidance towards what they needed. As I walked around and looked at every shelf I was amazed about the shear variety of items they had. Everything from power tools to P-traps to canning pots to ping-pong balls. With my son being a new Scout I picked him up a compass and a pocket knife (he starts working on his whittling badge this week). Even though the store may not appear very large, they seemed to have anything you would expect at real Hardware store.  Through the years he has changed thigs only when his customers wanted it. After all, you don't mess with something that works. Over the years he has added outdoor equipment and tool rentals, maybe a few other things. But he has always stayed true to the old time true Hardware store. If you need it, he's probably got it.

I asked Jim what his theory on success is, and what has lead his business to such a long history in our County. He said his key has been, find out what customers want and make sure you always have it. He continued, offer them more than just a product at a reasonable price. Make sure you give them service and stand behind it. While I was there a gentleman came in for a special light bulb that he happened to be out of stock on. Instead of saying “I’m out of them” he said “I’ll have one for you tomorrow”. He’s right. That’s the difference between selling to a community and serving one. I encourage everyone to stop in and see Jim the next time you’re on Route 5 in East Pembroke. It’s a great place and the biggest example of why it’s good to shop local. You’ll never get Jim’s kind of service at a box store.  They're located at 2602 Main St in E. Pembroke. Ph# 762-9211.

     Seaman's Hardware (Est. 1875) is located on Rte 5 in East Pembroke (just west of Batavia) is Genesee County's oldest family owned business. Charles Seaman and his son Ezra were tin smiths who sold their wares out of a wagon. They eventually built a wooden structure and upgraded to the current brick building in 1916. Part of the original wooden structure is still attached.

I received a bunch of e-mails about businesses around the County. I can use a buch more! If you know a business that's been here a long time, let me know and I'll feature them. Send e-mail to:  Thanks!

News roundup: Another downtown restaurant closes its doors

By Philip Anselmo

A third restaurant in 30 days has closed its doors in downtown Batavia. Grugnale's Italian Deli on Jackson Street is shuttered today. A sign on the door states that the deli has closed temporarily while the owners seek out a new location, WBTA's Dan Fischer reports. "The owners there have said they hope to re-open the business," says Fischer.

South Beach on Main Street and Sallome's Deli on Oak Street have also recently closed their doors.

Economic developer optimistic for future businesses in Batavia

By Tasia Boland

Don Burkel, Executive Director of the Batavia Business Improvement District (BID), said there is hope and incentive for future business owners and shoppers downtown. Burkel said some of the incentives currently in the works could include: a coupon book and a shop-and-dine night—during which downtown shoppers can get discounts at local eateries and find sales at local merchants. Businesses may also look to benefit from cooperative advertising with the media.

The BID continues to plan events coming up in March and April and has already confirmed the bands, the Formula and Ghost Riders to perform at Jackson Square this summer.

Empire Tractor

By Vinnie Antinore

NEWS  Syracuse Kubota now part of Empire Tractor

 Empire Tractor is excited to announce today that Syracuse Kubota is part of Empire Tractor. Empire Tractor will continue to sell and service Kubota and other selected equipment from the current Syracuse Kubota location on Erie Boulevard.

Syracuse Kubota was started by Rick and Marybeth Petrell when they purchased Beach Equipment in April of 2004. With the addition of Kubota and Jon Enright as manager, the business expanded tremendously.

Empire Tractor sees the Syracuse location as a strategic fit both geographically and economically.

"We are excited to have Syracuse Kubota join our company" said Tim Call, President of Empire Tractor. "The Petrells have done an exceptional job of growing Kubota sales in the Syracuse region. They have established an experienced staff that offers exceptional customer service much like that of Empire Tractor."

Empire Tractor, established in 2000, operates 5 dealerships in Atlanta, Batavia, Cortland, Cazenovia, and Waterloo New York.  Now Syracuse Kubota is part of the family.

Businesses standing the test of time

By Timothy Paine

        I'm starting a new weekly article. Recently Howard posted an article talking about shopping locally. I spoke with him and Philip at their inaugural party about supporting local businesses but many new-comers or younger people might not know that they're here. I've been in this area my whole life and constantly still learn about businesses that have been in Genesse County for many years. We have so many places that have been here forever but do we know them all? This is where I invite all readers to comment here or e-mail me about local businesses so I can do a "spot-light" on them. I will post on Sunday each week and hopefully learn about who they are, what the do and where they can be found. Please contact me, my e-mail address is I want to start with businesses that have been here for 80 years or more (I want to start with the ones who survived the Great Depression). I will move on to those who have been here from 50-80 years next and so on and.....  I would really like to hear from those that are still in the family, but any business that has been here 80 years or more is wonderful. I will be starting this week with Geer Farm Services in Alexander. Keep a watch for the article and please let me know about any Genesee County businesses that have been here a long time. Let's find as many as we can and support them all. Thanks, Tim Paine

Batavia Man Gives Laundry Business “A Spin”

By Philip Anselmo

From chaZam marketing:

“I’m not quite cleaning up, but I’m not losing my shirt either,” jokes Chad Zambito, the new co-owner and operator of Grammy O’s Laundry located in the Valu Plaza in Batavia.  All joking aside, Zambito admits the Laundromat business is difficult, not very glamorous and nothing like his day job.  

Zambito, currently the VP of Marketing and Community Development for the Genesee County Economic Development Center, purchased the facility in March of 2008 after several conversations with his then fiancée Jennifer.  “I’ve always wanted to own my own business,” said Zambito, “And when the opportunity presented its self, Jen and I jumped on it.”  It turned out to be a big year for the couple; they were also married on October 18th. 

The Zambitos purchased the facility from Jeremy Sabatino, a local small businessman, and have been hard at work ever since.   “I really feel more like a janitor than a business owner,” added Zambito.  “Keeping the place clean is important but a bit tedious”.

Zambito, who also served as a Marketing Manager at Batavia Downs Casino, is drawing on his gaming promotions background to give the business an edge.  He has kicked off a promotion in which customers have a chance to win $100 if they can find the “Golden Quarter” at the facility.  “It’s been a big hit and I knew from my experience at The Downs how popular cash giveaways can be, plus I know its something that would bring me in to do my wash.”

The facility is named after Zambito’s mother whom passed away in 2005.  “My son called her Grammy O and we knew that was the perfect name.  Every time I clean I think; would I be ashamed to let my mother see the place like this?  If the answer is yes, I keep cleaning.”  The logo was created by Mrs. Zambito’s cousin, Batavia graduate Aaron Long of Rochester with help from another cousin, Stephanie Borgal of Batavia, an Oakfield-Alabama grad. 

With the economy taking a down turn, the couple has had to be creative to keep business steady.  They are introducing “Bargain Alley”, an area of washers that cost just $1.50 and dryers that cost $1.25. 

Apparently the entrepunerial spirit that Zambito is exposed to everyday at the GCEDC is rubbing off.  He has also launched a line of T-shirts called Father Mucker’s.  Its a funny play on words with slogans like, “My Father RAN AMUCK for a living”, which is almost true for the Elba native.  Zambito’s grandfather, Paul “Zeke” Zambito, was a muck farmer who produced potatoes and onions as part of “Five Brothers Farms”.  Zambito is donating a portion of the sales to muck land preservation.  Muck land is rich farm land that is produced when wetlands are drained and are prevalent in Genesee and Orleans Counties.  Recent media efforts have highlighted the ongoing erosion of the precious farmland.  Zambito hopes to turn the idea into a restaurant that would highlight the local farming industry.  “First I’ve got to raise the cash and then I have to convince my wife,” Zambito said with a laugh.  “I’m not sure which one will be more difficult.”  Father Mucker’s T-shirts are available on ebay or by contacting Zambito directly.

Genesee County ranks 8th highest in the nation in property tax study

By Philip Anselmo

One of our readers recently pointed us to a study by the Tax Foundation that lists 1,817 counties across the U.S. according to the amount of property tax as a percentage of home value. Genesee County ranks 8th. In other words, 1,811 other counties in this nation pay less of a percentage of teir home value in property taxes.

Now, we've always known that we the people of western New York get shafted as far as taxes go. But it's another thing to see it quantified so starkly. Not only is Genesee County the eighth most taxed county in the country. Counties in New York make up 19 of the top 20 in the list!

Now, folks here may rank only 193rd on that list as far as amount of taxes paid (a median $2,565), but with a median home value of $95,500, that means the taxes paid total up about 2.7 percent of the home value. Wayne County is the same. Orleans County is first on the list with 3 percent. So on and so forth for our region. Just take a look.

We asked our state representatives, Assemblyman Steve Hawley, and newly-elected Senator Mike Ranzehofer, to weigh in on this. Hawley's office got back to us last week by issuing a press release on the topic. We'll include that release, entitled: "Hawley to Legislature: Stop Property Tax Rise Now," here in full.

First, however, let's here from Ranzenhofer, who spoke with us by phone today. Ranzenhofer agreed that the result of the study was not all that much of a surprise.

"Those of us who live here, work here, are well ware of the crushing taxes across the board," he said. "The only thing that's going to revitalize the area is not the suggestion of the governor to increase taxes on everything. We need to cut taxes and cut spending to encourage job growth."

We asked Ranzenhofer what he could do in the Senate to help relieve the tax burden here in Genesee County.

"One thing is my action on the state budget," he said. "It's a little disappointing that there hasn't been more done in Albany to deal with the budget and the budget deficit. We need to very strongly oppose increases in taxes, and even take it one step further and really need (to institute) across-the-board reduction in taxes. That doesn't mean shifting the burden to counties, families and business. It means streamlining every agency and department in state government."

Ranzenhofer spoke of instituting a tax cap and really following through on the threat of a hiring freeze at the state level. "We need to create a new tiered pension system," he added. "These are all things I've talked about. I hope to introduce legislation along those lines this year."

We'll keep an eye on you, Mike.

From the office of Steve Hawley:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C - Batavia) highlighted the recent Tax Foundation report, which announced that Orleans, Niagara, Monroe and Genesee counties all top the nation in highest property taxes as a percentage of median home value, when calling upon the State Legislature to immediately address property tax-saving measures.  The top measure hurting property taxpayers, according to Hawley, is the estimated $6 billion in unfunded mandates pushed onto local governments and, consequently, homeowners.

"Unfortunately, all we are seeing from our state's leaders right now is inaction when it comes to solving this crisis.  As always, Albany is continuing to shift the burden, and shift the blame, for property taxpayers' ever-rising tax burden.  In fact, this proposed state budget will shift nearly $4,000 per individual taxpayer.  For our state's economy to recover, Albany needs to begin taking responsibility for its spending.  We cannot afford this year's record-breaking budget proposal and we certainly cannot afford $4,000 in subsequent tax hikes," said Hawley.

According to the Assemblyman, the solution is multi-fold, which is why he has been a vocal advocate for increasing the economic viability of Western New York in order to help lower property tax costs.  The more businesses paying property taxes, the less these taxes will be burdening homeowners. However, Hawley states, "We must do more to attract business to coming to New York and we must strengthen our commitment to keeping businesses here. We cannot expect businesses to bear the brunt of the property tax burden and still offer quality jobs.  But it is vital to our long-term property tax-relieving solution that we address business growth."

Last year, as the nation was on the brink of an economic recession, Hawley was among tax reformers who asked, "Isn't it about time New York State make some tough budget choices as well?"  The federal government stepped in with their federal stimulus checks and buy-out capital for corporations, but it was still clear that states would need to rein in spending and consider stimulus plans of their own.  However, despite this, the New York State Legislature passed the most expensive budget in state history.

This year's Executive Budget proposal breaks the spending record again, paid for by 137 new and increased taxes.  His budget proposal also eliminates the property tax rebate check and decreases STAR exemptions across the board. At the same time, this budget does not address Medicaid fraud and, moreover, by cutting education aid, it will pass along an inevitable burden to local governments.  Not only will this plan cause local property taxes to rise, but it could also cost the state over half a million jobs.  According to former state chief economist Stephen Kagann, every $100 million in new taxes imposed during a recession leads to a loss of 11,400 private sector jobs. With these tax hikes totally $6 billion, this means the approximate loss of 600,000 jobs.

To balance the State Budget and reduce the state's debt, Hawley has long called for cost saving measures, such as agency and department consolidation, such as merging the Office of Real Property Services into the Department of Taxation and Finance, saving New York State taxpayers $18 million annually.  Another $37 million would be saved by merging the Office of Climate Change into the Office of Atmospheric Research at the State University of Albany.

Hawley also has been on the forefront of tackling government waste by calling for state operating cost cuts and continues to propose cost-saving measures such as limiting the amount of vehicles purchased on taxpayer dollars by 50 percent (not including public safety vehicles such as police, fire and emergency services vehicles) to save another estimated $4 million and $25 million, respectively.  Assemblyman Hawley stated, "The bulk of the cost savings would come from finally targeting Medicaid fraud, abuse and waste.  I have long supported a complete state take-over of Medicaid. Not only would this help ensure the program is run more efficiently, but it would eliminate a multi-billion unfunded mandate currently put on our local governments and taxpayers.  Perhaps, most importantly, by forcing the state to take responsibility for the Medicaid program, it will also help make Albany more accountable and cognizant for its spending overall."

The Tax Foundation used information compiled by the United States Census Bureau from 2005 to 2007 in their report which shows that out of all counties in the nation (with 20,000 or more residents) Orleans County residents pay the highest property taxes as a percentage of their home worth at 3.05 percent.  Niagara County came in second at 2.90 percent, followed by Monroe County ranking fifth and Genesee County ranking eighth at 2.84 and 2.69 percent, respectively.  Every county topping the nation's most highly taxed counties came from New York State (rankings 1-20), with the exception of Fort Bend County in Texas, ranking in eleventh place.  The majority of New York State counties on the list came from Western New York, strengthening Hawley's assertion that economic stimulus and a drastic reduction in spending are vital to lowering property taxes.

Could Batavia learn about downtown development from Rochester?

By Philip Anselmo

Maybe this headline should read: How Batavia can save downtown by doing the opposite of what Rochester does... Allow me to explain. Most of us in the area remember the Fast Ferry flop. For Rochesterians, the very word ferry still stings like a jellyfish whip. In a poor attempt to promote cross-cultural relations between Rochester and Toronto, the city sunk millions into a ferry that would cart folks back and forth from the two cities. We all know where that went—nowhere.

Why? One reason that I'm guessing at, is that you're not going to boost your own city's cultural wealth by sending your residents elsewhere. Keep them here. One good way to do that is to offer low-rent studio space to artists in neighborhoods they can afford to live in. Rochester has done this on North Goodman Street, where the city's cultural center faces Village Gate, a quaint shopping center, and Anderson Alley, an old button factory turned into studio space. Ditto Artisan Works off of Winton Road.

Some of you may be wondering why we should give the artists a break. Look at New York City. Wherever artists flourish, along comes business: initially in the form of good eateries, but soon, small shops begin to pop up, followed by large banks. This, unfortunately, then leads to the phenomenon known as gentrification, when all the rich folks with a penchant for what the hipsters have built, simply move and take it over. Go to Brooklyn sometime if you don't believe me. Of course, artists alone do not create this environment. A lot of the appeal is based on a sort of myth of the authentic urban experience: a city block that looks, smells and feels like a city block should feel. It's got natives, it's eclectic, the people have roots there, and the place has a cultural vibe all its own. Again, this is the myth of the authentic urban experience. But as we know, myths are often rooted in actuality.

Rochester has much of this authenticity in many parts of the city. The idea being bandied about for Renaissance Square was designed—or so I believed—to provide a catalyst to further this sort of authentification downtown, which has unfortunately lost its flavor, its character, and, in many cases, its business. With that in mind, the city thought to build a big theater, a cultural mecca right downtown to draw folks in, rather than push them out. Flanking this theater would be a bus terminal, so people can get to and from the theater, and a satellite campus for Monroe Community College, so people can go there to learn, as well. That was the plan anyway.

From the Democrat & Chronicle:

A decision announced Monday to move ahead with the Renaissance Square project will allow federal funds to be spent on a bus station and a community college campus.

Funding for the third part of the project, a 2,800-seat theater, has not been secured and if the money isn't raised, the theater won't be built, Monroe County Executive Maggie Brooks and Sen. Charles Schumer said during a joint appearance in Rochester.

"The likelihood of federal or state funds being raised for the theater is unlikely for the foreseeable future, certainly for the next few years," Schumer said. "Given the economic situation, it's difficult to raise private funds, so moving forward with the community college and the bus terminal is very important. We don't want to hold things up any longer."

Some of you may be saying: "Big deal. No theater. Who cares." Rochesterians should care. What sort of "Renaissance" with a capital 'R' does Rochester hope to effect with a bus station and a satellite campus? How will these two components bring people downtown? Going ahead without the theater would mean, in my honest opinion, not going ahead at all, but just standing still, which Rochester has proved itself quite capable of doing over the past few decades.

So Batavia, take a lesson. Do not do what Rochester does. This does not mean sink all the tax money into expensive cultural projects. What it means is play up your strengths and appeal to the culture of your population by creating an atmosphere that is hospitable to making and performing the arts. The rest will follow.

Batavia already has the authentic urban experience on the Jackson Street block downtown: good eats at locally-owned restaurants, established shops that appeal to people's curiosity and the mall. Uh, wait a second. Scrap that last one. Literally: scrap that last one. Large-scale programs such as Summer in the City do a great job of attracting people to this part of the city. But it's a one-time, thanks for your patronage kind of event. What about micro-celebrations. How difficult would it be to close up a lane of parking across from Margueritas and the Jackson Street Grill, set up some tents, tables and chairs, and serve a summer evening outside. Maybe book a juggler or something to keep folks entertained. I'm sure there are better ideas out there.

Although technically not downtown, the Harvester Center and the many buildings around it, offers a perfect place to start incubating: businesses, artists, offices and public spaces. Maybe above all else: public spaces. Small courtyards where people can gather, grab a drink, listen to some live music, whatever. Maybe a violinist in the local philharmonic can be persuaded, via a modest monetary encouragement, to practice a few nights out in the open, outside a coffee shop that fronts a courtyard in the now verdant square that once was an indsutrial wastescape.

Whatever you do, Batavia, just don't do what Rochester does. No matter how pretty you paint it, you can't call a bus terminal a renaissance.

"Shop Main St Le Roy" message board on Route 19 is a mystery... No more!

By Philip Anselmo

Well, folks... we're stumped. You see, there's this old highway traffic sign posted up along Route 19 in the town of Le Roy, just outside the village. On it, a flashing message board communicates the message: Shop Main St Leroy in glowing orange letters.

We thought, that's kind of curious. How could an old traffic sign be appropriated to advertise downtown businesses? Seems like a clever idea, and we wanted to find out more about it. Unfortunately, no one seems to know anything about it. We started with a call to the Le Roy village clerk. Sharon Jeary didn't know anything about it. She told us to call Gene Sinclair, the code enforcement officer. Sinclair couldn't tell us anything, either. He knew of the sign, but he hadn't the foggiest where it came from and who put it there. So we called the Le Roy town clerk. Nothing there either. We were told to contact Sinclair again.


Anyhow, in addition to the message: Shop Main St Leroy, the sign also flashed the messages: Vintage and Vogue and Hobby Horse. Now, I don't know what "vintage and vogue" might mean, but I've been to the Hobby Horse, a neat little shop on Main Street in Le Roy that sells everything from alpaca wool socks to antique gewgaws. In fact, The Batavian interviewed the shop's owner, Anne Walters, last summer. You can watch the video of that interview and learn more about the Hobby Horse by checking out that post.

We'll see what we can find out in the meantime.

(Updated 1:00pm): It seems we've solved the mystery of the sign. Anne Walters, over at the Hobby Horse, told us that the sign is owned by a fellow in Le Roy whose sister-in-law is an antiques dealer who rents space at the Hobby Horse and... you guessed it, Vintage and Vogue, also a shop on Main Street in Le Roy. He likely bought the sign at a state auction and thought it might be a good way to advertise downtown business.

Advertising during tough times pays big dividends

By Howard B. Owens

In tough economic times, business owners naturally start looking for ways to cut expenses.

Because marketing budgets often seem so flexible, many owners are tempted to think cutting back on advertising is an easy choice.

But study after study shows, businesses that maintain or even increase their advertising budgets during economic downturns thrive while their penny-pinching competitors suffer.

David Chase, one of the leading thinkers in online advertising, posted an educational piece recently on how businesses that increased marketing during the Great Depression overtook their competitors in market share.

Because so many companies cut spending during the Great Depression era, advertising budgets were largely eliminated in many industries. Not only did spending decline, but some companies actually dropped out of public sight because of short-sighted decisions made about spending money to keep a high profile. Advertising cutbacks caused many customers to feel abandoned. They associated the brands that cut back on advertising with a lack of staying power. This not only drove customers to more aggressive competitors, but it also caused financial mistrust when it came to making additional investments in the no-longer-visible companies.

Both anecdotal and empirical evidence support the case that advertising was the main factor in the growth or downfall of companies during the Great Depression. To put it bluntly, the companies that demonstrated the most growth and that rang up the most sales were those that advertised heavily.

Among the examples Chase cites, Chevy overtaking Ford, Camel Cigarettes regaining top brand position and Proctor and Gamble coming out of the Depression as strong as ever.

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