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Advertising during tough times pays big dividends

By Howard B. Owens

In tough economic times, business owners naturally start looking for ways to cut expenses.

Because marketing budgets often seem so flexible, many owners are tempted to think cutting back on advertising is an easy choice.

But study after study shows, businesses that maintain or even increase their advertising budgets during economic downturns thrive while their penny-pinching competitors suffer.

David Chase, one of the leading thinkers in online advertising, posted an educational piece recently on how businesses that increased marketing during the Great Depression overtook their competitors in market share.

Because so many companies cut spending during the Great Depression era, advertising budgets were largely eliminated in many industries. Not only did spending decline, but some companies actually dropped out of public sight because of short-sighted decisions made about spending money to keep a high profile. Advertising cutbacks caused many customers to feel abandoned. They associated the brands that cut back on advertising with a lack of staying power. This not only drove customers to more aggressive competitors, but it also caused financial mistrust when it came to making additional investments in the no-longer-visible companies.

Both anecdotal and empirical evidence support the case that advertising was the main factor in the growth or downfall of companies during the Great Depression. To put it bluntly, the companies that demonstrated the most growth and that rang up the most sales were those that advertised heavily.

Among the examples Chase cites, Chevy overtaking Ford, Camel Cigarettes regaining top brand position and Proctor and Gamble coming out of the Depression as strong as ever.

Chamber of Commerce announces 2008 Chamber Award winners

By Philip Anselmo

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce has announced its 2008 Chamber Awards winners. Awards honor individuals and businesses in Genesee County that have shown a commitment to community.

This year's recipients are:

Business of the Year

Roxy’s Music Store
Rose Caccamise
228 West Main Street
Batavia, NY  14020 

Special Service Recognition: Agriculture

Tom Rivers
c/o The Daily News
2 Apollo Drive
Batavia, NY  14020

Special Service Recognition: Business

The Mancuso Family
C/O Rick & Ben Mancuso
216 Main Street
Batavia, NY  14020

Geneseean of the Year

Betty Lapp
9464 Creek Road
Batavia, NY  14020

From the Chamber:

The Genesee County Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 37th Annual Awards Dinner which will be held on Saturday, March 7, 2009 at the Batavia Holiday Inn. This is the County’s premier event that honors businesses and individuals for their achievements in business, community service and volunteerism. Ticket prices are $55.00 per person or a table of 10 for $500.00. 
Come enjoy an evening of Awards, Fun, Friends & Food. This year’s theme is GROW-4U, Genesee Region Organizations Working For You.
If you are interested in Sponsorship Opportunities you can select from the below or contact Kelly J. Bermingham, Director of Membership & Special Events, to create a package specifically tailored to your requirements/needs. Call 585-343-7440, ext. 26 or email

BEST Center welcomes Campanella as new small business advisor

By Philip Anselmo

From Genesee Community College:

The BEST Center at Genesee Community College is pleased to welcome Salvatore (Sam) Campanella as a new Small Business Development Center (SBDC) advisor. Funded, in part, by the Small Business Administration, the SBDC delivers counseling, training, and industry-specific research to small business entrepreneurs. The BEST Center has hired Campanella to advise potentially new and current small business owners in Genesee, Livingston, Orleans, and Wyoming counties.

"Mr. Campanella brings over 20 years experience in all phases of management in manufacturing, industrial and retail organizations," Jerry Kozlowski, dean of The BEST Center said. "He has a proven ability to research and implement new methods and procedures to achieve cost savings and improve cash flow. He also previously advised small businesses through his work with the Henrietta Chamber of Commerce."

Campanella is currently the owner of Notary On Demand in Rochester, NY, a company that specializes in providing loan closing services for banks and title companies, individual notary services, identification verifications and field service audits and inspections. He previously had been a co-owner and the vice president of Genesee Financial Corporation, a financial organization that provided alternative funding to small and medium sized companies to improve their cash flow through accounts receivable funding. In addition, he has owned several retail businesses in the Rochester area.

Campanella brings a unique blend of skills that span from industrial and retail management to real estate sales. He is a New York State licensed real estate salesperson and is presently a real estate investor. He is affiliated with the NAR (National Association of Realtors), the NYSAR (New York State Association of Realtors) and the GRAR (Greater Rochester Association of Realtors).

"The current economic climate is really an ideal time for people who are struggling with layoffs and plant closings to develop creative ideas for new business ventures," said Campanella. "I'm excited to start advising those people who have dreams and want to put them into action."

In addition to his professional work, Campanella is the Treasurer of The Caltanissetta Society of Rochester, an organization that provides charitable contributions to families in need of medical funding assistance for an ill child. He is also a member of the Italian-American Sports Club of Rochester, the Italian-American Business Network, and the Greece Chamber of Commerce.

Currently residing in Gates, NY, Campanella holds a bachelor of business administration degree in finance and marketing from Saint John Fisher College. He is married to his wife Stella and they have six children. In his spare time, he enjoys golf, bowling and spending time with his family.

He is looking forward to his new role as a BEST Center advisor and hopes to help individuals understand what is required to start and own a small business.

For more information about the BEST Center, to register for one of the upcoming workshops, or to make an appointment with a counselor, call (585) 345-6868.

Poll: Downtown Batavia celebrations: Fund 'em or scrap 'em

By Philip Anselmo

Yesterday, we ran a post about the push by some members of Batavia's City Council to cut down on the funding for downtown celebrations, such as Summer in the City and Christmas in the City. Councilman Bob Bialkowski explained that they only wanted to limit the amount of funding available to cut down on overtime costs, but that they would not eliminate the celebrations altogether. Bialkowski justifies the push for cuts as a measure to minimize the city's property tax rate. Opponents of the cuts, however, argue that any cut in funding would shift too much of a cost burden onto the Batavia Business Improvement District, sponsors of the events.

What do you think?

Should the city cut funding for downtown events?
( surveys)

Downtown events could land on the budget chopping block—or not...

By Philip Anselmo

Earlier this morning, one of our readers, John Roach, left the following comment:

It’s a shame that after all the hard work by BID, the 5 Republicans on City Council have submitted a budget proposal that will take enough money away from city celebrations and events that it might kill the Summer/Christmas in the City.

That caught our attention, and we set out to find exactly what the City Council had planned for budget cuts that might affect future events downtown. We asked for comment from Council President Charlie Mallow and Don Burkel, director of the downtown Business Improvement District. Burkel has not yet commented. Burkel responded via e-mail at noon today:

"There should be no budget cuts for Christmas in the City, Summer in the City or any other BID activities, as this would definitely have a negative impact on the downtown businesses.  In this time of economic hardship the merchants need these events to generate activity to attract shoppers and visitors to the Batavia Business Improvement District."

Mallow responded in an e-mail:

"I was sent a proposed amendment to lower the city's contribution from a few of the council members. Council will be talking about this proposed amendment as well as the rest that were submitted on Saturday.

"From my point of view a consensus was come to on the amount of this line item in the last budget. I do not support the cut, I think its unfair and hurts the businesses downtown and I think doing anything to jeopardize either event would lower our quality of life in the city.

"The members that proposed the amendment alluded to the idea that they had a majority in favor of the cut. I find that hard to believe."

While we were waiting to hear back from Mallow and Burkel, we also spoke with a few other members of Council: Rose Mary Christian, Kathy Briggs and Bob Bialkowski.

Bialkowski, who expressed an overall optimism about the budget process this year, said: "We're not eliminating any downtown events." Instead, he said, several members of Council were looking at ways to reduce overtime costs—especially those related to the management of downtown events—to help reduce the property tax burden. While this would not "eliminate" downtown events, it would reduce the funding available for them.

According to the budget proposal prepared by the office of the city manager, actual overtime costs so far paid out in the current budget season total more than $530,000, as listed in the budget's general fund. That total does not include such special funds as water and sewer, ambulance—in which overtime costs exceed $300,000—and the mall, which for some reason is maintained as a separate fund.

Nevertheless, most of those overtime expenses fall within the budgeted amounts. In fact, both fire and police overtime costs were under. For some reason, the communications department totaled more than four times what was budgeted. To date, that department has accrued $28,612 in overtime costs, while a mere $7,000 was budgeted.

What's most apt here, however, is the overtime cost for "community celebrations," which has totaled $4,997 so far. Those are the costs that Bialkowski has called into question. He says that if the city could get more use out of volunteers for the downtown celebrations and shift the schedule for assistance from public works employees from the weekend to Friday and Monday, the cost would drop from, say, $1,000 to $500, since overtime costs would be avoided.

"I'm a big believer for volunteering for events," he said. "We're just trying to keep any property tax minimal. We're looking at all costs, trying to keep it down as low as possible."

Cutting back on overtime costs are just one way he would hope to get expenses down for the next budget season. He has proposed a list of amendments, he says, that would reduce about $70,000 in "miscellaneous items" and by sharing services and getting more time out of certain city vehicles.

Christian and Briggs said that the cuts proposed by Bialkowski and others would, in fact, cut the funding for downtown events and shift the cost burden onto the BID, which would not be able to manage, and so be forced to eliminate the events.

"Some council members have recommended cuts in this area," said Briggs in an e-mail. "One suggestion was cutting it from $3,000 to $2,000. Nothing is definite yet. In my opinion the events shouldn't be scrapped. I'm not going to support this cut. We can't expect the Business Improvement District to pick up all of the cost, and we have to have some celebrations, right!"

Christian is of the same mind. She says that she is "not one of them," referring to some other members on Council who are trying to cut the funding for downtown events. Instead of those cuts, she said that she asked for City Manager Jason Molino to see if he can cut 1 to 1 1/2 percent from elsewhere in the budget. She hopes to get an answer on where and how that might be pulled off at the session Saturday.

"We'll see if Jason can find cuts in certain areas," she said. "The budget is astronomical. It's $24 million. We have to be realistic. The economy is a disaster. The stock market is a disaster. Even the president has said, it's not up to government, it's up to us. It's up to the people to make a change."

Batavia's business incubator celebrates 50th Anniversary

By Philip Anselmo

From the Harvester Center:

The world’s first business incubator, The Batavia Industrial Center (BIC), is planning a year long celebration of 50 years of business development and job creation.

The businesses at BIC today employ more than 300 people in buildings that sprawl across 25 acres in the center of Batavia and were built over 100 years ago.  The companies that have “graduated” from the incubator employ thousands more and occupy properties worth millions of dollars in the region and across the country.  Events, new programs and announcements are being planned to recognize the success of the BIC, its entrepreneurs and the industry it spawned to help people around the world.  It is estimated that there are 5,000 incubators across Asia, North America, Europe and Latin America.  Jiang Zemin, the former President of China, hails business incubation as: “The most important creation of sci-tech industrialization in the 20th century.”

Business incubators are buildings that improve the survival and success of start-up and small businesses by providing rental space, shared equipment, support services and management guidance.  This concept was pioneered by Joseph L. Mancuso in 1959 as a solution to extremely high unemployment and the re-use of a large obsolete industrial building in the small city of Batavia, NY.  The organization responsible for business incubation in China erected a bronze bust of Mr. Mancuso at their incubator in Anshan China acclaiming him as the “founder of the incubator movement”.  January 19, is the late Mr. Mancuso’s birthday.

The Mancuso Business Development Group, led by B. Thomas Mancuso, SIOR, provides leadership to develop and operate incubators or small business centers that help people succeed.  They currently manage almost 3 million square feet of small business focused properties across Upstate New York.

For more information, please call B. Thomas Mancuso at 585.343.280 x 14 or email:

Batavia has significant assets to spur an economic renaissance

By Howard B. Owens

Is Batavia well positioned for an economic renaissance? Reading a post on the rural-themed blog the Daily Yonder this morning, I'm thinking the question might very well be yes.

Big rural towns may have even better luck than large cities when it comes to attracting and keeping manufacturing jobs. (It seems the formula for success includes being a home to higher education situated at the crossroads of major highways.) Big towns usually boast health care facilities located inside the city limits, or at least nearby. Having an industrial park within an economic enterprise zone doesn’t hurt either.

Here's are what I see of Batavia's assets:

  • The Harvester/Masse complex, which is ripe for redevelopment.
  • Proximity to key transportation routes, though the Thruway's never ending cycle of toll increases is a problem
  • Train routes already in place
  • The city is well positioned in relation to major water ways, access to the East Coast and the northern Mid-West.
  • Plenty of water.
  • Plenty of electricity, and the ability to generate more
  • Good health care facilities in place
  • Good schools (though no major university)
  • Good, stable workforce
  • Plenty of recreational opportunities for families; interesting, historic locale with easy access to vacation and entertainment spots

The article goes on:

Where big towns fall short is population; they need to draw labor from rather broad areas of the surrounding countryside, perhaps as many as four or five counties large.

Batavia is certainly surrounded by rural counties with additional workers, but the close proximity of Buffalo and Rochester may also be an asset.  The idea of people commuting from those cities to work in Batavia might drive up transportation costs, but Batavia is close enough that it might not be a stretch to imagine people relocating to Genesee County. They would still be close to their friends and families in Rochester or Buffalo, but living in a great community. 

On the other hand, I imagine many people now living in Genesee County and commuting now to Rochester and Buffalo might welcome new job opportunities right in the middle of Batavia.

The biggest negatives facing Batavia, however, remain high taxes and a state government overzealous about regulation and red tape.

Still, with the proper planning and the right effort correctly applied, there's no reason that Batavia can't realize some significant economic growth over the next 10 years.

Shopping locally keeps dollars local and creates jobs

By Howard B. Owens

A new study shows that consumers who shift even just 10 percent of their spending from chain stores to locally owned stores help grow the local economy and creates jobs.

Local Works: Examining the Impact of Local Business on the West Michigan Economy, which was conducted by Civic Economics, found that, if the 600,000 residents of Grand Rapids and surrounding Kent County were to redirect just 10 percent of their total spending from chains to local businesses, it would create nearly $140 million in new economic activity for the region and 1,600 new jobs.


In addition to analyzing the economic impact of independent businesses overall, the study also took a close look at four sectors: pharmacies, grocery stores, restaurants, and banks. In each category, the study found that a much larger share of the dollars spent at locally owned businesses stayed in the region, supporting other businesses and jobs.

One of the philosophical underpinnings of what we want to do with The Batavian is to support the community.  We do that by covering more local news, by providing a virtual town square for discussions of local issues, and by doing all we can to support local businesses.  We offer, for example, the ability for local businesses to post their own press releases on the site for free. We also concentrate our ad sales efforts on local businesses.

It's important to remember that the buying decisions you make effect your friends and neighbors.

News roundup: Batavia's Graham Corp. lays off 14 employees

By Philip Anselmo

Dan Fischer reports on WBTA this morning that Batavia manufacturer Graham Corp. let go 14 full-time employees yesterday. Most of those who received the pink slips were in the engineering department, Fischer says. A brief statement that was issued to the radio station did not give any reason for the layoffs, which were figured at about 5 percent of the total workforce.

We left a message at Graham Corp. to find out more. We will be sure to post any more information as it becomes available.

Poll: Looking for a good cup of joe...

By Philip Anselmo

All the lights are extinguished. All the percolators are turned off, the swizzle sticks packed away and the steamers have all run out of steam. It's official... the end of an era.

Main Street Coffee is closed.

We would like to wish former proprietor Rob Credi the best of luck in his future endeavors. Credi took us in when we were still crawling, just learning how to walk, back in May. Main Street Coffee was the home base for The Batavian for several months before we procured an office of our own. We were always treated like family there. And we'll always consider it our home away from home. We hope that right now Credi is still sleeping, for once not having to get up before dawn to help us start our day with a fresh cup of coffee and a hot bagel sandwich.

All that being said, what do we do now? Where do we go now for a good cup of coffee served with class and culture and often—especially in the case of Credi—a touch of comedy? Let's take it to the polls... I'll tell you all right now that I'm voting for Hot Shots. I've always been and plan to remain a staunch supporter of locally-owned and operated cafés. So that's me. How about you? 

Who's got the best cup of coffee in Batavia?
( surveys)

Shopping with local merchants improves the local economy

By Howard B. Owens

Many people love those big box, big chain stores. Often, they have a better selection of items then smaller, locally owned stores, not to mention the potential of better prices.

But is going to Wal-Mart, Target or Home Depot first, instead of one of the many local merchants that might carry the same wares the best choice for your community or yourself?

USAToday carried an interesting piece this past week on the virtues of shopping local.

There are good reasons for buying local. It reduces the need for shipping, which reduces pollution, and it supports the local community. "A study we did found that for every $100 spent in a chain store, $14 went back into the local economy. For a locally owned business, it was $45," says Stacy Mitchell, author of "Big-Box Swindle" and researcher with the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. "Locally owned businesses buy a lot of services from other local businesses. So by buying from one local business, you're not only supporting that business, you're supporting other local businesses."

The author offers examples of how she shops local. Of course, not all of those options are available in Batavia.  At times, unfortunately, the big box stores seem unavoidable.  But what are you doing to make a better effort to support your local economy?

(via Rochester Turning)

Video: Businesses weather the storms that battered Genesee County

By Philip Anselmo

We stopped by a few businesses in Batavia earlier today to see how they've been holding up amidst the brutal storms over the weekend and today. Whiteouts and incessant snow may have deterred a few shoppers, but for the most part, business has found its way here. That's especially the case at Stan's Harley Davidson, where the three employees who were able to make it in to work today—several were called and told they didn't have to come in—could barely keep up with the swell of shoppers cycling through. We would love to hear from other businesses around town. How did you fare?

its a dirty job but somones's glad to do it!

By Dan Kemp

BATAVIA — Dan Kemp loves dirty cars.(By Joanne beck)
That's true only because he doesn't plan to keep them that way for long.
Kemp is co-owner of Center of Attention Auto Spa, which opened Oct. 1 with its mobile service and will have a grand opening Nov. 1 for the site at 8314 Park Rd.
"Someone will call and say 'my car is really bad.' I love those cars," Kemp said Tuesday at the spa. "I love satisfying customers. I like it when someone brings me a real mess. When they leave they'll know they got what they paid for. We're not going to let a customer leave here unhappy."
Kemp, 31, talks about car maintenance the way some estheticians talk about skin. It's about proper care and upkeep, which includes products ("a trade secret") that will keep one's prized possession in good condition, he said. The only difference between a beauty salon and the auto spa is the object getting groomed.
"The way the economy is, you're going to want to take care of what you have," he said. "Just having it properly cleaned and maintained is going to make it better."
And he's not just talking cosmetic improvements. The certified auto recondition expert intends to mend superficial scratches, remove oxidation and fall-out (road salt, pollution, grime, iron particles from the air), protect the vehicle from the sun and bad weather with a "professional grade" wax or paint sealant, thoroughly clean the vehicle inside and out and polish it to a "showroom shine." The amount of work depends on the package, which runs from a three-month protection Gold up to a 12-month protection Diamond.
The spa, which has gotten fresh coats of paint in bright red and black signature colors, also offers more regular maintenance services. Those include the Bronze or Silver car wash; and more detailed work, including headlight restoration, leather cleaning and conditioning, engine cleaning, stain removal and upholstery protection.
For anyone questioning why headlights should be restored, Kemp is quick to explain. The spa will take "your yellowed, scratched or pitted headlight lens" through a restoration process to bring it back to new. The process gives greater night visibility and a better appearance to the vehicle overall, he said.
He disagreed with being labeled a good salesman, since his goal isn't just to sell. Instead, Kemp wants to educate people about what he can do for an auto or motorcycle. That means explaining the services and how they'll affect and improve one's vehicle, he said.
A city native and 1996 graduate of Batavia High School, Kemp has thought of opening his own business for awhile. He worked for area auto detailers for five years before deciding he wanted to hone his skills. He attended a reconditioning school in California, where he received a California State Education Department certification, he said.
He knows what he wants to offer customers: A neat and professional staff, comfortable atmosphere and high-quality work. That won't change if customers choose the mobile service, he said. Even the price stays the same as long as the customer is in Genesee County.
"Every service we do in-house we can do mobile, at any location," he said. "We do our own water reclamation and use our own water and power."
Kemp chose to go to school in California because of its high environmental standards, he said. He learned the importance of not letting soapy water go into a sewer system. That's why Kemp will "reclaim" all of the water used at a person's home or business. He uses a reclamation mat to put underneath the vehicle, and a pump sucks up all of the used water and sends it to a container in the mobile unit. He spent considerable time and an undisclosed amount of money on the unit, which includes a pressure washer, water tank, generator, microfiber towels, cleaning tools and a white tent to put up over a vehicle to protect the wax or sealant from the sun.
No matter if it's at Kemp's place or yours, he guarantees a job well done.
"We make sure, with every protection package, that we get every nook and cranny," he said. "The best advertising is word of mouth. If we don't do a good job, our doors won't stay open for long. We just want the public to know we're here for them and we're very affordable. We want to offer something that has been 100 percent accomplished, and that's customer service."
Kemp has two daughters, Teiona, 12, and 8-year-old Alyssa. He owns the business with his wife Christina, and they plan to hire more staff as the business grows.
There will be daily specials and hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays. Special appointments can be made upon request.
For more information, call 409-9130.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Joanne Beck
Staff Writer
Batavia Daily News
2 Apollo Drive
Batavia, NY 14020

(585) 343-8000 Ext. 2135
Fax: (585) 343-2623

Businesses: Post your news on The Batavian

By Howard B. Owens

We've added a "Business" section to The Batavian.

We will continue to cover business news as we can, but we want local business owners and managers to know that they are welcome to post their own business on The Batavian.

What is allowed: Anything that qualifies as news -- information that will be interesting to readers.

What is NOT allowed: Pure advertising/marketing messages, such as "20 percent off sale" or "we have the best store in town."

Examples of "press releases" you might want to post:

  • New business opening
  • Relocation
  • A new manager or key employee
  • Retirement
  • Grand Re-Opening event
  • Anniversary (good chance to write about the history of the business)
  • Advice to readers related to the business specialty.
  • New product or service (but this needs to be informational, not promotional)

Please be careful not to republish verbatim material for other publications, which would constitute a copyright violation.

The Batavian reserves the right to remove any content editors determine doesn't meet our guidelines. We may also promote your post to our home page, but make no promise to put any particular post on the home page.

We are eager to get news from any business in Genesee County.

To learn how to post your own news, check out our tutorials on our Help Page.

If you are interesting in advertising, contact Howard Owens, (howard (at) the batavian (one word) dot com, or 585-260-6970).

Red Wings operating crew not sure about staying in Batavia after $250k loss

By Philip Anselmo

Rochester's Democrat & Chronicle reports this morning that the Red Wings operations crew, Rochester Community Baseball, lost more than $250,000 on the Muckdogs in 2008 "in an effort to save professional baseball in Batavia." Because of that loss, not even a $150,000 profit pulled in by the Red Wings was enough to keep the company from losing nearly $95,000 for the year.

Naomi Silver, chief operating officer of RCB, spoke with Bob Matthews:

"Considering the poor economy, we're pretty happy with our overall financial statement. But Batavia was a tough nut. We won't stay in Batavia indefinitely if the operation continues to lose money."

Red Wings group outings and advertising set all-time record highs, according to Matthews. Not so rosy in Batavia.

"We expected to lose some money in Batavia due to startup costs at Dwyer Stadium, but attendance was disappointing," Silver said. "We're going to run the Muckdogs again next year, and this time we'll have a full offseason to sell tickets and advertising.

Attendance for the 2008 Muckdogs was 45,398, including the playoffs. That was up slightly over 2007. The Muckdogs won the NY-P league championship for the first time since 1963.

"Although the Batavia operation was unprofitable in 2008, we recognize that it was a transition year — and a losing year," RCB president Gary Larder said. "We are optimistic about an improved financial outcome in 2009."

Silver stressed that the company wants to keep the team in Batavia, "ideally" for 20 years, but she was careful to note that "we're taking our committment one year at a time."

Please check out the complete article by Bob Matthews.

News Roundup: School Board meets

By Philip Anselmo

Batavia's City Board of Education will meet tonight at 7:00pm at the administration building on Washington Avenue, according to WBTA's Dan Fischer. You can download the meeting agenda via the city schools' Web site. Board members are expected to go into an executive session regarding an employment matter.

In other news, Fischer reports that Tops Markets will add as many as ten new stores throughout the region, including several that are planned for Buffalo and Rochester. The supermarket chain will also invest some $150 million in renovations to its existing stores.

Mill Street home of the Genesee County EDC sold, back on tax roll

By Howard B. Owens

Roger Muehlig reports that the Genesee County Economic Development Center is selling its Mill Street headquarters and will lease back its office space from new owners.

The move paves the way for the property to move back onto the tax roles.

The  price: $675,000. The buyer: Harris Mill Street Properties.

A mortgage tax and sliding scale property tax exemptions package approved by GCEDC directors for the sale totals about $187,745. The largest part of that is an estimated $180,995 in property taxes on a sliding scale over a 10-year period.

The agency is considering relocation within the next three years to one of its other project locations.

Muehlig says that more than 35 new companies have been launched from the business incubator the GCEDC runs from the location.

The agency is working on at least three major development project in Genesee County.

Full house at WBTA for Chamber Christmas party

By Howard B. Owens

Dan and Debbie Fischer sure know how to throw a party.

There was plenty of food and laughs tonight at 113 E. Main St., in the studio of Batavia's WBTA.

The radio station hosted the Chamber's monthly mixer and made sure all guests were quite entertained.

Below, Dan received a certificate of recognition from the Chamber for hosting the event.

There's no reason WNY can grow its economy again

By Howard B. Owens

Buffalo Pundit links to a story about the economic hard times in Detroit and draws a comparison with Western New York.

From the story:

When a state lives with a story line of decline for so long, it doesn’t just affect the mood. It becomes part of the culture. Whereas America’s history has been one of expanding horizons, yours has become funnel-shaped. Much like the postbellum South, Rust Belt culture looks backward at an idealized past–a nostalgia not for plantations but for three-bedroom houses paid up on blue collar salaries. (See pictures of the remains of Detroit.)

“It used to be you could get a job at one of those factories, even without an education, and make a decent living to support your family,” says letter carrier Dina Schueller, 33, of Saranac. Now her husband has been laid off from his construction job, and her brother moved to Maryland for work. Like many left-behind Michiganders, she’ll be seeing fewer family members this season.

We've had discussions about the future of Western New York before, and I know some people are skeptical that the local economy can ever grow again, but when you look at efforts to bring new manufacturing businesses to Batavia and Alabama, for example, then it's hard not to be hopeful that renewed growth is a real possibility.

WNY has a lot going for it, such as natural resources, open spaces, an available work force, affordable housing.  There's no reason there can't be a renaissance of sorts.

Philip visited the Genesee County Economic Development Council today and is working on a post now about some of the things GCEDC is doing to help expand business opportunities in the county.

Graham Corp. courting investors

By Philip Anselmo

Sean Dobbin, with Rochester's Democrat & Chronicle, spent some time out at Graham Corp. recently. He put together a fine piece on the Batavia manufacturer.

Following a recent drop in the company's stock price, Graham Corp. executives set up a guided tour of the facilities Wednesday for six potential investors.

From that article:

(Chief Executive Officer Jim) Lines told the group, which was a mix of financial advisory executives and private investors, that the company didn't adequately prepare for the economic downturn, citing improper staffing as the reason for some of Graham's struggles. But the company is in the midst of overhauling its in-house processes in hopes of emerging from the recession stronger.

Dobbin picked up on a sense of optimism among the investors.

Investors seemed impressed with Graham's presentation, which included lunch and a question-answer session with the executives. Some saw Graham's stock as a potential bargain. "It was probably too high at $54, but then it got all the way down to $6.85, and now it sounds like it's too cheap," said Gary Lindsley, a private investor from Clyde, Ohio.

The article also includes a couple of good photographs.

Authentically Local