Kimberly Argenta and friends were out Saturday morning spreading a little kindness with a project she created that involves people painting rocks and spreading them around the community.
Photos by Diane Cox.

Kimberly Argenta and friends were out Saturday morning spreading a little kindness with a project she created that involves people painting rocks and spreading them around the community.
Photos by Diane Cox.
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On Sunday morning, as my
On Sunday morning, as my friend and I chatted outside St. Mary's Church, we found a "kindness rock" waiting to be discovered by us. "Hi Beautiul" was the message and it certainly made us smile. We left the rock for all those who woul pass by. Thanks, Kim, for promoting this project.
In a world that can seem so
In a world that can seem so petty and mean and angry and catastrophic and devoid of small kindnesses, this project rocks.