Here are the results currently available from school districts in Genesee County for their 2023 school budget, propositions, and board elections. This post will be updated with additional results as they become available.
Alexander Central School District
PROPOSITION #1 - BASIC BUDGET Shall the Board of Education of the Alexander Central School District be authorized to expend the sum set forth in the budget for 2023-2024 in the total amount of $20,847,885, and to assess and levy upon the taxable property of the District the necessary tax therefore?
Yes 173 No 57
PROPOSITION #2 – BUS PURCHASES - Resolved that the Board of Education of the Alexander Central School District is hereby authorized to acquire (2) 64-passenger school buses and (1) small school bus, at an estimated maximum aggregate cost of $376,125, and such to be funded from the Bus Reserve, as permitted by law.
Yes 174 No 57
PROPOSITION #3 - EQUIPMENT CAPITAL RESERVE FUND - Resolved, that the Board of Education of the Alexander Central School District is hereby authorized to expend $140,619 from the existing 2018 & 2021 Equipment Capital Reserve Fund for the acquisition of (2) two wide view printers with estimated cost of $8,900, (1) Ventrac Mower with an estimated cost of $63,800, and (1) plow dump truck with plow with an estimated cost of $67,919 as permitted by law.
Yes 184 No 46
Resolved that the Board of Education of the Alexander Central School District is hereby authorized to establish a Capital Reserve Fund pursuant to section 3651 of the Education Law (to be known as the “2023 Capital Reserve Fund”), with the purpose of such fund being to finance construction, reconstruction, improvement and equipping of school buildings and facilities; such capital costs being of a type that would be eligible for financing under the local finance law, and costs incidental thereto, the ultimate amount of such fund to be $975,000, plus earnings thereon, the probable term of such fund to be ten (10) years, but such fund shall continue in existence until liquidated in accordance with the Education Law or until the funds are exhausted, and the sources from which the funds shall be obtained for such Reserve, with an initial minimum deposit of $50,000 from current fund balance at year end.
Yes 178 No 51
PROPOSITION #5 - SCHOOL BUS RESERVE FUND - Resolved that the Board of Education of the Alexander Central School District is hereby authorized to establish a School Bus Reserve Fund pursuant to section 3651 of the Education law (to be known as the “2023 School Bus Reserve Fund”), with the purpose of such fund being to finance the purchase of school buses, vehicles and equipment that would be eligible for financing under the local finance law, and costs incidental thereto, the ultimate amount of such fund to be $500,000, plus earning thereon, the probable term of such fund to be ten (10) years, but such fund shall continue in existence until liquidated in accordance with the Education Law or until the funds are exhausted, and the sources from which the funds shall be obtained for such Reserve with an initial minimum deposit of $50,000, and (ii) amounts from budgetary appropriations from time to time, and (iii) unappropriated fund balance made available by the Board of Education from time to time, and (iv) New York State Aid received and made available by the Board of Education from time to time, all as permitted by law.
Yes 173 No 56
- Jadriene Balduf 68
- Natalie Loranty 61
- Sara Fernaays 97 - Winner
Write-in Candidate:
- David Newton – 1
- Don Smith - 1
Batavia City School District
- Budget Yes – 263 No – 65
- #2 Student Ex-Officio Yes – 293 No – 37
- #3 Establish Capital Improvements Reserve Fund, 2023 Yes – 260 No – 66
Board Member Election
Two (2) Positions (7/1/23-6/30/26) to be filled as follows:
- Alice Ann Benedict - Votes 290
- Barbara Bowman - Votes 277
Byron-Bergen Central School District
- Proposition 1, school budget: YES 380 NO 108
- Proposition 2, school bus purchase: YES 386 NO 105
- Proposition 3, capital reserve fund: YES 372 NO 116
- Proposition 4, Technology equipment reserve: YES 368 NO 121
School board election:
- Lisa Forsyth, 331
- Amy Phillips, 270
- Lynn Smith, 283
- Cindy Matthews, 300
Elba Central School District
- Proposition #1 – Authorize the Board of Education of the Elba Central School District No. 1, Towns of Elba, Byron, Stafford, Batavia and Oakfield, County of Genesee, State of New York to expend $11,708,369 as set forth in the proposed 2023-24 budget and further authorize the necessary tax levy to support this budget: Yes – 110 No – 11
- Proposition #2 – Authorize the Board of Education of the Elba Central School District to request additional state aid for energy savings contract improvements under an energy performance contract separately authorized by the board of education; which energy savings contract requires additional voter approval to be eligible for additional enhanced state building aid: Yes – 114 No – 6
- Proposition #3 – Authorize the Board of Education of the Elba Central School District to purchase one (1) 65 passenger school bus, at an estimated aggregate cost not to exceed $168,883 and to appropriate and expend from the existing Capital Bus and Vehicle Replacement Reserve Fund for such costs: Yes – 111 No – 9
One Board Member elected for a five-year term commencing on July 1, 2023 and expiring on June 30, 2028:
- Dean Norton, Incumbent – 111 votes
Total Votes: 121
Le Roy Central School District
- Proposition 1: School budget, YES 388 NO 114
- Proposition 2: Library budget, YES 413 NO 90
School Board Election, two three-year terms
- Denise Duthe, 391
- Jacalyn Whiting, 690
Woodward Memorial Library Trustee, elect one
- Lynda Lowe, 254
- Laura Williams, 172
Oakfield-Alabama Central School District
- Proposition #1: 2023-2024 Budget $24,094,600 Yes: 432 No: 95
- Proposition #2: Haxton Public Library Yes: 442 No: 89
Board of Education Members:
- Jackie Yunker-Davis - 450
- Pete Zeliff - 353
- Natalie Emerson - 351
*Elected to three-year terms commencing July 1, 2023
Library Trustees:
- Carol D'Alba - 424
- Lynette Crawford - 421
- Denise DiMatteo - 409
- Jessica Baker - 407
- Janet Klotzbach - 47
*Elected to five-year terms commencing June 1, 2023
Pavilion Central School
- Proposition 1: Annual Budget Referendum 2023 - 2024 The Board of Education has approved, for your consideration, a budget for the 2023-2024 school year in the amount of $18,869,393. Overall, this reflects a year-to-year spending increase of $582,042 or 3.18 percent. The tax levy will increase by $85,396 or 1.5 percent to $5,778,383. YES -- 192 NO -- 26
- Proposition 2: School Board Member Election.
Five-year term:
- Chris Jeffres, 115
- Lana Flint, 34
- Roxanne Holthaus, 61
Proposition 3: Hollwedel Memorial Public Library Trustees.
- Kelley Harris, 162
- Joan Gray, 166
Pembroke Central School District
- Proposition 1 - School Budget: 277 Yes, 98 No
- Proposition 2 - School Buses: 277 Yes, 98 No