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Scene Study and Stage Combat Workshop at EnGarde Batavia

By Tom Clark
Event Date and Time
2012-01-06T07:40:00 - 2012-02-06T07:40:00

EnGarde to Encore, the performance part of Engarde Batavia, is running a combination scene study and stage combat workshop starting on February 4th at their Harvester Avenue fencing studio. The workshop will meet from 1 to 3 PM on six Saturdays, ending on March 10th with a showcase of scenes from 6-8 PM. The workshop will utilize the works of Shakespeare and other Renaissance playwrights, commedia dell’ arte or similarscenarios, and original material to build skills in scene analysis and stage combat. Tragedies, Comedies, and Musicals will be included. The workshop is open to anyone 16 and up. There will be material for those whose do not want to engage directly in stage combat but want to work on their acting skills. The instructors will be Colin Dentino, owner and Coach of EnGardeBatavia, and Tom Clark, award winning designer and freelance director.  For registration information and cost go to or contact Colin Dentino at  or 585-409-3993.

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