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HLOM Dinner and Lecture

By Holland Land Office Museum

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The dinner, at the Emmanuel Baptist Church 190 Oak Street in Batavia, will feature their popular Swiss steak dinner served family style.


After dinner, County Historian, Susan Conklin will speak. Her program is the Spanish Flu and its Impact on Genesee County.


The Spanish Flu, or 1918 Flu Pandemic, spread to nearly every corner of the world. It killed an estimated 20 to 100 million people worldwide, including up to 675,000 Americans.


The Spanish Flu is an under researched event in world history. There are a few scholarly books about it and some novels that take place during it.

Conklin will discuss what was happening in our community during this time and how local residents reacted.


The cost of the dinner and program is $10 per person. Please call the museum at 343-4727 with your reservation by April 16th.



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