The vehicles filled with electronic waste were lined up and down Route 5 this morning, and by this afternoon, trailers were stuffed and bins were gorged with has-beens of the Digital Age, all destined to appropriate recycling facilities rather than a landfill.
The event outside the county's Social Services building was organized by Assemblyman Steve Hawley and his staff with a heaping trove of help from the Batavia High School Track Team.

Thank you to Mr.Hawley for
Thank you to Mr.Hawley for organizing this for the county residents,and a big thank you to his staff and the high school students who were there to help unload the vehicles.I'm curious to know on how much was actually collected-I saw 3 different semi trailers during the course of the day-at 9:30am when I dropped my stuff off,they already had 3 skids of TV's shrink wapped, a bunch more on the ground,and numerous boxes filled w/other electronics.
I talked briefly with Steve
I talked briefly with Steve Hawley and mention he hit a nerve with the out standing response of the public to this event. Cars and trucks were lined up non stop at 11:30 this morning.
I bet those helpers are
I bet those helpers are sleeping in this morning.Genesee County has nowhere to dispose of these electronics (ALL of them) for free......(unless you count the ones I see on the side of the road)......
Credit to Hawley for
Credit to Hawley for organizing this event, but to say that there is "nowhere to dispose of these electronics" isn't accurate at all.
Those people who drove out East Main to this event, could just as easily drive out West Main to the ARC site where they can dispose of electronics anytime at that facility.
AGAIN....word of warning....if you're going to recycle a computer (desktop or laptop) be sure you remove the hard drive and physically destroy it before recycling it. If you're not sure how to do that....GOOGLE it.
Dave-I know ARC does accept
Dave-I know ARC does accept them,but you have to PAY to dispose of TV's and monitors. In my previous post I said FREE.....used to be free at ARC,but they started charging for some things. No thanks. Not PAYING to get rid of a 200lb TV,which I did yesterday.....you also misquoted me Dave-either take the whole sentence or none-it was "Genesee County has nowhere to take electronics(ALL of them) for free"