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Route 19 bridge over Thruway being shut down due to icy conditions

By Howard B. Owens

There have been several minor vehicle accidents on the Route 19 bridge over the Thruway in the past 20 or 30 minutes.

Law enforcement on scene has requested Le Roy fire police to respond and shut down Route 19 at Griswold Road and at North Road.

Fire crews will be able to roll over the bridge to get in position, but will need to proceed very, very slowly.

Road crews are being dispatched to the bridge to salt the road.

There are at least three, and probably more, accidents being handled by troopers.

Only minor injuries have been reported.

Bea McManis

Gary, it isn't just here.
My son, in Alaska, wrote at the end of October:
"The first measurable snow of the season hit Anchorage overnight Saturday and Sunday. It came with the annual skid, slide and crunch derby on the city's slippery streets that usually accompanies the first snowfall. As of 5 p.m. Sunday, Anchorage police reported 103 accidents including nine with minor injuries and another 53 reports of vehicles in distress."

Nov 17, 2011, 8:25pm Permalink
John Woodworth JR

The fun time of year for driving is here. Who doesn't love that person that drives so slow that, they have a mile long caravan behind them. Or that person who drives too far and/or wrecklessly that, they cause an accident and leave the scene to avoid an dispute or ticket. Or those beautiful orange or yellow in color snow plows that, blast salt and sand particles into your vehicle as you pass. Or that hour and fifteen minute one way commute you do daily which turns into a three hours one way commute due to all of thee above. Anyway, I hope everyone has safe travels this year and Happy Thanksgiving, contrary to belief, it is not Christmas yet.

Nov 18, 2011, 2:10pm Permalink

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