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Deadline for comments about proposed remediation plan is Sept. 21

By Joanne Beck
Ex-Eaton remediation site
The targeted site for remediation by ex-Eaton Corporation at 34-40 Clinton St., Batavia, shown in green.
Image submitted.

Public comments about a remediation project on the city’s east side will be taken up to Sept. 21, state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) officials say.

The project, first outlined in an April 21, 2023 article on The Batavian, is part of the Clean Water Act for Basket Place LLC, located at 34-40 Clinton St., Batavia. 

Action on the privately owned Basket Place parcel was to begin in May, to address contamination, with a site-specific health and safety plan and a Community Air Monitoring Plan to be implemented during remediation activities. 

Le Roy company's updated technology earns financial nod from National Grid

By Press Release
Submitted photo of Lapp Insulators Maintenance Planner Mike Myers, left, and Facilities Manager Ron Richards, right, show National Grid’s Jay Snyder one of the three new pumps that had been installed to improve safety and reduce energy costs.

Press Release:

Lapp Insulators Co. LLC changed a decades-old process to incorporate new technology and equipment that results in energy savings, lower operating costs, and a safer work environment. The changes also earned the Le Roy-based company $27,000 in energy efficiency incentives from National Grid.

Lapp is a leading

Making this year 'a remarkable journey' at BHS, new principal says

By Joanne Beck
BHS first day
Batavia High School Principal Jennifer Wesp greets students Wednesday morning for the first day of school.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Jennifer Wesp had about a month to prepare for her first big day in welcoming students onto Batavia High School’s State Street campus Wednesday.

And prepared she was, anxiously waiting to greet them at 7:20 a.m.

“It was so exciting to see the students today. Many teachers and support staff came in early in order to spend some connection time before the first bell,” the newly hired principal said after a full day of meet-and-greets and ensuring all went well on this day of return after summer. “The air was filled with chatter and laughter. I was able to get into many classrooms throughout the day. Teachers had planned many activities that revolved around building community and getting to know each other. Overall, it was an amazing start to the year.”

Boxcar derbies match speed of workforce development, coach says

By Press Release
Photo from 2023 Inaugural Oakfield Labor Daze Box Car Derby by Howard Owens.

By Chris Suozzi

Accelerating as they hit the final stretch to cross the finish line, pairs of boxcar derby racers dipped their heads. It was one of many lessons I was pleased to share with youth aged 7 -13 gained through a Genesee Gateway Local Development Corporation-sponsored program.


Congresswoman Tenney introduces legislation to lower healthcare costs

By Press Release

Press Release:

Claudia Tenney

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-24), a member of the Ways and Means Committee, joined her colleagues in reintroducing H.R. 3029, the Primary Care Enhancement Act. This bipartisan legislation is designed to expand access to direct primary care (DPC).

Additional co-leads include Representatives Lloyd Smucker (R-PA), Earl Blumenauer

Arc GLOW celebrates staff, individuals and community

By Press Release
Submitted photo of (left to right): Doug Dunn, general manager for Casella Waste Management and Michael Stehman, Western Region vice president for Casella Waste Management,winner of Business Partner of the Year award; Martin Miskell, Arc GLOW CEO; Cheryl Englert, Arc GLOW Board of Directors president; Chuck Keenan, Board of Directors secretary and winner of Volunteer of the Year award; and Mary Lou Touhey, owner of Case Nic Cookies in Medina and winner of the Friend of Arc GLOW award.

Press Release:

Friends, families, and community members gathered at the Batavia Downs Wednesday evening to celebrate Arc GLOW’s inaugural Awards Banquet and Annual Meeting since their merger in 2021.

Over 250 people came, including Erik Geizer, chief executive officer for The Arc of New York; Merle “Skip” Draper, from

Shadow of Ellicott Station throws shade on apartment plan for Pembroke, developer promises no low-income housing

By Howard B. Owens
metzger pembroke apartments
Engineer Michael Metzger points out some of the changes to a proposed apartment complex on Route 77 in the Town of Pembroke during Wednesday's Town Planning Board meeting.
Photo by Howard Owens.

Based on feedback from the community, the engineer and property owner planning an apartment complex at 8900 Alleghany Road, Pembroke, have scaled back the project, the Pembroke Planning Board learned on Wednesday night before voting 6-1 to let the development move forward.

A month ago, when the plan was last publicly discussed, developer Michael Schmidt and engineer Michael Metzger were planning six buildings in the complex and a total of 144 apartments with 326 parking spaces.

The new site plan calls for four buildings -- plus garages -- with 96 apartments and 168 parking spaces.

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