Bergen resident C.M. Barons was inspired by the column published last week by Anne Marie Starowitz on her reading of old local directories. He also owns a couple of antique directories, one from 1992 and another from 1917. He also has a souvenir publication, "Illustrated Genesee County and its Industries," published by The Batavia Times in 1907.
Previously: Recovering local history in names and places from old directories
By C.M. Barons
The 1882 directory contains useful information such as "A barrel of apples, pears, quinces, or potatoes, must represent a quantity equal to one hundred quarts of dry grain or dry measure, and a person buying or selling either of these commodities in the state, by the barrel, is understood as referring to the quantity specified in this section." It also explains mortgage laws, wills, contracts and deeds. Rules of polite behavior include guides for cleanliness and proper dress for men and women. The section on helpful information concludes with a brief history of the county and its towns and villages.
What follows is an alphabetical directory of residents by town, detailing street address and occupation. EG: BATAVIA Kibbe, Chauncey S. dealer in gloves and mittens, Gloversville, N.Y., res 33 State. McKenzie James, builder, 1/2 (Bergen,) Vill. (James and brother, David, built many of the era's homes in Bergen, including mine.)
The 1917 directory has a more familiar feel, opening up with an advertisement for Scott & Bean, dealers in dry goods, carpets, notions, lace curtains, etc. Another ad was placed by C. L. Carr, 101 Main St., pledging to carry as much splendid stocks of reliable merchandise, to sell at such reasonable prices, to give such pleasant, courteous service that you will instinctively turn to this store when in need of anything in the Dry Goods or Coat and Suit Line.
Other familiar businesses include Le Roy Lime and Crushed Stone Products, Batavia Times, Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co. (Rochester), H.E. Turner Furniture - Funeral Directors, Chas. J. Call, J G McJury Photographic (Bob McJury was a photographer/stringer for the Buffalo newspapers and the Batavia Daily.
The 1917 version of the directory (which bears the same cover plate as the 1950 version, image of the county courthouse) does include general information, but perhaps of a more down-to-earth practicality than mortgages, deeds and New York commerce regulations. There is a handy guide to weights and measures, e.g., an acre is 8 rods wide by 20 rods long; a pint of water weighs one pound. A spraying calendar for pesticide application on various produce crops, preventing crows and blackbirds from pulling up your seeds, farm animal diseases and do-it-yourself treatment, measuring a room for wallpaper- each is thoroughly covered in the volume.
The Batavia Times souvenir booklet is a trove of pictures--- the officers and directors of the Batavia Board of Trade, Batavia Mayor George D. Williamson, schools, churches and local businesses. There are also backgrounds of local businesses and business leaders such as the Richmond family, William Bohm, John Ward, Wiard Plow Co., Bidwell Thresher, Dr. Gray's Primrose Hospital and E H Gamble, giving mention to Eli Fish.
Also mentioned: Batavia Gun and Forging Co., Minor Shoe Mfg Co., W F Crickler, Fix & Fix Printing Establishment, Casey Moving, E J Salway, C M Ebling, The Eagle Hotel, Joseph Lapp, Wiss House, Beaudry Pipe Organ Co., W S & C E Housel, bankers, Miller Bros grain, A S Fisher & Son druggist and A J Tanner & Co canning.