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Steve Hawley

Hawley calls on Assembly majority to allow vote on tax-cut bill

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) submitted a motion for an open, transparent vote to ease the overwhelming tax burden on New York’s small business owners, but was denied by the downstate driven Assembly Majority. The bill, of which Hawley is the sponsor, seeks to eliminate the vendor re-registration fee to collect sales tax while providing a refund to those who have paid the fee. The legislation is stuck in the Ways & Means Committee, denying New Yorkers the opportunity to see which legislators truly support our state’s small business owners.

“Business owners should not have to pay for the privilege of collecting sales tax on behalf of the state,” said Hawley. “The vendor re-registration fee is yet another disincentive to own and operate a business in New York. We had the opportunity today to show this state’s job creators that we are ready to re-open New York for business, and by denying a vote on this measure, we have failed to do so.”

The Tax Foundation’s “2011 State Business Tax Climate Index” ranked New York the worst in the nation. The 2008-09 Enacted Budget authorized the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance to require all 585,000 vendors that collect state sales tax to re-register and pay a $50 registration fee. While it is set to expire next year, many business owners fear that it will be extended and permanently added to New York’s revenue stream.

Hawley: Audit shows wasteful spending at state level

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) is calling attention to a recent audit of state government that revealed hundreds of millions of dollars in wasteful spending. The review of operational expenditures serves as further proof that Albany must focus its efforts on reducing the size and cost, while increasing the efficiency, of state government.

“It’s time that our legislative leaders finally get serious about reducing government waste and start putting taxpayers’ money to proper use,” said Hawley. “Taxes continue to rise year after year in an effort to support unnecessary spending by bloated bureaucracies. Western New Yorkers are tired of sending their hard-earned money to Albany just to see it spent on offices, supplies and projects that we don’t even need. I urge Governor Cuomo and the legislative leaders to treat the findings of this most recent audit as a sign that we can no longer wait to peel back the endless layers of government that have wasted New Yorkers’ tax dollars.”

The waste identified by the auditors included:

* A third of the state’s office space in New York City and Albany being vacant, even as the state continues adding new leases.
* Over 4,800 state-owned computer servers, whose storage space is on average half-empty, despite increasing purchases by Albany.
* More than 850 toll-free numbers belonging to state agencies, nearly half of which have not been used in months.
* Overlapping, wasteful purchases of items like pens, paper clips and printer cartridges, with some agencies paying drastically more than others for the same supplies.

Hawley announces annual Patriot Trip to Washington, D.C.

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C – Batavia) recently announced his fourth annual Patriot Trip for veterans to tour Washington, D.C. It is scheduled for Sept. 22-25.

“The Patriot Trip is an event that I look forward to with great anticipation every year,” Hawley said. “As a veteran, the son of a veteran, and a member of the Assembly Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, supporting New York’s veterans is a source of both pride and responsibility.

"While I continue to advocate for legislation supporting veterans, the Patriot Trip allows me to share my appreciation for the sacrifices made by the heroes protecting our way of life. Over 375 people have participated in this trip over the years, and I am overjoyed to add another chapter to this story with the veterans of the 139th
Assembly District.”

Patriot Trip IV will include roundtrip private coach transportation from Western New York to Washington, D.C., and accommodations at Quantico Marine Base in Virginia. The trip also includes tours of the WWII, Vietnam, Korean and FDR Memorials as well as Arlington Cemetery and the Udvar Hazy Aerospace Museum.

Most meals are included with the trip. The total cost is approximately $300.

For more information about trip details, pricing, or to sign up, please call Assemblyman Hawley’s District Office at (585) 589-5780.

Hawley says it's wrong to 'play politics with property taxes'

By Billie Owens

This information comes from Assemblyman Steve Hawley's office.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) recently attended a press conference in support of immediate action on a property tax cap. The legislation was barred from a vote by the Assembly Majority, who passed rent regulations to control the cost of living in New York City instead.

“Time after time, poll after poll, the people of New York have expressed their overwhelming support for a property tax cap,” Hawley said. “As a representative for the people of Western New York, it is my responsibility to heed the call of my constituents, and I can hear them loud and clear. They are saying that we need to drive down the cost of living for all New Yorkers, not just those in the five boroughs of New York City.”

Hawley explained the litany of issues that coincide with the passage of a property tax cap, which would help families, businesses and local governments reduce the cost of living here in Western New York.

“The reason New York is in such desperate need of a property tax cap is because of the unfunded mandates handed down by state government to our villages, towns, cities, counties and school districts,” Hawley said.

“Mandate relief and property tax caps are not separate issues. They are inextricably linked and must be dealt with in tandem. It’s time to let our local governments run themselves without the onerous ‘Big Brother’ interference from the state Capitol that drives our property taxes in Western New York through the roof.”

Participants at the press conference included Brian Sampson, CEO of Unshackle Upstate, a bipartisan business coalition that awarded Hawley a perfect score on their 2010 Legislative Scorecard. Out of 212 state legislators, Hawley was one of only two that received a perfect score.

Hawley: Budget good, could be better

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

The 2011-12 state budget made a number of positive strides toward the significant reforms New Yorkers have demanded and rightfully deserved. Unfortunately, this spending plan falls short in several key areas, representing a missed opportunity for the Legislature to heed the call of the state’s taxpayers.

Continuing an unacceptable trend, the formula used to determine education aid once again unfairly impacts Western New York’s schoolchildren. Time after time, we see our students shoulder an unfair portion of funding cuts in an effort to support downstate school districts. This budget repeats those mistakes of old that have plagued our children for far too long. Furthermore, this legislation shifts costs for essential services like special education to individual school districts, driving up the cost of local government and, in turn, the cost to the taxpayer.

In addition, this spending plan reduces funding for the judiciary branch but fails to do the same for the Legislature. I believe the Assembly could find efficiencies and cost savings within numerous administrative operations involved with the chamber. State government should not be asking children, families and businesses to tighten their belts if we are not prepared to do so as well.

However, this budget did make a variety of much-needed improvements to the state of affairs in New York. Vital restorations have been made to protect the services that benefit our most vulnerable citizens, such as funding for elderly abuse prevention programs and EPIC prescription drug payments. The appointment of regional Economic Development councils will renew New York’s focus on stimulating our economy with targeted planning, rather than an ill-advised, one-size-fits-all policy. Along with significant reforms to the Medicaid system that will result in savings both now and in the long-term, this budget certainly has its share of positive aspects.

When all is said and done, this budget has taken baby steps in the right direction, rather than a substantial leap forward. I hope that the Legislature can build on the progress we have made here today and continue this momentum toward putting New York on the road to recovery.

Beginning April 1 clothing and footwear under $55 will be tax free

By Billie Owens

This information comes from Assemblyman Steve Hawley's office.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley recently applauded the return of the sales tax exemption on clothing and footwear.

In 2010, Assemblyman Hawley voted against a measure to enforce a 4 percent sales tax on clothing and footwear under $110.

As of April 1, clothing and footwear under $55 will be tax free until the exemption is extended in 2012 to include items under $110.

“I voted against this regressive tax last year because it served only to push consumers across state lines when they could have otherwise supported small businesses right here in our own community,” Hawley said. “Increasing taxes on clothing hurt those who could least afford it, like working families who are trying to feed and clothe their children.

"I encourage all Western New Yorkers to take advantage of this fee’s sunset by frequenting the locally owned and operated clothing stores that help build the regional economy.”

Hawley sponsors bill to add residency requirement for public aid

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley has announced that he is sponsoring legislation which would limit public assistance benefits to "true New York residents."

If passed, the bill would implement a 90-day residency requirement for social services applicants.

“One of Albany’s worst-kept secrets is the fact that people come to New York from all over the country to take advantage of our wire-thin requirements for public assistance,” Hawley said in a news release.

“This legislation seeks to limit these benefits to people who actually live, work and raise a family in New York state, rather than people in search of a cash grab for New York’s all-too-easily obtainable buck.”

Current New York laws hold no requirement regarding length of residency for benefit recipients. Applicants must only reside in New York and show intent to remain in the state for the foreseeable future, which is proven through documents such as a land lease or a driver’s license.

“This bill is about protecting the limited resources we have to serve true New Yorkers that depend on these funds,” Hawley said. “New York can barely sustain the level of assistance we are committed to within our own state borders. It is vital that we make sure every dollar spent is done so judiciously and effectively.”

Hawley calls on governor to ensure equal school funding for rural and urban districts

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) today called on Governor Andrew Cuomo to rescind inequitable cuts to education funding that unfairly burden Western New York’s children. In a letter to the governor, Assemblyman Hawley detailed the ways that the budget proposal favors downstate students at the expense of those Upstate.

“There should be no barrier when it comes to the education of our children,” said Hawley. “Upstate pupils are slated to receive substantially deeper cuts per pupil than those Downstate; an average of $800 more. I am sure you would agree that each and every child in New York State should receive an equal education.”

Full text of Hawley's letter after the jump:

Dear Governor Cuomo:

I would like to take this opportunity to share my constituents’ concerns over cuts to education in this year’s Executive Budget.

The proposed cuts to education show an inequity to rural and non-wealthy school districts which I represent. I believe each child should have the same opportunities regardless of their family’s geographic location. As you know, education is critical to the success for all children.

Please reconsider these unparalleled and inequitable education cuts per pupil. There should be no barrier when it comes to the education of our children. Upstate students are slated to receive substantially deeper cuts per pupil than those downstate, on average of $800 more. I am sure you would agree that each and every child in New York State should receive an equal education.

On behalf of all students who reside in Upstate New York, I urge you to reconsider the inequitable cuts to education and then, hopefully, rural students will not be penalized for the area in which they live.

Hawley won't seek congressional seat, endorses Corwin

By Howard B. Owens

Press Release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) recently announced that he will not seek election in the 26th Congressional District. Hawley instead will continue his duties as an assemblyman in the 139th District.

“I have been truly inspired by the outpouring of support I have received from constituents, friends and colleagues regarding a potential run for the United States House of Representatives in the 26th Congressional District,” Hawley said. “Furthermore, the parallels and comparisons I have received to former Rep. Barber Conable Jr. from members of the community have been nothing short of humbling.

"However, after careful consideration, I have decided to forgo a run for Congress and remain in the New York State Assembly, representing my home -- the 139th Assembly District. There may be another day and another time for me to seek such office, but today is not that day and now is not that time.”

“Throughout my time in the Assembly, I have held myself to a core set of principles that continue to propel me through my life of public service,” Hawley said. “From lowering property taxes, attracting and retaining business in Western New York, and supporting and honoring our proud veterans to protecting the viability of New York’s number one industry, agriculture, I have fought day in and day out to meet the needs of my district.

"However, there is still much work left to be done in order to right New York’s ship. That is why I feel it is important for me to continue my role in the state Assembly. There is simply so much more to accomplish right here in our own community.”

On withdrawing his name from the running, Hawley announced his support for Assemblywoman Jane Corwin (R, C, I – Clarence), who represents the 142nd District. Hawley and Corwin have been colleagues in the Assembly minority since 2008.

“It is without hesitation that I endorse Assemblywoman Jane Corwin for the 26th Congressional District,” Hawley said. “Assemblywoman Corwin has shown tireless dedication in representing her constituents and shares many of the same common-sense, pro-business principles that I have made a priority in the state Assembly.

"Assemblywoman Corwin and I were the only two representatives to earn perfect scores on Unshackle Upstate’s 2009-10 Legislative Scorecards, which rate the voting records of all 212 state legislators regarding bills that would support the health and growth of New York’s economy. I take great pride in endorsing my friend and colleague as our next representative in the U.S. House of Representatives.”

Batavia's Steve Hawley giving serious thought to run for Congress

By Howard B. Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is seriously considering a run for Congress.

The five-year veteran of Albany said that calls encouraging him to run began as soon as news hit that Rep. Chris Lee (NY-26) resigned following a revelation that he apparently tried to pick up a woman on Craigslist.

"I've been getting text-messages, phone calls and messages on Facebook from people throughout the district urging me to run," Hawley said. "I believe I have the background, experience and years in business."

Hawley then discussed his background and his family's background at length, hitting on both their deep involvement in the community.

"This is my community," Hawley said. "This is my home and this is my district. I know the business people and the people of the district as if they were family. So I'm seriously considering it."  

He added that he was flattered that so many people have come forward to urge him to run.

Hawley said he was on the phone until midnight and on the phone all morning, including talking with each of the Republican county chairs in the district.

On the Democratic side, Genesee County Chair Lorie Longhany said first and foremost, "I'm going to back the Democrat. The Democrat who gets chosen is who I'm going to back."

She said the Democrats have not yet lined up behind a candidate, but there is a lot of talk going on among area leadership about who might make a good candidate.

Even though the registration advantages lean heavily in favor of Republicans, Longhany said in a special election, anything is possible.

"It's all about getting out the base, getting people motivated," Longhany said. "I've watched my party in other special elections across the state. We have a tremendous machine to get out the vote. I've seen our local Democrats work very hard to get out the vote. Yes, the Democrats can win this seat. Most definitely."

Hawley said the special election will get national attention, and Longhany agreed. Hawley said he believes even President Obama will take an interest in the election because the Democrats need to pick up votes in the House. 

The GOP candidate, Hawley said, will need to be somebody with the financing to run the race and give 110 percent to the campaign.

While Hawley can't self-finance a race, he said he can raise the funds necessary. He said he's proven he can raise funds for himself and other candidates and he's been involved in successful fund-raising campaigns for nonprofits in the community.

"I don't have any qualms about being able to raise money," Hawley said.

Even so, Hawley said he isn't eager to give up his Assembly seat.

"I enjoy what I'm doing even though these are difficult times," Hawley said. "We now have a governor who has indicated verbally that he's ready to lead and he's ready to do the things that not just me but others say we should be doing to turn around the state and stop the spending spree. I'm excited about that, so leaving the Assembly would be difficult."

The GOP has a reputation in Western New York for running disciplined campaigns and backing chosen candidates. Hawley said each of the county Republican committees get a weighted vote on picking a candidate. It breaks down roughly to Erie County getting 40 percent, the rural counties getting 30, Monroe 20, and Niagara 10.  

Hawley said he is friends with many of the other potential candidates and he will back whomever gets the nod.

PHOTO: File photo from Hawley's announcement of his re-election campaign in 2010.

Hawley wants lawmakers in new session to have a sense of urgency

By Billie Owens

Here's a 'Legislative Column' submitted by Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

“I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.”

You don’t have to be a 'Renaissance Man' to appreciate Leonardo da Vinci’s advice.

Whether presented with an artist’s blank canvas or the complexities of engineering the future out of 15th Century technology, his attitude was to dare greatly without delay. In this new legislative session, the New York State Assembly must heed da Vinci’s words and act with the sense of urgency to our state’s current crisis demands.

In 2010, Albany’s legendary dysfunction reached levels of gridlock and infighting not seen since the Articles of Confederation. (This might be overstated – but only slightly.)

My colleagues and I must therefore renew our mission to serve our constituents, to earn the seats they have given us. I am committed to continuing my agenda from last year’s legislative session, including bringing jobs back to Western New York, reining in out-of-control taxes, and supporting economic growth through farming and other agricultural endeavors.

Costly unfunded mandates – essentially deferred taxes to pay for current, reckless spending – also demand Albany’s immediate attention in order to cut property taxes for working families.

Western New York’s rural communities occupy a special place in our state’s cultural and economic ecosystems. Our family farms are the sturdy backbone of the Empire State’s economy and our vast open spaces continue to draw visitors seeking peaceful, natural surroundings. It’s a way of life strengthened by a commitment to tradition and freedom for the individual.

But now, Albany bureaucrats want to change this culture of self-reliance and begin to dictate individual behavior.

The state’s Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is attempting to place new restrictions on property owners, including prohibiting them from burning materials or refuse in any open area. The state agency is undertaking this measure despite our lack of larger waste-management facilities found in suburban or urban areas - the very reason why some residents of the 139th Assembly District have safely and responsibly burned discarded material on their properties for generations.

A bill to prevent this power grab by the DEC was introduced in the Legislature in January 2010. Since that time, the measure has been held for further consideration in an Assembly committee. I am the prime sponsor of this vitally important legislative reform as the new session begins and will work with my colleagues to bring it to the Assembly Floor for a vote as soon as possible.

Landowners in rural communities must have the property rights protections that they deserve with the urgency required to prevent future arbitrary rulings from unelected, unaccountable government pencil-pushers.

Winter can sometimes make laggards of us, but now is no time to take it easy. As your assemblyman, I am renewing my focus and channeling my energies on the legislative priorities interrupted by last year’s chaotic session. There is no time to waste. Each day that passes is a missed opportunity to correct our course away from the fiscal cliff.

As we work together to create more private-sector jobs, reduce spending, and eliminate deficits, I will also continue to fight for your interests and our way of life here in Western New York.

As a small-business owner, I know what it takes to balance a budget. As a neighbor and friend of our region, I understand Albany’s actions can stifle economic growth and threaten individual freedoms in Western New York. This is our home, and here is my mandate: to act with urgency for your interests in 2011. ... “Being willing is not enough; we must do.”

Elba student presented with state flag

By Howard B. Owens

Elba student Sam Lamont, who was picked to represent Genesee County as a student attending Gov. Andrew Cuomo's State of the State Speech (writing about it here), received another honor from the New York Legislature today. Assemblyman Steve Hawley presented him with a flag that has flown over the state capitol in Albany.

DEC bans old wood boilers and adopts strict rules for new ones

By Billie Owens

This information comes from a news release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley's office:

On Dec. 23, a hearing -- without an opportunity for public input -- was held on outdoor wood boilers by the state Department of Environmental Conservation. It decided to go full-steam to outlaw existing units and require stringent, and costly, regulations for newly built ones.

Wood-burning boilers are commonly used on farms and multi-acre properties to convert accessible natural resources into energy for heating homes and businesses.

“Time and time again, we see that a lack of transparency in government breeds regressive, anti-business policies,” said Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

Previously, the DEC agreed to phase out their use, instead of banning them, after heated protests at public hearings, including at least one in Genesee County, and heavy scutiny from members of the Assembly Minority Conference.

Hawley characterized Thursday's hearing and the DEC's reversal as "an example of irresponsible bureaucracy at its worst. The DEC rammed through new regulations that will drive the cost...upwards of $10,000."

He says the decision ignores the impact on people in rural areas like Western New York and serves as yet another example of what happens when the power is taken from the public and given to bureaucracies.

"Once again, state officials have ignored the will of rural New Yorkers and ushered through their own misguided agenda, with no consideration of the expense to the taxpayer.

“In light of the recent controversy surrounding the DEC, I find it appalling that they would continue to repeat the mistakes of old, rather than turn over a new leaf."

DEC limits impact of new regs on existing outdoor wood boilers

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley announced this week the state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has limited the impact of new regulations on existing outdoor wood boilers (OWBs).

The DEC cited the numerous comments received during the public outreach process that eventually led to the new proposal provisions. The provision to phase out the use of older OWBs in an earlier stage of the proposal was eliminated from the final text of the rule.

“Due to residents grassroots efforts through attending and participating in hearings hosted by the DEC, unnecessary regulations and costs were avoided for people who are already meeting current DEC regulations concerning OWBs," Hawley said in a news release.

"I applaud the effort of the DEC for recognizing the burden of forcing roughly 14,000 households statewide to replace their OWBs at a total cost of anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000 for a new unit.”

Hawley also added that he will now continue to push DEC to listen to citizens regarding the strict open burning regulations implemented last year.

He is currently a co-sponsor on NYS Assembly Bill 7414 which prohibits the DEC from restricting the burning of garbage, refuse or rubbish in an open fire on land owned by a single family, or any part of a farm, under certain circumstances.

John Kennedy first-graders get lesson in Albany politics

By Howard B. Owens

Jessica Wassink's first-grade class at John Kennedy School got a visit from their assemblyman today.

Steve Hawley walked into the class at 2 p.m. and was eagerly greeted by the young students -- some of the boys even wore ties for the occasion.

They immediately began fielding their suggestions for legislation. Hawley talked some about what goes on in Albany and answered their questions, keeping everything in terms they could understand.

Essay from Steve Hawley on 'big box stores' and small community-based businesses

By Howard B. Owens

Some time ago, during one of our discussions on The Batavian about big box stores, it occurred to me that it might be interesting to get Assemblyman Steven Hawley's take on the issue. Hawley is somebody with deep roots in the community, a small business owner and as a legislator he is in a position to deal with issues that impact small business owners.

Steve was gracious enough to write a response to my question about his position on these issues. Below is his response.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia): What the state legislature and local community can do to support New York’s small businesses.

In our free market economy, practiced in the United States, consumer demand is the driving force behind the success or failure of all businesses. Products and services are produced on an as-needed basis, with increased sales or transactions or product made and another job created. In truth, the way you spend your dollar has a ripple effect that can reach across your community, the state of New York, the country and sometimes across the globe. That’s the beauty of the free market – the power is in your hands.

Armed with the knowledge that the market conforms to your decisions, the question becomes how you want to spend your hard-earned money. In communities across our great state, consumers are faced with the same decision each and every day; should I take my dollar to a locally owned business or to the nearest “Big Box” location?

Surely, I recognize the minor advantages presented by global conglomerates offering generic products in bulk at deflated prices, but the consequences of abandoning your neighborhood shop in favor of a multi-national corporation go far beyond the bill at the bottom of your receipt.

For example, the money made by a business is used for, among other things, creating and maintaining positions of employment. Companies like Home Depot are world-renowned for hiring almost exclusively on a part-time basis so that they can avoid paying benefits afforded to full-time employees, such as health insurance and paid vacation.

So when you buy your groceries at a “Big Box” store, you are perpetuating their cycle of under-employment and inadequate compensation for their workers, who are also your neighbors. When you buy locally made products at your neighborhood store, your dollar is providing full-time, gainful employment for the members of your community.

The industry that may rely the most heavily on the loyalty of the local consumer is agriculture. No other profession requires the amount of dedication and hard work displayed by Western New York’s farmers.

This is why it is so vital for consumers to partake in local farmers’ markets that display the best agricultural products in the community in one convenient location. I have introduced legislation A11270 that would encourage businesses -- large and small -- to sell NY grown (goods), and produce an income-tax credit based on receipts scale. We all need to take pride in our citizens and businesses ingenuity and incredible capacity to produce high quality products.

Buying locally from small businesses provides jobs that offer adequate compensation for their employees, which feeds back into the economy on even deeper levels. If a worker has access to vacation days, they are able to travel with their family to state parks and other attractions, keeping revenue in the state that funds our schools, hospitals and community projects.

Travelers eat at local restaurants, which use their profits to employ residents of their communities, who in turn can contribute to the state’s economy in the same fashion. In a free and open market, every dollar spent embarks on a cyclical path, and the results are felt on a bafflingly large scale.

This is why it is so important that consumers pass up the allures of “Big Box” stores and stay committed to the products and services being provided by the members of their own communities; every dollar you spend has a ripple effect that will eventually circulate and positively affect you.

As an independent businessperson, I know firsthand the impact of nationwide “Big Box” companies who attempt to impact my own bottom line. I employ eight people in my business, whose jobs are jeopardized by these “Big Box” insurance companies that employ the bare minimum of local residents, if at all. All businesses like mine face a heightened, adversarial impact from national companies located outside NY. The impact requires us all to utilize differing methods of business acumen.

If the power is in the hands of the consumer, this begs the question: what role does the state legislature play in the realm of business? The main responsibility of the state legislature in this area is to create and foster opportunities.

There are multiple approaches to achieving this end and, for New York, the most pressing is creating a more welcoming business environment. Surveys consistently rank New York near the bottom for being business-friendly. As reported by the National Federation of Independent Business, 79 out of 150 (53 percent) New York State Assembly members voted against business interests a staggering 80 percent of the time.

This poor ranking is attributable to stringent regulations and oppressive taxes, which put an undue burden on businesses both large and small. The state legislature plays a key role in setting these unfortunate policies. To truly help strengthen small business and heightened employment, the state legislature must cut taxes, drastically reduce oppressive mandates and put an end to out-of-control state spending.

I have personally sponsored legislation to work with businesses instead of against them, such as my bill to extend the agricultural property tax credit to qualifying farmers, legislation to repeal the $50 registration fee for businesses to collect sales tax and legislation to repeal the 2 percent utility tax.

These actions create a more permissive environment, in which all businesses will have an environment more conducive for success. These changes would particularly help small businesses, as taxes create extra cost that they do not have the capacity to absorb, forcing them either to close their doors or relocate. With the shackles of regulations and taxes relieved, small businesses will be given an opportunity to compete, thrive and innovate in the free market.

The spread of the globalized economy has ushered Big Box stores into communities across the state, threatening the small businesses that are the backbone of our local economies. This shift in the structure of the marketplace must be answered by legislation that supports our small businesses so that they are still able to compete and offer products to consumers. In a free market, consumers have the power to make the choice of supporting local businesses -- our own neighbors.

Patriot Trip III leaves for Washington

By Howard B. Owens

Two bus loads of area residents departed from the Batavia Downs parking lot this morning for "Patriot Trip III," the annual trek to Washington, D.C., organized by Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

The trip includes tours of the WWII, Vietnam, Korean and FDR Memorials as well as the Nation’s Capitol, Arlington Cemetery, and Udvar Hazy Aerospace
Museum. Each traveler paid $325 to join the group and they will stay at Fort Belvior Army Base in Virginia.

For many of the people joining the tour this year, it is their third time making the trip to D.C., and some first-timers said they were excited to be going in this year.

Pro-business group says it likes Hawley's voting record

By Howard B. Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is perfect; at least, according to a group that describes itself as bi-partisan and pro business.

Hawley was only one of two Assembly members to receive a 100 percent score from Unshackle Upstate.

The group scored legislators based on their votes on a series of business and tax bills.

Brian Sampson, executive director of Unshackle Upstate, said in a statement that the scorecard is designed to help voters understand how their legislators are spending their money and whether they support lower taxes and a pro-business environment.

“This is an educational tool,” Sampson said. “We simply can’t blindly vote for the same people we have year after year, or else we’ll get the same government we’ve had for year after year.”

Hawley issued a press release Tuesday touting the perfect score. The text follows the jump:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) was recently issued a perfect score on Unshackle Upstate’s 2009-10 legislative scorecards. Hawley received all 100 possible points based on his voting record on legislation impacting businesses in Upstate New York. Of the 212 members in the New York State Legislature, Hawley is one of only two legislators to be honored with a spotless record.

“The key to restoring the health of New York’s economy is to afford our state’s businesses with every opportunity to succeed so that they can provide employment to the people of New York,” said Hawley. “This can only be accomplished through an unwavering commitment to protecting businesses here in Upstate New York, fostering a climate that attracts businesses to our region and keeps them here in the future.”

Unshackle Upstate, a bi-partisan coalition supporting pro-business reforms in Albany, rated legislators based on their voting and sponsorship records on budget bills and other legislation that the organization has taken a stance on.

The scorecards are used to show voters where their representatives stand on the issues most important to the health and growth of business in Upstate New York. Hawley, who was also recently named the most pro-business assemblyman in Western New York by the National Federation of Independent Business New York Chapter, is hopeful that these scorecards will serve as a wake-up call for legislators and constituents alike.

“Unshackle Upstate is providing a valuable tool to empower New York voters that are sick of the double talk and inconsistency they receive from their elected officials,” Hawley said. “The issue is crystal clear; either you support Upstate New York businesses when it counts the most, or you wilt under the pressure and abandon the New York economy. I will continue to support all legislation that will bolster economic development and sustainable job growth for the dedicated and hardworking citizens of Upstate New York.”

Hawley tours businesses for insights into improving WNY's economy

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release sent today from Assemblyman Steve Hawley's office.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley toured local businesses and met with local business leaders earlier this week to discuss ways to improve economic development in Western New York.

During the 2010 Legislative Session, economic development programs statewide were charged new fees and saw development funding significantly decreased, which Assemblyman Hawley voted against.

“As a local business owner in Western New York, I know firsthand how difficult and unfriendly New York State is for businesses, especially small businesses,” Hawley said. “Over the years, Albany has increased taxes, fees, and regulations to the point that starting or maintaining a business here is almost impossible.

"It is my hope that by working with local business leaders we can create a grassroots movement to tell Albany that it needs to stop its tax-and-overspend policies. We need to start investing in job creation and economic development programs.”

Hawley’s local business tours started earlier this month with a visit to Willow Specialties in Batavia on Aug. 6 to meet with CEO Bernie Skalny. Willow Specialties produces baskets and packing supplies for hotels, restaurants and supermarkets across the country.

On Aug. 17, Hawley met with Jim Lines, president and CEO, and Jeffrey Glajch, CFO, of the Graham Corp. in Batavia, a leading designer and manufacturer of vacuum and heat transfer equipment for energy markets and process industries.

On Aug. 24, Hawley met with Peter Milicia, president of BMP America, Inc., in Medina. BMP America specializes in manufacturing and converting technical non-woven textiles and engineered polyurethane elastomers.

Hawley’s local business tour will continue with planned visits to TREK, Inc., in Medina, Precision Packaging Products in Holley, and Allen’s Canning – Birdseye in Oakfield.

Earlier this month, the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) released its 2009-2010 Voting Record, which outlines the voting record of legislators regarding critical economic development and job creating legislation in New York.

While 79 of 150 Assembly members voted against business interests 80 percent of the time during 2009 and 2010, Hawley was rated among the most business-friendly legislators in the state with a pro-business voting record of 91 percent.

Hawley announces Patriot Trip III to Washington, D.C. Sept. 23-26

By Billie Owens

Here's a news release from Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley has announced his third annual Patriot Trip for veterans to tour Washington, D.C. This special trip is scheduled for Sept. 23 through 26.

“The Patriot Trip is a very special and memorable event every year,” Hawley said. “As the Ranking Member of the Assembly Veterans’ Affairs Committee, a veteran, and the son of a veteran, it is one of my top priorities to support veterans across New York State.

"In addition to my legislative support, this trip is part of my personal commitment to honor these brave men and women. I’m looking forward to this year’s trip and extend an invitation to all veterans of the 139th Assembly District.”

Patriot Trip III will include round-trip, private-coach transportation from Western New York to Washington, D.C. and accommodations at Fort Belvior Army Base in Virginia. The trip also includes tours of the WWII, Vietnam, Korean and FDR memorials as well as the nation’s Capitol, Arlington National Cemetery and the Udvar Hazy Aerospace Museum.

Cost is $325 and most meals are included.

For more information about the trip and its details, pricing, or to sign-up for the trip or mailing list, please call Assemblyman Hawley’s District Office at (585) 589-5780.

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