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Steve Hawley

Lawmakers announce tour of Washington, D.C., with veterans

By Billie Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C, I – Batavia) announced his second annual Patriot Trip for veterans to tour Washington, D.C.  This special trip is scheduled for Sept. 24-27 and is being jointly hosted by Congressman Chris Lee (NY-26).

“Last year’s trip was a very special and memorable trip for me on many levels: as a representative, as a veteran and as the son of a veteran," Hawley said. "I was thrilled to be able to share the experience with so many veterans from our region and am even more excited for this year’s expanded trip. I would like to thank Congressman Lee for his support and assistance in the planning of this trip."

The trip, dubbed Patriot Trip II, will include round-trip private-coach transportation from Western New York to Washington, D.C. and accommodations at the Crossroads Hotel on Quantico Marine Base.

It also includes tours of the nation’s Capitol and Arlington Cemetery, as well as visits to a number of monuments and memorials, including World War II, Korean, Vietnam, FDR, Jefferson and Iwo Jima, among other tours and visits. Additionally, the trip includes admission to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, the Smithsonian Museum and Quantico Marine Military Museum.

“Any time our veterans take the opportunity to visit our nation’s capital, it’s an important event,” said Congressman Lee. “It’s not uncommon to see vets at our war memorials surrounded by grateful tourists and fellow citizens. I hope all local veterans will seek to take advantage of this unique opportunity. Assemblyman Hawley continues to do great work on behalf of our local veterans, and I look forward to working with him to ensure this trip is a success.”

While many veterans were sent a mailer with the trip’s original dates, due to military personnel commitments at the hotel, the trip’s dates have been changed to Sept. 24-27.  Assemblyman Hawley, who's also Ranking Member of the Assembly Veterans’ Affairs Committee, would like to encourage all veterans within the 139th Assembly District who did not receive the mailing, to call his office and ask to be put on the mailing list.

For more information about the trip and its details, pricing, or to sign-up for the trip or mailing list, please call Assemblyman Hawley’s District Office at (585) 589-5780.

Hawley looks back at legislative session with some pride

By Howard B. Owens

Assemblyman Steve Hawley says he's pleased with what he was able to get done during the recently completed legislative session, despite all the chaos in Albany recent.

Fifteen pieces of legislation sponsored by Hawley were approved by the Assembly, including five aimed at helping local communities.

"Despite all the chaos, changes in leadership and gridlock, I was able to get some common-sense and important pieces of legislation passed that will greatly help the communities in Western New York, as well as the rest of the state," said Hawley in a statement.

Among Hawley's locally targeted legislation is a bill to help town court proceedings in the towns of Elba, Oakfield and Batavia as well as the City of Batavia.  The measure will pave the way for these communities to build a shared court facility, which, according to Hawley, will help save taxpayer money.

Full press release after the jump:

As the regularly scheduled legislative session drew to a close, Assemblyman  Steve Hawley (R, I, C - Batavia) was pleased to have been able to have over a dozen pieces of his legislation passed, despite a banner year for Albany's notorious dysfunction.

"Despite all the chaos, changes in leadership and gridlock, I was able to get some common-sense and important pieces of legislation passed that will greatly help the communities in Western New York, as well as the rest of the state," said Hawley.

Of the 15 pieces of legislation that Hawley sponsored, which passed the Assembly, five bills specifically helped local communities in Western New York.  These bills include measures to help town court proceedings in the towns of Elba, Oakfield and Batavia, and the city of Batavia.  These four municipalities are leading the way in the state for finding an innovative solution, to their individual need for new and upgraded court facilities,
will help local governments save taxpayer dollars by sharing services and building a joint court facility.

Perhaps Hawley's largest statewide initiatives that passed were measures to help firefighters.  Assembly Bill 2733-A establishes the volunteer firefighter and volunteer emergency services recruitment and retention fund. Assembly Bill 6051-A allows firefighters to operate a fire truck without possessing a commercial driver's license, saving fire districts endless amounts of time, which can be better spent training, as well as thousands of dollars annually.  This measure was passed by both houses and signed into law.

Hawley's passed legislation also includes a number of initiatives to help those with disabilities.  Assembly Bill 7848 requires access aisles of handicapped parking spaces to be marked with a sign and stripes; and Assembly Bill 7849 requires that handicapped parking spaces be at least 8 feet wide.

The Assemblyman also played an instrumental role in leading the fight against some of the more dangerous bills that came to the floor, such as the "Farm Death Bill."  Hawley stated, "The fight against this harmful bill, brought together farmers, farm workers, and agribusinesses, and bipartisan legislators from across the state.  This opposition was an  example of Albany at its finest.  Unfortunately, its passage in the Assembly highlighted the standard dysfunction in the State Capitol, but I am hopeful that our collective voices will help prevent this bill from coming to fruition in the Senate."

Hawley also lead the charge for other important measures, such as property tax relief.  During and after budget negotiations the Assemblyman stood on the Assembly floor to demand relief for overburdened homeowners and businesses, specifically calling on both houses and the Governor to reinstate the STAR Rebate Check and restore cuts made to the traditional STAR programs.  Hawley also called on the Governor to make smart usage of the $1 billion in federal stimulus dollars which have not yet been appropriated.  He commented, "We need to begin looking at ways to make it easier for residents and businesses to survive.  Maintaining jobs, and attracting new ones, are necessary to keep our economy moving."

Assemblyman Hawley Helps Pass Bill to Safeguard Children

By Steve Hawley



Legislation to Protect Against Sex Offenders Passes Both Houses


Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) voted in support of legislation that would help safeguard children from sex offenders by allowing residents to sign up to receive e-mail alerts when Level 2 and 3 sex offenders move into their neighborhood (A.1242-B).


“In today’s busy world, not every parent or guardian has the time to constantly check the Internet database; however, as a parent myself, I know there is nothing more important than keeping our children safe.  This bill helps parents and guardians do that in a quick, free and common-sense manner for today’s world,” said Hawley.


The service would allow residents to sign up for the e-mail alerts through the Division of Criminal Justice Services website.  The resident would be able to specify the geographical area of concern for them and then receive e-mail notifications if a Level 2 or 3 sex offender moves into that area.


The bill has now been passed in both houses and is before the Governor for his consideration. 




Steve Hawley Passes 15 Bills for Western New York

By Steve Hawley




As the regularly scheduled legislative session drew to a close, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) was pleased to have been able to have over a dozen pieces of his legislation passed, despite a banner year for Albany’s notorious dysfunction.


“Despite all the chaos, changes in leadership and gridlock, I was able to get some common-sense and important pieces of legislation passed that will greatly help the communities in Western New York, as well as the rest of the state,” said Hawley.


Of the 15 pieces of legislation that Hawley sponsored, which passed the Assembly, five bills specifically helped local communities in Western New York.  These bills include measures to help town court proceedings in the towns of Elba, Oakfield and Batavia, and the city of Batavia.  These four municipalities are leading the way in the state for finding an innovative solution, to their individual need for new and upgraded court facilities, will help local governments save taxpayer dollars by sharing services and building a joint court facility.


Perhaps Hawley’s largest statewide initiatives that passed were measures to help firefighters.  Assembly Bill 2733-A establishes the volunteer firefighter and volunteer emergency services recruitment and retention fund.  Assembly Bill 6051-A allows firefighters to operate a fire truck without possessing a commercial driver’s license, saving fire districts endless amounts of time, which can be better spent training, as well as thousands of dollars annually.  This measure was passed by both houses and signed into law.


            Hawley’s passed legislation also includes a number of initiatives to help those with disabilities.  Assembly Bill 7848 requires access aisles of handicapped parking spaces to be marked with a sign and stripes; and Assembly Bill 7849 requires that handicapped parking spaces be at least 8 feet wide.


            The Assemblyman also played an instrumental role in leading the fight against some of the more dangerous bills that came to the floor, such as the “Farm Death Bill.”  Hawley stated, “The fight against this harmful bill, brought together farmers, farm workers, and agribusinesses, and bipartisan legislators from across the state.  This opposition was an example of Albany at its finest.  Unfortunately, its passage in the Assembly highlighted the standard dysfunction in the State Capitol, but I am hopeful that our collective voices will help prevent this bill from coming to fruition in the Senate.”


            Hawley also lead the charge for other important measures, such as property tax relief.  During and after budget negotiations the Assemblyman stood on the Assembly floor to demand relief for overburdened homeowners and businesses, specifically calling on both houses and the Governor to reinstate the STAR Rebate Check and restore cuts made to the traditional STAR programs.  Hawley also called on the Governor to make smart usage of the $1 billion in federal stimulus dollars which have not yet been appropriated.  He commented, “We need to begin looking at ways to make it easier for residents and businesses to survive.  Maintaining jobs, and attracting new ones, are necessary to keep our economy moving.”



Steve Hawley talks about trip to Dominican and work of his step-son there

By Howard B. Owens

Several weeks ago, Steve Hawley traveled with his wife Crystal to visit his step-son Tim Rimmer in the Dominican Republic, where Rimmer is doing work for the Peace Corps.

It sounded like a fascinating trip, so I asked Steve if he would sit down for a video interview and talk a little bit about the trip and share some pictures.  It took me some time to get the video put together because of our move and everything else going on. 

One of the key projects Tim Rimmer is involved in is building ceramic stoves for families to cook on. The Peace Corps is seeking donations to help with the project. To donate, click here.

Assemblyman Hawley to Host Free Car Seat Safety Check on July 11

By Steve Hawley






Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) will be hosting a free car seat safety check on Saturday, July 11, from 10 am to 1 pm, at the Albion Fire Hall.  All are invited to attend this important public safety event.


“Despite parents’ best intentions, statistics show that 70 percent of car seats are installed improperly.  I would like to encourage all parents to attend this important event and would like to thank the New York State Police for coming to make sure car seats are properly installed,” said Hawley.


Assemblyman Steve Hawley’s Car Seat Safety Check

Hosted in conjunction with the New York State Police

Saturday, July 11, 2009

10 a.m. to 1 p.m. 

Albion Fire Hall

108 North Platt Street

Albion, NY 

RSVP by calling Assemblyman Hawley’s office at 585-589-5780


Assemblyman Hawley & WNY Delegation Call for Rules Reforms

By Steve Hawley


With Talk of Reform Taking Center Stage in Albany, Western New York Minority Delegation Unveil Own Package of Initiatives


            On Monday, June 8, a bipartisan coalition of state senators passed a comprehensive list of rules reforms that if enacted, would help bring long overdue transparency and accountability to the legislative process.  On the heels of that reform package, today, the Western New York Minority Delegation led by Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia), Assemblyman Joe Giglio (R,I,C-Gowanda), Assemblyman Jack Quinn (R,C,I-Hamburg), Assemblywoman Jane Corwin (R,C,I-Clarence), and Assemblyman Jim Hayes (R-Amherst) announced their own series of initiatives, which aims to increase government efficiency, reduce costs and create a more open, bipartisan democratic process.


            The Western New York Delegation package contains nine reform proposals, including:


ü      Term limits for Speaker, Majority Leader and Minority Leader of 6 years.

ü      Term limits for Chairpersons and Ranking Members of 8 years.

ü      Publish agendas and votes (floor and committee) online.

ü      All committee meetings video recorded and webcast.

ü      Create televised programming, NY-SPAN, by January 1, 2010.

ü      Divide any member items evenly.

ü      Messages of Necessity shall only be permitted in actual emergencies “such as legislation related to address acts of God, natural and man-made disasters and civil unrest.”

ü      Institute Member prerogative to provide each member an equal allotted amount of time to advocate for issues specific to their district.

ü      New motion and/or petition for Consideration created.

o       Separate and in addition to motion to discharge.  Permits a Member to move a bill for house consideration after 10 days on 3rd reading.  If approved by a majority of Members present, bill is placed on next day’s active list.  Petition process is same, except must be signed by a majority of elected Members.


“Citizens in the state should never be dependent on whether their representative is enrolled in a particular party,” said Assemblyman Steve Hawley.  “True representation has no party affiliation.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re an enrolled or non-enrolled voter, your needs should be met.  For too long, Albany has operated based upon party politics, not sound governing principles.  We need to open up the process and improve transparency in order to make sure the government stands accountable to the people, not the other way around.  These reforms take a step toward just that.”


“As a reformer, I have fought for changes to the way Albany does business since I came to office,” said Assemblyman Giglio.  “Last Monday, the Senate passed reforms to increase transparency in government.  Today, we should heed their example and take advantage of a unique opportunity to reform our own house.  I call on my colleagues in the Assembly to pass these reforms as a step toward the betterment of our system and accountability to the taxpayers of our state.”


            “Since I was elected to the Assembly, I have fought to change the way Albany operates,” said Assemblyman Jack Quinn.  “Repeatedly though, entrenched and powerful institutions have overridden common-sense initiatives.  However, calls for reform have amplified and if we’re going to break the status quo and usher in a new era of reform and openness, then the time is now.  The initiatives we introduced today mirror the proposed Senate reforms.  Together, they will help reduce the stranglehold that a handful of leaders have on the legislative process, ensure all bills receive a fair vote on the floor of the chamber regardless of party, and reaffirm our commitment to taxpayers.”


            “If events of the last few months have taught us anything, it’s that state government is broken,” said Assemblywoman Jane Corwin.  “Monday, a bipartisan coalition of senators passed comprehensive rules reform aimed to bring long overdue change to the legislative process, expand the power of legislative committees, and put to an end an archaic and corrupt memberitem process that doles out resources and community aid based on politics, not need.  This is our chance to instill balance and equality in the legislative process to achieve the results that New Yorkers were looking for when they went to the ballot box last November.” 



Assemblyman Steve Hawley Announces Monroe County Town Hall Meetings for July 18

By Steve Hawley








As part of his ongoing constituent outreach events, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) is inviting members of the public to join him at a series of Town Hall meetings to be held on Saturday, July 18 throughout Monroe County. 


“Serving as your state representative is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and I am proud and honored to serve you.  In order to ensure your voice is heard in Albany, I am hosting this series of Town Hall meetings and I hope you will come to share your thoughts and concerns with me,” said Assemblyman Hawley.


All members of the public and press are invited and encouraged to attend.  For more information regarding this series of Town Hall meetings or for more information on future meetings, please call Hawley’s district office at (585) 589-5780.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley’s Monroe County Town Hall Meetings:

Saturday, July 18


10 a.m.
Clarkson Town Hall
3710 Lake Road


11:30 a.m.
Hamlin Town Hall
1658 Lake Road

Parma and Hilton

2:00 p.m.
Parma Town Hall
1300 Hilton Parma Road



Assemblyman Hawley Calls for Property Tax Relief

By Steve Hawley

This year’s legislative session began with a lot of talk about the need to put in place property tax relieving measures, such as a property tax cap or circuit breaker.  Despite calling for a cap, Governor Paterson did not include this measure in his budget proposal, nor did either house in the final 2009-10 State Budget.

As the end of the regularly scheduled legislative session draws to a close, no property tax relief has been enacted.  In fact, the “three New York City men in a room” have actually added to the burden homeowners, businesses and farmers are facing already.  With no regard for the current dismal fiscal climate, these three men set records when it came to budgetary spending and earmarks.  On top of that, they reduced STAR benefits and brought to the floor cumbersome legislation which passes more job-killing mandates onto businesses and agriculture, such as Assembly Bill 1867, the “Farm Death Bill.”

All of these measures have come from New York City state legislators who know little to nothing about the rural communities or agricultural industry that these bills will truly affect.  In their skyline apartments, issues like property tax reform are not pressing concerns, but as a collective body they have an obligation to help make the entire state a better, more affordable and safer place to live and work.  That obligation is not currently being met.

Clearly, the current partisan turmoil in the State Senate is a distraction for all lawmakers, lobbyists and the media.  However, it is incumbent upon lawmakers to put partisanship aside and keep our promise to the people.  We must enact meaningful property tax relief before the end of the month.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley to Host Boater Safety Course on June 20

By Steve Hawley









As date approaches, Assemblyman reminds public to sign up


Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia), in conjunction with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Parks and Marine Unit and New York State Parks Police, is hosting a free Boater Safety Course for the public.  The course will be held on Saturday, June 20 at Hamlin State Park.


“We are fortunate to live in one of the best tourist destinations in the Northeast.  This summer, I encourage everyone to rediscover their own backyard and am inviting all boaters to join me at this free and informative event,” said Hawley.


New York State law requires that all boaters pass an 8-hour boater safety course if:


§         You operate a personal watercraft, such as a jet ski, and are at least 14 years of age; and/or

§         You wish to operate a motorboat (other than a personal watercraft) and you are at least 10 years old and less than 18 years old.


Steve Hawley’s free Boater Safety Course is an officially-recognized 8-hour safety course, as required by law.  Subjects covered include proper equipment, the rules of the water, buoys, safe operation, accidents and special activities.  Although the course is free, there will be a $10 fee for processing a permanent boater safety certificate with the New York State Department of Parks.  Anyone caught boating without a safety certificate may face fines and/or imprisonment.


Assemblyman Steve Hawley’s Boater Safety Course

Hosted in conjunction with

the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department

and  New York State Parks Police


Saturday, June 20, 2009

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Participants should bring a bagged lunch


Hamlin State Park, Shelter 1

1 Camp Road

Hamlin, NY 14464


RSVP by calling Assemblyman Hawley’s office at 585-598-5780




Assemblyman Steve Hawley Celebrates NYS Dairy Day

By Steve Hawley





Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) today joined Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R, C, I – Canandaigua), bipartisan members of the State Legislature, representatives from the State Department of Agriculture and Markets, New York Farm Bureau, New York Grange, Northeast Dairy Foods, and American Dairy Association, along with local New York State farmers in celebration and recognition of New York State Dairy Day. 


Additionally, the coalition discussed the negative impacts of Assembly Bill 1867, dubbed the “Farm Death Bill” and called on the State Senate and Governor to “vote no” on the bill, which was passed by the Assembly last evening.


Hawley stated, “I was a third generation family farmer and I know firsthand how difficult it is to run a farm successfully.  Right now farmers are losing money on every gallon of milk, every pound of grain, because production costs here are so high.  We are in the midst of one of the worst recessions in decades and now is not the time to add additional burdens on our farmers.”


The Assemblyman continued, “This onerous bill, if passed into law, will be the death of New York State’s farms.  Farming is not just a job, it is a way of life and I want to keep that quality of life around for many more generations.”


New York Assembly passes 'Farm Death Bill'

By Howard B. Owens

A bill sponsored by a New York City Democrat that could cost the state's farmers $200 million a year, or drive many farmers out of business, and many farm workers out of state, as well as increase the cost of New York-produced food, today passed the state Assembly 85 to 57.

The Farmworkers Omnibus Labor Standards Bill, AB 1867, or as its opponents call it, "The Farm Death Bill," will require farmers to pay time-and-a-half for over time, allow farm workers to join labor unions, require a day off during harvest season, will require farmers to pay into the unemployment system, among other provisions.

The bill is sponsored by Catherine Nolan, who represents Queens.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley voted against the bill.

I spoke with Hawley about the bill Friday in his Main Street insurance office, and Steve noted that a farm worker who might, under current law, work 60 hours a week at $16 or $17 an hour and would therefore earn $1,000 is likely to see his earnings cut in half by the bill, because a farmer would find it more economical to hire a second worker rather than pay time-and-a-half to the original worker.

In a press release this evening, Hawley noted that the bill passed rather ironically the day before is slated to honor the state's dairy farmers with its annual "Dairy Day."

"Dairy farmers and agribusinesses come from all over the state to be lauded by legislators as the ‘pride of New York,’" Hawley said. "How hypocritical for lawmakers to, on the eve of this day, pass the bill that will kill these businesses.  Once our farms close up shop, they will be closed forever.”

Hawley's full press release after the jump:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C - Batavia) today voted against the Farmworkers Omnibus Labor Standards Bill, dubbed the "Farm Death Bill."  By imposing unnecessary and expensive mandates on farmers, the cost of the bill, ranging in the thousands, depending on farm size, has the potential to put farms and agribusinesses across the state out of business.

"My family has a long tradition of farming.  Our Western New York community's backbone is in agriculture - both socially and financially.  This bill will be the final nail in the coffin for New York State agriculture and more people will suffer the consequences of our farms closing than just the farmers or farm workers.  The price of food will skyrocket and further hurt hard-working middle-America families that are just squeezing by right now. This bill is a disaster for the state economy," said Hawley, who is a former crop and hog farmer and Genesee County Farm Bureau President.

Hawley debated the bill on the floor, citing the fact that from April 2008 to April 2009, milk prices received by farmers dropped from $18.20 per 100 weight to $11.80; corn from $5.86 to $3.98; and wheat from $9.20 to $4.24. These price drops signify that farmers in New York State are already struggling to make ends meet.  This is compounded by production costs, which for milk are currently around $14 per 100 weight, meaning that farmers are already losing money on their products.  Additionally, New York State has lost over 2,000 farms over the last decade.  Hawley argued that the new provisions that the bill mandates will push struggling farms over the edge and force more farms, especially smaller operations, to permanently close.

During the debate, Hawley also commented on the comparison of New York State's agriculture to that of California.  He stated, "In California, they have farms that operate year-round.  Their agricultural industry is 12 months a year and operates on a much larger scale.  Here, in New York, many farms only operate 1 to 2 months per year and during these months everything from planting to harvesting happens."

Hawley, who also serves as a member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, was among the first legislators to oppose the Farm Death Bill, or Assembly Bill 1867.  With the entire bipartisan Assembly Agriculture Committee, he sent a formal letter of opposition to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver outlining the devastating effects of the bill.  Hawley has worked with New York Farm Bureau President Dean Norton, a former dairy farmer in Batavia, local farmers and a bipartisan delegation of state legislators, to openly and publicly oppose the bill as well as to wage a public campaign urging New Yorkers to contact the sponsors of the bill in opposition.

Despite this, the Assembly passed the legislation by a vote of 85 to 57. Hawley stated, "Tomorrow, the State Legislature is celebrating their annual 'Dairy Day,' a day when dairy farmers and agribusinesses come from all over the state to be lauded by legislators as the 'pride of New York.' How hypocritical for lawmakers to, on the eve of this day, pass the bill that will kill these businesses.  Once our farms close up shop, they will be closed forever."

Assemblyman Hawley Stands Opposed to Farm Death Bill

By Steve Hawley




Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) today voted against the Farmworkers Omnibus Labor Standards Bill, dubbed the “Farm Death Bill.”  By imposing unnecessary and expensive mandates on farmers, the cost of the bill, ranging in the thousands, depending on farm size, has the potential to put farms and agribusinesses across the state out of business.


“My family has a long tradition of farming.  Our Western New York community’s backbone is in agriculture – both socially and financially.  This bill will be the final nail in the coffin for New York State agriculture and more people will suffer the consequences of our farms closing than just the farmers or farm workers.  The price of food will skyrocket and further hurt hard-working middle-America families that are just squeezing by right now.  This bill is a disaster for the state economy,” said Hawley, who is a former crop and hog farmer and Genesee County Farm Bureau President.


Hawley debated the bill on the floor, citing the fact that from April 2008 to April 2009, milk prices received by farmers dropped from $18.20 per 100 weight to $11.80; corn from $5.86 to $3.98; and wheat from $9.20 to $4.24.  These price drops signify that farmers in New York State are already struggling to make ends meet.  This is compounded by production costs, which for milk are currently around $14 per 100 weight, meaning that farmers are already losing money on their products.  Additionally, New York State has lost over 2,000 farms over the last decade.  Hawley argued that the new provisions that the bill mandates will push struggling farms over the edge and force more farms, especially smaller operations, to permanently close.


During the debate, Hawley also commented on the comparison of New York State’s agriculture to that of California.  He stated, “In California, they have farms that operate year-round.  Their agricultural industry is 12 months a year and operates on a much larger scale.  Here, in New York, many farms only operate 1 to 2 months per year and during these months everything from planting to harvesting happens.”


Hawley, who also serves as a member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, was among the first legislators to oppose the Farm Death Bill, or Assembly Bill 1867.  With the entire bipartisan Assembly Agriculture Committee, he sent a formal letter of opposition to Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver outlining the devastating effects of the bill.  Hawley has worked with New York Farm Bureau President Dean Norton, a former dairy farmer in Batavia, local farmers and a bipartisan delegation of state legislators, to openly and publicly oppose the bill as well as to wage a public campaign urging New Yorkers to contact the sponsors of the bill in opposition.


Despite this, the Assembly passed the legislation by a vote of 85 to 57.  Hawley stated, “Tomorrow, the State Legislature is celebrating their annual ‘Dairy Day,’ a day when dairy farmers and agribusinesses come from all over the state to be lauded by legislators as the ‘pride of New York.’ How hypocritical for lawmakers to, on the eve of this day, pass the bill that will kill these businesses.  Once our farms close up shop, they will be closed forever.”




Assemblyman Hawley Joins Assembly Task Force Forum on Workforce Issues In Correctional System

By Steve Hawley





Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) today joined Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R, C, I – Canandaigua) and members of the Assembly Minority Conference at a forum in Albany to discuss workforce issues in the correctional system.  The New York State Correction Officers, Police Benevolent Association and Public Employees Federation were among the correctional services professionals who provided testimony to the lawmakers.


“The dedicated men and women who work in our correctional facilities are on the front lines, protecting us every day.  It’s about time that Albany take a look at reforming our correctional system from their perspective, and I am pleased to be able to join my colleagues toward that common goal,” said Hawley, who represents a four-county district, which includes three state correctional facilities as well as the federal United States Department of Homeland Security detention facility in Batavia.


            Despite that the state’s maximum security facilities are now operating at 123 percent of capacity, the State Department of Correctional Services plans to close three facilities by July 1, 2009 and another seven by October 1, 2009.  This amounts to the loss of at least 558 jobs, including 473 uniformed staff positions.




Assemblyman Hawley Votes for Bill to Save Taxpayer Dollars, Make Government More Efficient and Effective

By Steve Hawley





Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) today voted in favor of Assembly Bill 8501, the “New N.Y. Government Reorganization and Citizen Empowerment Act.”  This legislation would help save taxpayer dollars by allowing local government to become more effective and efficient, while at the same time standardizing state law regarding the process of government consolidation.


“I firmly believe that less government is better government and I have long supported initiatives to consolidate government services, such as during this year’s budget negotiation.  By consolidating services among the three levels of government, we can more effectively and efficiently serve our collective constituency,” said Hawley.


The Assemblyman continued, “at first glance there were some fears about this legislation that I shared with local government agencies.  I wanted to make sure that this bill was not just another Albany-imposed mandate.  I have taken the time to carefully review the bill and to vet the language with my colleagues in local government as well as to read a number of letters and e-mails my office has received since this bill was introduced.  We need to take steps to cut government excess in order to truly protect the taxpayers and businesses of our state and I believe after considering this legislation that this bill will help meet that goal.”


The bill puts into place a standardized method for government consolidation, shared services or dissolution of government entities, should that be proposed on a local level.  While the Assemblyman originally had some concerns about the bill, upon reviewing the bill language and vetting it through local and state officials, he came to the conclusion that the bill merely clarifies and standardizes the process by which local government entities may consolidate, share services or dissolve, should the voters of the district petition. 


The largest among the Assemblyman’s original concerns was that the bill outlines that 10 percent of the electorate must sign a petition calling for a referendum on the issue of consolidation, sharing services or dissolution.  However, this 10 percent is greater than the current 5 percent standard in Town Law and greater than the percentage needed in most cases for a petition to consolidate adjoining villages under current Village Law.  Additionally, the bill provides a safeguard for small villages and government entities with populations of less than 500 residents.  In these cases, the bill calls for 20 percent of the population to sign the petition.


Additionally, the Assemblyman shared the concern of some local officials that this measure would put too much power into the hands of county-level officials.  However, current state law already gives counties this power.  Another concern was that should a referendum be called for, taxpayers would be asked to foot the bill for holding a special election.  Yet, the bill directly states that should a referendum be called, it may be held at any time, including on general elections.


Finally, the Assemblyman was concerned that should a referendum be called for and passed, it would give local government entities short notice to lay out plans to consolidate, share services or dissolve.  The bill language details the standardized process, which would amount to a minimum of 390 days and, thereafter, it would take up to an additional two years for the plan to be fully implemented.


“At the end of the day, this bill puts the power of change into the hands of the people, which, in my opinion, is where it belongs.  This bill does not call for governments to consolidate or dissolve at a local level.  It merely gives a standardized process for localities should they consider this option,” said Hawley.


To further ensure that certain government entities, such as fire districts, are protected, Hawley is drafting new legislation that would amend A.8501.  The Assemblyman stated, “I want to make sure that our fire departments are fully protected and that the bill which was passed does not have any unintended negative consequences for our firefighters, especially in terms of volunteer firefighter recruitment.  I will continue working together with the fire districts and volunteer fire departments in the 139th Assembly District and my colleagues in the State Legislature toward this end.”




Assemblyman Hawley Joins NY Farm Bureau to Oppose Farmworkers Omnibus Labor Standards Bill

By Steve Hawley






Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) joined New York Farm Bureau President and Batavia dairy farmer Dean Norton, bipartisan state legislators, farmers and agriculturalists from across the state at a press conference today opposing Assembly Bill 1867, the Farmworkers Omnibus Labor Standards Bill.


As a former crop and hog farmer and Genesee County Farm Bureau President and as a current member of the Assembly Agriculture Committee, Hawley joined the group in calling on the three legislative leaders to halt action on the bill, stating, “Albany has a real opportunity to help businesses, yet here we go again.  Albany seems to do all it can to discourage business: whether it be raising property taxes, imposing expensive and unnecessary mandates, or raising the cost of business.  As a third generation family farmer, I have seen first-hand that our children are leaving the state.  This impact is felt greatest on our farms.  This legislation adds to that burden for farmers and agri-business owners.  Albany needs to learn how to say to businesses ‘we want you here’ and passing meaningful legislation to attract and retain businesses for our future.”




Assemblyman Hawley Invites All to Attend Free Boater Safety Course

By Steve Hawley







Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia), in conjunction with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Parks and Marine Unit and New York State Parks Police, is hosting a free Boater Safety Course for the public.  The course will be held on Saturday, June 20 at Hamlin State Park.


“We are fortunate to live in one of the best tourist destinations in the Northeast.  This summer, I encourage everyone to rediscover their own backyard and am inviting all boaters to join me at this free and informative event,” said Hawley.


New York State law requires that all boaters pass an 8-hour boating safety course if:


§         You operate a personal watercraft, such as a jet ski, and are at least 14 years of age;

§         You wish to operate a motorboat (other than a personal watercraft) and you are at least 10-years-old and less than 18-years-old;


Steve Hawley’s free Boating Safety Course is an officially-recognized 8-hour safety course, as required by law.  Subjects covered include: proper equipment, the rules of the water, buoys, safe operation, accidents and special activities.  Although the course is free, there will be a $10 fee for processing a permanent boating safety certificate with the New York State Department of Parks.  Anyone caught boating without a safety certificate may face fines and or imprisonment.

Details of the course include:


Assemblyman Steve Hawley’s Boating Safety Course

Hosted in conjunction with the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department


Saturday, June 20, 2009

8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Participants should bring a bagged lunch


Hamlin State Park, Shelter 1

1 Camp Road

Hamlin, NY 14464


RSVP by calling Assemblyman Hawley’s office at 585-598-5780





Assemblyman Hawley's Bill to Support Emergency Responders Passes Assembly!

By Steve Hawley



Assemblyman’s Legislation Exempts Emergency Responders from CDL Requirements


            Legislation sponsored by Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,I,C-Batavia) to exempt firefighters, police and other emergency responders from commercial drivers’ licensing (CDL) requirements when driving emergency vehicles was passed in the Assembly today.  Hawley supported a similar measure that was contained as part of this year’s enacted State Budget, however, this legislation clarifies that section of law to allow first responders to drive emergency vehicles in situations such as returning from the scene of an emergency or community event without having a CDL.

            “Our emergency first responders put their lives on the line in order to protect us. In light of current fiscal times and budget cuts, we owe it to these everyday heroes to ensure their valuable time and resources are most efficiently spent.  Not only will this legislation help reduce redundancy in state law, but it will save our first responder time and money that could be better spent training them to protect us,” said Hawley, who recently announced the creation of a new local scholarship program for volunteer firefighters and emergency service workers at Genesee Community College.

            As part of this year’s enacted State Budget, emergency responders were made exempt from CDL requirements in emergency situations.  However, a loophole in the law still required first responders to obtain, and pay for, a CDL in order to drive emergency vehicles in other official non-emergency business, such as commercial building inspections, fire hydrant inspections, parades, funerals and other not-for-profit official business.  Assembly Bill 6051-A corrects this.

Assemblyman Hawley Fights for Veterans

By Steve Hawley

As Ranking Member of the Assembly Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) today joined with State Division of Veterans’ Affairs Director Colonel James McDonough and members of the bipartisan New York State Armed Forces Legislative Caucus to discuss legislative and outreach efforts to increase services for veterans across the state.

“There are very few individuals that have sacrificed and given more to ensure our protection, both our liberties and freedoms as well as our physical protection, than the courageous men and women who have served or are currently serving in our Armed Forces.  It is vital that we return the favor; whether it be in terms of health or mental health care, surviving dependents benefits, or honoring their legacy, we must make our veterans a priority,” said the Assemblyman, who served seven years in the United States Army Reserves and Army National Guard.

Hawley has been an ardent advocate for veterans in the State Assembly and has helped to move meaningful legislation, including measures which honor the contribution of those who served in the Cold War Era, support disabled veteran-owned businesses, and creating and extending a Veterans Property Tax Exemption to include Korean War and War on Terror veterans.  This year, Hawley is sponsoring a dozen pieces of legislation aimed specifically at improving the quality of life for veterans and their loved ones, and ensuring better services.  Hawley’s legislation includes measures that would: 

  • Provide Scholarships for surviving dependent family members of New York State military personnel who have died while performing official military duties (A.4005);
  • Authorize the State of New York Mortgage Agency to purchase veterans’ assisted forward commitment mortgages from banks within the state (A.4083);
  • Create a list of suitable documentation that can be used by veterans applying for real property exemptions (A.4008);
  • Create a Veteran’s Home and Land Ownership Loan Program (A.4081);
  • Assist service-related disabled veterans under the Affordable Home Ownership Development Program (A.4080);
  • Exempt compensation for active military service from inclusion in a resident’s adjusted gross income (A.4006); 
  • Establish the Patriot Family Support Fund and provide an income tax return check-off box therefore (A.4007); 
  • Provide a tax credit in the amount of certain fees charged in connection with loans under the Federal Home Loan Guarantee Program to National Guard and Reserve veterans (A.4009);
  • Create a wage tax credit for employers who employ New York National Guard men and women, reservists, volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel (A.4010);
  • Prohibit the increase of an employer’s rate of contribution to the unemployment insurance fund due to the deployment of an employee into active service in the National Guard of Armed Forces Reserves (A.4011); and
  • Provide that the issue of military deployment shall not be considered as a factor in the awarding of custody in marital actions where a suitable child care plan is provided (A.4079).

Additionally, Assemblyman Hawley is announcing his annual veterans’ trip to Washington D.C.  This year’s trip will take place from September 10, 2009 to September 13, 2009.  Veterans and other interested parties should contact the Assemblyman’s district office, at 585-589-5780, for more details or to RSVP.

Assemblyman Hawley to Honor Local Residents as Part of Annual "Disabilities Awareness Day" Observance

By Steve Hawley




This week in Albany, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, I, C – Batavia) and members of the State Assembly jointly observed “Disabilities Awareness Day,” an annual legislative day to honor and celebrate individuals living with disabilities and to help inform legislators on important issues.  As part of the day’s observance, the Assemblyman announced two local residents as the recipients of this year’s Excelsior Awards for Excellence.

“One of the aspects I love about serving the residents of the 139th Assembly District is having the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people and recognizing their exceptional contributions to our community.  This year’s Excelsior Awards nominees are all outstanding individuals who, despite their disabilities, have helped make their communities better places and I am very proud to honor them,” said Hawley.

The Excelsior Award for Excellence is an award which honors the extraordinary achievements and public service of those who have overcome physical disabilities and other personal challenges.  The nominees will be presented their awards at a ceremony hosted by Assemblyman Hawley in the district within the next few weeks.

This year’s recipients are Jarred Saj and Erik Goodrich, nominated by the Arc of Orleans County and Genesee County ARC, respectively. 

Mr. Saj is a 29-year old charter member of the Self Advocacy All Stars and, as a passionate political watchdog, recently launched their Voter Registration Drive.  He encourages his peers to be self advocates and discusses with them the importance of voting, as well as lobby legislators to assure the needs of people with disabilities and reach out to the community at large.  Mr. Saj also works on Self Advocacy All Star’s fundraising and recreation committees, in addition to being a member of the Media Lions and the Ridgeway Volunteer Fire Department.

Mr. Goodrich is a participant of the “Prep for Life” College Program, which is a community based program teaching life and vocational skills to adults with disabilities with the goal of preparing them to live in a less structured environment and obtain meaningful employment.  As his confidence grew through the program, Mr. Goodrich has taken on the challenge of public speaking, including engagements at the National Day of Caring and with special education classrooms and developmental disabilities programs.  He has also been an active member of TEAM (Together Empowered Advocates Meet), a youth leadership project sponsored by Genesee ARC, through which he helped beautify a local park for an Earth Day project.  Mr. Goodrich is also an active member of many community organizations, including the Kiwanis’s Aktion Club, YMCA Challenger Sports Program, Genesee County Animal Shelter, the Richmond Memorial Library, ringing bells for the Salvation Army, the Genesee County Nursing Home, and the Austin Park Concession Stand, among others.








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