Sponsored Post: Jam at the Ridge kicks off the summer concert season

Love and Theft and Eli Young Band will Jam At The Ridge this Friday and Saturday (6/14 and 6/15) from 4 p.m. until 10 p.m. Modern country music with the stories of what "Love Is" and what "Love Ain't." Pre-Sale tickets are still available starting at $15 and $22 with VIP options available.
Love and Theft Tickets:
Eli Young Band Tickets:
Want to win a Meet & Greet Pass with Love and Theft & Eli Young Band? Make a video to tell us what "Love Is" and what "Love Ain't" to YOU. Then post it on Facebook with the Hashtags #JAMATTHERIDGE #LOVEANDTHEFT #ELIYOUNGBAND #LOVEIS #LOVEAINT.
Just a quick personal story of someone who showed you what Love Is and a story about someone who showed you what Love Ain't.
A sample by The Ridge Girls is below, but make this your own. Get creative, have fun, and win a pair of nights to remember for a lifetime.
See the sample video:
Submitted Videos must be publicly viewable and family friendly. Additional prizes may be awarded. Come on out to Jam At The Ridge ... where the fun is! Jam At The Ridge is located at 8101 Conlon Road in Le Roy.
Sponsored Post: Summertime Parties? Batavia Restaurant Supply has everything you need!
Click here to visit Batavia Restaurant Supply online!
Girls' Summer Softball League Registration Opens Soon!
To parents and girls aged 7-16:
We offer an instructional/recreational program that plays fast pitch softball. We are based in Batavia but open to any young lady in and around Genesee County. We teach the basics of pitching, hitting, and fielding and most of our coaches are parents themselves with many years of experience. Sportsmanship and courtesy are our prime values as we try to teach self-esteem but also team play/spirit as our ladies come from many backgrounds. Our home field is Lions Park located on Edward Street in Batavia across from the VFW Post. Past participants have been teams from Elba, Byron-Bergen, Pembroke, and Oakfield as well as some ladies from Alexander, Stafford, and Leroy.
The majority of our games are played in Batavia with a few road games within 10-20 minutes of Batavia. Our season begins on or about Memorial Day and usually is completed by mid-July. Our age groups, 7-9 and 10-12, will begin after Memorial Day and our age group 13-16 on or about June 5. If a young lady is 12 and in the 7th grade it is best that she play with our 13-15 age group, since this is the modified-level age group. Many of the modified, JV, and even varsity softball plays at all our local schools have played in our league. We are exploring a team of participants ages 16-19 with most games being played in Bergen.
If you would like to pursue registration, please call me at 585/344-0481. We are currently registering last year’s participants and are taking new inquiries. Open registration will be held at the Batavia City Centre FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27: 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. and SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28: 10:30 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. However, you can apply at this time, saving you a trip to that registration. We have no geographic limitations for participants.
Please do not hesitate to call me with any questions about our program.
Yours in softball,
John Arent, President & Commissioner
Area Churches Gather to Learn about Partnership with YMCA Camp Hough
Weeklong Vacation Bible School begins
A Little Bit o' Talent July 22 -26 Vacation Bible School
Free meal for the whole family begins at 5:30. The program begins at 6:15. From nursery age through 6th grade PLUS discussion format for youth and adults.
Come and join the talent show of Biblical characters who shared their talents for God.
Transportation available: 343-4708 or 716-560-0290
Batavia: First United Methodist Church
8221 Lewiston Rd
Darien's Art Show and Community Day
Darien had their Art Show and Community Day, Sunday, the 29th and I took a few pictures for readers of the Batavian to enjoy.
G.A.S.A. Soccer Registration 2010
G.A.S.A. Soccer Registration 2010
Open registration at Richmond Memorial Library on Saturday January 9, 2010 from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. Come to the library and sign up to play summer soccer! Sign-ups also can be done online at and additional information is also available on website.
Holland Land Office Museum Anounces 2009 Summer Program for Kids Lineup
The Holland Land Office Museum is proud to announce the line up for the 2009 Summer Program. The program, for children 7 to 13 years old, consists of sixteen different sessions based on local history. The program is sponsored by The Bank of Castile and the Kiwanis Club of Batavia.
Registration is now open and available on the Museum’s website at or a flyer is available by calling the Museum at (585) 343-4727. The class will fill up fast, so sign your child up today!
Finding IT the proverbial question was just asked of me again. I had made a call to try and obtain some help with my current Batavia Players Summer Youth Theater Production of Jesus Christ, Superstar and the person on the other line informed me that "time really does fly by...was it time for this again". Then came the proverbial anticipated question. Why do I do this year after year, summer after summer and place your life on hold over the nicest months to do a musical show in Batavia? I assured her that yes, it was "that time of year again" and continued with my conversation to see if they could be of some help. I added some simple platitude like, "Someone has got to do it!" I was certain we would digress and since listening is a skill I sometimes have to hone, I decided to give her a listen.
After a few moments listening, I realized she was just one more person out of millions that expected happiness to find them....I have often thought that most people really want to be happy but rarely are they happy in the quality or quantity that they believe they deserve. Most people also believe it is up to happiness to find them.... Not lifting a single little finger to achieve this goal on thier own. Her discussion of the uninhabital weather, the cost of gas, the price of milk and the need to crack down on some expenses sent me into a quandry. She actual asked, "How can you be happy with the price of milk being what it is these days?"
So we did digress and my mind wandered and soon the person on the other end was getting my uh-huhs and oh gee's etc...... and I was thinking of some basics in my life. When I was a little kid and the price of milk went up or there was a need to conserve, we just did it. I remember my mom mixing non-fat dry milk with water and then adding a quart of regular milk to it so that is was 80% powdered milk product and 20% the real thing. She told us it was healthier and we drank it and obtained the proverbial milk reality she was trying to save money. Mom was never really a stellar cook, but we did have some treats from time to time. We were not allowed to eat chips or snacks. We ate popcorn.....freshly popped. In her words....."It is much better for you and you get a natural product". In reality, a bag of popcorn would provide my family a week's worth of snacks for 29 cents. I particularly liked lemon/grape kool-aid with only half the sugar ( YOU guessed it if you knew that Mom said it was "better for us than soda with less sugar") The reality was it saved money). I even learned to like the milk mixture.
The point of this whole discussion is this. When we were challenged financially, and there were times when were and times when we were not, we adapted and smiled and laughed and did everything pretty much that we liked to do. We just had to be resourceful. We made things, we had 4-H Meetings, we walked to the neighbors and we took care of our farm and animals. We may have complained about the heat of the summer while putting up hay or the price of gas going over 40 cents a gallon, but we adapted. We were always just fine.
Today I wonder. Do we actually buy happiness? Are those that have money any happier than those that need or want? Do we expect happiness to take its merry stroll through the universe and find us???? When I think back to lemon/grape koolaid and fresh popped popcorn and working on the farm I realize the answer. IT really is up to us to find happiness and to take as much of it as we can hold. It is the one component of this world where there is always enough, you can't take too much and it is found everywhere. It is a simple process, being happy. I happen to find happiness when I am creating the Batavia Player's Summer Youth Theater Production and working with such great young people. I happen to find happiness when I sit with my grandchildren and read, play or rock them while watching television.
I find little things and big things to make me happy. So when you think you are going to complain too much and you are falling in a trap of the doldrums....go out on an adventure. Scrape up your last change and see a funny movie or rent a DVD, sit next to a children ladden with laughter playground or look at a baby. Grab a good book and read or take the time to stare at some birds at a feeder. The abundance of happiness is out there......even in the darkest times it can be found....and there is only one cardinal rule when you do find it..... Share It....Look for someone else who is looking for happiness and give them a hug full.
The only thing better than finding happiness for yourself is sharing happiness with another.
A florid thouroughfare: Doing it Champs-Élysées style in downtown Batavia
They say it's going to be ninety degrees by the end of the week. You'll probably be able to see the Niagara power station glow and hear it hum from a mile away as the pulse of a million or so air conditioners suck its electric stream. At least, that's the apocalyptic look on our upcoming summer heat surge — and anyone who remembers the great Northeast Blackout of '03 will know what I mean.
On a brighter note, sunshine and hot humid days also bring blooming bouquets. Batavia's Downtown Business Improvement District understands that, which is why they've financed the hanging of some 90 baskets of flowers on light poles along Main Street from the post office to Liberty Street. As you can see, they haven't quite bloomed yet, but the pretty purple petals are a pleasant sign of things to come.
BID Director Don Burkel says the flowers will "give color to Main Street" and just make it a better place to be for pedestrians and motorists. City crews mounted the baskets, and they will monitor the irrigation systems attached to the poles to keep the soil wet and the flowers growing.
As long as the weather holds, the baskets should stay out through September, says Burkel.
Scrabble for Money....and Today's Drudgery......
Well last night was the Annual Scrabble Fundraising Tournament for Literacy Genesee/Orleans at Elba Central School. I was the MC and Host for this event once again this year. A great time was had by all and the top finishers were the Batavia High School Team and Second Place Honors went to the team sponsored by Genesee Orthopedics. Rounding out the top three was Third Place finisher Sheperd, Maxwell and Hale's Team. Several Auction Prizes were given away and the annual Basket Raffle Prizes were awarded. More importantly thousands of dollars were raised to promote Literacy in Genesee and Orleans Counties.
I am off to open our "Summer Place" this week.....will spend some time down there each day. I find it interesting that each year we so look forward to having the place open so we can use it...yet we hate the drudgery of opening it. This year we have hired a "technician" to open the place with us....takes off some of the drudgery. Next up is planting the gardens..the perrenial raking and in fact the cleaning. By this weekend we should be in good shape. The nice thing is that once it is is done...our own nice permanent vacation retreat. There is something to be said about having a peaceful place..... it renews the soul.
Batavia High School has six - yes count them six - students selected for HOBY this year. I am proud to be a part of this program and proud that our High School has a Sophomore Class of this magnitude. It will be another fine program at SUNY Geneseo in June...more on this later....just had to pass along the BLUE & WHITE PRIDE.....
Here's hoping you have a wonderful day.