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BID honors two Downtown businesses and key volunteers

By Howard B. Owens

Story and photos by Dan Fischer, WBTA.

The Batavia Business Improvement District (BID) honored two local businesses on Friday with its “Spirit of Downtown Business Award.”

The new business Spirit award was given to The YNGodess Shop. Proprietor Christine Crocker received the award with her son, Ben, at her side.

Accepting the Spirit award for the Established Business of the Year was Gregory Gluck, proprietor of Alberty Drugs.

Also recognized for their volunteer efforts on behalf of the BID were Steve Coraci and Beth Kemp.

The BID was created in 1997 creating a core group of Downtown property owners and city officials to organize a formal Downtown management association. Today, the BID is comprised of 143 properties that pay a total annual assessment of $120,000 and the City of Batavia’s contribution (for capital projects) is $41,300 to fund the organization.

The BID will meet on Tuesday to elect a new slate of officers.

Golden Arches on the horizon for Eastown Plaza

By Bonnie Marrocco

It's been a long time coming, but a spokesperson for the McDonald's Corp. has confirmed the fast-food chain will indeed open a second location in Batavia on East Main Street.

A developer received the necessary permits and approvals months ago, but then -- nothing. Even city officials didn't know if the project was still going through.

“Construction should begin this summer and Batavians can look forward to a brand new McDonald’s restaurant before the end of the year,” Vice President of Public Relations Kerry B. Ford said.

The project developer, TY Lin International, obtained a lease from the property owner, Eastown Plaza Associates, in November 2012 and according to City Manager Jason Molino, a building permit was issued last September.

“Permits are good for one year, but may be extended or a new permit could be applied for after expiration,” Molino said.

In response to questions about delays, Ford cited the magnitude of the project.

“As you can imagine, a project of this scale requires a great deal of careful planning and that planning takes time,” Ford said. “McDonald's is thrilled to raise a new set of Golden Arches in Batavia.”

According to the February 2013 application to the city’s Planning and Development Committee and Zoning Board of Appeals, Ty Lin International proposed constructing a 3,911-square-foot site in the current parking lot of Eastown Plaza. The project area is about .78 acres and is zoned for commercial use. The site would include two drive-thru lanes and raised islands, a shed, a dumpster, along with asphalt parking, landscaping, lighting and signage.

Stove fire on Ellicott Street

By Billie Owens

City fire is responding to a reported stove fire at 511 Ellicott St., right-side apartment.

UPDATE 7:07 p.m.: No fire at this time, just a smoldering pot on the stove. Ventilating. Now Mercy medics are called for a person suffering from smoke inhalation.

UPDATE 7:26 p.m.: Fire command says that are still ventilating and will be there for some time. The source was deemed to be an electrical problem with the stove. Medics are evaluating the patient.

UPDATE 7:30 p.m.: The patient is being transported to UMMC.

UPDATE 7:39 p.m.: Firefighters killed power to the stove then removed it from the apartment. The assignment is back in service.

Car vs. pole accident with injuries in Bethany

By Billie Owens

A car into pole accident, with injuries, is reported at 10661 East Bethany Road. Bethany fire and rescue on scene.

UPDATE 3:27 p.m.: Bethany ambulance is transporting a patient to the hospital in Warsaw. Other units are returning to service.

Alleged victim of shotgun menacing claims Bergen resident was communicating with his wife

By Howard B. Owens

The man who went to the residence of John Lavarne Robinson the afternoon of Jan. 13, 2013 and allegedly found himself face-to-barrel with a shotgun said in a statement to police that he only had a simple question for Robinson: Why was the Bergen resident communicating with his wife?

The Brockport resident said he had previously confronted his wife about the communication with Robinson and said he believed she had gone out on a couple of dates with Robinson. After checking phone records online, the man said he found there were new, recent communications between Robinson and his wife.

"I wanted to talk with John about his involvement with (my wife) and tell him to stop talking with her," the man wrote in his statement.

The statement, and Robinson's statements, along with the charging document were acquired by The Batavian from the Sheriff's Office through a FOIL request.

Members of Robinson's family and his supporters have left comments on The Batavian, through e-mails and on social media defending his actions.

Their version of events has consistently said that the alleged victim was banging on Robinson's door, threatening Robinson and that Robinson called 9-1-1 and was told by dispatchers to use his shotgun to protect himself.

Family members have also said the alleged victim was arrested by State Police the day of these alleged events, but Trooper Victor Morales, spokesman for Troop A, said there is no record of such an arrest.

Deputy Matthew Butler, who investigated the case and arrested Robinson, included several statements he attributes to Robinson in part of the charging document. He said Robinson told him, "I called 9-1-1." "He was kicking the shit out of my door." "I loaded my shotgun." "I yelled that I had a gun." "9-1-1 told me to do that." "He was calling me a coward and that he was going to kill me." "I thought he was coming in."

The Brockport resident said, "At no time did I want to cause harm to John. I just wanted to discuss his relationship with my wife. When I saw that shotgun pointed at my face, I was scared to death that John was going to shoot me."

In his statement, the man said he had reason to believe Robinson was in his house and kept knocking on the door. He said when he went looking for another doorway, he walked past a window and saw movement so he took a closer look into the window.

He says he did call Robinson "a coward" for not coming out.

He said he saw Robinson on the phone and Robinson screamed at him, "get out of here or I'm going to (blow) your (sic) f---ing head off." He wrote, "John was saying this and pointing the gun at my head and he was only a few feet away from me."

Head of BPD detective bureau closes out 33-year local law enforcement career

By Howard B. Owens

The most satisfying part of his job, Det. Pat Corona said, was solving crimes for victims. The worst part -- "call ins." Getting called in to work on a case at two or three in the morning.

"When the phone rings, whatever time of the morning, whatever day of the week, it's because something bad happened," Corona said. "That's the most stressful part of the job."

Corona has basically been on 7/24 call since 1988.

That ends today. After 33 years in local law enforcement, Corona has turned in his badge and announced his retirement, primarily so he could take a job with the U.S. Marshal's Office providing court security in Rochester and Buffalo.

"I love this work," Corona said. "I still do. I love this community. The people have been so good to me. It's been a pleasure to serve them."

But it's time to move on, in part, Corona admitted, because it's clear he'll never be chief of the department, a job he said he did seek.

"They made a different decision and that's fine," Corona said. "That's not coming and this is a great opportunity."

Corona's roots go deep in Batavia, back to his grandparents. He was born here and went to high school in Alexander.

That's where he made his career decision.

"In high school, people tell you, 'you should decide what to do with your life' and law enforcement appeared interesting to me."

His parents both worked in corrections, which may have helped guide his decision.

After graduating, he enrolled in the Criminal Justice program at Genesee Community College and when those studies were successfully completed, he worked security at the college.

"That was a fun job," Corona said.

In 1983, the Sheriff's Office hired him to work in the jail (a job that would play a role six years later in helping him solve one of the most notorious cases he handled in his career). Two years later, he graduated from the Erie County Police Academy and was placed on road patrol as a deputy.

Corona said he's thankful for the great start to his career that the Sheriff's Office provide him, but in 1985, when he was offered a job with Batavia PD, he felt that police department -- at that time -- had a better retirement package. So he made the switch.

Three years later, he and Charles Dudek were both accepted into the detectives bureau at the same time.

"I've loved working with Chuck Dudek," Corona said. "He's been a great partner. He's a brilliant detective. I've learned a lot from him."

Corona had only been in the bureau for a year when he happened into one of the most dramatic murder cases that has ever been handled by Batavia PD.

Officer Ned Murray responded to a report of a man threatening to kill a baby.

Murray came upon Joe Schlum with a pillow over the baby's face and a knife pointed at the baby's heart. Murray tried to convince Schlum to lift up the pillow and drop the knife, but he wouldn't move. As the seconds ticked and the situation became more dire, Murray warned Schlum that he would shoot him if he had to. Just before Murray was about ready to pull the trigger, Schlum lifted the pillow. The baby was saved and Schlum was arrested.

Young Det. Corona was called in to interview Schlum.

Schlum had been a trustee in the jail during Corona's two years working as a guard.

"What benefited me on that case was my time working in the jail," Corona said. "I became very acquainted with Joe Schlum. We were on a first-name basis. I think perhaps, he trusted me."

During the interview, Schlum made a confession that at first seemed impossible to believe.

"I was asking him about the child abuse and he said, 'I've done something really bad,'" Corona said. "I was thinking to myself, 'Joe, what you've done is pretty bad,' but I said, 'What is it?' He said, 'well, I killed somebody.' "

There was no immediate unsolved murder case that came to his mind, so Corona was skeptical.

"OK, Joe, who'd you kill?"

"Pam Smith."

That's an obvious name to invent, Corona thought.

Schlum said he strangled her.

Corona called the dispatch desk and Sgt. Ed Doody answered the phone. Corona asked if there was a missing person report on a Pam Smith. Doody did a few minutes research. No missing person report. But there was a warrant more than two years old for a Pam Smith. She hadn't shown up for court on some Batavia Municipal Code violation.

Corona told Doody what Schlum had said and Doody kind of chuckled. He didn't believe Schlum's confession, either.

"He was skeptical," Corona said. "I was, too. The more we talked, the more it seemed like a possibility."

Corona decided to take Schlum over to the Friendly Motel on Ellicott Street (now Charles Court) where Schlum said he killed Smith and buried her under his room.

"He brought us into one room and he walked into the corner of the room and he stepped on the corner of the floor and he said no this is the wrong room," Corona said. "I thought, 'oh, no, he's being untruthful.' We tried the next room and then the next room and he stepped on the floor and I saw the floor go (he makes a gesture with his hand going up and down), you know it went 'er-ert' kind of went in. That's when I thought, 'Ok, there's something here.' "

Officers and detectives removed the floor boards and Schlum and Corona climbed into the crawl space and Schlum showed Corona where he had buried Smith's body.

Smith had never been reported missing. Her family thought she had taken off for Texas, Corona said.

The hotel's owner, Charlie Pero, had thought a couple of years earlier that the stink around one of the rooms was from a tenant's boa constrictor that had escaped.

Officer Murray had been a fraction of a second away from shooting and probably killing Schlum. If he had, nobody would have ever known that Smith had been murdered.

Schlum is serving 17 years to life in the Auburn State Prison. He's eligible for parole in August.

The story illustrates a truth Corona learned about being a detective. You never know what's going to happen next.

"Every time you think you've seen all the cases you think you could see, something new comes up," Corona said.

The murder of Desean Gooch was another big case for Corona. He said he's extremely proud of the work of the entire detective bureau in that case.

Gooch was a Dellinger Avenue resident in 2006 when he was murdered by other young men Corona said were gang members.

The big break came when detectives were able to connect Jessie Foreman with the crime. The police had enough evidence on Foreman that they could get him to talk.

"Gang members are not going to cooperate unless you present to them that you have the evidence to proceed with something to charge against them, then they want to cooperate so they can do the best they can for themselves," Corona said. "Until they see you have evidence against them, they won't talk."

Andrew Figgins was identified as the murderer and is now serving 25 years to life at Elmira State Prison. Foreman was also arrested, along with Rondell Breedlove and Thomas Banks (an associate who was charged with a prior robbery of Gooch).

Murder cases are dramatic, but they're all important Corona said. Solving a larceny can sometimes be as much work as bigger felony cases.

"It's always rewarding to solve the mystery, to bring a case to its conclusion, to bring somebody to justice," Corona said.

Solving crimes is really about helping victims, he said.

"Years ago, through Genesee Justice, Ed Minardo gave me some advice," Corona said. "The system should victim-oriented rather than offender-oriented. It's rewarding to help victims."

The biggest change Corona has seen in law enforcement in Batavia -- besides the introduction of DNA evidence, which didn't exist when Corona started his career -- is the first local gang-involved crimes.

There was the Gooch murder, followed by a shots fired case on Tracy Avenue in 2009, and of course the shots-fired cases this past fall on State Street and Jackson Street.

"I don't want to sound the alarm here, but there has been a few legitimate gang-related activities that have gone on," Corona said.

Corona said he's a very ambitious person and the awards and plaques in his office are markers of his dedication, from the certificates for completing all kinds of detective and police work training to the five or six medals he's won from running 5K races.

"I always had a skill for running, but in high school, I didn't put it to good use," Corona said. "My first official 5K was the Friends and Family 5K through ARC. That was in 2007. I was first for my age group. I thought, 'must be a pretty slow age group,' but I was hooked."

Soon, Corona's replacement will be announced by Chief Shawn Heubusch, and Corona has some advise for that rookie detective: "Work well with others. Develop good interdepartmental relationships. When you need help, know who to call. You can't be shy about asking for help. Work well with the public. That's who you're serving."

Clearly, words of advice that served Corona well in his own career.

Photo: Corona in his office at BPD headquarters with his original "Manual for Police."

Grant aids the rehabilitation of more homes in Batavia

By Bonnie Marrocco

The City has been awarded another grant in the amount of $400,000 for housing rehabilitation projects over the next two years. The Community Development Block Grant is from the NYS Office of Community Renewal.

The first housing rehabilitation grant the City received was in 2010 for the same amount, which led to successfully rehabilitating 19 homes. Major projects completed in many of the homes included roof repair/replacement, porch repair/replacement, heating, plumbing, electrical, masonry work, window and door replacement, siding and rain gutters.

“Nearly all of the rehabilitation work in 2010 was performed by Genesee County contractors, keeping local dollars in the community,” City Manager Jason Molino said.

The program will assist single-family, owner-occupied homeowners to upgrade their properties. Assistance will be provided in the form of grants, up to $24,500, for the cost of home improvements. It is estimated that the program will be able to assist 15-18 homeowners with needed repairs.

“This is another $400,000 that will be invested in City housing stock and contributing towards revitalizing our neighborhoods. This is a great opportunity for our community and I look forward to another successful program,” City Council President Brooks Hawley said.

“This grant is citywide and income-eligible property owners may apply. The city expects to start working with property owners within the next 90 days and would expect the program funding to be committed by the end of the Summer of 2015. Home repairs should be completed within a year of when the funds are committed,” Molino said.

Anyone interested in applying for the grant program should call the Office of the City Manager at (585) 345-6330 and have your name added to the list. Once the office receives the necessary paperwork from NY State, the people on the list will be contacted to fill out applications. Recipients will be chosen from those who meet the necessary criteria and whose earnings have been verified. The income requirements are based on HUD guidelines for Genesee County.  

Aside from the 2010 CDBG award, the City also received a $450,000 grant in 2011 from the New York Main Street program to assist 10 Downtown building owners that have invested more than $1.2 million in Downtown buildings, including nine residential units. All three grant awards, 2010, 2011 and 2014, are in line with the City’s Strategic Plan focusing on Neighborhood Revitalization as one of the City’s seven strategic priorities.

Photos showing before and after views of Batavia homes that have received grants provided by the city. From top, 175 Summit St., 164 Ross St., and 47 Hutchins St.

Law and Order: Suspect arrested for alleged fight at local bar

By Howard B. Owens

David J. Swartz, 53, of Washington Avenue, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd. Swartz is accused of punching another person while at The Harvester at 1 a.m., Thursday. Swartz was issued an appearance ticket and released.

A 16-year-old resident of Thorpe Street is charged with harassment, 2nd. The youth was allegedly involved in an incident on State Street at 3:09 p.m., Monday. She allegedly grabbed the hair of another person and began a physical altercation with her.

Wassim S. Issa, 50, of Sunnyside Road, Shinglehouse, Pa., is charged with issue a bad check. Wassim was arrested by Lancaster PD and turned over to Batavia PD in Corfu. Issa posted cash bail and was released.

Chad Ryan Smith, 19, of Church Street, Middleport, is charged with unlawful possession of alcohol by a person under age 21 and drinking alcohol in a motor vehicle. Smith was reportedly a passenger in a vehicle stopped at 1:13 a.m. Thursday on Judge Road, Oakfield, for alleged traffic violations by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Daivid Lea Stanley, 20, of Nichols Street, Lockport, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana, drinking alcohol in a motor vehicle, speeding, failure to dim lights and side wings/windows non-transparent. Stanley was stopped at 1:13 a.m. Thursday on Judge Road, Oakfield, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Debra Lynn Haccket, 55, of Craigie Street, Le Roy, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .08 or greater, failure to keep right and moved from lane unsafely. Hackett was stopped at 12:39 a.m. Wednesday on Main Road, Stafford, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Alex S. Dumbleton, 20, of Jackson Street, Batavia, is charged with harassment, 2nd, and criminal mischief, 4th. Dumbleton was allegedly involved in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend at 1:30 p.m. Monday. Dumbleton was jailed on $2,500 bail or $5,000 bond.

Brandon P. Duell, 32, of Saint Helena Street, Perry, is charged with failure to appear. Duell is accused of failure to appear on a traffic citation. Duell posted cash bail and was released.

Miguel A. Vargas, 23, of Rochester, is charged with DWI and driving with a BAC of .08 or greater. Vargas was stopped at 7:15 p.m. Monday on Route 237, Stafford, by State Police.

Batavia woman struck by car Monday in Hamburg dies

By Howard B. Owens


A Batavia woman injured early this week when struck by a car in Erie County has died.

Thirty-one-year-old Jacqueline Dotzler died yesterday at Erie County Medical Center.

Dotzler was struck by a car Monday night as she crossed Camp Road in Hamburg.

The driver of the car was not charged.

Trial scheduled for man accused of assault at Kid Rock concert

By Howard B. Owens


The case of a Canadian man accused of seriously injuring an Alden native at Darien Lake with a single punch will head to trial.

Jury selection will begin for 34-year-old Craig Lawson of Ontario June 23. He’s charged with second-degree assault.

The deadline passed today for a plea deal. Although defense attorney Joel Daniels said in county court today that there was an offer, he said it was not accepted by the prosecution.

Lawson’s accused of punching Jason McNeil of Tuscaloosa, Ala., at a Kid Rock concert last July. McNeil was in a coma after the accident.

Daniels said he expects the trial to run a full week.

Saturday is Prescription Drug Drop-Off Day

By Billie Owens

The eighth annual National Prescription Drug Drop-Off Day is from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday, April 26.

Three dozen sites in WNY are taking part. It's the largest single day drop-off in the region.

In Genesee County, drop off locations are:

  • Batavia Police Department, 10 W. Main St., City of Batavia
  • Le Roy Police Department, 3 W. Main Street, Village of Le Roy
  • Pembroke Town Highway Barns, at routes 5 & 77, operated by the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department.

The Drug Enforcement Administration is leading this effort as part of a national campaign with the support of local police agencies and other organizations. A similar event in October collected more than four tons of unwanted and unneeded medications from residents. WNY leads the state in collections.

The purpose is to keep medications out of the hands of teens lokking to experiment and to keep our water safe. Flushing old medications contaminates the water table and eventually our drinking water.

Numerous state and national suveys show time and again that prescription pain medications are fast becoming the drug of choice among our teens, with most teens report taking the medications from someone's home. Death by accidental overdose is the number one cause of accidental death today, surpassing car accidents for the first time since 1979 when drug overdose stats started being tallied. Taken as prescribed, these medications can control severe pain. When abused, addiction can come quickly, often ending in death.

All medications -- prescription and over-the-counter -- will be accepted at all participating sites. Needles will also be accepted. For a complete list of locations visit:



Car crashes into building at Leisure Timers Apartments, Basom

By Billie Owens

A car has crashed into a building at Leisure Timers Apartments, 364 Bloomingdale Road. Injuries are reported. Alabama Fire Department and Mercy medics are responding. The location is between Shanks and Tesnow roads.

UPDATE 2:14 p.m.: A responder requests a code enforcement officer to the scene along with a digital camera. The vehicle has been removed from the building.

UPDATE 2:16 p.m.: Alabama command says responding units can continue non-emergency.

UPDATE 3:13 p.m.: The Alabama assignment is back in service. The driver was a sign-off.

SADD fundraiser this Friday night -- bowling at Mancuso's

By Billie Owens

SADD -- Students Against Destructive Driving -- is holding a fundraiser night of bowling at the Mancuso Bowling Center from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, April 25.

Cost is $12.50 per person and includes two hours of bowling and shoe rental. The bowling center is at 214 E. Main St. in Downtown Batavia.

Pre-register by calling the Genesee County Youth Bureau at 344-3960.

Half of the profits will go to the countywide SADD chapter, which is supported by GC STOP-DWI & the Youth Bureau.


Photos: Giant flag raised over East Main to honor Elba firefighter

By Howard B. Owens

Ladder trucks from Town of Batavia Fire and City Fire were used this morning to hoist a large American flag over East Main Street for the funeral procession of Melvin Loder.

Loder was a volunteer firefighter with the Elba Volunteer Fire Department. He died at home Saturday (full obituary).

Photos by Sloan Martin, WBTA.

Adventure Calls Outfitters offers a unique & different view of Genesee River Gorge


Every year thousands of people flock to Letchworth State Park and of course all who come to the park want a look into the Genesee River Gorge, the Grand Canyon of the East. Among the sights in the gorge, several hundred feet below on the river's surface, are what appear to be blips of white. Those blips are waves of white water and all but unnoticed against a panoramic vista from the overlooks. There, high above the river, they appear somewhat obscure, maybe even miniscule -- unless you maneuver over and through those waves via raft or kayak. And only then will you get a real sense of what the Genesee River Gorge is all about.

Might anyone be interested in seeing the gorge from below, Adventure Calls Outfitters is ready to accommodate. Not only is there an opportunity to view the gorge from the "bottom up," one gets to take a thrilling ride at the same time. 

The accompanying whitewater pics, courtesy of the folks at ACO, were taken during the first two weekends of the rafting season on April 12th, 13th and 19th. With snowmelt and spring runoff in high gear, now is the optimum time for a wild ride with Western New York's premier river runners.                        

Adventure Calls Outfitters is owned and operated by Stafford resident Kevin Kretschmer who has spent 32 years as a whitewater guide on the Genesee River Gorge, the Salmon River up at Pulaski and Cattaraugus Creek through Zoar Valley. He has been the owner of ACO for the past 16 years. 

ACO has a large contingent of skilled guides on hand, each of whom love their work and enjoy nothing better than taking customers through some smashing whitewater.                                                                                                   

Midway through every trip, groups stop for pictures at the base of Wolf Creek Waterfall. Here guests have the opportunity to take the "leap of faith" -- a plunge into a hole beneath the falls. Not to worry, no one's ever been lost taking the leap of faith.                                                                                                     

The user-friendly and highly maneuverable inflatable kayak...aka  funyak!      

Riding a wave train along the wall. Is this stuff thrilling? Invigorating?   

You bet it is! BOOYAH!

The ACO rafting season is just getting under way. The season on Cattaraugus Creek runs from April though June. Release dates for the Salmon River are July 5th, 6th, 19th and 20th and Aug. 2nd and 3rd. While rafting is their mainstay, Adventure Calls Outfitters offers a variety of packages and events throughout the season. Check out their Web site at

Taking a trip to talk about the success of The Batavian

By Howard B. Owens

Well, here it is 1:20 a.m. and I have to get up in a couple of hours to head to Rochester to catch a flight to New Jersey.

I'll be at Montclair University to participate in a conference called Innovating the Local News Ecosystem. Specifically, I've been asked to share about how The Batavian has become so successful.

As for coverage: I'm taking some work with me and we have some other stories lined up, and of course, Billie will be here to cover what needs to be covered. There should be a supply of news to keep things interesting over the next two days.

Lisa Ace can help local businesses with any advertising needs, as always. Employers with job openings should call Lucie Ann Griffis. Both can be reached at (585) 250-4118.

Top Items on Batavia's List

HUGE sale thousands of items something for everyone lots of new stuff games toys housewares clothes collectibles kitchen items ect ect ect and much more rain or shine everything covered every Saturday June 1st -October 26 9-5 3657 galloway rd batavia
Tags: garage sales

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