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Vehicle reportedly flips over at Liberty and East Main in the City, unknown injuries

By Howard B. Owens


A vehicle reportedly flipped over at Liberty and East Main streets in the City of Batavia, unknown injuries. City firefighters and Mercy medics are responding.

UPDATE 2:50 a.m.: No injuries. Three people in the vehicle. A male said he was the driver and police were conducting a field sobriety test when we left the scene.


Rollover accident reported on Lewiston Road, Alabama

By Howard B. Owens

A one-vehicle rollover accident is reported in the area of 2421 Lewiston Road, Alabama.

A person reportedly suffered a neck injury.

The victim is in the car of a passerby and is roadside awaiting the arrival of first responders.

The vehicle is on its side in a ditch.

Alabama fire and Mercy EMS responding.

Darien man accused of hitting woman with board, pushing her from pickup truck

By Howard B. Owens
   Timothy Weinstein

A 43-year-old Darien man has been charge with a felony and jailed on $20,000 bail for allegedly striking a woman with a 1x1 wooden board (length unspecified) and pushing her from his pickup truck at Route 77 and Sumner Road, Darien, just before 8 a.m. this morning.

The board strike broke the woman's arm, according to the Sheriff's Office.

Emergency dispatchers received a call about a woman with a broken arm who had been pushed from a vehicle at 7:52 a.m. The initial report also said the woman's face had been cut by a knife, but the Sheriff's Office report doesn't mention that injury.

Timothy M. Weinstein is also accused of breaking two mobile phones belonging to the victim and of growing marijuana.

He was identified as the suspect soon after the incident was reported and taken into custody a short time later.

He lives not far from the incident scene on Alleghany Road.

Weinstein is charged with secomd-degree assault, third-degree criminal mischief, criminal mischief, 4th, criminal possession of a weapon, 4th, criminal possession of marijuana, 3rd, and unlawful growing of cannabis.

Following arraignment in Town of Darien Court, he was jailed on $20,000 bail or $40,000 bond.

The investigation is ongoing and is being conducted by deputies Lonnie Nati and Andrew Hale, investigators Chad Minuto and Joseph Graff, the Local Drug Task Force, Corfu PD and the State Police.

1366 poised to power the planet and local economic growth

By Howard B. Owens


When the 1366 Technologies plant opens in Alabama in 2017, it will be profitable on the first day of operation, Brian Eller, VP of manufacturing, revealed today during the annual meeting of the Genesee County Economic Development Center at Batavia Downs.

The solar wafer manufacturer has recently completed contracts with solar panel manufacturers that will fulfill orders for 60 percent of plant's production capacity, Eller said.

"This is part of the steady, deliberate process," Eller said. "We keep knocking them off to reduce the risk to the business, because if you sell everything before you start, then you execute, you don't have to go to market and figure out your market."

Eller was the keynote speaker for the annual meeting, which was attended by more than 350 people.

During his 20-minute presentation, Eller described the methodical approach 1366 Technologies has taken to build its business and the foundation for success. It's a classic start-up model: Begin with a prototype product and get it to market and see how it does, concentrate on a single product, then target a niche of customers, then scale your production once you're ready to reach a market with the potential to achieve substantial returns on investment.

The company was founded in 2008 in Bedford, Mass., where it set up a small, prototype plant to test its proprietary process for manufacturing silicon wafer chips for solar panels. That plant has produced and the company has sold thousands of wafers.

With the process established, 1366 began looking for a site appropriate for its business, settling on Alabama and GCEDC's STAMP project because of the promising local workforce, proximity to universities and the availability of clean, hydro energy.

"One of STAMP's strengths is the talent pool in the region," Eller said. “You know, the thing about changing the world is you need skilled people around you."

The company is planning a $700 million investment in its new facility, to be constructed on about 8 percent of the 12,500-acre WNY Science and Technology Advanced Manufacturing Park. STAMP is the brainchild of Steve Hyde, CEO of GCEDC. The center is assisting in the project with tax abatements worth a potential $97 million over 10 years. The state and federal government have also pledged millions for infrastructure at the project site, which GCEDC and regional economic development agencies are working to fill with other high-tech manufacturers.

When the plant is at full capacity -- producing enough wafers each year to provide three gigawatts of electricity -- it will employ 1,000 people. In the near term, 1366 will hire 150 people, though Eller said there isn't a timeline on the hiring process yet. The company is still in the process of hiring consultants, planners, architects and engineers.

Eller did promise the development process will be public and transparent and that all who compete for contracts on the project will do so on a level playing field.

Eller is full of confidence that 1366 will revolutionize solar technology.

"Our process slashes the cost of making the wafer in half and in doing so drastically reduces the cost of solar energy," Eller said. "Those reductions, well, they accelerate adoption. We believe solar will be ubiquitous. It will displace coal as the cheapest fuel source on the planet."

The current process, which the industry has used for nearly four decades, requires multiple steps, using several machines and takes days. The 1366 process involves one machine that will produce a new wafer every 20 seconds.

The technology was developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Instead of cutting and grinding solar ingots into flat wafers, which takes energy and produces waste, the 1366 process melts the silicon and floats it into thin layers that harden into silicon wafers.

Eller compared it to the Pilkington float glass process developed in the 1950s and still the process used today for manufacturing flat glass.

"Manufacturing process innovations like ours have true staying power," Eller said. "They simply don’t come along every day."

The solar industry is booming the world over.

Last year, 59 gigawatts of new solar capacity was brought online. That's the result of 240 million solar panels being produced. Eller said that's a big number, so to help understand it, he said, that's more electrical capacity than needed for a year by the entire State of New York.

"We make the most expensive part of the solar panel for half the cost," Eller said. "That was a hard problem to solve, but we've done it. Now we're free to pursue an $8 billion and growing solar market without distraction."

Eller acknowledged that there has been some bad news in the solar industry in recent years, with companies going under or changing directions, but Eller said the slow and deliberate process 1366 has pursued to build the company puts it in a position to succeed.

"The industry consists of exceptional businesses, both established and new, that are efficient, innovative and motivated," Eller said. "To be young in solar is not without its challenges and we are aware of other companies in solar that struggled to compete globally, focused on the wrong technologies or just simply scaled too quickly," Eller said. "We are focused on bringing a highly innovative product to market with deliberate and steady progress."


The folks at 1366 asked us to clarify, by "Day 1," they mean when the first plant is at full production, not the day the plant doors open. There will be a three- or four-month ramp up period to bring the plant up to production levels, which includes hiring and training workers.

Also, in reference to the amount of power from last year's productions of solar panels, we misunderstood.  It's not enough electricity to power of all of New York. It's enough for all New York households.

For prior coverage of 1366 Technologies, click here.


Above, silicon nuggets. Silicon is produced from super heating silica, commonly found in sand, but also found in clay and rock (it's the most common mineral on the planet). When 1366 started to develop its process, silicon was still not a common wafer ingredient, but now 90 percent of all solar wafers manufactured today use silicon.


Sen. Mike Ranzenhofer (above) and Assemblyman Steve Hawley (below) both spoke briefly and praised and thanked each other for their united effort to help provide the legislative support to bring 1366 to STAMP.



Steve Hyde.


Ray Cianfrini, chairman of the Genesee County Legislature.


GCEDC presented an Economic Development Award to the Batavia Development Corp., represented by Ray Chaya, the City of Batavia, Eugene Jankowski, and the Town of Batavia, Patti Michalak. Steve Hyde, back row, and GCEDC Board Chairman Paul Battaglia to the right.

Chamber Awards: Even after 23 years, Jay Gsell's passion for his government job remains strong

By Howard B. Owens


It might seem odd that a man who has spent his entire professional career in government would distrust government, but if you understand there are different levels of government, it makes perfect sense.

And it explains why a man like Jay Gsell would use the experiences that shaped him as a youngster growing up in the 1960s to drive his chosen career path.

From the outset, Gsell avoided jobs in state and national bureaucracies and instead focused on local government, where he thought he could have the greatest impact, do the most good for the most people.

"I still have a rampant skepticism of state government and the federal government in terms of, you know, the attitudes in many cases where I don’t sense there has been a necessary evolution in many cases," Gsell said. "I like to think that what we do here at the local level, whether it’s at the city government level, a village level, town or county level, is we’ve done a lot a more, been a lot more progressive, been a lot more creative, tried to do things that work for the greater good of the greater number, with, I guess, a  sort of altruism."

Gsell's approach to his work as county manager -- a single-minded focus, dedication, and that sense of civic purpose -- is why he is the recipient of the 2015 Wolcott “Jay” Humphrey III Community Leadership Award from the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce.

Not that local government is always perfect. Gsell, after all, grew up in New Jersey.

"Where I grew up in New Jersey, it was always government is just bad, you know," Gsell said "Even today you look at it and it still happens in New Jersey.  You look at the last three or four mayors in the city of Atlantic City. It’s not only a city that is totally bankrupt, but three or four of them were indicted. It’s kind of like the governors of Illinois. There’s a Who’s Who list on the post office in Atlantic City and it has more public officials on it than it does regular criminals."

There are bad actors everywhere, of course, but the value of local government is it is the government that is closest to the people and where the average citizen can have the most impact.

As a child of the 1960s, Gsell is well acquainted with the Vietnam War and Watergate. Those towering events influenced his views on bigger governments tremendously.

In college, Gsell's English class was given an essay assignment, asking the students to share their take on the Vietnam War. Gsell's response, "Why don't we get the hell out?" The U.S. had no business being there in the first place and people were spitting on returning soldiers.

"To me, that's really where I started to say, 'wow, I’m having sort of an epiphany here' in terms of, you know, the attitude," Gsell said. "Shortly thereafter we started seeing what was going on in the next administration in Watergate and other things and it just kind of kept reinforcing the fact that those next levels, those upper levels of government were, one, not the place I wanted to work, and two, the trust factors, things of that nature, were not real high."

Gsell couldn't escape Jersey right away. He needed a place to start, and he landed a job in Trenton. While at Trenton, he completed his master's in public administration, finishing the course work in 18 months. Gsell ran track in high school and in college, so he was able to get his master's at American University at no cost by becoming a track coach at the campus.

Gsell doesn't run anymore, because of a heart condition discovered and dealt with in 2010, but he can be found most mornings on the city's streets out for long walks. It's how he prepares his mind and body for a full day of work.

From Trenton, he traveled to Norton Shores, Mich., and Eau Claire, Wis. 

He worked in both cities for an administrator named Steve Atkins, who became a career-long friend and mentor.

After several years of working together, Atkins told him it was time for him to strike out on his own, lead his own administration. Gsell went to Marshalltown, Iowa, and Atkins ended up in a new job just down the road in Iowa City.

Atkins retired five years ago, but he and Gsell still talk regularly.

"We never stopped communicating in terms of what we’ve done throughout our careers," Gsell said.

In Marshalltown, Gsell found himself inheriting a financial crisis brought on by corruption. Marshalltown's treasurer and the president of the Iowa Trust were involved in what turned out to be a Ponzi scheme that wiped out $107 million worth of investments for 88 local governments.

"We woke up one day in December of 1991 and everything was gone, except the stuff he (the president of the trust) had, the boats and houses and some of the other, shall we say, accoutrements of a high lifestyle that he still possessed," Gsell said. "The local governments were on the verge of bankruptcy."

Marshalltown itself was out $7 million.

"About a year and a half later after we recovered 95 percent of the money," Gsell said. "The city attorney and I worked together and we got rid of the city treasurer. He had her escorted out by a police. She was 15-year employee who thought that she was untouchable but I said, 'Elaine, you had to know better.' "

Even though the fiasco started before Gsell took over as the administrator in Marshalltown, the turmoil didn't leave him unscathed. After it was resolved in 1993, "it became fairly obvious that it was time for me to seek other employment."

So he applied for the open county manager's spot in Genesee County, replacing Charlie Myers, who had been on the job for 11 years -- a long time for anybody to hold a top slot in local government.  

The county started with 90 candidates and when it was reduced to 10; the final 10 were brought to the town of a series of interviews with three or four panels of local community members.

Obviously, Gsell won the job. He's been at it for 23 years and though he knows retirement can't be too far away, he has no immediate plans to stop.

He's still energized by the challenge of making local government work, even in a climate of state and federal mandates, financial restrictions and ever tighter budgets.

Among the accomplishments Gsell thinks he can point to are assisting with the consolidation of emergency dispatch and helping the city get out of the ambulance business, and now he's charged up about potentially helping the YMCA expand its programs and possibly move into a new building.

Genesee County has provided the kind of stability he expected when he took the job.

"To me, this is pretty nonpartisan at the county government level," Gsell said. "I recognized that yes, Sheriff is Republican, Country Clerk is Republican, the DA is probably a Republican, and certainly the majority of legislators. But when it comes to my job, because my code of ethics says you have to be apolitical or basically you don’t belong in this profession, that’s worked out very well here and I think this country, in general, has conducted itself in that way.

"We have a service to provide. We have to do the best for the people that we serve and also we have to keep thinking about the idea that it’s not because that you have a political persuasion or that you have a certain status in the community."

Gsell leads a healthy and sober life. He sees that sort of straight-and-narrow discipline as part of his chosen career as much as understanding the numbers behind pension plans and the complicated formula for figuring out the tax cap. He hasn't consumed an adult beverage since the day he watched O.J. Simpson in his white Bronco on an L.A. freeway in 1994. 

"You will never see me in a police blotter or blowing anything but a .000000," Gsell said. 

He's also never even touched, even in college, any recreational drugs.

"I lead a pretty pedestrian life in that regard," he said. "To me, it's part not putting myself in those situations where it's like 'oh wow, look at that. That person thinks that they could get away with stuff because of his possession and his title.' I don't run that way. Basically, you live like you wanted to be treated. That means you are pretty much clean as the driven snow. I am not perfect certainly, but I also don't put myself in situations that I think reflects on what I think should be the image of this organization and what I would like to think is my personal persona in the community."

Gsell has served on the Board of Directors for United Way in every community he's worked. He's also active in Rotary, as well as other community organizations over the years. Community involvement, he said, has always been a way for him to expand his horizons and meet new people.

"I guess I call it my passion to be involved in those kinds of initiatives and those kinds of efforts, that say, 'This isn't just my day job, but it is also how I try to improve the community,' " Gsell said.

Oakfield fire takes delivery of bright red engine

By Howard B. Owens


Oakfield Fire Department has a new pumper. Well, not new, exactly. It's what's called a demo model, so it's like new, but allows the department to upgrade at a lower price.

The department spent $356,000 on the new engine, which is red, continuing the department's evolution away from lime green apparatus.  

The pumper is "an attack truck." It will be dispatched first to the scene of a fire for equipment and manpower. It's a side pumper and cab-over, which increases cargo space as well as personnel space.

The department took delivery of the new engine last night and expects to have it in service in about a week.


Fire Chief Pete Scheiber hands over a check for the new engine to Rick Chick, sales rep for Churchville Fire Equipment. Also pictured, Fire District President Jeff McIntire.

Photos: Family reading night at Jackson School

By Howard B. Owens


It was Family Reading Night at Jackson School on Thursday night, with parents joining their children for events at the school, including community volunteers reading to students.

Above, City Schools Superintendent Chris Dailey reading to a class.


Barbara Holder, who retired many years ago from teaching, but still regularly volunteers at Jackson School, was the reader in another classroom.


Batavia Police Officer Pete Flanagan.


Shaley Johnson plays a puzzle game with Jesse Higgins.

GCEDC Board approves Darien Lake and Koolatron projects

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Board of Directors of the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) approved a final resolution for an application for assistance from Darien Lake Theme Park Resort, as well as an initial resolution for Mega Properties, Inc.’s Koolatron project, at its March 3 board meeting.

Darien Lake Theme Park Resort will add two new attractions in time for its 2016 operating season, including a six-flume water slide and a roller coaster train. The new attractions are part of the company’s 2016 Tourism Destination Project aimed to enhance visitor experience.

The company was approved for a sales tax exemption of $189,200 and the project’s planned capital investment will total an estimated $2.8 million.

“We are very pleased to have such tremendous support from the GCEDC in our efforts to offer guests the highest quality, most memorable visitor experiences,” said Chris Thorpe, general manager, Darien Lake. “GCEDC’s investment in our 2016 Tourism Destination Project will help us remain one of the Northeast’s most attractive tourist attractions.”

“As one of Genesee County’s largest employers, Darien Lake is one of the most powerful economic contributors to our local economy, providing over 400 full-time equivalent jobs and approximately 2,000 seasonal positions each year,” said Paul Battaglia, GCEDC Board chairman. “The GCEDC remains committed to investing in projects that will enhance the park and allow it to continue serving as one of our region’s most popular tourist destinations.”

In addition, the GCEDC board approved an initial resolution for Mega Properties, Inc., which provides distribution services to the United States for Koolatron Corporation, a Canadian-based manufacturer of consumer goods. Koolatron’s distribution center has operated in Batavia since 1979 and plans to add 25,000 square feet to its existing 45,000-square-foot facility in order to increase production and expand its global footprint.

The company was approved to receive a total of $172,096 in sales, mortgage and property tax exemptions. The capital investment for the project is approximately $750,000. Since the company is receiving incentives of more than $100,000 there will be a public hearing at a time, date and location to be determined.

Accident reported at Route 98 and Lockport Road, Elba

By Howard B. Owens

Smoke is coming from a vehicle with heavy front-end damage following an accident at Route 98 and Lockport Road, Elba.

There's a possible minor injury.

Elba Fire and Mercy EMS dispatched.

Law enforcement is on scene.

UPDATE 8:56 a.m.: Lockport Road is completely blocked.

Couple's relationship meeting in Le Roy ends in felony arrests

By Howard B. Owens

A couple who met on Robbins Road, Le Roy, on Feb. 21 to discuss their relationship was subsequently arrested on felony charges after one was hospitalized and the other had her car seriously damaged.

Le Roy PD reports that Rebecca L. Rose, 23, of North Street, Le Roy, and Jeffrey W. Scott, of Walnut Street, Batavia, were in Rose's car discussing their relationship when things got heated. Scott allegedly became violent and caused $1,643.48 in damage to the interior of Rose's car.

Scott then reportedly got out of the vehicle and Rose allegedly backed over him and then, in pulling forward to leave, ran over him a second time.

Scott suffered pain and abrasions over several parts of his body. He was transported to an area hospital where he was treated and released.

Scott was charged with one count of criminal mischief, 3rd, a Class E felony, and Rose was charged with one count of assault, 2nd, a Class D felony, and leaving the scene of a personal injury accident. Both were arraigned in Le Roy Town Court both were released on their own recognizance.

Kiosk at Independent Living provides free supplies to anybody looking for an art project

By Howard B. Owens


Clients of Independent Living of the Genesee Region in Batavia have a new option for getting involved in artistic creation thanks to a donation of an Artcovz by the University Heights Arts Association in Buffalo.

Lawrence Kinney, who founded the association with is wife, Mary, made the kiosk with a 100-year-old humidor as the foundation and was on hand Wednesday for the donation ceremony.

Mary Kinney explained that a primary goal of the association is to make art accessible to communities that are underserved in the arts, such as those with limited ability to get around or limited finances.

"Anybody who passes by is welcome to take a project," Mary said. "The projects are free they contain everything from drawing to small sculpture projects, garden art, adult color sheets, CD samples, lectures, and we change out the art frequently. Also we have little donation box at bottom to allow people to pay it forward. We do accept donations of paper, pencils and old craft supplies."

Lawrence Kinney said part of the inspiration for the idea comes from the Little Free Library movement, were people set up boxes that act as roadside lending libraries.

One of his specialities as an artist is reclaiming old furniture, especially pieces made from hardwoods, and turning the furniture into art projects.

The one at the Independent Living center at 113 Main St., Batavia, began as an old humidor and he built it up into a kiosk with space for a varity of art materials.

The association is interested in connecting with any location, including local businesses, that would like to host a kiosk.

"Western New York has a wonderful art communtiy, but a lot of the art organizations serve seasoned artists and we want to serve underserved populations, like people with disabilities, who might not otherwise access programs as easily," she said.

Collins-backed bill to improve access to doctors for Medicaid recipients passes house

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

U.S. Representatives Chris Collins (NY-27) and Paul Tonko (NY-20) today released the following statements after H.R. 3716, the Ensuring Removal of Terminated Providers from Medicaid and CHIP Act,was unanimously approved by the House. This legislation included H.R. 3821, the Medicaid Directory of Caregivers Act (Medicaid DOC Act), legislation Representatives Collins and Tonko introduced to improve access to doctors for Medicaid beneficiaries.

“Ensuring Medicaid beneficiaries can quickly and easily find out what doctors they can visit is a commonsense and simple fix,” Congressman Collins said. “This legislation will increase health care access and efficiency for the most vulnerable, while reducing emergency room care. It’s a win-win. I want to thank Congressman Tonko for his steadfast efforts in helping to pass this vital reform through the House and look forward to this legislation being signed into law.”

“Ensuring Medicaid beneficiaries have the all the information they need when seeking care is a commonsense safeguard in our system,” Congressman Tonko said. “This bill will make it easier for patients to know their options and find a doctor. I have enjoyed working with Congressman Collins on this legislation, and I thank him for his work to improve care for Medicaid patients.”

The Medicaid DOC Act makes it easier for Medicaid beneficiaries to find doctors that accept their coverage by requiring states that operate a fee-for-service or primary care case management program to include a directory of physicians who served Medicaid patients in the prior year on the Medicaid program’s Web site. The listing on the state’s Medicaid website will include the physician’s name, address, telephone number, and specialty. This will help Medicaid beneficiaries easily identify doctors who can serve them.

Two projects on GCEDC's agenda for tomorrow

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

The Board of Directors of the Genesee County Economic Development Center (GCEDC) will consider a final resolution for Darien Lake Theme Park Resort’s Tourism Destination Project as well as an initial resolution for Mega Properties, Inc.’s Koolatron project, at its March 3 board meeting.

Darien Lake Theme Park Resort is planning to add two new park attractions, including a six-flume water slide and new roller coaster train for its 2016 operating season. The projected capital investment for both park projects is approximately $2.8 million. The company is seeking a total of $189,200 in sales tax exemptions for the construction and installation of the new rides and enhancements.

The board will also consider an initial resolution for Mega Properties, Inc., which provides distribution services to the United States for Koolatron Corporation, a Canadian-based manufacturer of consumer goods. The company’s distribution center has operated in Batavia since 1979 and plans to add 25,000 square feet to its existing facility in order to increase production.

The GCEDC Board meeting will take place at 4 p.m. and is open to the public. Meetings are held at the Innovation Zone Conference Room at MedTech Centre, 99 MedTech Drive, Batavia, on the first floor, across from Genesee Community College.

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of possessing modified flare gun

By Howard B. Owens

William E. Berge, 21, of Hutchins Street, Batavia, is charged with criminal possession of a weapon, 4th. Berge was allegedly found in possession of a flare gun that was modified to fire a 12-gauge shotgun round.

Joseph M. Marceilli Jr., 30, of Central Avenue, Batavia, is charged with aggravated unlicensed operation, 2nd, and obstructed view. Marceilli was stopped for an alleged traffic violation at 4:52 p.m. Saturday on Liberty Street, Batavia, by Officer Christopher Lindsay.

Tyler J. Henderson, 27, of Franklin Street, Batavia, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear. Henderson was arrested on a City Court warrant and released on his own recognizance.

Woodrow C. Horseman, 39, no permanent address, was arrested on a warrant for alleged failure to appear on criminal trespass and endangering the welfare of a child. He was jailed on $2,500 bail.

Jeffrey Robert Ammon, 48, of South Lake Street, Le Roy, is charged with trespass. Ammon is accused of being on the premises of a location on Maple Avenue, Bergen, at 6:25 p.m. Tuesday after being told to leave. Also charged with trespass was Krista Renee Lewis, 46, of Church Street, Bergen.

Amanda Ann Allard, 35, of Cadwell Road, Bliss, is charged with possession or transport or offer for sale of unstamped cigarettes and speeding. Allard was stopped at 12:29 p.m. Tuesday on Route 77, Pembroke, by Deputy Joseph Corona.

Tremain Valdez Gillbert, 26, of Wing Street, Bliss, is charged with unlawful possession of marijuana. Wing was arrested following a traffic stop at 12:29 p.m. Tuesday on Route 77, Pembroke.

Law and Order: Batavia man accused of sending inappropriate Facebook message to a child

By Howard B. Owens

Todd A. Berkemeier, 46, of 61 Walnut St., Batavia, is charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Berkemeier allegedly sent an inappropriate message through Facebook to a child less than 17 years old. The alleged victim is a Village of Le Roy resident and Berkemier was arrested by Le Roy PD.

Joshua J. Nilsen, 28, of Hilltop Drive, Le Roy, is charged with DWI, driving with a BAC of .18 or greater and having an obstructed driver's view. Nilsen was stopped by Le Roy PD following a complaint of an erratic operator on South Street Road. The reported vehicle was located on Route 19 in the Village.

Independent Living to unveil self-serve art kiosk at Batavia location

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Independent Living of the Genesee Region (ILGR) has been selected to be a hub of inspiration and resources for those who wish to explore their artistic side, with an emphasis on disability-friendly activities. Following the official unveiling at 2 p.m. on Wednesday March 2nd, in the lobby of ILGR’s 113 Main St. office, Batavia, an ARTcovz self-serve kiosk will be available to all who want the packets of free art and literature supplies. The booth’s pockets, hooks and shelves will offer: colored pencils, watercolor pencils, drawing (graphite) pencils, watercolor/ drawing paper, craft paper, origami paper, polymer clay, and art-oriented audio books on CD. Eventually, artists with disabilities will come to ILGR to offer workshops and display examples of their work.

This opportunity is being made possible thanks to the North-Buffalo-based University Heights Arts Association (UHAA), a group of artists that serve as a driving creative force and educational resource to make a positive difference in people’s lives through the arts. Each ARTcovz booth caters to the demographic it serves; UHAA has partnered with ILGR to expand their outreach to people with disabilities.

Please contact Rae Frank at (585) 815-8501, ext. 406, or e-mail her at with any questions.

ARTcovz is part of UHAA’s ARTboothz program, which offers sit-down art projects to passersby at community events. Each mini-art kit contains materials and a set of directions for completing a project, a link to further UHAA resources, including online databases of additional projects, and a schedule of upcoming programs. Designed/fabricated by sculptor/furniture maker Lawrence Kinney of UHAA, each ARTcovz includes a bin at the bottom of the booth to accept donations of art materials.

ARTboothz program served 2,427 people of all ages in 2015 at farmer's markets, festivals, community centers, and special events throughout Western New York. University Heights Arts Association plans to unveil a total of 10 ARTcovz in 2016. UHAA members offer donations, devise projects, put kits together at a series of "Potluck Packaging ARTraiser" events. These events are open to the public or anyone wishing to help or contribute supplies.

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