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Smog and heat: Health officials advise taking it easy

By Howard B. Owens

There's a light haze hanging over Batavia. It reminds me of smog, which I've seen plenty of in San Diego, Los Angeles and Bakersfield -- a place with the distinction of having the worst air quality in the nation.

There is an air quality alert here in effect until 10

Mercy Flight Golf Outing raises $7,500

By Billie Owens

Gray skies and cool temperatures didn’t stop 36 four-person teams from hitting the Terry Hills course Wednesday for the Mercy Flight Golf Outing.

The foursome of Mike Sassone, Nick Galante, Rhone Wallace and Chris Rickard finished first in the tournament, but the big winner was clearly Mercy Flight

Marsh Monitoring Program Volunteers Help Evaluate Wetlands


Because wetlands are an important part of the environment, the Canadian-based Marsh Monitoring Program has been studying the effects of outside disturbances on the swamps, marshes, mini-wetlands and adjoining woodlands throughout the entire Great Lakes Basin.

 In their quest to determine the health of these wetlands as well as surrounding

Holiday Inn gets top to bottom overhaul

By Billie Owens

The area's largest hotel, the Holiday Inn of Batavia, has announced the completion of a major renovation project.

Exterior improvements include a new roof, a complete facelift of the building with new stucco, additional blacktop pavement and new landscaping. Interior upgrades include new Moen shower heads and curved shower

Open Letter: Kim Cox provides information on Leader's testing; responds to Bowcock's letter

By Howard B. Owens


Letter to the Community

The Leader Professional Services Final Recommendations Review is posted below and available through this link. Since there still appears to be some misunderstanding regarding whether we are committed to conducting soil testing, I would like to clarify that we are committed to conducting soil testing

Going "Green" with Suzanne Interiors

By Suzanne Hare

In a conscious effort to save our world and landfills from any more destruction, Suzanne Interiors  is pleased to offer Eco-Friendly Products.

This means environmentally friendly paint products with low VOC, that lack odor and deliver better quality air for all of us to breathe. Note that these low-VOC paints

Cap and Trade

By Peter O'Brien

Here are some of my problems with the new stipulations in the Cap and Tax bill.

1. The Retrofit for Energy and Environmental Performance (REEP) plan.  It makes you retrofit your house with energy efficient items before you can sell it such as a sun light reflecting roof.  There will

USDA says deadline looms for farmers to apply for conservation funding

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Genesee County farmers and private landowners were matched $1.5 million dollars in federal assistance this past fiscal year to install conservation practices on their farms, fields and forests.

Heath Eisele, district conservationist with the Natural Resources Conservation Service said, “We are currently accepting applications for fiscal year 2013

Arctic Refrigeration Co. of Batavia heating things up

By Jamie VanWyngaarden

This is the second in a series of stories about the 2011 winners of the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce Awards.

Arctic Refrigeration Company of Batavia, Inc. is heating things up in Genesee County and is being honored by the chamber of commerce as the 2011 Business of the Year

Head of BEST Center at GCC resigns

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

With much ambivalence, Genesee Community College announces that Jerry Kozlowski, associate vice president for Workforce Development, commonly known as The BEST Center (Business Employee Skills Training), has tendered his resignation. After Jan. 4, Jerry plans to spend more time with his family, and also continue his graduate school

Developer promises upscale, market-rate apartments for complex next to GCC

By Howard B. Owens
david mazur
Developer David Mazur fields questions from the Genesee County Planning Board about Countryside Apartments, the 80-unit complex he is proposing for the Medtech Park by GCC. 
Photo by Howard Owens

Developer David Mazur said he's been building apartment complexes and running the ones he builds for 18 years.  He has a formula. He knows it works. And he knows the type of tenants he expects to be attracted to his units.

With that experience, he's sure the 80-unit complex


By Dan Kemp

BATAVIA — Dan Kemp loves dirty cars.(By Joanne beck)


That's true only because he doesn't plan to keep them that way for long.


Kemp is co-owner of Center of Attention Auto Spa, which opened Oct. 1 with its mobile service and will have a grand opening Nov. 1

Batavia City School District Board of Education meeting highlights

By Billie Owens

Press release:

These are the highlights from the Batavia City School District (BCSD) Board of
Education meeting on Monday, April 16:

Superintendent of Schools Margaret Puzio announced that the consolidation and consequent reorganization of the district has been going smoothly due to the cooperation of the Batavia Teachers Association, staff

Pavilion bank robbery suspect may have been involved in Rochester and Geneva heists

By Howard B. Owens

Investigators believe they have identified a possible suspect in Friday's robbery of a Five Star Bank in Pavilion, according to Deputy Chief Jerome Brewster.

"We remain very optimistic that we'll be able to solve this," Brewster said.

According to Brewster, there are some "common denominators" with prior bank robbers in

7th Annual World Wide Christmas Fair

By Beth Stich

Come to the 7th Annual World Wide Christmas Fair on Saturday, Nov. 14th from 9am-3pm at the First Presbyterian Church, 300 E. Main St. Batavia. Free Admission. Build a Better World - Shop with Purpose. Support fair trade, not-for-profit and service organizations by purchasing high quality gifts from local, regional and international vendors. Lunch, snacks and coffee available.

Event Date and Time
2009-11-14T09:00:00 - 2009-11-14T15:00:00


10th Annual World Wide Christmas Fair

By Beth Stich


Come to the 10th Annual World Wide Christmas Fair on Saturday, November 10th from 10am to 4pm at the First Presbyterian Church, 300 E. Main St., Batavia. FREE ADMISSION.

Build a Better World - Shop with Purpose. Support fair trade, not-for-profit and service organizations by purchasing high quality gifts from local, regional and international vendors. Fair Trade vendors include: One World Projects (Batavia), One World Goods (Rochester), Equal Exchange Coffee and Chocolate, Dounya Kele jewelry. Local not-for-profits include: Healthy Sisters Soup and Bean Works, Project Life (Waterport), Salvation Army.

Lunch, snacks and coffee available. Handicapped accessible.

Event Date and Time
2012-11-10T10:00:00 - 2012-11-10T16:00:00

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