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Smog and heat: Health officials advise taking it easy

By Howard B. Owens

There's a light haze hanging over Batavia. It reminds me of smog, which I've seen plenty of in San Diego, Los Angeles and Bakersfield -- a place with the distinction of having the worst air quality in the nation.

There is an air quality alert here in effect until 10

Mercy Flight Golf Outing raises $7,500

By Billie Owens

Gray skies and cool temperatures didn’t stop 36 four-person teams from hitting the Terry Hills course Wednesday for the Mercy Flight Golf Outing.

The foursome of Mike Sassone, Nick Galante, Rhone Wallace and Chris Rickard finished first in the tournament, but the big winner was clearly Mercy Flight

Marsh Monitoring Program Volunteers Help Evaluate Wetlands


Because wetlands are an important part of the environment, the Canadian-based Marsh Monitoring Program has been studying the effects of outside disturbances on the swamps, marshes, mini-wetlands and adjoining woodlands throughout the entire Great Lakes Basin.

 In their quest to determine the health of these wetlands as well as surrounding

Holiday Inn gets top to bottom overhaul

By Billie Owens

The area's largest hotel, the Holiday Inn of Batavia, has announced the completion of a major renovation project.

Exterior improvements include a new roof, a complete facelift of the building with new stucco, additional blacktop pavement and new landscaping. Interior upgrades include new Moen shower heads and curved shower

Going "Green" with Suzanne Interiors

By Suzanne Hare

In a conscious effort to save our world and landfills from any more destruction, Suzanne Interiors  is pleased to offer Eco-Friendly Products.

This means environmentally friendly paint products with low VOC, that lack odor and deliver better quality air for all of us to breathe. Note that these low-VOC paints

Cap and Trade

By Peter O'Brien

Here are some of my problems with the new stipulations in the Cap and Tax bill.

1. The Retrofit for Energy and Environmental Performance (REEP) plan.  It makes you retrofit your house with energy efficient items before you can sell it such as a sun light reflecting roof.  There will

'Don't do that to us.' Town resident wary of odor from proposed Ag Park waste digester

By Mike Pettinella

A Town of Batavia resident and business owner reiterated his objections Tuesday night to a proposed Genesee Biogas plant earmarked for the Genesee Valley Agri-Business Park but, once again, project developers attempted to alleviate his concerns over the smell of its emissions.

Speaking at the Batavia Town Planning Board meeting at the Town Hall on West Main Street Road, Eric Biscaro questioned Lauren Toretta, president of CH4 Biogas, and Sara Gilbert of Pinewood Engineering, about the extent of the odor from the facility, which is set to be constructed on Ag Park Drive, not far away from Ellicott Street Road.

“If you go by O-AT-KA (Milk Products Cooperative) on lots of given days, the odor there is enough to … it’s bad,” Biscaro said. “So, it’s seems that it would be more intense at your place if you’re going to bring it over  from O-AT-KA and (HP) Hood


By Dan Kemp

BATAVIA — Dan Kemp loves dirty cars.(By Joanne beck)


That's true only because he doesn't plan to keep them that way for long.


Kemp is co-owner of Center of Attention Auto Spa, which opened Oct. 1 with its mobile service and will have a grand opening Nov. 1

Upstate milk and snack dip named tastiest in New York

By Billie Owens

The best-tasting milk and dip in New York State comes from Upstate Niagara Cooperative Inc.’s plants in Rochester and West Seneca, respectively. Genesee County milk suppliers participate in the co-op.

Cornell University’s Department of Food Science honored the cooperative’s Upstate Farms Milk and Bison Creamy Dill Dip products at the

Golf outing raises $3,000 for Batavia Mercy Flight

By Billie Owens

The Genesee County Volunteer Firemen’s Golf Outing sponsored
by the Genesee County Mutual Aid Fire Advisory Board relies solely on the
support of area businesses and community members for its success.

More than $3,000 was donated to the mission of Batavia Mercy Flight from the proceeds of the 2009 golf

Corfu and Darien may get some federal aid for tornado damage after all

By Howard B. Owens

There may be some federal relief coming to Corfu and Darien for tornado damage clean up after all, according to Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

Hawley announced this morning that the Genesee County communities will be included in an omnibus relief rquest to the Federal Inspection Team along with other counties recently

Job fair a success for growing company in Batavia

By Howard B. Owens

At a time when most companies in the U.S. seem to be just holding on, Prime Materials in Batavia is primed for growth, according to company President Russell  K. Western.

On Friday, Prime Materials held a job fair to help fill at least a half dozen openings and build a

Today's Deals: New Today, The Color Salon

By Howard B. Owens

New Today -- The Color Salon, 35 Center St., Batavia, NY: Susan Francis, the owner and stylist at The Color Salon reminds women, "your hair is your greatest accessory." Francis has more than 20 years experience at helping women get the best hair color. We have a $50 gift

Ambulance Clarification

By Rose Mary Christian

If there is anyone on council that is sad over the decision to eliminate that ambulance service it is me. This was a service I learned about it at a NYCOM meeting many years ago and the State that had the service was Maryland. I brought it back to the

'Locally Made' opening in Le Roy

By Howard B. Owens

When I drive through the Village of Le Roy, I see nothing but potential. It's a quaint "downtown" -- couple of blocks set against a scenic creek and a sense of history.

It's a shame there are so many vacant store fronts in Le Roy.

So, when I got this announcement today from Janice

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