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correction officers

Hawley praises new contract offering raises and benefits for correction officers

By Press Release

Press Release:

File photo of 
Steve Hawley.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R, C-Batavia) recently commented on the newly announced pay raises for correction officers in New York. The New York State Correctional Officers & Police Benevolent Association, Inc. (NYSCOPBA) announced earlier this spring that they agreed on a new three-year contract with the state. 

On top of wage increases, the contract also includes new bonuses, reduced health care costs and up to 12 weeks of fully paid parental leave. Hawley believes this new deal is a step in the right direction toward supporting our correction officers.

“With the threat of prison closures across our state, our correction officers need all the support they can get,” said Hawley. “Providing pay raises and better benefits is just one way we can repay them for all they do to keep us safe. This new contract is a great sign of progress in supporting our correction officers and I hope we continue to see more strides in this area as we provide for our law enforcement personnel.”

Genesee County Sheriff's Office welcomes four newly graduated correction officers

By Press Release

Photo from left: Correction Officers Michael A. Strumpf, Christopher L. Seelbinder, Austin J. Davis, Matthew M.J. Luce, and Undersheriff Bradley D. Mazur.
Submitted photo and press release:

Genesee County Sheriff William A. Sheron Jr. announces the graduation of Correction Officers Michael A. Strumpf, Christopher L. Seelbinder, Austin J. Davis and Matthew M.J. Luce.

These Correction Officers recently graduated in a class of 18 from the Livingston County Basic Corrections Academy. Correction Officer Davis was one of two team leaders of the class. The six-week training included instruction in the care and custody of inmates, inmate supervision, defensive tactics, firearms training, and other topics pertaining to corrections.

“Congratulations to Correction Officers Strumpf, Seelbinder, Davis and Luce and welcome to the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office family,” Sheriff Sheron said.

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