Residents of 400 Towers proud of painted pumpkins

Photos and information from Heather Klein, 400 Towers case manager.
Some of our residents at 400 Towers in Batavia painted pumpkins. It was a fun way to have some activity for our residents during times of COVID-19.
One that stands out in particular (top photo) was made by a resident who painted a pumpkin the colors of candy corn and added a mask.
Another resident thought it was a great reminder to the community to wear masks and suggested that we contact The Batavian.
The pumpkin painter of the top photo is Pauline Hensel.
Below, the top left and bottom right pumpkins were done by AJ Taylor. The top right and bottom left were done by Patricia (Pat) Larson.

Mid-October seasonal photos

Daybreak along the power lines

A view from Molasses Hill Road

A chipmunk enjoys some sweet corn from our autumn decor

A gray squirrel has similar taste - except he'd prefer to eat alone.

A wagonload of pumpkins on the side of the road

This maple was so resplendant and riveting I failed to notice the cattle beneath it.

Cornstalk tassles silhouetted at dawn
Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation Pediatric Cancer Awareness Day
The Michael Napoleone Memorial Foundation is hosting an awareness day in honor of pediatric cancer awareness month. It will be held at the Batavia Bulldawgs games at Lyons Park in Batavia all day Sat September 22 from 10 until 4 pm. Michael played in the local youth football program only a few weeks prior to his cancer diagnosis in 2005. The days events will include pumpkin painting, face painting, raffles, choc covered apples and popcorn. We will be selling apparel as well. Come out to see our youth play football, celebrate the good health of your children with some fun activities.
someones misfortune is fortunate
I was on Ross Street yesterday ,and saw this squirrel, eating someones smashed pumpkin.
Pumpkin Harvest
Carrie Panek oversees the pumpkin harvest on the Panek Farm.
Cut and ready for loading.
One of many wagon loads.
Waiting for a home...