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Listen this morning to 'Talk of the Town' on WBTA

By Howard B. Owens

Tune in at 9 a.m. to WBTA-1490 for "Talk of the Town" staring Hiram Kasten and Lucine Kauffman.

I'll be their guest this morning.

The show can also be heard live streamed on and WBTA's smartphone app.

The Batavian now a member of the New York Press Association

By Howard B. Owens

The New York Press Association has served as a membership organization for community newspapers in the State of New York for 161 years.

Today, The Batavian became the second member in the group's history that publishes news exclusively online.

The first was RiverheadLocal on Long Island.

We're proud to become members of NYPA, which has a distinguished history of serving the needs of news publishers in New York.

Here's a statement from NYPA about our membership:

The New York Press Association is delighted to welcome Howard Owens and The Batavian as our newest online-only member. 

The Batavian is a highly respected news organization which provides relevant local content to its readers,” said executive director Michelle Rea.“Readers should be able to access quality news content wherever and whenever they choose. Content and relevancy are the key, and The Batavian excels at both.  

"NYPA has a proudly supported New York’s community news organizations for more than 160 years, and as news organizations evolve, so do NYPA’s programs and services. NYPA continues to introduce best practices and new business models for print and digital platforms. We’re thrilled to have The Batavian join the conversation.”

Announcing the Wyoming County Free Press

By Howard B. Owens

We're pleased this morning to announce the launch of the Wyoming County Free Press, a new sister publication of The Batavian covering Wyoming County.

Just as The Batavian is all about Genesee County, the Wyoming County Free Press will be all about Wyoming County. The news will be Wyoming County news and the businesses who sponsor it will be locally or regionally owned with locations in Wyoming County.

The news will be free, just like it is on The Batavian, and we won't disrupt your news reading experience with pop-up ads, animated ads or require you to answer survey questions. (We'll also respect your privacy by not gathering personal data to distribute to multinational media conglomerates for so-called "targeted advertising.")

We will endeavor to provide wide-ranging coverage of Wyoming County so that people in Wyoming County both have a good idea of what's going on in their community, as well encourage greater community involvement and interest.

We're optimistic about this new venture. The feedback from the people in Wyoming County that we've spoken with so far has been fantastic (look at all of the local businesses that have already agreed to help support our effort).

The feedback has confirmed there is a need in Wyoming County for a news site that covers all of Wyoming County and just Wyoming County. There's no other news service meeting that need.

We're optimistic because we believe six years into The Batavian that our model of news and local business marketing is popular with readers and local business owners. The Batavian has become the most popular news source in the GLOW region and is supported now by more than 150 local businesses.

We're also heartened and encouraged to venture out by the success of Orleans Hub. Tom Rivers has done a terrific job of bringing community news to Orleans County and he and his publishing partner have been rewarded with strong support from the local business community. That helps prove there is a real hunger in all communities for online news that is timely and comprehensive.

Thank you to all the readers and sponsors in Genesee County who have supported us, making it possible to continue to grow as a business. If the Wyoming County Free Press works as well as we anticipate, it will help us do more to serve both communities better.

Please tell your friends about the Wyoming County Free Press and ask them to support our sponsors.

Meet our Wyoming County Editor - Julia Ferrini

Billie and I are excited that Julia Ferrini has agreed to be the Wyoming County Free Press's inaugural editor. She's an experienced journalist having worked for newspapers in Delaware and on the Southern Tier. You may have noticed her byline on several stories on The Batavian over the past couple of months. We've gotten great reviews of her work from the people she's covered while freelancing for us.

Julia is a mother and resident of Eagle in Wyoming County. A native of Western New York, Julia has lived in the area for 16 years since returning from Delaware.

She has worked in a few other fields over the years, but says, "While I dabbled in other career choices, I kept coming back to the one that I just can’t escape, telling the stories of a community through photographs and writing."

Julia can be reached at

Thanks to Lucie Ann Griffis for all of her hard work over the past six weeks lining up our initial sponsors for the Wyoming County Free Press. Lucie will continue to traverse Wyoming County, meeting with small business owners, as we work to build the necessary support for the Free Press to be an ongoing success. Lucie can be reached at

Of course, none of this would be possible with the always hardworking and dedicated Lisa Ace, our sales and marketing coordinator. Lisa can be reached at

Our office number is (585) 250-4118.

Visit: the Wyoming County Free Press.

Like us on Facebook.

Lack of posts today

By Howard B. Owens

Sorry for the slow flow of news on our homepage today.  I was not expecting to be tied up in court just about all day for a Frost Ridge hearing (and it's a pretty good bet, based on his comments, that Judge Noonan wasn't expecting it to take as much time as it did).

So there's a story coming on that, and I have at least one other post to write.

Taking the afternoon off

By Howard B. Owens

Billie and I are celebrating our 21st anniversary today. We'll be away from computers and scanners for a few hours.

We're going to see Nik Wallenda at Darien Lake -- a show I highly recommend (pictures here). We're also going out to dinner.

I've asked a couple of people who would be in a position to know to text me if anything big comes up, but hopefully everything will be nice and quiet for the rest of the day.

You could win $100 if you wear your Batavian T-shirt to Summer in the City

By Howard B. Owens

This Saturday is Summer in the City. I'll be there for at least some of the event walking around and taking pictures.

I'm going to be looking for people wearing T-shirts that say "The Batavian" on them.

We've sold a couple hundred shirts over the years.

The seventh person I spot wearing their The Batavian T-shirt will get a $100 bill.

Support local journalism in Genesee County: Join The Batavian Club

By Howard B. Owens

Four weeks ago, we put up a request for people to join The Batavian Club and got a good response. We're about to send out a batch of membership kits and want to give you a chance to join before we do.

Reader support is critically important to us. We appreciate your membership.

Membership is important because:

  • It provides another avenue to support local businesses (you get more than $300 in gift certificates to local businesses);
  • It's a way for The Batavian to reward our loyal readers;
  • The financial support helps us sustain our community news coverage of Genesee County.

So many people every day tell me how much they love The Batavian. All we're asking is for those loyal fans to make a small financial contribution to help support and sustain our news coverage and in exchange we'll send you valuable gift certificates that far exceed the price of the membership.

TO JOIN: Use PayPal buttons below, or to pay by check (annual only) or credit card, click here to download form; Or call (585) 250-4118 to pay by credit card.

PayPal buttons after the jump:

Monthly Single Membership - $5 per month
Includes membership card and bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Monthly Household Membership - $10 per month
Includes two membership cards and two bumper stickers, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Annual Single Membership - $50 per year
Includes membership card, bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Annual Household Membership - $100 per year
Includes two membership cards and two bumper stickers, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Annual membership, one payment of $60
Includes membership card, bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.

Annual household membership, one payment of $120
Includes two membership cards, bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


You love The Batavian, so please join our club to help support our community news coverage

By Howard B. Owens

It's been a while since I've pitched you on joining The Batavian Club, but the Club is still going and we still find financial support from readers extremely important in helping us maintain the business.

Membership is important because:

  • It provides another avenue to support local businesses (you get more than $300 in gift certificates to local businesses);
  • It's a way for The Batavian to reward our loyal readers;
  • The financial support helps us sustain our community news coverage of Genesee County.

So many people every day tell me how much they love The Batavian. All we're asking is for those loyal fans to make a small financial contribution to help support and sustain our news coverage and in exchange we'll send you valuable gift certificates that far exceed the price of the membership.

TO JOIN: Use PayPal buttons below, or to pay by check (annual only) or credit card, click here to download form. Or call (585) 250-4118 to pay by credit card.

PayPal buttons after the jump:

Monthly Single Membership - $5 per month
Includes membership card and bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Monthly Household Membership - $10 per month
Includes two membership cards and two bumper stickers, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Annual Single Membership - $50 per year
Includes membership card, bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Annual Household Membership - $100 per year
Includes two membership cards and two bumper stickers, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Annual membership, one payment of $60
Includes membership card, bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.

Annual household membership, one payment of $120
Includes two membership cards, bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Taking a trip to talk about the success of The Batavian

By Howard B. Owens

Well, here it is 1:20 a.m. and I have to get up in a couple of hours to head to Rochester to catch a flight to New Jersey.

I'll be at Montclair University to participate in a conference called Innovating the Local News Ecosystem. Specifically, I've been asked to share about how The Batavian has become so successful.

As for coverage: I'm taking some work with me and we have some other stories lined up, and of course, Billie will be here to cover what needs to be covered. There should be a supply of news to keep things interesting over the next two days.

Lisa Ace can help local businesses with any advertising needs, as always. Employers with job openings should call Lucie Ann Griffis. Both can be reached at (585) 250-4118.

Welcome Lucie Ann Griffis to The Batavian team

By Howard B. Owens

Le Roy resident Lucie Ann Griffis has joined The Batavian team to help promote, our new regional employment portal.

Lucie, who is very active and involved in her community, comes to us with a good deal of sales and promotional background.

Employers: Contact Lucie by calling our office at (585) 250-4118. She can help you promote your job openings and explain how the site works. Or you can go directly to and click the button on the left side of the page to get started.

Job Seekers: You can post your resume for FREE on and have it automatically matched to any potential job openings that match your qualifications. You will receive alerts of new possible job openings as they're posted into the network. Look for the job seekers button on the left side of the page.

The Batavian's photographer wins second place in photo contest

By Howard B. Owens

Howard Owens, publisher and photographer for The Batavian, won a second-place award for photography in the spot news category in a monthly contest sponsored by the National Press Photographers Association.

NPPA sponsors a monthly clip contest in its 11 regions. Genesee County is part of Region 2, which comprises all of New York, the eastern half of Canada and international members based overseas.

Owens won the award for his coverage of the Baskin Livestock fire in November.

The award for Owens was announced last week along with a third-place award in October in sports for Mark Gutman, staff photographer for the Daily News.

In 2013, Owens received a third-place award in March for general news coverage and third place in June for feature/multiple photos.

NPPA awards points throughout the year for photos chosen in first through fifth place (only first through third winners are publicly announced), as well as a single point for each entry.

For the year, Owens was awarded 154 points, good for 15th place in Region 2. Tops was Steven Russell of the The Toronto Star, with 1,132 points.

Gutman had 90 points and Nick Serrata, who freelances for the Daily News, as well as other publications, had 80 points.

Owens, Gutman and Serrata were the only photographers in WNY to place in the top 20.

Most viewed posts for January and February

By Howard B. Owens

Cataract surgery today

By Howard B. Owens

Longtime readers may remember I didn't work for a day or two in the summer of 2009 because of cataract surgery.

That was for the right eye.

That worked out pretty well because it made my right eye -- my camera shooting eye -- a perfect 20/20.

Now it's time for the left eye.

I go into UMMC this morning to have Dr. Li from University Eye replace my left lens with an implant that will bring to an end the foggy, triple vision of that eye.

Today, I'll be pretty much out of commission. Tomorrow, I'll take it easy. I expect to be shooting Notre Dame's basketball game in Buffalo on Saturday.

We have some coverage lined up for today -- including a couple of stories I actually wrote last night that will self-publish later this morning.

Billie will be around, of course, listening to the scanner (not that we have totally locked in the county's new system yet).

Lisa Ace will be holding down the fort in the office today, handling any site sponsor needs.

BTW: I've got to tell you what I think is a pretty amazing story, a modern miracle, from my visit to University Eye a few weeks ago. All summer and winter, my vision had been declining, even in my right eye. It turns out, the lens was fogged over. Dr. Li used a laser for less than 60 seconds, just a few zaps, to clear the cloudiness away. Within an hour of leaving the office, I was back to 20/20 again. The sudden change in vision felt quite literately like scales falling away from my eyes. Modern technology can just be so amazing some times.

I'm looking forward to being 20/20 in both eyes for the first time since I was about 14.

It was five years ago today ...

By Howard B. Owens

It was five years ago today that Billie and I took over ownership of The Batavian.

The Batavian began May 1, 2008 as a project I headed for Fairport-based GateHouse Media, but at the end of February, 2009, GateHouse changed directions with their internet strategy and The Batavian became available to us if we wanted it.

As transplants from California, Billie and I found we really loved Western New York and didn't want to leave, and I also firmly believed in The Batavian and the need to prove that there was an audience in a typical American community for local online news and advertising.

The Batavian is now one of the leading online-only news sites in the country -- the subject of books, national media columns and news coverage and closely watched by those in the news industry who fret over the future of local journalism.

But most importantly is how Billie and I have been welcomed and embraced by the Genesee County community.  We're so grateful for the support of local residents and local businesses.  We've made so many good friends and received so much appreciation for what we do with The Batavian that we sometimes feel amazed by the support.

Thank you to all of you for five great years. We look forward to covering the news of Genesee County and doing all we can to promote local businesses for years to come.

Five-day trip to California

By Howard B. Owens

I'm flying to California this morning. I'll be spending time with family. I'll be attending my mother's funeral on Saturday.

We've made all of the usual provisions for continuing coverage while I'm away. Billie will still be here and on the scanner as usual. Alecia Kaus will help with breaking news and our news partner WBTA will help with coverage.

Good luck to all of our local athletes in sectional play this weekend. I regret that I'll miss the basketball games I would have covered, but Nick Sabato will be covering games.

A couple of days of travel

By Howard B. Owens

I'll be out of town for a couple of days to attend to a family matter.

There will still, however, be coverage of news in Genesee County while I'm gone. Billie remains in town. Alecia Kaus is helping out, as usual. We can pick up stories as needed from WBTA. I will, of course, have my laptop with me.

Most viewed stories on The Batavian in 2013

By Howard B. Owens

In 2013, The Batavian was visited 5,909,231 times and we served 9,794,627 page views. That's up from 2012 when there were 3.8 million visits and 5.4 million page views.

Here are the most viewed stories for 2013:

It's been four months since I posted the monthly top 10 most viewed stories, so below are the top posts for December, November, October and September.





Time is running out to get a 2014 calendar of Genesee County pictures

By Howard B. Owens

There's a little time left to get a 2014 calendar of Genesee County photographs.  We'll accept orders up until noon tomorrow.

Here's how you can get a calendar: Buy one or become a new member of The Batavian Club and receive a calendar for free (existing members get a discount).

The calendar by itself is $25, plus sales tax, plus $4 for shipping and handling, if you're not a member.

For Club members (check your e-mail for details), it's $14, plus tax, plus $4 shipping and handling.

Use the Paypal buttons below to join the Club or the button on the bottom to buy calendars All calendar orders must be received by Dec. 16.

Members receive $325 in gift certificates for local businesses.

TO JOIN: Use PayPal buttons below, or to pay by check (annual only) or credit card, click here to download form. Or call (585) 250-4118 to pay by credit card.

We've set up four membership tiers -- Subscribe to the club monthly as one person or as a household, or annually at either of those levels. 

Members receive a membership card, bumper sticker and a package of gift certificates to local businesses. 

It's important to note, this isn't a subscription to read the site. Our stories remain free to read. This is a voluntary subscription with benefits (and we'll add benefits as it grows).

Join via PayPal below, or for annual and one-time memberships paid by check, click here to download this form (monthly, recurring payment memberships must be via PayPal or credit card.) To pay by credit card, use the form, or call (585) 250-4118.

Monthly Single Membership, recurring payment - $5 per month
Includes membership card and bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Monthly Household Membership, recurring payment - $10 per month
Includes two membership cards and two bumper stickers, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Annual Single Membership, recurring payment - $50 per year
Includes membership card, bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Annual Household Membership, recurring payment - $100 per year
Includes two membership cards and two bumper stickers, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.


Annual membership, one payment of $60
Includes membership card, bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.

Annual household membership, one payment of $120
Includes two membership cards, bumper sticker, one package of gift certificates to local businesses.

Order Calendars for $25 each:

Number of Calendars 1 Calendar $25.00 USD2 Calendars $50.00 USD3 Calendars $75.00 USD4 Calendars $100.00 USD


The Batavian's series on local farmers receiving award from NYS Agricultural Society

By Howard B. Owens

We just learned that our series on Genesee County Farms and Farmers is receiving an online feature writing award from the New York State Agriculture Society.

We entered the first installments from the series earlier this year.

The award will be presented at the Society's annual forum in Liverpool on Jan. 9.

Tom Rivers, former staff writer for the Batavia Daily News and editor now of Orleans Hub, has previously been honored by the society for his stories on local agriculture.

Travel plans

By Howard B. Owens

It's a rather unexpected trip, but Billie and I are boarding a plane in the morning bound for California.

We will return Tuesday, Dec. 17.

As is typical when we travel, I'll have my computer and stay connected to The Batavian and will have some news to post.

Alecia Kaus, Bonnie Marrocco and Nick Sabato will also be contributing stories. Alecia will be monitor the scanner for us.

Authentically Local