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Truck tying up traffic on Walnut Street in the city

By Howard B. Owens

Police are out with a tractor trailer that has broken down on Walnut Street in the right turn lane onto Law Street.

The rear ties are locked up.

No ETA when the obstruction will be clear.

Hannah Dibble given max available sentence in drunken driving death of friend

By Howard B. Owens

Hannah C. Dibble is not the "party girl of Pembroke" she once was, her attorney Ben Bonarigo told Judge Micheal F. Pietruzka, in County Court this morning before Pietruzka sentenced Dibble to six months in jail and five years probation for a drunken-driving accident that claimed the life of Alyson D. Krzanak.

Krzanak was an 18-year-old GCC student who hoped to become a Special Ed teacher.

The 23-year-old Dibble, who has gone from a California blonde to a bookish brunette since her last court appearance, told Piertuzka how sorry she was She apologized to Krzanak's family, her family, the families of the other accident victims, the community and any others hurt by her poor decision of Feb. 21, 2015.

Dibble was supposed to be the designated driver that night.

Bonarigo said when he first met with Dibble after the accident, he wasn't sure she really comprehended what she had done, her culpability in the accident. He said he was then "a doubting Thomas."

But as Dibble has proceeded through months of rehabilitation, much of it at her own insistence that she needed more work, through in-patient care to halfway houses and support facilities, he's seen Dibble come to grips with her own actions and reach the level of remorse where she wishes she could go back and if not undo what happened, at least trade places with Krzanak.

This morning's hearing opened with Alyson's parents, Dave and Renee Krzanak, delivering victim impact statements.

Both said Alyson was a joy, a friend, a talented and special person who had much to give the world. Dave said his wife still wakes up at night sometimes crying. He said he thinks about the fact that he will never walk his daughter down the aisle on her wedding day, see her graduate, have children, become a teacher.

Renee said Alyson was a miracle baby. After years of trying to conceive, she was about to undergo a fertility treatment when a doctor told her he couldn't do the treatment. She was already three days pregnant.  If the doctor hadn't noticed that little embryo, Alyson wouldn't have been born.

They always knew Alyson would be special.

"She excelled at everything she tried," Renee said.

"People don't understand what it's like to lose a child until you lose your child," Dave said. "It's a sadness you can't imagine."

Renee said she last spoke to Alyson about 11:30 the night of the accident. 

"Whatever you're doing, be safe," Renee said she told her daughter.

"I'll be safe," Alyson said. "I have a driver."

Alyson trusted her friend, Hannah C. Dibble, Dave and Renee said, and it was a trust misplaced.

"We don't hate Hannah Dibble," Dave said. "We hate the choice she made."

Dibble drove her 1997 Chevrolet Geo across Route 20 coming off Molasses Hill Road in Bethany and it was slammed into by a semi-truck.

Not only was Krzanak killed, three others suffered serious physical injuries: James Scherer, 21, Brandon Danser, 22, and Felecia J. Fazzio, 20.

Assistant DA Will Zickl said through getting to know Dave and Renee as he took them through the mundane legal process of prosecuting Dibble, he came to understand who Alyson was as a person.

"These are fine people," he said.

Their grace and understanding he said were a reflection of the grace and understanding Alyson would want shown to Dibble, which is why there was eventually a plea deal that would cap Dibble's maximum possible sentence to six months in jail and five years probation.

Pietruzka wasn't on the Genesee County bench for any of the prior hearings in the case and as he reviewed the court documents and notes last week, he said he was initially puzzled as to why Noonan agreed to such a seemingly light sentence in such a serious case.

"Now I understand as difficult as that commitment was, it was made after much discussion and consideration and in appreciation of Alyson and who she was as a person," Pietruzka said.

After signing court documents, Dibble was escorted, without handcuffs, from the courtroom, by a deputy. Officially, she's in the custody of the Sheriff's Office, but since the county jail is unable to house female prisoners, she will be transferred to another, as yet undetermined, county jail to serve her six-month term.

Dibble said she hopes to continue her rehabilitation and education and eventually enter the medical profession.

"I take full responsibility for what happened that night," Dibble said. "It's very clear to me what I must do. Every step I make in recovery, I dedicate to her. I must make sure everything in my life changes for the better and everything I do and have done will be in Alyson's name."

Two-car collision with injuries reported on Batavia-Stafford TL Road

By Howard B. Owens

A two-car accident with injuries, including a possible head injury, is reported at 8244 Batavia-Stafford Town Line Road. Town of Batavia Fire Department and Mercy medics are responding. The location is near R. Stephen Hawley Drive.

UPDATE 8:59 a.m.: A second Mercy ambulance is called in, non-emergency mode.

Photos: A Saturday afternoon at the Home Show

By Howard B. Owens


Exhibitors said there was a steady stream of people coming through the Chamber of Commerce's Home Show today at Falleti Ice Arena in Batavia, and that had them in pretty good spirits.

Here's a quick photo tour of some of the activity today.

Doors are open tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.







More pictures after the jump:













Car into a pole reported on Ellicott Street Road

By Howard B. Owens

A car has reportedly hit a utility pole and wires are down in the area of 6071 Ellicott Street Road, Bethany.

No injuries are reported, but Mercy EMS is dispatched as a precaution.

Bethany fire and Stafford fire dispatched.

UPDATE 9 a.m.: Bethany and Stafford, back in service.

Minor injury accident on Ellicott Street, Batavia

By Howard B. Owens


A 23-year-old woman was transported to UMMC with a complaint of right knee pain after a two-car accident shortly after 6 p.m. at Jackson and Ellicott streets, Batavia.

The cause of the accident is under investigation.

Traffic was impeded for about 30 minutes.

The woman had a passenger in her van who was uninjured and the other driver was not injured.

Batavia PD, Batavia fire and Mercy EMS responded.


Photo: Home show ready to open at Falleti Ice Arena

By Howard B. Owens


Late this afternoon, vendors were busy putting together the final touches on their booths for the annual home show at Falleti Ice Arena.

The home show, brought to you by the Genesee County Chamber of Commerce, opens at 5 p.m. today and continues tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday.

There are about 70 exhibitors with goods and services designed to help you make home life better, beautiful or more efficient. For more information, visit the Chamber's Web site.

Fully involved barn fire reported on Old Creek Road, Alexander

By Howard B. Owens

A fully involved barn fire is reported in Alexander at 9633 Old Creek Road. The road will be shut down by Fire Police. Alexander Fire Department is responding along with Bethany, Town of Batavia, Darien and East Pembroke. Bethany is also requested to fill in at Alexander's fire hall.

UPDATE 3:25 a.m.: Bethany is unable to secure a second crew for the fill-in detail at Alexander Fire Hall so one from East Pembroke is requested.

UPDATE 3:28 a.m.: Command cancels the request for a fill-in crew at its hall from East Pembroke.

UPDATE 3:33 a.m.: A crew from East Pembroke is requested to stand by in their own hall for fill-in on behalf of Town of Batavia's fire district.

Some changes in how things get covered the next couple of weeks

By Howard B. Owens

For at least two weeks, I'm going to be unable to do much work.

Friday morning I was diagnosed with a detached retina in my right eye. I'm having surgery this morning. I get to spend the next week in a constant facedown position. It will be at least two, possibly three, weeks before I can return to work.

Billie is going to step up and provide more news coverage. Our corps of freelance contributors are also ready to pitch in, as is our news partner WBTA.

You can help, too: If you there is something going on you think others in the community will be interested in knowing about, email photos and information to

Anything related to advertising support, contact Lisa Ace at

I'll have access to e-mail. I'll forward anything work related to Billie or Lisa.

As for me, I'll be fine. It's not going to be fun, but I get to catch up on all the movies and documentaries on Netflix that I never have time to watch. There's also the NCAA tournament starting, which I usually can only watch portions of here and there.

Town of Batavia fire holds annual installation and awards dinner

By Howard B. Owens


Patrick Spear received the Firefighter of the Year award from Deputy Chief Dan Coffey on Saturday night during the Town of Batavia Fire Department's annual banquet at the Clarion Hotel.

The department responded to 317 calls in 2015. An average of 10.8 volunteers responded to each call and total man hours spent on calls exceeded 25,000. The volunteers also attended 76 training sessions.

"I think those are some pretty impressive numbers when you think about how we all have jobs, we all have families, we all have other obligations to attend to," Coffey said. "I truly want to give you guys a round of applause. We wouldn't be successful without that dedication."


Gary Diegelman​ was recognized for his 40 years of service to the department.


William Zipfel was recognized for his 45 years of service to the department.


Photo: Dragon sunrise in Bethany

By Howard B. Owens


Doug Yeomans took this picture. It's of the metal dragon sculpture on Transit Road in Bethany, Pavilion sunrise, yesterday morning.

CORRECTION: A reader, admittedly being nitpicky, wrote to say this dragon actually sits on the Pavilion side of Transit Road, not the Bethany side.


UPDATED: Photos: Tax Lien Auction

By Howard B. Owens


Properties there were foreclosed on by either the city or county in the past year for failure to pay property taxes were auctioned off today at Bontrager's.

We'll post the results of the auction once they are available to us.





(UPDATED 7:30 p.m.): Here are partial results from today's auction. They are for county-owned properties and do not include city-owned parcels. Those figures were not available today.

Note that the selling prices are listed along with the approximate amount of taxes and penalties owed. ***However, included in the amount DUE is interest, but that needs to be removed, as it was not earned. So the final amounts DUE are not available today, but they will be less than shown below.


PARCEL #1:       SELLING PRICE: $450               ***DUE: $768

Town of Batavia: Shepard Road (corner w/Batavia Bethany Townline Road), .62-acre lot, Tax Map No. 20.-2-30


PARCEL #2:     SELLING PRICE: $4,750            ***DUE: $5,650

Town of Batavia:  7697 Lewiston Road, .5-acre lot w/ commercial building,Tax Map No. 3.-1-6.112


PARCEL #3:      SELLING PRICE: $6,000            ***DUE: $3,150

Town of Pavilion: 10179 South Street Road, .78-acre lot w/burnt mobile home,Tax Map No. 6.-1-10.12


PARCEL #4:     SELLING PRICE: $5,000         ***DUE: $2,400

Town of Pembroke: Cleveland Road, 1-acre lot, Tax Map No. 16.-1-12.2


PARCEL #5:     SELLING PRICE: $650              ***DUE: $655

Town of Stafford: East Bethany -- Le Roy Road, 1.1-acre lot, Tax Map No.12.-1-46  


PARCEL #6:      SELLING PRICE: $33,000         ***DUE: $12,338

Town of Stafford: 8476 Route 237, single-family residence, .41-acre lot, Tax Map No. 7.-1-54


PARCEL #7:      SELLING PRICE: $28,000        ***DUE: $20,107

Village of Le Roy: 31 Mill St., storage/distribution, .27-acre lot, Tax Map No. 7.-2-1.1


PARCEL #8:      SELLING PRICE: $24,500         ***DUE: $15,660

Village of Le Roy:  63 Church St., single-family residence, .29-acre lot , Tax Map No.  6.-1-47

Photos: 4-H tractor safety tests

By Howard B. Owens


Students participating in the 4-H Club's annual tractor safety course were tested today on their hands-on knowledge at Empire Tractor.

Above, Christian Gerold steers through an obstacle course, and below, Tim Zipfel attached a combine to the back of a tractor while instructor Tim Adams scores his effort. Zipfel passed.



Byron-Bergen soccer team donates more than a grand to help fight cancer

By Howard B. Owens


Press release:

On March 4, the James P. Wilmot Cancer Center at Strong Hospital received a check for $1,277 to help combat head and neck cancer. The money was raised by the Byron-Bergen Jr./Sr. High School’s girls’ soccer team. The team, led by Coach Wayne Hill, hosted a fundraising event in October. This is the second year the team has focused their efforts on head and neck cancer. Teammate Karson Richenberg’s mother, Toni, has throat cancer.

Many local businesses supported the school’s fundraiser, including Sloat Tire Shop in Batavia, Fullerino’s Pizzeria, and NAPA Auto Parts in Bergen. They donated products and services to fill baskets that were raffled during halftime at one of the team’s games.

“We are very grateful to the many individuals and businesses in the community who donated,” said Jr./Sr. High School Interim Principal Patrick McGee. “We are so proud that our students are learning that they have the power to drive change in the world and give back to their community.”

The Byron-Bergen girls’ soccer team is no stranger to fundraising to beat cancer. Earlier years’ efforts supported breast cancer awareness. The girls' soccer team plans to expand their endeavors next year by encouraging additional athletic teams to participate.

Photo: Representatives from the Byron-Bergen girls’ soccer team presented a check for $1,277 to the doctors and medical team at Strong Hospital’s Wilmot Cancer Center. Center, holding check, is junior Karson Richenberg. Then (l-r) Toni Richenberg, junior Olivia Audsley, senior Alex Rosse, Interim Principal Patrick McGee and (far right) Coach Wayne Hill.

STOP-DWI announced stepped up enforcement for St. Patrick's Day Weekend

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Genesee County STOP DWI coordinator Matthew Landers announced today that the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office, City of Batavia Police Department and the Village of Le Roy Police Department will participate in a special enforcement effort to crackdown on impaired driving.

The statewide STOP-DWI Crackdown efforts start on March 17th and will end on March 20th. St. Patrick’s Day Weekend is historically a deadly period for impaired driving due to the number of drivers on the road. New York State Police, County Sheriff and municipal law enforcement agencies across the state will be out in force in this across the board effort to reduce the number of alcohol-related injuries and deaths.

Undersheriff William Sheron reminds us: “Don’t count on the luck of the Irish, arrange for a designated driver.”

The STOP-DWI St. Patrick’s Day Weekend Crackdown is one of many statewide enforcement initiatives promoted by the New York State STOP-DWI Association and funded by local STOP-DWI programs as well as the STOP-DWI Foundation and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee. This partnership has allowed local programs to significantly increase their enforcement and public awareness efforts. The statewide STOP-DWI Crackdown Campaign also targets Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day Weekend, Halloween and the national Holiday Season in December.

While STOP-DWI efforts across New York have led to significant reductions in the numbers of alcohol- and drug-related fatalities, still too many lives are being lost because of crashes caused by drunk or impaired drivers. Highly visible, highly publicized efforts like the STOP-DWI Crackdown Campaign aim to further reduce the incidence of drunk and impaired driving.

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