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Country Sausage Pie ala Gosby House Inn

By Bea McManis
from the Gosby House Inn in Pacific Coast, California.


2 lbs Italian Sausage

2 apples, peeled and cored

1/2 cup raisins

Over medium heat lightly brown the sausage with apples and raisins until 3/4 of the sausage is gray but still barely pink. Drain fat.

Mix in:

1 teaspoon anise

1 1/2 lbs baked potatoes, cooled

1 onion, chopped

1 teaspoon sage

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

salt and pepper to taste

Fill a quiche pan with mixture

Top with

1 layer of puff pastry

brush with an egg wash made of 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of milk

Bake in a 450 oven for 30-40 minutes (if potatoes were chilled, 40 minutes)

Serves 8

I strayed from the basic recipe using turkey Italian sausage from Tops. I used a biscuit batter for a topping rather than the puff pastry the last time I made this for a luncheon.

Best burger in the county goes to...

By Philip Anselmo

For those of us who know, all of the commercials on television that tout the greatness of this or that fast-food patty have got it all wrong. No Wendy's or Burger King or MacDonald's slab can hold a candle to a real, fresh ground beef burger made from scratch.

When we first began to sample the culinary bounty of Batavia back in May, I was sure that I had found the best hamburger to be found at Jackson Street Grill. It was thick, grilled and seasoned almost the way my Italian grandfather would do it: as if it were a meatball.

Then, last week, I stopped by the Alabama Hotel for lunch and ordered their half-pound burger. It, too, was thick, grilled and seasoned to perfection. Plus it came with fresh-cut french fries. Now I don't know who has got the best. Nor have I tasted all that's out there.

So I turn to you, trusted readers, to help settle this age old debate once and for all: Who's got the best burger in Genesee County? Feel free to send us your photos as proof. Because a good-tasting burger is often a good-looking one, too.

Open Thread: Favorite community dinner

By Howard B. Owens

Today, on my drive around Genesee County, I came across a few signs and flier for various church dinners or other community meals coming up this month.

It reminded me of a dinner at attended at Emmanuel Baptist Church on Oak Street a few weeks ago.  A woman at the event said, "Emmanuel has always put on the best dinners of any church in Genesee County."

Is that true?

If you could go to only one community dinner in October, which one would it be?  And if not in October, what church or civic group serves the best dinners?


By june rowcliffe

October 8, Elba Fireman's Recreation Hall, Route 98, Elba. Roast Beef Supper/Chinese Auction. Serving 5 p.m. Takeouts at 4:30. Real mashed potatoes, home cooked squash, slow roasted beef, rich gravy, coleslaw, pickled beets, delicious pies and other deserts, coffee, tea or milk. Tickets sold 'till gone. Adults $8.50, children 7 to 13 $4.00, 5 and under FREE. The Chinese Auction is open to anyone. You do not have to buy a supper to participate. Drawing will start at 6 p.m. You do not have to be present to win. Tickets are 10 for $1.00. Historical Society of Elba Annual Fund Raiser

Listening to America: Tonight!

By Daniel Jones

As Philip alluded to yesterday (, the Genesee County Young Democrats and the Albany Project will be co-hosting a 'Listening to America Meeting' on Wednesday, July 23rd at 7:30 PM at the Batavia City Center.  These meetings are part of the Obama campaign's and the Democratic Party's national strategy of letting grassroots supporters or potential grassroots supporters of Senator Obama and the Democratic party have input on what our foucs should be in the upcoming campaign. 

This is a free event and all are welcome to attend!

News roundup: No working smoke detectors in Byron apartment that burned

By Philip Anselmo

Check out WBTA for these and other stories:

• No working smoke detectors were found in the apartment complex in Byron that burned down Monday, according to the Genesee County Sheriff's Office. A family four died in the fire that looks to have started in their kitchen, possible near the stove.

• Smoked "Kuta Fish" and "Boney Fish" purchased from the African Caribbean Market on North Clinton may be tainted with botulism, according to the Department of Agriculture and Markets. No problems have yet been reported, but the fish should be thrown out.

• Local law enforcement will be holding a child safety seat inspection between 10:00am and 2:00pm — WBTA reports the date of the event as "next Saturday," which we assume to mean two days from now.

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