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lost cat

Cat found, seeking its owner

By Joanne Beck

If you are the owner of this cat, or know who is, the light tan and cream feline has apparently been hanging out in the city's north side for quite some time, a concerned citizen says. Please contact with any information you may have about this seemingly young, lost kitty in Batavia.

Submitted photo.

Clover 'the rover' is roaming around the Raymond Avenue area of the city

By Billie Owens

The little lemon-lime-eyed minx above lives in the area of Raymond Avenue in the City of Batavia.

Her name is Clover and she's a rover, having "slipped out" under cover of darkness Saturday night.

Clover is solid black, 5 years old, petite and "very shy." She has a pink and black collar with a weensy bell dangling from it.

She is the pet of two little girls who "are devastated" by her disappearance. Their brother is not too bothered by the situation, according to Dad, because he holds no strong opinion of the feline one way or the other.

Asked about sundry details that make Clover special, Dad says she's goat-like, in that she butts her head into you robustly when she wants to be petted. And Clover is a tad obsessive-complusive about grooming, to the point of having thinned out her fur on her bottom half and her tail. 

He said she reminds him of the cartoon character "Toothless" from the DreamWorks animated film "How to Train Your Dragon."

The other cat in the household goes in and out all the time, but Clover never gave any indication she was the least bit interested in the outside world.

It is possible, Dad, we asked, that she plotted this breakout long ago and was waiting for the opportune moment? (Who was training whom?)

Dad thinks someone should come up with a Tile for finding missings pets, just like they have for missing car keys. He's sure there's a market for that. He'd buy one.

If Clover is found or spotted, please call 297-9080, or email:

UPDATED: Senior cat with tortoiseshell coloring lost on East Main Street

By Billie Owens

This is a senior cat on the lam from her newly adoptive home on East Main Street in Batavia.

The new owners adopted her about a week ago, and she managed to slip out the front door Wednesday morning and has not returned.

They were trying to teach her her new given name -- "Terrapin" -- which may have confused her since she's not a turtle. But the moniker was intended to be a nod to her unique mottled coloring, you know, tortoiseshellish (gray and brown). She may not answer to it yet, though.

She has yellow eyes and a little notch in her left ear.

Her adoptive papa confirmed that she played it real nonchalant, seemingly unfazed by her new digs, and looking for all the world as if she were bored and ready for a long nap in the sun -- the kind real tortoises especially love.

But it is more likely, say cat people, that the 10-year-old was scheming and biding her time for the first opportunity to beat it to nowheresville PDQ.

If you see Miss Speedy Boots, AKA "Terrapin," please call Gregory Lebens-Higgins, who's new in town, at (585) 690-2044 or email him at:

UPDATE 11:07 a.m. Friday, Aug. 23: The cat named after a turtle returned home late last night, her owner says. She was lured back, perhaps, by their cleverness of leaving food out on the porch for her. All is well. 

Cali the calico cat is missing in Bergen

By Billie Owens

Jan Gilbert is hoping the legions of eagle-eyed readers of The Batavian, with their vaunted capability to locate any untold number of missing pets over the years, will pull through yet again and spot Cali.

This petite 7-year-old female feline lives in Bergen and is named, rather obviously, after her coat. Her moniker is not shorthand for California, a word more likely to be used by people who aren't from there. (There being where the publisher and editor of The Batavian hail from.)

Graced with a face that probably accrues charm the more you see it, Cali looks quite distinctive. "Elle est belle, n'est-ce pas?" A pixie with effiminate van-Dyck-meets-blotch-and-smudge colorations.

Jan says she's been missing from the area of Route 33 and West Bergen Road for a whopping six weeks.

This is hard for the family, whose members have stuffed mailboxes in the vicinity with fliers about their lost pet. They miss her lovableness and her little furry presence lolling about.

She's an indoor-except when-she wants-to-be-outdoor-cat. (T-shirt: Cat with all four paws splayed and gripping a screen door. Text: "Cat wants in. Cat wants out.") Adopted as a feral kitten, Cali feels naturally at home in both worlds, and likes to hunt and prowl when the mood strikes. She's shy, unless she's stalking in the savanna, then she's sly.

"She's always come home," Jan says. "She's stayed out overnight before, but always comes back in a day or two. But not this time."

She was possibly spotted by a neighbor a couple of weeks ago, but the neighbor's snarky little dog chased her off those premises and she has not been seen since. Although a few people have reported seeing a cat like Cali, alas, none were actually her.

So, take a good look. There's only one cat in Bergen who looks like that. And if you see her, call Jan Gilbert at 585-967-9042.

Is your Siamese cat missing?

By Billie Owens

From the Batavia Police Department:

Found Cat

We found this beauty in the area of Elmwood Avenue in the city. The cat appears to be well-cared for which is why we think someone might be missing it. If anyone knows the owner, please call the Animal Shelter at 585-343-6410.

Lost kitty

By Lisa Ace

Update: Oscar is home safe tonight! 
Lost kitty alert: Oscar got out of his Main Street, Le Roy, residence Sunday night. He’s a 3-year-old black male, curious and friendly.

If you find him, please call Trisha at (585) 297-0999‬.

reward for lost cats

By terry eastman

neighbor trapped my cats and set the free on PROLE RD and on CASWELL RD.  i live on GRANDVIEW TERR.   first cat is a small black cat with its left ear clipped because it was spayed, approx 1 yr old, goes by the name of ENOS.  second cat is a 1 yr old gray mancoon cat.  goes by the name of CEASAR.  please keep an eye out for them,  family pets that were not suppose to be taken.  please call 585-300-7858 if you have seen them.  if you have either one of them around your house please call.  100.00 dollar reward for each.

FOUND young orange tabby

By Rachel Oshlag

FOUND: Young orange tabby (most likely under 1 year) with amber eyes. Very friendly. North Spruce area.

Please sign my guestbook if you have any information!  Thank you!

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