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Join the party Friday for Christmas in the City

By Howard B. Owens

The Batavian and WBTA, local news partners for Genesee County, are hosting a Christmas party Friday evening during Christmas in the City at WBTA's studios at Main and Center.

Stop by between 5 and 9 p.m. and you could get a chance to win $100. Show us The Batavian's mobile app on your smartphone or tablet and you will be eligible to enter the drawing (no purchase necessary).

We will provide snacks catered by the Dibble Family Center.

  • To download The Batavian's app for iOS, click here.
  • To download The Batavian's app for Android, click here.

Now Available: Android version of The Batavian's mobile app

By Howard B. Owens

At long last, the Android version of the mobile app for The Batavian is now available in the Google Play Store.

This is essentially the same version as the iOS version (available here) though we changed the subscription scheme a bit, making it three tier. There are no additional benefits to the higher tiers. It's just a matter of how much you're willing to contribute to help support local news. Stories are free for the first six hours after publication (these are changes that will be included in the next update of the iOS version).

If you have issues or want to provide feedback after you download the app, email me at

There is not a vendor product. It's not a generic, open-source project. It's homegrown. I wrote the code for this myself and will continue to add onto it and hopefully improve it as time permits.

The app is suitable for Android-powered smartphones and tablets with an operating system of 5.0 or later.

Download the Android version of The Batavian app by clicking here.

Announcing The Batavian's new mobile app for iOS

By Howard B. Owens

Today, The Batavian is releasing its new mobile app for the iOS platform (iPhones and iPads). You can download it through this link from your iOS device.

This is a completely homegrown app. I decided two years ago I could no longer ignore mobile publishing.

My initial impulse was to try and raise money for development, but as that started looking really difficult, I weighed that difficulty (and spending a lot of time with an uncertain outcome) against just writing all the code myself. The actual code writing started 18 months ago. First I built all the backend (server stuff) to support the app (building the Deal of the Day program was a "getting my feet wet again in programming" exercise), then eight months ago I started building the actual app.

It was every bit as hard as I anticipated, which is why I had avoided the idea for years, especially going through two eye surgeries and now a dislocated knee.  

The future of news is mobile. It makes a lot of sense. People with smartphones and tablets always have the world with them, including their local community, and they like to check in frequently to find out what's going on. On the other hand, local news on mobile is still a specialty product, a niche. I think the website is going to be our dominant news and business promotion platform for several years yet, but I also don't want to lose out to mobile when it becomes a bigger part of how people access local news.

The people interested in mobile news, studies show, want fast, smooth access to check the latest headlines. The Batavian's new mobile app is designed to meet that need for those people looking for a fast and convenient mobile news experience. We've streamlined news delivery and what we ask in return is that those who use the app regularly pay just $2 a month for a subscription.

We also use the app to help promote local businesses. Our local business directory is featured on the app. The directory is now only a framework for the long-term goal of creating a model for business-promotion-as-a-service for mobile and social networking, to bring local readers and local businesses together in a friendly, safe and mutually beneficial environment.

For those on Android: I don't expect to have the Android version of the app completed anytime soon. I'm guessing three months or a little longer. Most of the code that makes the iOS app is the same for Android as it is for iOS, but there are some significant differences to work through. I have some other business tasks to attend to while continuing to cover local news, so my available time for coding is limited.

Download the iOS app.

Publisher on 15-day DL

By Howard B. Owens

You might have noticed I've not had a byline on the site the past three days.

Friday evening while hitting golf balls, while in my back swing, I felt a pop in my left knee and fell to the ground in pain. Billie took me to the emergency room. It looks like a slight tear to the meniscus and fluid on the knee. Since then, it's been really tough to walk. I'm stuck at home and can't get up stairs.

Billie just moved my computer downstairs so I can start doing some work again.

Hopefully, I'll be back to normal in a couple of weeks. In the meantime, it's going to be hard for me to get out and cover things. We've got a cast of freelancers to help with coverage, but my work will be confined to what I can do without leaving the house.

We like to keep people informed of things going on that affect the normal flow of coverage, so that's the story in this case.

An eight-day week in California

By Howard B. Owens

This evening, Billie and I catch a plane for Los Angeles. We'll visit Bakersfield, Ventura and San Diego over the next eight days, seeing family and friends.

We return the morning of June 26.

While we're gone, we'll do our best to keep up with the site.

Covering news for us will be our intern Maria Pericozzi, reporter Mike Pettinella, and photographers Jim Burns and Steve Ognibene.

We also, as always, appreciate your help. We're always grateful for readers who send us pictures or news tips. If something is going on that you think other readers might like to know about, email me (preferred) at or text (585) 260-6970 (don't count on me seeing Facebook messages).

Note to Deal of the Day buyers: We're not going to post any deals today or tomorrow, but I will try to get a daily post up through the week. However, deals won't be shipped out in the mail until June 27, a week from Tuesday.

Post recommendations to for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate for Adam Miller

By Howard B. Owens

Visit before Dec. 27 and post recommendations for your favorite local businesses for a chance to win a $100 gift certificate for Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle.

Each recommendation posted increases your chances of winning.

The winner of the Valle Jeweler's gift certificate was Penny Hogan, of Le Roy, for her recommendation for R&D Outlet Center.

UPDATE 10:25 p.m.: I just discovered a code error introduced into the code this morning that was preventing recommendations posted today from being saved. It was redirecting people to the home page instead of completing the process. It is fixed now.

It's the last day to post a recommendation on Shop Local for a chance to win Valle's gift certificate

By Howard B. Owens

We've received dozens of recommendations on Shop Local for local businesses in the past five days and there is only one day left in our drawing to win a $100 gift certificate to Valle Jewelers.

Every recommendation posted on before Tuesday earns a chance to win the gift certificate. To post a recommendation, go to and click on the links for your favorite local businesses and find the area on the page for recommendations. (You need to be registered and signed in to post a recommendation, but if you've already signed up for Deal of the Day, you have an account already.)

Here are the 10 local businesses with the most recommendations so far:

  1. Valle Jewelers
  2. Red Osier Landmark Restaurant
  3. Bourbon & Burger Co.
  4. Genesee Dental
  5. Southside Deli
  6. Adam Miller Toy and Bicycle
  7. West Main Wine & Spirits
  8. R & D Factory Outlet
  9. Fab Fajita & Pita
  10. T.F. Brown's

If your local business isn't listed on, call Dawn Puleo at (585) 250-4118 for assistance.

Here's how you can maybe win a $100 gift card to Valle Jewelers

By Howard B. Owens

Yesterday, we launched our new local business promotion site,

One of the first features we added to the site (there are more to come) is a way for you to post recommendations for your favorite local businesses. Recommendations are a great way for you to help spread the word about your favorite local businesses and encourage your friends, family members and neighbors to give these businesses a try.

If you post a recommendation on in the next week, you will be entered into a drawing for a free $100 gift certificate to Valle Jewelers. In fact, it gets better: the more recommendations you post, the greater your chance of winning because you get one ticket in the drawing for every recommendation you post.

This contest will end the morning of Dec. 21. That gives you a week to post as many recommendations as you can and get as many chances as you can to win a $100 gift certificate to Valle Jewelers.

No purchase necessary. Employees of The Batavian are excluded from the drawing.

To post a recommendation, you need to register on the site. Here's the easy part: if you've already registered for Deal of the Day, just use your same email and password to sign in.

Introducing our new Shop Local site for Genesee County

By Howard B. Owens

When we launched our Deal of the Day program, I shared that this was the first step toward my intention to write code, to create a series of programs that I hope will better serve local residents and local businesses.

Today, we announce the next big step along this path -- launching a new site to help promote local businesses,

I built this, no vendor, no open source software, because none of the options really did what I think a site like this should do for local businesses and local residents. What is today is not what it will be a year or even two years from now. This is just the foundation, a framework. I will add more and more services and functions as time permits.

And stay tuned, in the next day or two we will announce the first in a series of contests tied into this new site.

Meanwhile, visit and email me with any feedback, suggestions or errors you find:

Also, if you own a local business and it's not listed, call our office at (585) 250-4118 and ask for Dawn Puleo. She can assist you.

Shop Local: Keep our community strong and vibrant

By Howard B. Owens

Today is Shop Local Saturday. Ironically, it's a national event pushed by a multinational corporation. Be that as it may, our readers know one of the underlying philosophies of The Batavian is that people should strive to shop at local businesses as much as possible.

In this day and age, it would be impossible in just about any community in America to shop in only local shops, but all over America, as in Genesee County, our communities are filled with vital local businesses.

Local businesses are essential to a community's health and prosperity. Social science research shows that communities with strong local business communities reap all kinds of benefits, from higher graduation rates to lower poverty rates and even a lower infant mortality rate.  

Local business owners help tie a community together. They volunteer more, give more and share more. They're part of our civic organizations and donate most to our local charities. Without successful local businesses, we would all be worse off.

There's been a lot of attention paid in this past election cycle to the idea that more of what we buy should be manufactured in the United States. That drive to bring manufacturing back to the United States means nothing if we're not supporting our local businesses. It's not that our local shops stock only American-made products, though that's more likely, it's that they are right in our community helping our community. If you truly want to see a great America, do something more than rally around manufacturing, support your local business owners, the people who live in your community and give to your community.

Here's a list of The Batavian's sponsors, which is a good place to start when shopping local for Christmas and into the New Year. We also encourage your support of the sponsors of the Pin Points bowling column, which runs every other Thursday exclusively on The Batavian.

We thank them for their support of The Batavian and thank you for your support of The Batavian and our community.

Returning to normal

By Howard B. Owens

Now I can reveal a little more about what's been going on the past few days and why Billie and I haven't been around.  I had to be a little cagey in my previous post about our absence a few days ago in the chance that my dad might look at the site.

I just returned from a trip to Bakersfield, Calif., for my dad's surprise 80th birthday party.  He may have had some inkling there was a party, but he had no idea I was coming.

That trip was planned for some time, but what was unexpected was that Billie had to have a medical procedure done the day before I left.  It's nothing serious but needed to be done and she will be fine, but it will be a little while yet before she returns to work.

The main point is, news coverage should largely return to its normal flow.  

As always, thank you for your support.

A few days of change in coverage

By Howard B. Owens

Over the next few days, Billie and I have some personal matters that will disrupt our normal routines. We'll be in and out of town. Nothing serious, just things that will pull us away from 100 percent focus on The Batavian.

We've planned for this and have arranged with Mike Pettinella, Jim Burns, Steve Ognibene, Rob Henry, Rick Franclemont and our news partners at WBTA and 13WHAM to help with coverage.

Change of plans for today

By Howard B. Owens

Billie had to go out of town today unexpectedly. I'm still in Chicago and the LION Publishers' conference is in full swing.

For most of the day, we won't have anyone monitoring the scanner. I think we'll have some news flow today, but a slight unexpected disruption.

In Chicago

By Howard B. Owens

I didn't get a chance to post this before I left, but I'm in Chicago through Saturday.

I'll miss the Wine Walk, but we've got coverage lined up of various things while I'm gone. 

I'm attending a two-day conference for programmers working for news organizations and then I'll be at the annual conference for Local Independent Online News Publishers. I'll be speaking at that conference on Saturday.

Photos: Fall Master Gardeners' Gala at Cornell Cooperative Extension

By Howard B. Owens


It was on a Saturday in September 10 years ago that I first drove into Batavia.

I returned to that event today to sort of mark the anniversary.

It was through a calendar item in the Gardener's Journal 10 years ago that I saw something about a Master Gardeners' Gala at the Cornell Cooperative Extension in a placed called Batavia.

"Batavia can't be too far of a drive," I thought, while sitting in my hotel room in Fairport.  

I made the drive, and it was a bit more of a drive than I expected, but eventually, I found Batavia, and I found it charming.

I came out here looking for information on growing roses in Western New York (we were getting ready to move from Bakersfield, Calif.) and left charmed by this little city.

Little did I know then, that within two years, I would be starting an online news site for Genesee County and eventually moving here myself. But Billie and I are quite happy with that turn of events.

Thank you all for supporting our experiment in online-only news and embracing and accepting us as you have.

And yes, I've found it possible to quite successfully grow roses in Western New York.



Authentically Local