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Le Roy Central Schools asking voters to consider 'Asset Preservation' projects

By Press Release

Press release:

On Wednesday, Oct. 28, residents of the Le Roy Central School District will be asked to participate in a capital project referendum. Two separate capital project propositions will be offered on the ballot for their consideration and vote.

Proposition 1 consists of district-wide building and site improvements focused on safety, asset preservation, and academic program enhancements. Critical needs addressed in this part of the project include exterior building reconstruction, such as masonry repointing, window replacements, roof replacements at the Wolcott Street School, and the Jr.-Sr. High School, and reconstruction of the deteriorating parapet at the Wolcott Street School.

Water accumulation in the Wolcott Street School boiler room and at the Lapp Building would also be addressed, as well as age-related deterioration to various stairways and entryways at both schools. Window film would be applied at both school buildings to enhance student safety and security.

Program enhancements would include gymnasium refinishing and locker room improvements at the Wolcott Street School, plus improvements to the existing soccer field at the Jr.-Sr. High School, including a multipurpose playing surface, lighting, and new bleachers. Both schools would also receive auditorium house lighting upgrades, plus theatrical lighting improvements at the High School.

Proposition 2, which is contingent on approval of the first proposition, incorporates additional improvements to our physical education and athletic programs. A multipurpose playing surface would be added inside the existing track at the Jr.-Sr. High School, along with new stadium field lighting and a pedestrian path leading from the school to the field. This work would put the final touches on our stadium.

Both propositions put forth in this proposed project represent an important continuation of the facilities planning initiatives we began with the R.I.T.E. project.

We encourage you to learn more about the project propositions at the public information meeting on Oct. 14 and to cast your vote on Oct. 28.

The public information meeting on Oct. 14 is in the Jr-Sr High School Auditorium at 7 p.m. and the referendum vote is from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Oct. 28 at Wolcott Street School.

Download: Information sheet (pdf).

NOTE: The referendum was originally scheduled to go before voters in May. The video was made for the school district before the coronavirus pandemic struck.

Pediatrician shares what parents should know about COVID-19 with children back in school

By Howard B. Owens

There are any number of reasons that a child might have the sniffles, or run a fever, or get a stomachache. But since all of these ailments are also potential symptoms of a COVID-19 infection, school districts are under instruction from the State Health Department to isolate children with these and other symptoms until its confirmed that child can't spread the disease at a school, said Rochester Regional Health Pediatrician Dr. Steven Schulz today in a Zoom conference call with reporters.

"Because of low community prevalence, there's a 99-percent chance that those symptoms are due to a different virus, that it's not COVID and that's a good thing and a good place that we're starting out with," Schulz said.

"But because we don't want COVID to spread in the schools and break out, we are being very stringent. Actually, it's the Department of Health that's been very stringent with regulations on what's required to eventually return to school."

If a child goes home with a potential COVID-19 symptom, that child can't return to school unless there is a negative COVID-19 test, and the child is again symptom-free, and a doctor has cleared the child to return to school.

The reason a child must be symptom-free even after a negative test for COVID-19, Schulz said, is because of the small percentage of COVID tests that return a false negative.

Schulz serves on the Finger Lakes Region School Reopening Task Force and is one of the people responsible for writing school reopening guidelines in the region. RRH, parent hospital group for UMMC in Batavia, sponsored today's press conference on what parents should know as their children return to school.

Possible COVID-19 symptoms that could lead to a child being kept out of school include runny nose, congestion, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue, poor appetite.

"There's a whole host of conditions that can cause all of those things, not just COVID," Schulz said. "And so many kids do have chronic conditions, such as seasonal allergies that can have overlapping symptomatology."

For children with chronic conditions, a doctor can verify those conditions and letters written as needed to allow those children to return to school.

What the main focus is on, he said, is the development of new, or different, or worsening symptoms. 

"Every school district has implemented a screening protocol for students and parents to go through before that student set foot sets foot on campus If they screened positive for any of those," Schulz said. "Again, focusing on new and worsening symptoms, in particular, and those would be reasons for an evaluation with the health care provider.

"Obviously, the big one would be a fever. If a child has a fever, they certainly would need to have additional evaluation. So we, of course, would encourage families if there is any concern that their child might have symptoms that are consistent with COVID to contact their health care provider for the next steps."

If a child at a school does test positive, the Health Department will take over, conduct contact tracing, and determine if any other children were exposed and take proper precautions as necessary. If proper social distancing has been maintained and masks are worn properly, it may not be necessary to quarantine other children.

One thing parents can do to help the entire community, Schulz said, is to ensure they and their children receive a seasonal flu shot.

"It's especially important this year," Schulz said. "COVID and flu have a lot of overlapping symptoms and people can theoretically be infected with both. The concern with that is that we could overwhelm our health care system not just with COVID, but also with flu. Both together could overwhelm it even more.

"So the flu vaccine is a safe and effective way to protect you and others around you from getting the flu. And we are encouraging everyone to get that as early as possible this year."

Pembroke trustee responds to editorial on school board accountability

By Howard B. Owens

Letter from Ed Levinstein:

I am writing in response to your recent editorial article; “School boards get a failing grade on transparency with voters.”  Contrary to your claim of “group conformity,” I am writing this without asking for approval from my fellow Pembroke Central School District board members or our superintendent.  I want you and your readers to know, I have never felt the need or pressure to seek approval.  Speaking only for myself, but with a suspicion that my fellow board members at Pembroke and elsewhere may agree, I take exception to your article. 

I wish to begin by noting where you and I agree; that school board members are elected individually and that the public has a right to know where we stand.  I wholeheartedly agree and there is no debating this in my mind.  However, our board’s decision to ask our President to answer your questions about reopening school on our behalf, in no way equates to avoiding public accountability. Please keep in mind that the board and administration grappled with this plan for weeks.  As a team, we developed a plan that everyone had input on and is fully supportive of and unanimously approved.  The lack of any disagreement does not indicate that any of us are hiding our true opinions or having them suppressed. 

I would like to add that I did respond to Mr. Pettinella’s email after your exchange with our President, John Cima, where you asked again for individual responses.  Granted, my response was still in agreement with John, but this should not imply that I was in some way unwilling or not allowed to give my opinion.  I believe my fellow board members also replied after your second request but this was not included in your follow up Facebook post.

With all due respect to you and other journalists who play an extremely important role in our society, board members are not obligated to respond to your questions. Your inference from our individual silence that we are being stifled or manipulated is speculative at best, deceptive at worst.  The tone of your article and the responses you gave John imply that you think we are answerable to you and that if our responses don’t conform to your formatting and expectation, then we are being obstructive or just too stupid to understand our “assignment.”  This unfair treatment by some media may be why some board members and districts prefer to have a gatekeeper of sorts to prevent being misunderstood.

As a Pembroke Central School Board member, I very much recognize my responsibility to the students and constituents.  I applaud that you and other publications are covering important matters including the reopening plans of districts. However, I feel you are doing a disservice to the community by creating a perception about our transparency that in my opinion, is not fair or accurate. If you had cared about the original topic, I imagine we would have seen an article that discussed the reopening plans of districts in the region. 

Your perception is based simply on our group responses to a couple open-ended questions that I imagine most board members agree on anyway by this point.  Regarding our transparency, please know that the discussions and vote on the plan were held in open meetings that you and the public are always welcome to attend.  Also, the minutes to those meetings are available on our website and upon a request. I’m also personally available to any constituent who wants to know where I stand on a school issue.

Finally, I want you and your readers to understand that aside from the satisfaction of working to provide opportunities for and improve the lives of children, being on a school board is a tough job that we take on cheerfully but very seriously.  It includes a lot of hard work, long hours, long meetings and is completely volunteer.  Most of us do not have high aspirations for public office.  We just want to help the kids in our district be successful and lead happy, productive lives.  

I feel that it is a great privilege to work with a board that is able to work so well together and I hope that the voters in my district will entrust me for another term when the time comes.  It seems almost out of place in this day and age that a group of elected officials can work so well together, which is maybe why you felt the need to create the perception of controversy where there is none.

Ed Levinstein
Vice President
Pembroke Central School Board

Previously: EDITORIAL: School boards get failing grade on transparency with voters

Previously: Genesee County central school districts unveil plans for reopening this fall

Video: First day of school for 2020 at Batavia City Schools

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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With new social distancing protocols in place, the Batavia City School District opened all four of its campuses today for the 2020-21 academic year.

Pembroke response to questions about reopening of schools

By Mike Pettinella

Here is the response received from John Cima, school board president for Pembroke for the questions we sent each individual board member of the school district.  Cima said he was responding as school board president and the response reflected the views of the school board.

The school board members who failed to provide their own responses:

  • John A. Cima
  • Heather Wood
  • Ed Levinstein
  • Dan Lang
  • Art Ianni

Do you support the District’s policy and reopening plan? Why or Why not?
As Board President of the Pembroke Central School District, I have been asked to give you our Board’s response. At Pembroke, and across the State, school boards operate as one unit not as individuals. We set policy and work in conjunction with the Superintendent and administrative team to effectively and efficiently operate our district. Individual opinions and ideas from all are listened to and discussed as we formulate policies and plans affecting the District as a whole. It is through these rich and respectful discussions that our policies and plans are developed. By adhering to this process, we examine situations and, in the end, develop policies and plans that we feel best meet the needs of our District. So, with that being said, our Board and the individuals who serve on our Board strongly believe in and support the District’s policy and reopening plan.

The reopening plan offers options to our school community to address various comfort levels while providing our students the challenging education and safe environment they richly deserve whether they choose virtual or in-person learning. We have also provided a structure to allow parents to change the initial option chosen for their children on a quarterly basis and our district the flexibility to adjust on the fly to a hybrid or 100% virtual model should the health numbers change.

No plan developed will completely satisfy everyone’s concerns but, we listened to all stakeholders and feel that our reopening plan comes very close to addressing those concerns in a manner providing educational opportunities and a safe environment for all of our students and staff.

What feedback have you received from parents in your district?
We have surveyed parents numerous times throughout the process of developing the reopening plan and used that feedback to effectively formulate the plan. The feedback received has been extremely positive. Also, the Superintendent and administrative team held a series of question and answer sessions via Zoom to answer questions and receive feedback. The valuable feedback has allowed for some tweaking of the plan to address concerns. Our Board feels strongly that the Superintendent and Administrative team has done a highly effective job communicating the elements and expectations of our district’s reopening plan and has welcomed the community feedback we have received,

Group response from Oakfield-Alabama to questions on school reopening

By Mike Pettinella

Here is the response received from Matt Lamb, school board president for Oakfield-Alabama for the questions we sent each individual board member of the school district.  Lamb said this served as a group response. A group response was not an option given to the school board members.  

The school board members who failed to provide their own responses:

  • Timothy Edgerton
  • Lorna Klotzbach
  • Matt Lamb
  • Justin Staebell
  • Jackie Yunker Davis
  • Pete Zeliff
  • Daniel Groth

"The OACS school board fully supports our district's reopening plan.  The plan originated from a district survey that went to all families.  The survey indicated that 84% of our families would approve of the decision to send their children back to school to resume full-time, in person instruction.  The administrative team concluded that our facilities have the space necessary to meet the 6 foot physical distancing guideline within the classrooms while the students receive their instruction, making the request of the families of our district possible.  The committee that helped form our plan included administrative staff, teachers, students and parents of the district.

I'm happy to say most parent feedback went directly to our Superintendent and the building Principals.  However, to your question, we'd mention that at our last board meeting some families asked to speak in our public comment section and expressed their approval and gratitude to the district for our plan.    

We'd also like to acknowledge the flexibility within the plan.   It is important to the board that families have the option to learn remotely if their concerns could not be alleviated by the district's plan.  Our school is accommodating those families that aren't ready to send their children into our facilities.  Should these families reconsider their decision, there is also a re-entry plan for students who have chosen the remote option.

Our board is incredibly appreciative to all who made themselves available to help write the reopening plan, and also to all of the district employees who will be implementing the plan.  We are excited to get the kids back in school, but at the same time, understand the anxieties this brings to both families and staff.  We expect the plan to remain fluid and for our administrative team to continue to make themselves available to hear the concerns of families and staff.  We wish everyone the best of health as we get back to the business of the education of the students of our district."

Le Roy group response to questions about reopening of schools

By Mike Pettinella

Here is the response received from Jacalyn Whiting, school board president for Le Roy for the questions we sent each individual board member of the school district.  Whiting said this served as a group response. A group response was not an option given to the school board members.  

The school board members who failed to provide their own responses:

  • Jacalyn Whiting 
  • Denise Duthe 
  • Christine Dowell 
  • Richard Lawrence  
  • Peter Loftus 
  • William MacKenzie 

The Le Roy Central Schools Board of Education would like to reply to your questions about our district's reopening plan and policy concerning COVID 19 as a group.  We have discussed our district's reopening plans as a group with the administrative team many times over these last few months and thank you for this opportunity to share our excitement in welcoming our students and staff back to our schools next week   

Jacalyn Whiting, LCS Board of Education President
Denise Duthe, LCS Board of Education Vice President

Do you support the district's policy and reopening plan?  Why or why not?
We fully support our district's reopening plans.  Our Superintendent, Merritt Holly and our administrative team have spent countless hours surveying, meeting and speaking with parents, staff, and students for their valuable input and to fully understand the needs, concerns and wishes of our community.  Our administrators also spoke to neighboring school districts to compare and brainstorm different ideas and plans.  Then carefully following all of the mandates from the New York State Department of Health and the New York State Education Department our administrators crafted a plan for the reopening of our schools.  Our families were given a choice depending on their situations, needs and concerns to follow a hybrid plan and return to school in person for 2 days a week with one day remote learning or to be a fully remote student.  Our students and staff are also fully prepared to go to completely remote learning if the need arises.  Our district is ready to welcome our students next week with protocols and plans in place for a safe and exciting year!

What feedback have you received from the parents in your district?
The parents in our district have been extremely supportive and appreciative of the amount of thought and time that has gone into the creation of our plan and the way the reopening choices have been clearly communicated to them.  89% of our families have selected the hybrid in person model for this year.  Their trust and support of our district administration and staff is appreciated and not taken lightly. 

Byron-Bergen response to questions about schools reopening

By Mike Pettinella

Here is the response received from Debi List, school board president for Byron-Bergen for the questions we sent each individual board member of the school district.  List said this served as a group response. A group response was not an option given to the school board members.  

The school board members who failed to provide their own responses:

  • Debra List
  • Yvonne Ace-Wagoner
  • Kimberly Carlson
  • William Forsyth
  • Tammy Menzie
  • Amy Phillips
  • Jennifer VanValkenburg


We appreciate that you are looking for individual statements from Board members however the Byron-Bergen Board members choose to reply as one. The Byron-Bergen Board of Education fully supports the decision of our district of to bring children back to school as long as we are able to do it safely and with all the many precautions as we can provide to our students and their families. With the CDC guidelines we are able to bring  PreK-5Th grade in everyday, but unfortunately the district is not able to bring back all students in 6Th to 12th grade for in person learning 5 days a week and that we will need to do a hybrid model.

Any parent that has reached out to our board members understands the situation and knows that the Byron-Bergen school district is doing what is best for kids.

Trustee Alice Ann Benedict answers questions about schools reopening

By Mike Pettinella

Response from Alice Ann Benedict, trustee in the Batavia City Schools District.

Do you support the district's policy and reopening plan?  Why or why not?
I am in total support of the district with the hybrid plan. It is well thought out and the superintendent and staff have worked very hard this summer to comply with the governor’s requirements and also do what’s best for all students, faculty and staff. They have been very prudent in their consideration of all involved including parents and staff. We realized, through surveys and registrations, that a majority of students wanted in-person teaching. Certainly, there was a percentage that wants virtual classes, so the district accommodated them all with a definite aim to improve academics and keep everyone safe and healthy.

What feedback have you received from the parents in your district?
The feedback that I’ve gotten is mainly positive. Parents felt more assured with the open question and answer sessions that were available, plus with all the information available on the district’s website, most questions are answered.

Communication and 'SEL' key to pandemic-era learning, city school trustees told

By Howard B. Owens

In March, school districts were forced to quickly throw together a remote learning plan with the pandemic forced students to stay home, but after a summer to prepare, the Batavia City School District has developed a more comprehensive plan to educate children in the age of coronavirus.

Molly Corey, executive director of Curriculum and Instruction, outlined the virtual learning guidelines for the 2020/21 school year for members of the city schools' board of trustees on Monday night.

At the heart of the plan, Corey said, is SEL -- social and emotional learning.

"There is a variety of feelings around everything we're doing," Corey said. "We want to make people comfortable with what we do."

SEL is, according to the virtual learning guidebook, "the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions."

Corey said SEL includes self-awareness, self-management, being responsible for decision-making, social awareness, and developing relationship skills.

The other key elements to the learning plan include communication, instructional time, and feedback.

About 75 percent of the district's students will split time between virtual learning and in-class instruction, while the parents for 20 percent of the students have chosen virtual-only learning. The remaining 5 percent are students with special needs who will be on campus every day.

The guidebook includes a chart that highlights the differences between the hastily compiled plan for distance learning last spring and the more thoughtful plan for the new school year.

For example, "teacher check-ins" is now "Teacher-led instruction with SEL as the cornerstone of what we do," and the flexibility of daily and weekly requirements has been replaced by a scheduled and planned school day.

"Monitored attendance" becomes "attendance taken daily."

Students, and their parents, will now be expected to focus grade level/course standards using pacing guidelines.

While there were no formal assessments given last spring and grades were credit/no credit, this year will include scheduled assessments and grades and "growth-producing feedback."

All students will have a Chromebook. Middle school and high school students will use Google Classroom, while younger students will be introduced to a new program for online learning called "Seesaw."

To make all this work, communication will be key, Corey said. Teachers have to produce written communication plans for the school year to ensure students and parents have a clear idea of the process, expectations, standards and progress.

"I want parents to know that this is really a true partnership," Corey said. "To make this work, we need them with us."

Video: St. Paul Lutheran School's 5th grade graduation

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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St. Paul Lutheran School in Batavia held a COVID-distanced graduation for its three fifth-grade students on Saturday.

Legislature to renew law enforcement agreements with schools, Live Nation, even as pandemic future is uncertain

By Howard B. Owens


County legislators dealt with two law enforcement-related contracts at Monday's Public Service Committee meeting that, as one member put it, are "mysteries" because of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

It is unknown whether there will be on-campus learning at county schools this fall, but the Sheriff's Office is expected to provide School Resources Officers to six campuses if students return to classrooms, so that contract needs to be in place.

Right now, it doesn't look like Live Nation will host any concerts at the Darien Lake Performing Arts Center but in case they do, the contract for the Sheriff's Office needs to be in place.

The committee recommended both contracts be approved.

For SROs, three school districts -- Alexander, Byron-Bergen, and Pavilion -- employ deputies year-round and reimburse the county for that expense. Those SROs remain employed by their respective districts.

Pembroke, Oakfield-Alabama, and BOCES use SROs for only 10 months during the year, so the Sheriff's Office gets reimbursed for those deputies' salaries for only those 10 months.

The year-around school districts have continued to use their SROs even during the lockdown, even during the summer, but it's uncertain what will happen with the partial-year SROs if students don't return to campus in the fall.

Currently, the Sheriff's Office has three open road patrol positions. Rather than hire and train new officers, the three deputies who are SROs in Pembroke, O-A, and BOCES are fulfilling those duties, so the cost to the county of not getting those salaries covered by the school districts is a wash.

As for Darien Lake, there's no expense to the county if there are no concerts and Live Nation pays for any deputies put on duty at concerts.

However, discussion of the concert season had legislators asking about the impact that closure of Darien Lake -- the theme park, concert venue, and hotel -- would have on county revenue. The county derives significant revenue from sales tax at the theme park as well as gas tax for people who travel into Genesee County for the park and subsequently buy gas here. The bed tax from the hotel is about a third of the bed tax revenue for the county, said County Manager Jay Gsell.

Chairwoman Rochelle Stein told the committee that based on her communication with industry and state officials, Darien Lake is part of an amusement park lobbying group trying to get the governor's office to authorize theme parks to reopen.

She said Darien Lake has drafted a thick binder of guidelines the park would follow if it reopened.

"They've put their safety plan in front of the governor's office," Stein said. "There is a whole lobbying arm of the amusement park industry that as a group is trying to convince the governor to let them reopen. So far, that has fallen on deaf ears."

Photo: The socially distanced Public Service Committee meeting.

Video: Pavilion HS Class of 2020: 'When Life Gives You Lemons Eat Them'

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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At the end of the school year of pandemic, Pavilion High School graduated 29 seniors at the Silver Lake Drive-in Perry on Sunday.

Owen Kane Sidhu was the Salutatorian and Brett Lubberts was the Valedictorian. The commencement address was delivered by Superintendent Kenneth Ellison, who will retire in the fall.

Country music artist Brew Baldridge sang "Senior Year" and "Middle of Nowhere Kids."

VIDEO: BHS music graduates serenaded with 'Pomp and Circumstance'

By Howard B. Owens

Music class students, current and former, came together yesterday afternoon under direction of teacher Jane Haggett to honor their fellow music students who are graduating this year.

The musicians visited students at their home or work and played "Pomp and Circumstance" for them.

This video is of Erick Chugg receiving the surprise visit at McDonald's, where he works.

Also honored: Lydia Geiger, Maggie Andersen, Macayla Burke, Gloria Adams, Sarah Adams, Maddie Taggart, and Derrick Fedus.

Not available for a visit: Garrick Havens, Courtnee Yasses, and Charissa Waldmiller.

Video: Jackson School Promotion Parade

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Parents, students, teachers, and administration at Jackson Primary School in Batavia celebrated the end of the year and promotion day with a parade on Friday.

Jackson School holding end-of-the-year parade tomorrow

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Jackson Primary School Parent Teacher Group is hosting a celebration parade for all Jackson families on Friday at noon.

The parade will begin at Ascension Parish / Sacred Heart parking lot, located at 19 Sumner St.

The parade will proceed up Hutchins Street to South Jackson Street and through the front bus loop at Jackson Primary (411 S. Jackson St.) where teachers will line the sidewalk. There will also be a safe walking zone that will be roped off for those who wish to walk the parade.

The parade will be lead by SRO Jason Davis from the Batavia Police Department. Jackson Primary would like to thank the Batavia Police Department, the Batavia Fire Department and the Jackson Primary Parent Teacher Group for support Jackson Primary.

We look forward to seeing everyone there!

If you have any questions, please call Mrs. Notaro, principal of Jackson Primary at (585) 343-2480, ext. 4000.

VIDEO: Batavia Middle School celebrates its 8th graders with a parade

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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Teachers and administrators drove house-to-house in Batavia on Wednesday to deliver awards and presents to the school's 8th graders who are moving onto high school in the fall.

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