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Batavia City Schools Board of Education invests in air purity to combat COVID-19

By Joanne Beck

Without any discussion, Batavia’s Board of Education unanimously approved a slew of consent items Tuesday evening, including spending more than $400,000 to purchase disinfection devices as one way to combat COVID-19.

The bid of $416,250 from Enviro-mist was a recommendation from the city school’s Building and Grounds Committee, Board President

Genesee County school districts report concerns, appreciation and hope in COVID era

By Joanne Beck

Being superintendent of Elba Central School during a pandemic the last two years has made Gretchen Rosales mull what her inherent role is, she says. 

What it’s not is to be a doctor, scientist, or another virus expert, though current times have hinted otherwise, she said.

Elba Central School Superintendent

WROTB board awards bonuses to senior management in light of last year's record earnings

By Mike Pettinella

While acknowledging the difference between private enterprises and not-for-profit businesses, the chairman of the Western Regional Off-Track Betting Corp. board of directors on Thursday defended the awarding of $30,000 in bonuses to the public benefit company’s senior management team.

At its January meeting, the board unanimously (by a 13-0 vote) passed a resolution to

All-County Festival returns with sounds of music at Elba Central School

By Joanne Beck


Elba Central School was alive with the sound of music late Friday afternoon.

No, not Julie Andrews and the captain in the Sound of Music, but vocals and instrumentals from elementary, junior and senior high school students mostly from Genesee County and Attica.

And, after an unwelcome four-year interruption due to

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