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Steve Hawley

Hawley calls for end of Cuomo's emergency powers as state reopening looms

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Deputy Minority Leader Steve Hawley today called for a return to established state government operations, processes and legislative powers.

In partnership with Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay, Hawley has said the time has come for Gov. Cuomo’s emergency powers are to come to an end. This is a response to the declining number of positive cases of COVID-19 throughout the state, as well as with the reopening of the state on the horizon.

“The emergency powers Gov. Cuomo gave himself were helpful at the time, when mitigating the spread of the virus was needed most,” Hawley said. “As we see positive cases of COVID-19 on the decline, and the reopening process begins to commence, it’s also time for the representative government to reassert itself as the voice of the people and resume its regular duties.

“The important decisions made moving forward could very well decide the fate of the state for the foreseeable future. With questions like the reopening process and the budget hole needing to be dealt with, it’s the right of the people to have their voices heard through their representation.”

Through state actions including mandating social distancing and requiring of nonessential workers to stay at home in order to mitigate the spread of the virus, hospitalizations, infection rates, and deaths have seen a steady decline.

On April 20, in partnership with the Assembly Minority, Hawley called on the governor to consider their plan of reopening the state on a region-by-region basis. Gov. Cuomo has presented his own framework for reopening the state region by region, but by his criteria, no part of the state is yet ready to do so.

The issue of emergency powers was exacerbated when, on May 9, Gov. Cuomo pushed the deadline of emergency powers to June 6 through yet another executive order. In partnership with the minority party, Hawley is again calling for Gov. Cuomo to relinquish his emergency power as the state continues to move forward with its reopening plans unabated.

Hawley sponsors legislation for financial support of firefighters, EMS workers

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley recently signed on with the Assembly Republican Conference to sponsor legislation that would divert state and federal funds received for COVID-19 relief to frontline firefighters and EMS workers who have been on the clock since the lockdown in New York started.

With these organizations relying heavily on donations and fundraisers to support their services, and with the lockdown draining them of their resources, Hawley wants to ensure these workers are protected and ensure their success.

“During these tough times, with a budget that is struggling to keep up, we need to be provide state and federal funding to those risking their health and safety on the front lines,” Hawley said. “There is just about $90 million that’s been generated from wireless surcharges that is deposited into the state’s General Fund and not used for emergency response purposes; my recommendation is to start there.

“Despite these trying times, it’s important that we keep in sight the health and safety issues that our frontline workers are facing. They need this funding to offset the costs they can’t make back otherwise during this pandemic. The legislation proposed addresses the need for state funding as a result of COVID-19.” 

To further support these frontline workers, Hawley is urging Speaker Heastie and the Chair of Assembly Racing and Waging Committee, Assemblyman Pretlow, to allow a full vote on his Assembly Bill A2250, which would legalize the selling of raffle tickets online for nonprofit organizations who fundraise, such as local firehouses, volunteer organizations, service clubs, or EMS operations.

Local lawmakers call for energy development hearing postponement during COVID-19 crisis

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Because of the COVID-19 crisis, Assemblyman Steve Hawley recently partnered with Sen. Robert G. Ortt and Sen. Michael H. Razenholfer to request a postponement of hearing dates for the development of new energy initiatives as part of the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act.

The goal is to ensure that the district, which is incredibly involved in siting policy at the local level, is allowed to participate in the public forums mandated by the act.

“This pause in daily life has not been without its struggles, and the people of Western New York have been performing admirably during this time,” Hawley said. “It’s why I want to ensure their right to assembly, especially during matters that concern them.”

Hawley outlines Assembly Republicans' plan to 'Jump-Start New York'

By Billie Owens

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

Citizens across the state have rallied in response to the COVID-19 viral outbreak in a way that couldn’t make me prouder to serve them. People are making the necessary sacrifices to ease the burden on our healthcare workers and our healthcare system, while at the same time protecting each other and preventing this disease from gaining any foothold in our society.

While the work that is being done is unquestionably important, it is equally as important for us to begin planning for the future, when society does eventually reopen. Part of that plan has to include security for our small businesses, which will not only help to revitalize the economy, but create jobs for many of those looking to get back to work. That’s why I’m proud to support the Assembly Republicans' bold and transformative plan, the “Jump-Start New York” initiative, as a way to get all New Yorkers safely back to work and our new "normal" life. 

Our plan presents a guide for finding economic relief for these small and local businesses in the short term, while also ensuring stability in the long term. By combining federal and state actions, the plan will offer financial relief and protections to small businesses and their workers. It also will remove the costly regulations that stifle growth and will open doors for employers to gain access to assistance that will be critical in allowing them to succeed in such a short amount of time.

The plan is incredibly multifaceted, but I did want to highlight a few that I feel are key to restarting the economy on the right foot.

The first is using any allocated state settlement money to provide immediate cash needs for nonessential businesses to reengage in the economy. Another is the reevaluation of what qualifies as an "essential business," widening the scope and allowing these businesses to resume while following proper health protocols.

Furthermore, the plan allows for the expansion of film tax cuts to nonessential businesses and sole proprietors. The goal of this work is to ensure that the fiscal health of New York is just as secure as the public health of New Yorkers, and with this initiative, I believe we can make that a reality.

It’s true that the severity of this outbreak has hampered our economy significantly. And while we do what we must to help our healthcare professionals ensure they can do their jobs, it also comes down to us to ensure that we help small businesses prepare for the future.

Early and decisive action is the best solution to ending this pandemic, and saving the economy.

To learn more, please read the full proposal here and call or email me with any questions or comments.

Hawley offers 'Jump Start New York' economic plan for 'dire fiscal situation'

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley recently joined the Assembly Republican Conference in developing an economic plan that will provide working New Yorkers, job creators, and small businesses with short-term economic support and long-term stability and security.

With roughly 92 percent of small businesses being negatively impacted due to the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak, per the National Federation of Independent Business’ (NFIB) survey, many small businesses need help sooner rather than later

“There is no question that the scale and severity of our current fiscal situation is dire, and business owners are feeling tremendous pressure,” Hawley said. “The fact that these small businesses and job creators are following state and federal directions should not mean that they lose their livelihoods.

"Like anyone living through this pandemic, these individuals deserve to know that just because business has slowed, food will still make its way to the table and support will be in their communities beyond the pandemic.”

Some of the ideas discussed in the initiative are the re-evaluation of which businesses could operate following social distancing protocols; extending and/or waiving state regulations for an additional year; suspending fees for occupational licenses for one year following the emergency period; increasing rural internet accessibility to ensure equal access to telehealth and online learning among other things; and the implementation of all provisions of the "Small Business Recovery Act of 2020" (A.10266).

To read more on the “Jump-Start New York” plan, please click on this link, where you can learn about all of the proposed plans and initiatives.

Hawley calls on NY leaders to act immediately on farm relief, cites negative impacts of COVID-19

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley recently joined the Assembly Republican Conference in signing a letter for Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Speaker Carl Heastie, among other political and agricultural leaders in New York, imploring them for quick and immediate action to ensure the relief for local farms, which have been feeling the negative repercussions of the state’s response to the COVID-19 virus outbreak.

“Farmers are one of our most important working groups, especially in a situation as dire as this one,” Hawley said. “If there’s any way to give them more support and more relief during this troubling time, we’re obligated to do so. It’s about keeping the supply chain running, keeping a small family farm’s doors open, and making sure everyone has food on the table. We can all agree we need to protect our farmers.”

Some of the policies that the letter calls for are extending the Milk Producers Security Fund, using the federal stimulus to invest in rural broadband infrastructure, suspending highway use taxes and tolls for transporting agricultural products, provide vouchers from food banks to purchase local dairy and agricultural products, and suspending, for one year, the 60-hour overtime threshold for farm laborers. Small steps like these are designed to support these farmers in a time when they need it more than ever.

Here's the letter

Dear Governor Cuomo, Legislative Leaders & Commissioner Ball:

As New York’s elected leaders, our responsibilities to constituents have never been moreimportant. Your efforts to provide leadership and stability during the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis are genuinely appreciated.

With more than 180,000 cases of the virus, no state has felt the social, economic, and public health effects of the virus like New York. As we identify ways to manage and minimize the devastating impacts of the virus, we must consider immediate steps to provide critical relief to New York State’s agricultural industry.

Hawley: Show your support and gratitude for local healthcare heroes

By Billie Owens

A message from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

"The healthcare workers on the front lines are truly the heroes of the day today. Getting out of bed early in the morning, working through the nights, and braving the coronavirus virus to ensure citizens get the help and support they need during this crisis is nothing short of extraordinary. I, like many of you, have constantly been thinking about ways we can show our gratitude and support to these extraordinary individuals. I have some ideas I wanted to share with you today.

"The simplest thing we can do is follow instructions to make their jobs easier. That is, stay home if possible, practice social distancing, and help to flatten the curve. I’ve seen that this habit is being practiced with seriousness and great regularity, and I want to encourage those who haven’t done so to try to implement it into their daily lives for the time being. The fewer cases these healthcare workers have to worry about, the better.

"Another way to show support is through social media. Even if we can’t say our thanks to these heroes in person, the beauty of the modern world allows us to connect virtually, across entire continents. Find your local hospitals on social media, like that of Medina Memorial, United Memorial and Summit Medical Center, among others, and feel free to leave uplifting messages and videos for the staff who continue to work day and night throughout this crisis.

"Lastly, continue this habit after the crisis ends. It’s true that with all this free time, many people have the opportunity to give thanks and give back to our healthcare workers. But these heroes continue to work even after health crises like the one we face now are resolved. Being able to show kindness and support to our health officials is a small way we can continue to support them. I will be taking these steps, and I invite you to do the same."

Hawley thanks Chapin for donating equipment community

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is thanking a longtime local business for supporting the community during this current healthcare crisis. Chapin Manufacturing, a staple business since 1884, is donating one gallon and three gallon spraying containers for the purposes of disinfecting buildings during the coronavirus outbreak.

“When the CEO reached out to me last week, I was absolutely thrilled to hear and couldn’t say yes fast enough,” Hawley said. “It’s good to see that despite all of the confusion and concern throughout the state and the country, people are still stepping up to help their neighbors. It gives me the hope and reassurance that after all this is over, our community will come back together stronger than ever.”

The sprayers will be distributed to the Genesee County, Orleans County, and Monroe County Emergency Management offices. The EMOs will coordinate with local hospitals, fire departments, EMTs and schools to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to participate in using these generous gifts.

'Shameful!': Hawley slams Cuomo's 'frivolous' 'criminal coddling' budget in time of health crisis

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley has voted against budget bills that raised New Yorkers’ taxes for frivolous social programs that should have not been debated and voted on during the current health crisis.

In addition, increased gun control restrictions, shifting of Medicaid policies that leave higher property taxes on our counties, and the banning of Styrofoam packaging all showed that the state budget was not really a budget proposal, but a policy initiative in disguise.

“I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: trying to pass a budget at this time was the wrong approach to begin with,” Hawley said. “The Assembly should have taken steps to pass a Continuing Resolution, which would have allowed the state the ability to function until the health crisis has been dealt with. This budget gives the governor sole authority, instead of duly elected state legislators, to make changes and decisions as he sees fit as the year unfolds.

"The governor is now running the show, and he gets to spend taxpayer dollars however he wants to. Despite the fact that there was some good in this budget, the bad far outweighed the good. The reduction in library aid and the further damaging of small businesses during this health crisis was deplorable.

"And if that weren’t enough, the continued coddling of criminals through the terrible Bail Reform initiative still pesters on in our communities. The Legislature is no longer run by the men and women elected by the people, it’s run by the governor. Shameful!”

Hawley is 'dumbfounded' by Cuomo's order to seize Upstate ventilators to use in Downstate hospitals

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley has called out the executive order signed by Gov. Cuomo that requires the National Guard to transport extra ventilators from hospitals in Upstate New York and bring them to Downstate hospitals.

He is also fighting against the increased transport of COVID-19-infected patients from Downstate to Upstate hospitals.

“I am absolutely dumbfounded at the steps the governor has taken today to leave Upstate New York as vulnerable as Downstate has been during this health crisis,” Hawley said. “Not only will Upstate hospitals now be left with fewer ventilators for our citizens who need them, but an increase in transport of coronavirus cases to Upstate almost certainly means the virus will spread even quicker in our districts.

"It’s the worst possible management of this crisis I have seen thus far, and I am asking the governor to rescind his Executive Order. Upstate and Western New York lives matter.”

Hawley urges passage of of 'continuing resolution' to keep government running

By Billie Owens

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is calling on his assembly colleagues to consider passing a continuing resolution, a bill that sets aside money for government agencies, in order to ensure the state government continues to operate at the fullest capacity until a clearer image of what state expenses will look like appear.

“The fact of the matter is the state has no idea what its expenses and revenue will be tomorrow, let alone for the entire year,” Hawley said. “To try to vote on a budget that can anticipate state revenue in the middle of this crisis is impossible.

"It makes sense to give the state government a little wiggle room in order to stay functioning during this time. A continuing resolution was implemented under Gov. David Paterson’s tenure; it makes sense that, under these circumstances, a similar policy could be implemented to keep everyone healthy and keep the state running.”

LIVE: Interview with Assemblyman Steve Hawley

By Howard B. Owens
Video Sponsor
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We're talking with Assemblyman Steve Hawley.

Hawley supports bipartisan bill to aid people mandated to quarantine due to COVID-19

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley has supported the bipartisan bill A.10153 that will extend financial coverage to individuals under government-mandated quarantine for COVID-19, or coronavirus. It has been signed by the governor.

The bill temporarily expands eligibility for the state’s paid family leave program to include coverage for individuals under government-mandated quarantine and unable to work.

“I’m glad to see that a reasonable compromise could be reached in the face of this healthcare crisis,” Hawley said. “Our job as legislators is to ease the lives of the citizens we represent, and in a time when jobs are on the line, money is a concern and the future seems uncertain, this is one step toward making the survival of this crisis easier.”

Hawley stands firm on state budget despite coronavirus

By Billie Owens

A Legislative Column from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

As many of us are aware, the virus known as COVID-19, or coronavirus, has required us to make many changes in our day-to-day lives. From limiting social interactions to setting up curfews in the evenings, these changes are most definitely out of the ordinary. But, I have a feeling we will all be grateful such care is being taken to prevent the spread of the disease when we look back at this event.

However, during this public health crisis, it is becoming clear that some attempts to push forward policy that has not been properly debated or discussed are becoming commonplace. My stance is what it has always been: the government’s role is not to avoid transparency, and I will fight to make sure New Yorkers know what their government is doing.

We are not here to tie the bow on the governor’s bad policy in the middle of a crisis. It’s wrong and it’s dishonest. It’s disappointing to think that the governor would take advantage of the situation by trying to jam his political wish-list into what is supposed to be a policy-free budget. We need to pass a budget that responsibly keeps the state operating, one that allows the state to be financially stable, so we can return at a safer, later date to debate and determine the merits of any and all proposals that do not have a financial impact on everyday New Yorkers.

Additionally, we need to lead by example. While I agree that state legislators should be working day and night to support New Yorkers in this time of crisis, I am equally mindful of keeping legislators as healthy as possible. We are needed in our districts now more than ever, which leads me to believe that pushing back a voting deadline for the budget is more important than ever.

Hawley sponsors bill to provide relief for struggling small businesses

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is fighting for small business relief with the “Small Business Recovery Act of 2020,” an act that aims to provide critical financial help at a time when the survival of many small businesses hangs in the balance.

With small businesses making up 99 peaceful of business in New York State, and employing approximately half of the state’s workforce, the impacts of the COVID-19 virus, or coronavirus, threaten not only public health, but the entire state’s economy in the long term.

The Small Business Emergency Recovery Act of 2020 would:

  • Immediately direct the state’s settlement reserve fund of $890 million toward small businesses;
  • Create a 0-percent interest loan program dedicated to helping small businesses meet their payroll commitments;
  • Repurpose available tax credits to help the needs of the state’s existing small businesses;
  • Use all economic development discretionary funding for existing small businesses within New York State;
  • Move tax deadlines for remittance, business tax, and personal income tax ahead 180 days, and;
  • Suspend all regulatory fees on small businesses for 180 days.

“Our citizens are diligently following instructions as given to them by the state government in the interest of stopping the spread of this terrible virus,” Hawley said. “I don’t think  this drastic shift in lifestyle should punish citizens and families who own small businesses and do what we as legislators have asked.

"It’s not only in the best interest of the economy to support these businesses, but as neighbors, it’s the right thing to do for our fellow New Yorkers.”

Assemblyman Hawley suspends March office hours due to COVID-19

By Billie Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley is suspending office hours for the duration of March. This is being done to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, otherwise known as the coronavirus.

“This change is not being taken lightly, because I always want to be sure people can reach me and talk to me,” Hawley said. “But in the interest of preventing the spread of the coronavirus further, I am hoping my friends and neighbors will understand why this change is happening.

Despite the change in in-person availability, staff will be working remotely, and citizens are encouraged to call or e-mail Hawley’s office if they have any comments or questions.

Call: 585-589-5780


Assemblyman Steve Hawley
March Office Hours:

Genesee County: 
Genesee Community College, Room T124
Friday, March 27
1  – 3 p.m.

'Push through together': Hawley calls for calm in wake of statewide coronavirus developments

By Billie Owens

A Legislative Column from Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

In the wake of large-scale developments throughout the country, I want to take the time to go through the facts as we have them available to us today, and I want to reassure my friends and neighbors that we are working diligently on the situation. Our goal is to work these new facts into our daily routines and alleviate the public health crisis.

One of the steps that the New York Legislature has taken is passed a $40 million emergency fund that can be used to increase the state’s ability to respond to COVID-19, otherwise known as the coronavirus. As the situation has continued to change and grow, and as public health officials have learned more, important steps have been taken and additional measures will come in the future as the situation continues to develop.

Additionally, President Trump has declared a national state of emergency relating to the pandemic; this not only means all federal initiatives are shifting toward the better health and welfare of citizens, but also that forgiveness programs are being implemented to ensure all citizens are protected, both economically and related to their healthcare.

We are currently in uncharted territory: international travel has been restricted, professional sports leagues have been suspended and Wall Street’s reactions all demonstrate the gravity of the situation. It can be overwhelming to see the constant news coverage paired with social media commentary, wild predictions and increased anxiety about what the future holds. While concern is a natural response, I am calling for citizens to remain calm and follow the guidelines set forth by public policy and health experts.

As of today, there are currently 729 positive cases in New York, with 329 of the confirmed cases found in New York City, New Rochelle and Long Island. As the state government continues to assess and manage the total impacts of this disease, it is critical that we all work together to manage the issue.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has a wealth of information about what the virus is, how people can protect their health and what to do if you think you may be a victim of the disease.

I urge everyone to review the CDC’s recommendations and do your part to help prevent the disease from spreading further. As part of its response and to ensure residents stay informed, New York state has established the New York State Coronavirus Hotline at: 1-888-364-3065.

Some of these ideas and recommendations might seem silly and obvious, but a healthy reminder is as important now as it has ever been. What we are learning as we study and combat this virus is that the most effective ways to beat it are the simplest. It is important that, as the situation continues to change rapidly, we keep up-to-date with accurate information, and be considerate of others.

As of right now, it is clear that our homes are not susceptible to the coronavirus. Only two positive infections have been confirmed in Monroe County. But, as I said before, the situation is likely to change, so it is imperative that citizens practice healthy habits of washing hands, covering coughs and sneezes and limiting prolonged close contact with others. Do this, and we will push through this incident together.

Assemblyman Hawley represents the 139th District, which consists of Genesee, Orleans and parts of Monroe County. For more information, please visit Assemblyman Hawley’s Official Website.

Remain calm, take precautions, Hawley urges residents during coronavirus spread

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

In light of the CoronaVirus impacting individuals in Western New York, Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is urging residents to remain calm, but take basic precautions to avoid becoming infected or ill.

To date, there have been 142 total confirmed cases of CoronaVirus in New York, with eight people hospitalized. The highest at-risk populations are seniors, those with underlying illnesses and those with compromised immune systems.

“The state is taking an expedited and thorough approach to ensuring the well-being of our residents and executing the appropriate steps to stop the spread of CoronaVirus,” Hawley said. “My office has been in close contact with state leaders and the most important thing residents can do is to remain calm, practice thorough hygiene and avoid travel and contact with those thought to be infected.”

Gov. Cuomo announced today that hand sanitizer will be provided to New Yorkers free of charge and paid sick leave will be given to individuals under quarantine. In addition, there are new guidelines for those visiting correctional facilities and for nursing homes.

“The 18 students who have returned from Italy are asymptomatic but are being quarantined in an empty dorm at SUNY Brockport out of precaution," Hawley said. "School officials are doing everything necessary to keep the student population safe and the Brockport community will be given additional info in the days to come. Please remain vigilant and precautionary, and seek medical attention if you think you’ve become infected.”

As Cuomo calls for infrastructure cuts, Hawley and highway superintendents cry out for more money

By Billie Owens

From Assemblyman Steve Hawley:

In light of years of stagnant investment in the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) and a proposed elimination of $65 in Extreme Winter Recovery funds by Gov. Cuomo, Assemblyman Steve Hawley rallied Wednesday in Albany with highway superintendents from around the state calling for infrastructure investment parity.

For several years, CHIPS funding has been held stagnant at $438.1 million statewide despite billions of dollars in increases to fund the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and repair downstate bridges.

This funding is used to repair and pave streets and highways. Furthermore, Gov. Cuomo has proposed cutting $65 million in Extreme Winter Recovery funds which are used by areas experiencing harsh winters to speed up recovery and repair processes.

“Whenever the MTA cries broke Gov. Cuomo is right there willing to throw more tax dollars their way, yet Upstate has to fight tooth and nail each year for a little bit extra to ensure we have safe travel,” Hawley said. “Millions of upstate residents, emergency services vehicles, farmers and manufacturers use our roads each day and their safety and quality of life matter just as much as a subway patron.

"We are seeking a $100 million increase to CHIPS and a restoration of the $65 million Extreme Winter Recovery fund – a small and reasonable step toward parity in a budget totaling over $175 billion. I will continue fighting to see that upstate gets it fair share this year!”

Steve Hawley endorses Chris Jacobs for NY-27

By Howard B. Owens

Press release:

Assemblyman Steve Hawley announced today that he has endorsed Sen. Chris Jacobs in the April 28 Special Election for U.S. Congress. Jacobs is running to serve the remainder of former Rep. Chris Collins’ term representing New York’s 27th Congressional District.

The district spans from the suburbs of Buffalo through the Finger Lakes and Canandaigua with Hawley’s hometown of Batavia sitting at the heart of the district.

“I am wholeheartedly endorsing Senator Jacobs to serve as our next Congressman,” Hawley said. “In an era highlighted by radical ideals and attacks on our values, we need a strong leader and proven legislator who will stand up for our beliefs here in Western New York.

"Senator Jacobs is a successful businessman with a proven track record of creating jobs and giving back to his neighbors philanthropically. I endorse Senator Jacobs in the April Special Election and am confident he will serve with honor and dignity as our next Congressman.”

UPDATE: The Chris Jacobs campaign also put out a press release that contained this statement:

“I am beyond honored and grateful to receive Assemblyman Hawley’s endorsement," Jacobs said. "It has been an honor serving beside him in the State Legislature and he has been a true conservative fighter for the people of Western New York.

"With his endorsement, I feel confident that we can usher in a new era of prosperity in our region and send strong conservative leadership to Washington."

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