Submitted photo of Vincent J. Giammarva of Le Roy.
A 62-year-old resident of Le Roy, Vincent J. "Vinny" Giammarva, was killed on Thursday while working on the Thruway in Chili after being struck by a tractor-trailer.
According to the Thruway Authority, Giammarva was inside a work zone when he was struck. His co-worker, Mark Vara, 58, of Scottsville, was seriously injured when the eastbound tractor-trailer entered the work zone just before 12:30 p.m.
The accident occurred near mile marker 368, between Exit 47 in Le Roy and Exit 46 in Henrietta.
Giammarva was pronounced dead at the scene. Vara is listed in critical condition at Strong Memorial Hospital.
"Our Maintenance employees embody the heart and soul of this organization. Roadside workers risk their lives daily to ensure the safety of all drivers on the road," The Thruway Authority released in an unattributed statement. "The entire Thruway family is in mourning, and our thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathies go out to the families and friends of everyone involved."
Giammarva was a heavy construction equipment operator for the Thruway Authority.
In a statement, the Thruway Authority also said, "Vinny was a dedicated public servant who worked in the Thruway's Henrietta Maintenance Section for nearly 20 years. Vinny’s unwavering dedication embodied the very essence of this organization, which is now left with an unimaginable void and a long grieving process ahead."
The 64-year-old truck driver from Oswego has not otherwise been identified. State Police investigators said they don't believe drugs or alcohol played a role in the crash. There have been no charges filed but the investigation is ongoing.
A pickup truck has hit the rear end of a semi-truck on the Thruway in the eastbound lane near mile marker 387.2.
A victim is trapped in the vehicle with possible serious injuries. A landing zone is being set up for Mercy Flight.
Animal control has been dispatched to assist with two dogs in the pickup truck
Town of Batavia Fire, Le Roy Fire, and Mercy EMS dispatched.
UPDATE 7:51 a.m.: A possible secondary accident, possibly a tractor-trailer rollover, is reported near the first accident.
UPDATE 8:08 a.m.: There are no dogs involved. Animal Control is back in service.
UPDATE 8:10 a.m.: The victim has been extricated.
UPDATE 8:17 a.m.: The secondary accident was jack-knifed truck. A chief at the first accident reports that was the location with the dogs. A dispatcher asked if Animal Control was still needed, and the chief said, "I don't have that information at this point." The location is 387.0, eastbound.
UPDATE 8:21 a.m.: The jack-knifed truck is on its side. That is where the dogs are. A deputy is requested to go secure them. Animal Control is dispatched to Prole Road and Byron Road.
UPDATE 8:23 a.m.: Mercy EMS dispatched to Prole Road and Byron Road for a patient involved in the second accident.
UPDATE 8:29 a.m.: A Batavia patrol officer is requested to Oak Street and the Thruway interchange to assist with traffic.
UPDATE 8:33 a.m.: Animal control has secured the dogs and they are being transported to the Animal Shelter.
UPDATE 8:45 a.m.: One eastbound lane is being reopened.
On Saturday, Jan. 13, a travel ban for Erie County and the I-90 has been issued due to the severe winter weather forecasted to impact Western New York through Sunday.
The driving ban begins on Saturday, Jan. 13 at 9 p.m. Anyone on the road that is not considered emergency personnel will be ticketed in Erie County and the I-90. The ban will be active till Sunday, Jan. 14 at 6 a.m. Depending on the storm on Sunday, the ban may be extended. A travel advisory for the entire area of Western New York remains in effect.
Additionally, there is a ban on Trucks/tractor trailer traffic on the I-90 from Exit 46 in the Rochester/Henrietta to the Pennsylvania border.
The Buffalo Bills game has been rescheduled to Monday, Jan. 15 at 4:30 p.m.
Troopers will be out checking all major routes of travel to ensure that motorists are as safe as possible and working with local Emergency Operations Centers as needed. The State Police need your assistance to make this possible. Motorists traveling in areas impacted by the snow and ice are asked to leave with extra time to make a slow and careful drive to your destination. Consider the snow accumulation on the roads, the current snowfall rate, the wind, and visibility. Use your best judgment to determine if driving is prudent.
Keep the following tips in mind:
• Get the latest weather forecast before leaving with your local weather apps, monitor radio or TV stations. • Always clean your windows and mirrors FULLY of any snow and ice before driving. • Keep a full tank of gas • Fluid levels are sufficient ( windshield washer fluid, ant-freeze) • Spare tire is sufficient and you have the jack and wheel wrench • Use headlights at all times to increase your visibility to others. Remember, if your windshield wipers are in use due to weather, then your headlights must be on. • Drive prudently. If the conditions are adverse, you should decrease your speed accordingly. • Brake early • Do NOT use cruise control. This decreases your reaction time to apply braking. • Look out for events farther down the road. Creating more time to react can make a difference. • Be aware of maintenance vehicles and emergency vehicles. Give them room to work. • If you do not absolutely have to go out on the roads, then don’t.
If you do go out, is your vehicle prepared?
Is your trunk supplied to help you to be safe in case you are stopped or stranded in an area without assistance readily available:
Gloves, blankets, warmers, tool kit, first-aid kit, non-perishable foods, water, working flashlight and batteries, cell phone charger, etc
Shovel, ice scraper, de-icer, snow brush, rock salt or cat litter, tow chain or cable, jumper cables or battery charger, etc.
If you are involved in a collision or leave the roadway:
If you drive off the roadway and are stuck in a snow bank or ditch, stay in your vehicle and call 911. DO NOT exit your vehicle unless it is an absolute emergency. You put yourself at risk of being struck by another vehicle.
Roll your windows down a few inches or turn your vehicle off if you are stranded in snow for a period of time with your vehicle running. Covered mufflers can cause serious physical injury or death due to inhalation of carbon monoxide.
If you should become stranded on the Thruway or any Roadway, know your location by being aware of your direction and mile post marker. This will help emergency personnel reach your location as quickly as possible.
The Thruway Authority provides a wide variety of information for travelers, including current traffic conditions, accidents, and lane closures. Visit for more information.
The Town of Pembroke Planning Board approved a proposal for a new travel plaza off Exit 48a of the Thruway on Wednesday, clearing the way for construction to begin in the spring.
When completed, the as-yet-unnamed travel plaza will join Flying J, TA, and Speedway as locations on Route 77 where travelers and truckers can rest, get a bite to eat, refuel and perhaps get a wash.
The vote to approve the environmental review and site plan passed 6-1, with board member Thomas Marshall casting the lone "nay."
In a brief presentation before the vote, Engineer Michael Metzer addressed some of the issues raised at last month's public hearing before the board and by the Genesee County Planning Board.
Previously, there were concerns expressed about sight lines coming from the Thruway overpass and the increase in traffic the new travel plaza is likely to bring to the interchange.
Metzer said since the last meeting, a traffic study has been completed.
"The results of that study were that there are no sightline issues whatsoever," Metzer said.
As for additional traffic, that won't be an issue either.
They've determined that there would be no impact on the level of service in the area, interchanges or intersections," Metzger said. "They looked at seven intersections altogether, and every one of those still meets code. There are no adverse impacts to the intersections; obviously, there's gonna be more traffic, you know, nobody's debating that. But what this traffic impact study does is that it makes a determination of whether the impacts are adverse or not, whether they create a problem. And so, in summary, ... (there is) no significant impact as a result of this project."
Through the environmental review process, it was determined the project could impact an endangered species, the northern long-eared bat.
The developer has two options: Conduct a detailed study to see if the bat is present on the property, or not cut down any trees on the property during hibernation season -- from Nov. 1 to March 31.
The second option is the one the developer will take, Metzger said.
"If you don't remove any trees (during those months), you are in compliance with DEC guidelines and federal guidelines as well," Metzger said.
To address another issue, Metzger said the project is designed in full compliance with floodplain regulations.
As for historical preservation, Metzger said, "One thing that was identified through the environmental review through the State Office of Parks and Historic Preservation is that we are in a potentially archaeologically sensitive area. As such, we would commit to -- actually, we've started the process of doing a phase 1A and a phase 1B study. We will do that and provide the results prior to a request for a building permit."
During the board discussion, Marshall indicated he didn't agree that the project would have no traffic impact.
"I just think it's way too much volume for that intersection through the interchange," he said.
Board member Greg Kuras said he thought the additional travel plaza would actually help with truck traffic, especially during winter storms.
"Whenever you get storms, you get the states basically begging for parking spots for these things," Kuras said. "They want to get them off of (routes) 5 and 77. It's better to have a big parking lot for them than having them sit on the road."
Dispatchers have received an iPhone crash indicator on the Thruway in the area of 379.4 in the eastbound lane.
There is no voice contact. No answer on callback.
Le Roy Fire and Le Roy Ambulance dispatched.
UPDATE 7:25 p.m.: It doesn't look like a crash. A vehicle is on the shoulder with its four-ways on. Two men are out of the vehicle, walking. The ambulance is canceled.
UPDATE 7:29 p.m.: The occupants had apparently lost a phone. They found it. Le Roy Fire is back in service.
Engineer Michael Metzer presents plans for a 144-unit apartment complex on Alleghany Road in Pembroke to the Genesee County Planning Board on Thursday night. Photo by Howard Owens.
Business growth in Pembroke is keeping Clarence-based engineer Michael Metzger busy.
He had two projects on the County Planning Board agenda on Thursday night -- a new travel center at the Thruway interchange and a 144-unit apartment complex proposed for Alleghany Road.
Earlier this year, Metzger was the engineer who helped present plans for a $142 million distribution center that is currently under construction next to the Thruway.
"Some of it is, quite frankly, driven by STAMP," Metzger told The Batavian after the planning board meeting. "The apartment project that was presented tonight, by all means. Between the STAMP facility, what's been going on there, what's anticipated to be happening there, and the construction going on now at the interchange that will result in hundreds of new people working in that area, that's what Mr. (Mike) Schmidt (the apartment complex developer) is hoping for and planning for with (the apartment) project."
STAMP is the WNY Science, Technology & Advanced Manufacturing Park under construction in the Town of Alabama. The site is a 1,250-acre industrial park. Plug Power is building a $290 million hydrogen production facility on 50 acres of the park. Last fall, Edwards Vacuum announced plans to build a $319 million manufacturing plant on the site.
The distribution center planned for the interchange is being built by Horizon Acres Associations of Spring Valley and Geis Companies, based in Ohio.
The 144-unit apartment complex is proposed for 8900 Alleghany Road, about halfway between Cohocton Road and Route 5. Immediately to the south of the currently wooded 8.2-acre lot is a farm field and a long-abandoned gas station. A single-family home is on the land to the north. The property is zoned limited commercial and agricultural-residential.
The County Planning Board recommended approval of the project pending approval of an application for a water hookup, a DEC review of any possible endangered species, and consultation with the Corfu Volunteer Fire Department on the potential need for another access point to the property.
The complex will be built in phases of 24 units each, for a total of six 24-unit buildings. There will also be some garages available to some tenants.
The property will include stormwater retention ponds, though Metzger, after learning the Town of Pembroke requires "ponds" to be fenced, is no longer going to call them ponds in his plans since they won't always contain water.
"They will be designed in accordance with the state stormwater regulations, which means that they have a safety bench around them, a shallow area, so that if someone should inadvertently end up in it, which is highly unlikely, but if they do, they can simply walk out," Metzger said.
As for the travel center, Metzger, after the meeting, declined to say who the tenant for the new facility will be. The developer is, again, Geis.
The travel plaza will include diesel and gasoline fuel pumps, a convenience store with a drive-thru, and a car wash.
The lot is 46.6 acres, and the majority of the land is federally protected wetlands. The travel center will sit in the center of the property, on higher ground and not wetlands. The developed area will be 16.6 acres.
The high ground is currently farmland.
Murder Creek runs through the property.
The property is directly across Route 77 from the TA Travel Plaza, and current plans call for the four-land driveway (two lanes in each direction) to align with TA's driveway.
In addition to the TA Travel Plaza, Flying-J and Speedway also both have locations at the 48-A interchange.
Asked about the attraction for the developer to an interchange that already has three places for travelers to stop for fuel and supplies and a bit of rest, Metzger explained that the fact there are other travel businesses already at the interchange is exactly what makes it appealing to another travel plaza business. The more locations at an interchange, he explained, the more likely travelers are to choose that interchange as a place for a break.
"There are times when you have one type of business at an interchange, such as a restaurant or a gas station, and it gets passed by because there isn't any interest," Metzger said. "It's a human nature thing to be attracted to other activity. So when there is an interchange that already has some activity, even if it could potentially be considered competitors, it has a tendency to attract a lot more traffic."
Engineer Michael Metzger presents plans for a new travel plaza at the Thruway interchange in Pembroke to the Genesee County Planning Board on Thursday. Photo by Howard Owens.
Pembroke service area reopens on the thruway eastbound
Press Release:
The New York State Thruway Authority today announced the new Pembroke Service Area (I-90 eastbound mile marker 397) in Corfu is now open to the public.
The location is the tenth new service area to open to Thruway customers as part of the $450 million project to redevelop and modernize all 27 Thruway service areas. The New Baltimore, Clarence, Ardsley, Plattekill, Clifton Springs, Iroquois, Indian Castle, Chittenango and Junius Ponds Service Areas have reopened.
The Pembroke Service Area is located on I-90 eastbound between exit 48A and exit 48. The facility is more than 20,000 square feet making it one of the largest new buildings on the system.
Restaurant options include:
Burger King
Panera Bread (opening later this year)
Dunkin’ (drive-thru)
Applegreen C-Store
Taste NY Food and Drink Products
Other amenities include:
Playground area*
Outdoor seating
Dog walking area
Climate controlled pet enclosure*
Private nursing area
Digital tourism kiosk*
Six level 3 high-speed EV chargers*
*Available Soon
The Pembroke Service Area is one of four locations on the Thruway that has expanded amenities for commercial vehicle drivers.
Commercial trucking amenities include:
Separate entrance
Washer and dryer
With the opening of the Pembroke Service Area, the Angola Service Area (I-90 eastbound and westbound, mile marker 447) and the Scottsville Service Area (I-90 eastbound, mile marker 366) are now closed for construction. Fuel services remain available at all service areas during construction.
All 27 service areas are being redeveloped in a $450 million project with Empire State Thruway Partners. The project is funded through a public-private partnership, and no toll or tax dollars are used for construction.
Customers can learn more about the project on the Thruway Authority’s website. Customers can view a project map, photo gallery, renderings, and more information about the planned amenities and services.
In 2022, motorists took more than 376 million trips and drove 7.7 billion miles on the Thruway. The Thruway Authority’s service areas are open 24 hours a day and offer motorists a variety of food and beverage options, restroom facilities, and fueling for passenger and commercial vehicles. Taste NY Farm Markets and Tourism Information Centers are also available at select locations.